Tesla, a brilliant inventor and visionary,
is considered the father of scalar, zero-point technology,
and the Tesla Coil, the technology used in The Violet
Ray, a high frequency, low amperage source of static
electricity.. Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) a contemporary
of Nikolas Tesla, advocated the use of the violet ray
almost 900
of his readings. Original violet ray devices
were indicated and recommended in many Cayce readings

Tesla had a hunch that, since his high-potential,
high-frequency currents could be passed into the body
harmlessly, "these currents might lend themselves
to electrotherapeutic uses." He experimented upon
himself. When Tesla was struck down in the streets by
a New York taxi, he didn’t deliver himself over
to the medicals but dragged himself up to his hotel room
where, in seclusion and with the help of his own electrotherapy,
he recovered from his fractures and contusions. He never
patented in electrotherapy but in 1891 began publishing
his observations in technical journals, and seven years
later we find Tesla giving a speech to the American Electro-Therapeutic
Association in which he details with drawings the high-frequency
apparatus he has invented for this purpose, which included
a Tesla coil.

The vital force is not enclosed
in man, but radiates within and around him like
a luminous sphere. It is a radiating essence,
and in these semi-material rays, the imagination
of man produces healthy or unhealthy effects.
But of these invisible causes of disease popular
medicine knows next to nothing. Men who are devoid
of the power of spiritual perception are unable
to recognize the existence of anything that cannot
be seen externally. There are some who have learned
so much that their learning has driven out all
their common sense. Medical science may be acquired
by learning, but medical wisdom is the gift of
Paracelsus (1493–1541)
The violet ray in healing would have been
almost totally forgotten, except for one man. Around
1900, Edgar Cayce lost his voice for
months and doctors were unable to help him. After he learned how to do
self-hypnosis and diagnosed his own medical condition, he quickly
regained his voice. Then he went into hypnosis and began to help a few
friends with their health problems.Floods of desperate people flocked
through his door seeking help for difficult medical conditions.
In his lifetime as a “psychic diagnostician,” he gave 14,000 readings in which he mentioned using the violet ray in
more than 900 readings.

Robert Becker was the leading
scientist engaged in regeneration work with
electricity. He discovered the ideal currents
for regenerating broken bones. As his research
became more interesting and promising, he found
that the National Institutes of Health denied
him monetary grants to continue. He was so
discouraged that he wrote: “The
pigeons of Zeus cover new ideas with their
droppings and conduct rigged experiments to
disprove them.”
In geopolitics there is a saying: “the
winners write the history books.” The winners
wrote the history books and textbooks of medicine.
They made certain that everyone knew about the
glories of surgery and wonder drugs. They made
sure that electric medicine was placed in the
category dominated by cranks and frauds.
Gary J. Lockhart
little Medical ScientificPropaganda
The virtues of the violet ray were touted
as electrotherapy. However, the usefulness
of electrotherapy treatments is inconclusive
at best, with reports of effectiveness being
purely anecdotal. One of the main tip-offs
that a treatment is quackery is the breadth
of the claims made about it- and the violet
ray was (and occasionally still is!) proclaimed
to treat just about every illness known to
man. A libel suit was finally filed in 1951
against Master Electrical Company, the last
company left to manufacture the violet rays
within the U.S.
3D Electrical Services
Note the Date of the Ban,and the
date of the article below
Popular faith in medicine was exploited
by a series of industry-sponsored “research” and “surveys.” In
this era, before the coming of the atomic bomb,
little of today’s cynicism concerning the
abilities of science to overcome societal problems
existed. To exploit this popular sentiment, the
industry sponsored “research institutes” & scientific
symposia, many of which amounted to little
more than propaganda based upon dubious methodology.
Health claims were then made on the basis of
these supposed studies, as when Chesterfields
were advertised (in 1952) with the assertion
that “Nose, throat, and accessory organs
[were] not adversely affected” after
a six-month period of medical observation (including
X-rays) by ear, nose, and throat specialists.’
‘A real scientist might be concerned
about getting ashes on the microscope slide’
Is that the same Science that gave us this -this or this
these members of the Same
Group that banned the Violet Ray???

