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Consciousness and Altered States of Consciousness
collection of lectures by Dr. Hoeller

Consciousness: Altered States Ancient & Modern: Recently an exhibit in a major L.A. museum called attention to the nature and creative value of Ecstasy (exalted altered states of Consciousness). It is not known to all that the pivotal discovery that resulted in a "revolution of consciousness" was made by the Swiss chemist of Sandoz Laboratories, Dr. Albert Hofmann on April 16, 1943. The substance became known as LSD-25, and joins and extinsive list of substances used to assist in Vision, Rapture and Magic throughout the ages.

This collection of lectures by Dr. Hoeller explores Nonordinary States of Consciousness and their Practice and Value in Ecstasy and Gnosis. The lecture on Dr. Albert Hofmann was given as a tribute to his 100th birthday, recently celebrated in Basel, Switzerland.

Since exalted states of consciousness were always of interest to Gnostics, this collection of lectures salutes Dr. Hofmann and investigates his and all other known "doors of perception".

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