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NZD $ 7.95

Consciousness and Altered States of Consciousness
collection of lectures by Dr. Hoeller

Consciousness: Altered States Ancient & Modern: Recently an exhibit in a major L.A. museum called attention to the nature and creative value of Ecstasy (exalted altered states of Consciousness). It is not known to all that the pivotal discovery that resulted in a "revolution of consciousness" was made by the Swiss chemist of Sandoz Laboratories, Dr. Albert Hofmann on April 16, 1943. The substance became known as LSD-25, and joins and extinsive list of substances used to assist in Vision, Rapture and Magic throughout the ages.

This collection of lectures by Dr. Hoeller explores Nonordinary States of Consciousness and their Practice and Value in Ecstasy and Gnosis. The lecture on Dr. Albert Hofmann was given as a tribute to his 100th birthday, recently celebrated in Basel, Switzerland.

Since exalted states of consciousness were always of interest to Gnostics, this collection of lectures salutes Dr. Hofmann and investigates his and all other known "doors of perception".

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The Man from Ixtlan: Carlos Castaneda's Journey

NZD $ 7.95

ASC5-Great Mystics Pt. I

NZD $ 7.95

Consciousness and Altered States of Consciousness
collection of lectures by Dr. Hoeller

Consciousness: Altered States Ancient & Modern: Recently an exhibit in a major L.A. museum called attention to the nature and creative value of Ecstasy (exalted altered states of Consciousness). It is not known to all that the pivotal discovery that resulted in a "revolution of consciousness" was made by the Swiss chemist of Sandoz Laboratories, Dr. Albert Hofmann on April 16, 1943. The substance became known as LSD-25, and joins and extinsive list of substances used to assist in Vision, Rapture and Magic throughout the ages.

This collection of lectures by Dr. Hoeller explores Nonordinary States of Consciousness and their Practice and Value in Ecstasy and Gnosis. The lecture on Dr. Albert Hofmann was given as a tribute to his 100th birthday, recently celebrated in Basel, Switzerland.

Since exalted states of consciousness were always of interest to Gnostics, this collection of lectures salutes Dr. Hofmann and investigates his and all other known "doors of perception".

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ASC6-Great Mystics Pt. 2

$NZ7.95 aprox $US4.95


NZD $ 7.95

Consciousness and Altered States of Consciousness
collection of lectures by Dr. Hoeller

Consciousness: Altered States Ancient & Modern: Recently an exhibit in a major L.A. museum called attention to the nature and creative value of Ecstasy (exalted altered states of Consciousness). It is not known to all that the pivotal discovery that resulted in a "revolution of consciousness" was made by the Swiss chemist of Sandoz Laboratories, Dr. Albert Hofmann on April 16, 1943. The substance became known as LSD-25, and joins and extinsive list of substances used to assist in Vision, Rapture and Magic throughout the ages.

This collection of lectures by Dr. Hoeller explores Nonordinary States of Consciousness and their Practice and Value in Ecstasy and Gnosis. The lecture on Dr. Albert Hofmann was given as a tribute to his 100th birthday, recently celebrated in Basel, Switzerland.

Since exalted states of consciousness were always of interest to Gnostics, this collection of lectures salutes Dr. Hofmann and investigates his and all other known "doors of perception".

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ASC7-Ceremonial Magic and Altered States

NZD $ 7.95

Consciousness and Altered States of Consciousness
collection of lectures by Dr. Hoeller

Consciousness: Altered States Ancient & Modern: Recently an exhibit in a major L.A. museum called attention to the nature and creative value of Ecstasy (exalted altered states of Consciousness). It is not known to all that the pivotal discovery that resulted in a "revolution of consciousness" was made by the Swiss chemist of Sandoz Laboratories, Dr. Albert Hofmann on April 16, 1943. The substance became known as LSD-25, and joins and extinsive list of substances used to assist in Vision, Rapture and Magic throughout the ages.