Physicians say Lucky Stike are less irritating
More Doctors smoke Camels than than any
other Cigarette
Rays vs. the FDA. |
Each human body is unique. Born with a
unique combination of cells and each cell with its own
energy, no two human beings are the same. This is our
blueprint, our electromagnetic signature, or electromagnetic
Our electromagnetic signature is our body's method of control - a control
from within that affects the mind, the body, and our well-being. Cells
in the body have a natural polarity, a polarity that when balanced, places
our blueprint in a restored state of health and optimal well-being.
For all of the Violet Rays
Health is your most priceless
asset."The Violet Rays High Frequency
generator has been clinically tested and approved
by Dr.Noble M.Eberhart m M.D,Ph D,D.C.L,formerly
head of Department of Physiologic Therapeutics,Medical
Department of Loyola University.....formerly
head of Electrotherapy,Chicago of Medicine
and Surgery...author of Eberhart's High Frequency
Manual. |

The Violet Ray High Frequency Unit
ONE of the most remarkable developments of the wonderful science of electricity
is that of the Violet Ray machine or high frequency generator. The
Violet Ray may be said to be a diffusion of an electrical current of
tremendous power and resistance, into millions of tiny harmless units
which can be applied to the tenderest and most delicate parts of the
body without the slightest harm. As applied to the human body, its
results have been found to be of enormous benefit in innumerable instances.

According to the Super High Frequency Maunual
dated 1930, "it stimulates and regulates the circulation
of the blood,forcing it to carry away the waste and poisons
from the body. It vitalizes or brings back to normal
the many thousands of tissues throughout the body.It
quites the nerves equalizes the circulation and restores
normal rest, followed by pleasant and refreshing sleep.It
also increases intake of oxygen through the pores, causing
them to throw out impurities and breathe,or take in oxygen.And
Violet Ray (1930 Manual)
Nikola Tesla, who discovered
a way to diffuse high-frequency current into
a discharge of mist, enabled creation of the “violet
ray,” which gained great popularity in
the 1920s.32 A variety of devices using these
rays and glass elec-trodes promoted the idea
of “cellular massage” to build up
tissue resistance.
For those who need a simple
definition of Violet rays, this is it.
"You have no doubt often
seen a fountain and watched with pleasure the
fine,soft mist which fell gently about it.This
idea has been applied to electricity. Taking
a strong, powerful electric current it is transformed
into a soothing,invigorating spray which is
not only absolutely harmless but exceedingly
pleasant and beneficial to use". (Shelton
Violet Rays)

Nikola Tesla was the great genius who
observed that high-frequency electricity had important
effects on health. In 1892 he met with Paul
Oudin in Paris where hey discussed ways of building therapeutic
high-frequency oscillators. Months later Oudin produced
the first device that became known as the “violet
ray.” Paul Oudin began to experiment with skin
disorders and found that acne, eczema and psoriasis were
easily treated with the new device. After a few treatments
the skin patches would begin to break up and disappear
completely in two to three months. When the devices were
used to spark warts or skin cancer, the anomalies often
were removed within weeks. The violet ray often took
away pain, and many times it was almost considered a

I experienced this after months of enduring
a shooting pain in the foot. I used the violet ray around
the area for a minute each night, and the pain did not
return. A friend had such pain in his shoulder that he
was considering quitting work. The violet ray relieved
much of the pain. His girlfriend had severe pain in her
knees, which resulted from gymnastics when she was younger.
The device relieved most of her knee pain. The device
was valuable in dealing with arthritis and was often
considered a miracle in rheumatoid arthritis. I lent
my violet ray to a friend to help with his arthritis.
In a few weeks his enlarged joints shrank to normal size. Gary
J. Lockhart
When they became popular with
the public, doctors and the FDA started to despise
them. At first the Journal of the American Medical
Association published promising therapeutic results
in articles. |
The violet ray is a grandfathered device,
meaning that it was produced before 1976 and is generally
presumed to be safe and not subject to federal regulation.
In spite of this, the FDA threatened leagal action against
the companies that produce them and the people who use
them. The climate of official intimidation has been so
strong that only one journal (Chinese Medical Journal)
has published studies in the last 70 years.
Gladys Davis suffered from
dull headaches while transcribing the first
readings. She finally asked for a Cayce reading,
and it attributed the headaches to eye strain
resulting from bad posture. It told her to
do neck stretching exercises, discard the glasses
and use the violet ray three times a week.
She did so, resulting in no more headaches.
She didn’t need glasses until the age
of 50 when her eyes began to change. |
For glandular
problems Edgar Cayce remarked: “This
is a high-voltage [device] stimulating all centers that
are as the crossroads, the connections between the various
portions of the physical body functioning, the mental
attitudes and attainments, as well as the sources of
supply, which arose by the choice of the entity in entering
this particular temple, this individual temple.”
"I have found the
violet ray good for something other than the
cataract protocol. I am 78 and have joined
other seniors in having trouble with bruises
on my hands and forearms…resulting from
very slight knocks. The doctors seem to feel
nothing can be done about it. They say I should
have used more sun lotion in the past. The
Violet Ray will break up these bruises and
they will start diminishing in a day or two.
It used to take a week to 10 days for them
to diminish. I assume the Violet Ray stimulates
the circulation and that is what begins reducing
the bruise." J.C., Dallas, TX |
Tips on using your Violet Ray unit >>> Click
A woman with menopausal problems was told:by
Edgar Cayce“After at least four or five of the
complete adjustments osteopathically are made, we could
use the violet ray in the evening before retiring to
soothe the nerve forces of the body. Begin at the base
of the brain, a circular motion along either side of
the cerebrospinal system, extending all the way to the
lower portion of the spine; then down the sciatic nerve
to the bottoms of the feet. Do this for periods of a
week to two weeks, rest from the same a few days, and
then begin again.”

