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NZD $ 29.95

Here in one low-priced bundle are the 10 top programs for turning your Macintosh into an appliance for using your mind more powerfully. This collection represents a wide spectrum of self-improvement and creativity-boosting software and Bruce Ehrlich, publisher of the noted Mindware catalog, personally chose each program. These 10 programs -- which harness the graphic power and unique creative capabilities of the Macintosh computer -- will give you the edge for personal and professional success.

Let Your Macintosh Be Your Doorway to Success with these Ten Best-Selling Self-Improvement Programs!

In this package are the 10 top programs for turning your Macintosh into an appliance for using your mind more powerfully. These programs will give you the edge for personal and professional success. This collection represents a wide spectrum of self-improvement and creativity-boosting software and was chosen by Bruce Ehrlich, who published the Mindware Catalog for seven years.

NZD $ 49.95

Get the ten best self-improvement software programs ever in a unique, value-priced bundle. This special backage contains programs in almost every area of self-improvement, personal growth and creativity. Included are programs to help you better understand your personality, software to test and improve your IQ, programs to interpret your dreams and programs to help you decide what career is best for you. There are programs for innovation, achievement, motivation and more!

NZD $ 29.95

mindproberrLearn the real truth about yourself and everyone else with the all new Mind-Prober!
Now you can x-ray the hidden personality of anyone you know. Get real insider information on what makes you and others tic with the first, most famous and certainly the most powerful personality software ever!

NZD $ 14.95


Accessing the Treasure House

of the Unconscious

Frank D. Young, Ph.D., C. Psych.

Learn the light and sound patterns of beta, alpha, and theta mind states, and how to recognize and access these states effectively. Incubate dilemmas and questions, allowing theta reverie states to generate creative images that can become metaphors for solution, resolution, synthesis, and expansion of consciousness. This digitally mastered tape and its custom sessions are designed to:

  • induce very deep relaxation
  • overcome or bypass restrictive sets or constraints
  • incubate a readiness to let imagery develop and flow
  • gain access to theta reverie, the near-sleep state that is ideal for creativity development
  • cultivate symbols and ideas from the unconscious mind
  • mark and code these images for later retrieval
  • develop these symbols into new and creative ideas and solutions

NZD $ 29.95


Become aware in the dreaming state. Explore a universe beyond limitation, in the ultimate virtual reality of lucid dreaming .

Use this digitally mastered CD to induce a state of deep relaxation, and while you relax you can learn how to recognize that you are in a dream state when you are dreaming. You can then use this lucid awareness for:

  • stress management
  • entertainment
  • learning
  • holistic healing
  • modeling new realities and future scenarios
  • talking with you 'Inner Guide'
  • exploring the frontiers of consciousness and creativity in the universe of your mind.

NZD $ 14.95

An excellent introduction to mind states and how they affect and enhance human functioning. This demonstrates the key features of the 4 main .! mind states, and how ! to remember them to access them readily for stress management and focusing in high performance situations. Note: designed mainly for use with light and sound devices.


NZD $ 14.95

In-Psych for Sports

Imprinting The Ideal Performance State

by Frank D. Young, Ph.D., C. Psych.

Use this audiotaped program to learn how to:

  • utilize all your senses in imaging the Ideal Performance State * control anxiety and activation level
  • deal with competition anxiety
  • recover from setbacks
  • manage stress
  • park distractions
  • stabilize moods
  • refocus on your game plan
  • problem-solve key elements of your technical skill routines
  • increase mental focus and concentration
  • build a confident winning attitude
  • and use imagery effectively.

NZD $ 2.95

Clairvoyance and Occult Powers
by S Panchadasi
Written by Swami Panchadasi, and originally published back in 1916, "Clairvoyance and Occult Powers" is a great introduction into the world of occultism and gives you an authentic look into a phenomenon that will keep you both spellbound and charmed! Even if you’re one of those that feels the practices mentioned below are dangerous, do consider the fact that knowledge is power. The more you know, the safer you are! Swami Panchadasi (aka Walker Atkinson), December 5, 1862 to November 22, 1932, was a very important and influential American figure in the early days of the New Thought Movement. He was an attorney, merchant, author, as well as being an occultist and an American pioneer of New Thought, which is in fact the title of a magazine he edited at one time.

This EBook will provide you with a massive amount of information regarding clairvoyance and other occult powers including:

Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Premonition and Impressions, Clairvoyant Psychometry, Clairvoyant Crystal-Gazing, Distant Clairvoyance, Past Clairvoyance, Future Clairvoyance, Second Sight, Prevision, Clairvoyant Development, Astral-Body Traveling, Astral-Plane Phenomena, Psychic Influence — Personal and Distant, Psychic Attraction, Psychic Healing, Telepathy, Mind-Reading, Thought Transference, And More!
EBook PD0001 -