This collection of lectures by Dr. Hoeller explores Nonordinary States of Consciousness and their Practice and Value in Ecstasy and Gnosis. The lecture on Dr. Albert Hofmann was given as a tribute to his 100th birthday, recently celebrated in Basel, Switzerland.

Since exalted states of consciousness were always of interest to Gnostics, this collection of lectures salutes Dr. Hofmann and investigates his and all other known "doors of perception".

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ASC8-Entheogens of Greece, Persia, and Egypt

NZD $ 7.95

Consciousness and Altered States of Consciousness
collection of lectures by Dr. Hoeller

Consciousness: Altered States Ancient & Modern: Recently an exhibit in a major L.A. museum called attention to the nature and creative value of Ecstasy (exalted altered states of Consciousness). It is not known to all that the pivotal discovery that resulted in a "revolution of consciousness" was made by the Swiss chemist of Sandoz Laboratories, Dr. Albert Hofmann on April 16, 1943. The substance became known as LSD-25, and joins and extinsive list of substances used to assist in Vision, Rapture and Magic throughout the ages.

This collection of lectures by Dr. Hoeller explores Nonordinary States of Consciousness and their Practice and Value in Ecstasy and Gnosis. The lecture on Dr. Albert Hofmann was given as a tribute to his 100th birthday, recently celebrated in Basel, Switzerland.

Since exalted states of consciousness were always of interest to Gnostics, this collection of lectures salutes Dr. Hofmann and investigates his and all other known "doors of perception".

Download Access link emailed within 24 hours of purchase

ASC9-Visionary Traditions of the East

NZD $ 10.00

'The Complete Handbook of Nature's Cures

For decades, drug companies have been developing expensive drugs to cure diseases, but they don't always work and often always have unwanted side effects.

This ebook is not about big-money drugs or terrible side effects.

It is about HEALTH. An A-Z listing of common ailments and diseases.

This E-Book is Different

''Naturopathy'' is a way of life.

Practitioner Shri. H. K. Bakhru's eBook entitled ''The Complete Handbook of Nature's Cures'' is a complete guide to naturopathy. This eBook offers a way which, if followed, will provide re-newed energy, increased vitality, and greater satisfaction that comes from living a full and useful life. Bakhru advocates that nature provides a cure for every illness and disorder.

Bakhru's informative and revealing eBook contains 265 pages full of information on how to Naturally Cure many common ailments and diseases. Presented in PDF Format with easy Bookmarked Navigation so you won't have to scroll through loads of pages just to find the section that you need.

Remember: The MOST IMPORTANT thing you have is

YOUR HEALTH! and a good wife

$NZ10.00 aprox $US7.50

'The Complete Handbook of Nature's Cures HERE

NZD $ 7.50

"Dreams are rudiments of the great state to come. We dream what is about to happen." BAILEY.

The Bible, as well as other historical books show traces of a general and substantial belief in dreams. Plato, Goethe, Shakespeare and Napoleon attributed to certain dreams prophetic value.

Dreams are said to be your mind's way of making sense of the various issues it deals with on a day to day basis-whether it is work, family, health, or relationships. Dreams help sort out all the information and events that you are subject to during your day creating a way for a person, free of conscious limitations, to understand what is really going on, to solve problems, to gain clarity and insight into a situation, issue, or person.

Your Dreams Revealed explores thousands of dream images so that the dreamer can attain a better understanding of himself, his world, and his life. the dreamer is able to understand the emotional content, the symbolism, and the reason for each dream image.

The average person will dream over 150,000 dreams in a lifetime. Your Dreams Revealed focuses on the self-awareness that understanding your dreams can provide in an easy to use A to Z format. You will also find out how to tell if a dream is worth interpreting, whether the interpretation is the right one and how to embrace the psychic elements in dreams.

Down through history, many events have been revealed in dreams. Are events in your life being revealed to you in your dreams? Could you be missing out on important information that your subconsious mind is trying to convey to you in your dreams? If you want to find out what your dreams may be trying to tell you, you need to order Your Dreams Revealed NOW!

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Our Price

$NZ7.50 aprox $US5.00