Dr. Lawrence Webster Fox found only one
failure in treating 100 cases of eye inflammation. There
was relief in iritis but not a cure; however, the treatment’s
effect on pain was magical. He treated three cases of
toxic amblyopia resulting from alcohol and tobacco use.
The degeneration may result in blindness. He found that
about 20 treatments restored the patients’ sight.

William Snow was noted for his use of
electricity in therapy. He remarked: “The use of
the vacuum eye electrodes with the static current is
of great value in the treatment of epiphora, when the
tear duct is closed but not stenosed. If a vacuum electrode
is held against the canal and a short spark gap employed,
it will remove the infiltration and open the canal.”Source
Edgar Cayce mentions the use of the violet
ray in eye conditions. He advised treating the third,
fourth, and fifth cervicals and the first and second
dorsals on the back first. He recommended treating the
eyes no longer than one minute. He suggested the eye
applicator to clear cataracts.Source
Blood electrificatioin and colloidal silver
A Chinese peasant was buried in earth
by a shell explosion and was unconscious when dug out.
Emergency treatment restored him to life, but he lost
his sight. Both eyes had no light perception, but light
reflexes were present. He suffered from headaches and
blindness for 18 years. After his first violet ray treatment,
his headache was less severe. After the second treatment
his headache disappeared, and his perception of light
returned. By the fifth treatment, he was able to recognize
people. After nine treatments, he was able to read numbers
and words.Source
A woman was treated in a hospital for
optical nerve atrophy. She completely lost her color
vision and could only count fingers at six inches away.
Doctors couldn’t help her, so she used the violet
ray. After four months of treatment, she was able to
read and write. Source
"Pulsed electromagnetic fields PEMFs address impaired
chemistry and thus the function of cells – which
in turn, improves health. PEMFs deliver beneficial,
EMFs and
to the cells. Low frequency PEMFs of even the weakest
strengths pass right through the body, penetrating
every cell, tissue, organ and even bone without being
absorbed or altered! As they pass through, they stimulate
most of the electrical and chemical processes in the
tissues. Therapeutic PEMFs are specifically designed
to positively support cellular energy, resulting in
better cellular health and function." |
Glaucoma is one of the most trying disorders
to treat. People fear eye operations, and if they wait
too long their sight may be gone. A study on the violet
ray for glaucoma was done in 1911. A woman had no vision
in the right eye and very little in the left. She said
that she was able to read and thread a needle two weeks
before. Before telling her that her condition was hopeless,
Dr. Samuel Risley decided to try the violet ray. She
was given 10-minute applications over her closed eyelids.
She then had a steady improvement in vision in her left
A man had cataracts removed from his eyes.
The pressure rose to 90 in both eyes, with a diagnosis
of glaucoma. An operation gave him some relief for weeks,
but he had pain and an inability to see. Eye drugs didn’t
help him. After nothing else worked, he was given violet
ray treatments. The ocular tension dropped to 50 after
a month’s treatments. Most of his vision was destroyed,
but he could see a little.Source
A 78-year-old woman complained of excruciating
pain in her left eye. The tension was 90. She was given
myotics and violet ray treatments. In three weeks, the
tension dropped to 50, and she felt comfortable. Then
the eye tension dropped to normal and stayed there.Source

