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NZD $ 14.99

Happiness Zapper

ZAPPER PROGRAMMING SERIES: The powerful “Zapper” mind technology combined with audible suggestions. Some of the Spoken Suggestions
Happiness is yours for the asking. You embrace challenge and find joy in the resulting aliveness. You make the time to do things that are satisfying and enjoyable. Every day in every way you love yourself more and more. You are self-confident and self-reliant. You find joy in simple things. You give love and you are open and receptive to receiving love. You monitor your thoughts and turn negative into positive thoughts. Without resistance, you now accept the things you cannot change. You choose to live one day at a time. You accept others as they are without expecting them to change. Negativity flows through you without affecting you. You now view problems only as opportunities. You maintain a regular exercise program. You act to create a diverse and fulfilling life. You know that you can change yourself in any way you desire.

NZD $ 14.99

Healing Force
(Using Your Mind to Help Heal) RX17 Audio Track 1: Alpha Level Programming. Track 2: Subliminal Programming embedded in relaxing music. Uses the most powerful mind-programming techniques. Example of suggestions: * You have the power and ability to accelerate your healing. * Your body is filled with positive healing energy. * Each breath contains healing energy. * Your mind is all-powerful and you use it to heal yourself. * You consciously and subconsciously choose perfect health. * You are healing, you are healed. * "Healed and healthy" are your key words for conditioned response. * More. * 60 Minutes.

NZD $ 14.99

Healing Zapper

Dick Sutphen’s
Healing Zapper

Information, Instructions & Script

ZAPPER PLUS PROGRAMMING SERIES -- A theta-wave vibration with a diminishing delta pulse, plus suggestions. This CD combines Dick’s incredibly powerful Zapper mind technology with healing suggestions. The advantage of this unique program is the listener can do other things while mentally accepting the suggestions. In the past, this was only possible with subliminals or Dick’s Probe7 series. With the Zapper inducing an altered-state, the audible suggestions are much more powerful than any subliminal program.

The Zapper sound is made up of vibrational theta waves combined with a diminishing delta-pulse. It generates an altered state of consciousness in which suggestions are delivered with 25 to 200 times the mind-programming power of a readily accepted suggestion.

To use with your eyes open

Play the CD while you’re doing other things at home while sitting down (working at a computer, reading, etc.). The volume should be loud enough for you to hear the suggestions, but not so loud as to be distracting. BE SURE TO FULLY AWAKEN YOURSELF WHEN YOU TURN OFF THE CD. This will best accomplished by counting yourself up as you would from a deep meditation. Tell yourself you’re going to fully awaken, then count up from one to five and say, “Wide awake, wide awake,” over and over.

To use with your eyes closed

Lie down, do a couple minutes of deep breathing, close your eyes and listen to the CD. This program can also be used as sleep programming. The program does not include an awakening. You can awaken at the end of a closed-eye session by counting yourself up from one to five and saying the words, “Wide awake, wide awake,” several times.

NOTE: If after using Zapper Healing you don’t feel fully awake, we suggest you walk around for a few minutes and maybe even splash some water on your face to help you fully awaken.

NZD $ 14.99

I Will Exercise Regularly

ZAPPER PROGRAMMING SERIES: The powerful “Zapper” mind technology combined with audible suggestions. Some of the Spoken Suggestions
From this moment on, you exercise regularly. Exercise regularly. From this moment on, you are clear on your intent to exercise regularly. No excuses. You always fit your exercises into your schedule. And you feel better because you exercise. And you’re healthier because you exercise. You know this is true. You enjoy exercise. Everyday in every way it becomes easier for you to make the time to exercise. You always make the time. And every day in every way, you enjoy exercise more and more. You enjoy the time spent, and you enjoy the benefits. You do. You look forward to exercising, and you enjoy the benefits of exercising. You feel better and look better when you exercise. You’re healthier when you exercise.

NZD $ 14.99

Life Tune-up
Dozens of Positive Affirmations Affirmations on your key life areas: Abundance, Health, Healing, Peace, Balance, Harmony, and Self-Realization. The suggestions begin with asking spirit to manifest that which is your Divine right. I live in a Universe of abundance, and I now rise above my limited awareness to claim my share of my Divine legacy. From this moment on, I radiate an attitude and aura of abundance. I thankfully accept the Divine healing of my body. I now choose to experience joy and vitality as a reflection of the omnipresence of “all that is.” I now choose to experience my life as Divine tranquillity. From a world of activity and distraction, I open to the soothing radiance of spirit. I am a reflection of the Divine power which enables me to carry any burden as though it did not exist. Self-realization now sets me free. Much more on all life areas

NZD $ 14.99

Mind-Over-Muscles Zapper

ZAPPER PROGRAMMING SERIES: The powerful “Zapper” mind technology combined with audible suggestions. Some of the Spoken Suggestions
You have the will-power, inner strength and determination to build your body to absolute perfection. You now develop the body you desire: the exact size, definition, fullness, separation, and hardness. What you can conceive and believe, you can achieve. You have the self-discipline to do anything you want to do. You’re a self-confident winner. You keep pushing and always optimize your workout time. Every day in every way, you get stronger and more confident. You free your mind of all limitations. The more you build your body, the better you feel about yourself, and the harder you work. You mold and sculpt your body to your specifications.

NZD $ 14.99

Marketing & Promotion Zapper

ZAPPER PROGRAMMING SERIES: The powerful “Zapper” mind technology combined with audible suggestions. Some of the Spoken Suggestions
From this moment on you focus great amounts of energy upon marketing. You enjoy marketing and promotion. The more you market, the more successful you become. You accept this. You’re extremely creative in the way you advertise and promote your offerings. You generate volumes of positive publicity. Your promotional efforts generate abundant demand. You take advantage of creative promotional opportunities. You constantly come up with creative new ways to attract clients and buyers. You think big about getting the word out. You now become extremely successful. You recognize and grasp opportunities. You market your way to new levels of success.

NZD $ 14.99

Overkill Zapper

ZAPPER PROGRAMMING SERIES: The powerful “Zapper” mind technology . The Ultimate Altered State of Consciousness
The Zapper alone will put you into an eyes-open or eyes-closed altered state of consciousness, but this CD also includes a verbal body relaxation and induction -- Dick’s standard, “deeper, deeper, deeper, down, down, down” induction. Then you’ll hear only the consciousness-altering Zappermind-electronics sounds until the end of the session when Dick awakens you with positive suggestions. Use the time to come up with answers, ideas, awareness or simply blank your mind and await flashes of insight. You can also give yourself mind-programming suggestions and visualize mental movies to create your own reality. 74-minutes.