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NZD $ 19.95

Video Documentary
This 65-minute video tour of the four Sedona, Arizona, psychic energy vortexes not only captures the awesome beauty of the area but the essence of the vortex experience. The cameras cut back and forth from the vortexes to a hotel ballroom where Dick Sutphen prepares seminar participants for their personal encounter with the energy vortexes. During special effects segments designed to simulate common vortex experiences, the participants relate their stories in their own words.


NZD $ 19.95

Video Seminar
Wisdom erases karma, and wisdom can simply be a matter of accepting enlightened awareness when it is offered. This 90-minute seminar is about becoming all you are capable of being by creating your own reality in every area of your life. It shows you what you have to do to manifest the life you want to live. Created to be equally powerful for those new to metaphysical and human-potential concepts as well as for those familiar with them, the tape includes step-by-step metaphysical awareness and a Video Hypnosis processing session.

NZD $ 19.95

An exciting 90 minutes of explorations and learning. In the interactive Remote Viewing Session, Dick directs you though a "Stair-way Through The Clouds" Video Hypnosis process. When it's over you can call a 24-hour answering machine for verification of the target items. There is also a visit to Jess Stearn's beach house to speck with the film projects. Dick and Tara discuss the death of his mother and Tara's automatic writing contact with Jennie through her adaptation to the other side.