A man had an eye injury and became blind
in that eye. Two specialists condemned the eye, and a
surgeon wanted to remove it, but the man refused. He
put the vacuum electrodes over the eye and alternated
the treatment with a negative current. Vision returned
to the eye, and the pain disappeared. When the violet
ray is used to treat cataracts, there is a “mackerel
sky” appearance after treatment because of disintegration
of the cataract. The vision is poorer for a few days,
and then it becomes much better. The edge of the lens
is the first to clear, where the opacity is thinnest.
As the eye recovers, the ability to see green returns,
followed by blue, red and yellow colors.Source
There exist great Cosmic Forces
of which we still know but little. Gravitation is
one of these; we know
something of its laws and the results of its action,
but nothing whatever of its real nature. Electricity
is another; of this we know somewhat more, and we
now recognize it in a variety of forms, as >>> More |
A 70-year-old woman had been blind in
her left eye because of a childhood injury. She had a
cataract on her right eye. She started violet ray treatments,
and in two days, she was able to count the number of
fingers a foot away and see the green leaves of the shrub
in the pot beside her bed. A week later she could tell
onions by sight and see the difference between peas and
beans on her plate. After two months of treatment, she
was able to read fine print and function normally.Source
A 62-year-old woman had a cataract in
her right eye for four years and a cataract in the left
eye for 15 years. After a week of violet ray treatments,
the woman wasn’t bumping into objects so often.
After six weeks of treatment, she could see bumps in
the sidewalk, instead of having to feel for them. She
could now distinguish faces. After three months of treatment,
she was able to write and could see her sister’s
face. The treatments were taken occasionally, and improvement
was slow. Soon she was able to read magazines. A year
after her first treatment, she could see the eye of a
sewing needle and thread it. Source

A 15-year-old English boy was born with
a cataract in his right eye and suffered from severe
myopia in the left. He got a small portable violet ray
from Canada and began to use it. After a week his vision
began to clear. In three weeks, he could distinguish
between meat and vegetables on his plate. After using
it for three months, he was able to count the number
of books on a shelf. Earlier, he couldn’t tell
the weeds from the vegetables; now he could weed the
garden. A six-year-old child had an unusually severe
attack of chickenpox, which damaged both corneas and
left him with poor vision. Violet ray treatment was given
every other day for six months, and vision returned to
20/30. Source
The companies that made violet rays had
testimonials from their customers. One wrote: “I
purchased one of your Marvel Violet Rays
and with it I cured my eyes that three doctors, two of them noted specialists,
gave up as a hopeless case. I got results in the first treatment
and could read without glasses – something I could not do before,
and now I am practically cured.Source
Another customer wrote: “I wish
to say a word in regard to your Marvel Violet Ray outfit.
I have been using it on my eye for a pronounced
cataract; it has nearly cured it. I have been loaning my outfit to a
friend for the same trouble. He is benefited and is ordering one.” No
treatment is a panacea for eye conditions, but many more cases where
electricity made a major change could be cited.
A mode of MWO-style
electrotherapy, one that does not use the sophisticated
concentric-ring antenna, the violet-ray therapy system.
is another convenient means of translating electric energy
into the body, but in a more focused, localized mode.
A low-pressure inert gas, such as argon, is contained
in a glass bulb or tube and is electrified by high-potential,
high-frequency Tesla currents. The device emits, when
brought into contact with the body, an electric ray,
seen as a reddish - violet beam, a fascinating phenomenon
to watch.

The violet ray conducts electro-energetic life-force
enhancing properties into the body, like the MWO.
Tesla himself used such a revivifying ray daily. While
the MWO was
never mass-produced, the violet-ray machine was actually
commercially manufactured, and it became a fixture in
many a doctor’s office and in many homes. Made
available to the general public by a number of manufacturers
in the 1920s and ’30s, one could mail-order the
device from a Sears catalog. Not surprisingly, the advertising
made sweeping cure-all claims. Eventually medicine
organized to suppress this threatening alternative to its
line, which it labeled "quack," but for a time
both MWO and
violet-ray flourished, Like Tesla technology generally,
this high-frequency
electric healing technology still persists today world-wide and underground.
Around 1850, an English farmer developed cancer of
the lower lip and chin. He agreed to have surgery,
but before the scheduled date, he was out plowing his
fields when he was struck by lightning More |
The earliest book on the therapeutic benefits
that MWO's and Violet Ray Tube have on health care of
the human body is the work done by Nikola Tesla. His
on MWO is presented in the book; "Eberhart's
Manual Of High Frequency Currents", by Noble M.
Eberhart, 25 E. Washington ST., Chicago, USA, copyright
His manual discusses the definition of
the Violet Ray, its development, its types of apparatus
and various
forms of vacuum tubes used and their effects. It also
discusses general dosages, preparation of the patient,
and the application techniques for:
1. Skin diseases
2. Relief of pain
3. Cataphoresis
5. Orifices
6. Fulguration
7. And taking of the blood pressure.
Septic areas or local areas of infection
readily yielded to treatment with Tesla currents.
He continues with special techniques for:
1. Eyes
2. Ears
3. Nose
4. Throat
5. Scalp
6. Rectum & Prostate
7. Urethra & Vagina
He then discusses specific successful protocols
for over 210 diseases. The amazing point about the treatments
is that the individual could have successfully performed
them all in home. He discusses diseases in which the
Violet Ray, its scope
and limitations, including its usage in dentistry. This
electromagnetic devise is truly amazing. All this self-help
information and protocol was available in 1911. Why isn't
the Violet Ray tube a household name and its usage very
well know by all?
1. It helps to calm the nerve and has analgesia function.
2. It produces the ozone for sterilization, can help wound
to heal and to restrain pores.
3. Improve secretion, the PH value, causes the skin lean
to neutrality.
4. Accelerate blood circulation and improve metabolism.
5. Has the function of anti-aging, anti-wrinkle and tightening
The device is applied for:
· wrinkles development prevention
functional skin state improvements, elasticity increase
strong hair loss decrease;
normalization of the scalp state at the local alopecia;
normalization of the oil gland functioning (dry and
greasy dandruff); improvement of the head skin blood
prevention of the acne rash, youth acne;
Heart and vessels diseases:
cardiosclerosis;· myocardiodystrophy; · coronary
heart disease; · cerebral atherosclerosis; · essential
spine osteochondrosis;
CNS vascular diseases (headaches, including migraine,
Raynaud's disease, acroparaesthesia, neurasthenia).
Purulent and inflammatory processes:·
postoperative infiltrates and wounds; trophic ulcers
eczema; lichen; acne rash; youth acne;atopic dermatitis;psoriasis;lichen
ruber planus; scleroderma systematica and focal;
exudative diathesis; hair loss;
Respiratory system diseases:
tracheitises; bronchitises; bronchial asthma.
Gastrointestinal tract diseases
gastritis; stomach and bowels dyskinesis; inflammation
of the rectum wall.
Joints diseases: polyarthritis; arthritis; spondylarthrosis.
Muscles, articular cavities diseases: myalgia;
myositis. Arteries and veins diseases: obliterating
endarteritis; Raynaud's disease; varicose veins;
thrombophlebitis; trophic ulcers.
Nose, Throat
· tonsillitis;
· angina;
· laryngitis;
· otitis;
· cochlear neuritis;
· ear noise;
· rhinitis;
· frontal sinusitis;
· maxillary sinusitis;
· catarrh;
· nasal catarrh.
The most common
ray-tube electrode was in the form of a wand with a flared
end, but ray-tubes are also available in a wide variety
of blown-glass shapes to accommodate any contour of the
anatomy and to fit into any orifice.
Cayce followers, alternative medical practitioners,
and holistic therapists still make use of violet ray devices
The Cayce Association kept many of the
formulas alive mentioned in the readings. They made the
violet ray available in spite of opposition of
the Food and Drug Administration.
of Violet Ray users found on the Net
Our systems
use the orange color Tubes,we have found there is no
difference in Results

4 Tube Violet Ray system
30watt With
4 Tubes
Standard Product:
Input voltage: 100V-240V
Frequency: 50-60HZ
Output voltage: 35000V
Current: 0.272A

8 tube Violet Ray system
30 watt Handset With 8 Tubes Click
here for Tubes picture + Extra new Spiral Tube included
Color white
Violet Tube
Tips on using your Violet Ray unit >>> Click
The shopping cart may say seven tubes but as a special we have added the spiral
tube to make 8 at the same price
with the Energy of the Sun
