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NZD $ 14.99

Quietness of Spirit Zapper

ZAPPER PROGRAMMING SERIES: The powerful “Zapper” mind technology combined with audible suggestions. Some of the Spoken Suggestions
You detach from worldly pressures and retreat into a harmonious space. You reject pressure. A quietness of spirit permeates your body and mind. It does. You accept this. Your mind is like calm water and the Universe supports your needs. You feel peaceful, balanced and harmonious. You experience tranquillity. You carry this feeling with you throughout your days. You choose a calm and peaceful viewpoint. You accept all the warmth and joy in life, while detaching from negativity. Detach. You give up the need of approval and control. You do. You are physically relaxed and emotionally at ease -- at peace with yourself and your circumstances. You view life as a tranquil oneness.

NZD $ 14.99

Reverse-Aging Zapper ZAPPER PROGRAMMING SERIES: The powerful “Zapper” mind technology combined with audible suggestions. Some of the Spoken Suggestions
Every day you feel more youthful and enthusiastic. You now unleash the youthful vigor that lies within. You choose to live a healthy lifestyle of proper diet and exercise. You are excited about life and you feel vigorous. You are as young as you feel and every day you feel younger. You now recapture your youthful vigor and enthusiasm. Every day you think more positively. You really feel good. What you think you are creates your reality. You detach from stress and allow it to flow through you without affecting you. You no longer resist what you cannot change. You now eliminate all excess in your life. You balance your life and your life works. You now act younger and you feel younger. You breathe deeply, purposely consuming more oxygen

NZD $ 14.99

Spiritual Healing Course

Spiritual Healing
74-Minute Course With
Three Altered-State Meditations

Your four energy bodies simultaneously coincide in space: physical, etheric, astral and mental. Your etheric body maintains a perfect model of your physical body. After exploring this concept and how it relates to healing, Dick Sutphen prepares you for altered-state work and directs three unique healing sessions. The inductions include a chakra balancing and energizing technique to charge your aura.

1. Divine Blue-Healing Ray Meditation: Drawing down the blue ray, your body and mind is flooded with healing energy. Also: powerful healing suggestions and visualizations. Use regularly.

2. Inspired-Writing Meditation: This powerful technique is not automatic writing, but it can lead to automatic writing. Everyone can do this successfully. Deep in meditation, you draw various aspects of your totality into the light, and allow them to communicate directly. Examples: ?An aspect that doesn’t want to get well. ?An aspect that retains old emotional pain. ?An aspect of Higher Mind that can provide healing advice. ?Much more.

3. Daily-Healing Meditation: Following preparation, the healing ray unblocks your energy centers and you’re directed to replicate your perfect etheric body within your physical body. Includes healing suggestions phrased for maximum subconscious acceptance. Use daily.

Tracks: 1. Spiritual Self-Healing Background. 2. Altered-State Preparation. 3. Blue-Healing Ray Meditation. 4. Preparation for Inspired Writing. 5. Inspired-Writing Meditation. 6. Preparation for Daily Programming. 7. Daily-Healing Meditation.

............... RB107

Spiritual Healing -

NZD $ 14.99

Color Therapy
New Title!

Color Therapy
74-Minute Course With
Two Altered-State Meditations

Dick Sutphen’s explorations of color therapy grew out of Atlantean past-life regressions he conducted in the 70s. Hypnotized subjects talked about being taken to crystal healing chambers where they were exposed to specific colors for healing. Each color has a frequency, and when an organ is mentally or physically permeated with a color, the frequency of the color will tend to affect the organ -- just like the vibration of one tuning fork affecting another tuning fork. Matter is energy, and we respond to energy. On the two altered-state meditations, a chakra balancing and energizing induction is used to expand your aura prior to the therapy sessions. Pillars of Light teaches the values of colors through first-hand experience and is an exercise in symbol therapy (Psychosynthesis). The Color Therapy session focuses colors for healing, plus much more.

Tracks: 1. Introduction to Color Therapy. 2. Altered-State Preparation. 3. Pillars of Light Altered-State Session. 4. Preparation for Healing Session. 5. Color-Therapy Altered-State Session.

NZD $ 14.99

Chakra Link
New Title!

To learn more about the amazing Chakra Link technique, click HERE.

74-Minute Course With
Two Altered-State Sessions

Dick Sutphen teaches you how to mentally chakra-link with another person to perceive what they’re seeing and feeling ... and to allow the other person to perceive your visions and emotions. (The course is structured for two people -- students, friends or lovers -- to work together, but it also teaches remote-linking.) Go into the altered-state, sitting or lying side-by-side. Following a body relaxation, the chakra-link is invoked. “Conditioning & Testing?explores telepathy, plus a quick past-life regression. Each person tags along to observe the other’s incarnation. The second session is a full “Chakra-Link Meditation?in which you’ll explore on your own: Separate past lives, shared past lives, healing, sex (chakra-linked sex is incredible), psychic perception, remote viewing, etc. You’ll also learn about the potentials of chakra regeneration.

Tracks: 1. Chakra-Link Introduction. 2. Altered-State Preparation. 3. Conditioning & Testing Meditation. 4. Preparation for Chakra-Link Meditation. 5. Chakra-Link Meditation.

................ RB111

NZD $ 14.99

Soul Blueprints 74-Minute Course

Soul Blueprints

74-Minute Course on CD
with 2 Altered-State Sessions
By Dick Sutphen

To what degree is your life predestined? What kind of soul contracts have you made with yourself and others? While still in spirit, before incarnating upon the earth, you worked out a life-plan. Astrological timing and place of birth set you on upon destiny’s pathway. Major relationships and important key events were part of the plan, to fulfill karma and provide learning opportunities.

The first altered-state session is a Prebirth-Planning Regression. Dick regresses you back to the time in spirit when you were working out your present life with Guides and Masters. You will look at some of your decisions and if you structured relationships to last or if your learning dictated the outcomes. Dharmic (career) directions are explored. Why did you pick your parents? Much more is explored before Dick directs you up into Higher Self - the all-knowing level of mind. Here, you directly communicate with your spirit guide through “thought language,” to find out what changes you need to make to fulfill your life-plan.

Dick follows this session with some Q&A processing, before directing a second altered-state session on Potential Changes. You will explore the changes you need to make to fulfill your life plan. This is powerful processing that could end up sending you off in a new life direction. This course is a condensed version of a workshop Dick has conducted at New Age Expos all over the world.

NZD $ 14.99

Love Life Psychic Reading CD NEW

Dick Sutphen’s
Psychic Reading CD

As with psychic-symbol systems, such as the I-Ching or Tarot, this CD can provide a sincere seeker with valuable psychic information. There are 99 messages -- all written by Dick Sutphen. Simon and Schuster Pocket Books calls Dick, “America’s Foremost Psychic Researcher.” You’ll be amazed how accurately the messages you receive will relate to your situation.


Imagine yourself surrounded with a protective white light. Ask a sincere question relating to your love life, relationship or lack of a relationship. Then to obtain an answer, simply punch your CD tracking button at random and stop when an inner voice tells you to (different brands of CD players offer different ways to access higher numbers). The message you will hear is your answer or advice related to your answer.

Do this two more times. The next two messages explain contributing factors, or offer further guidance.

Further instructions and a pre-session invocation can be found inside.

Tracks: 1. Instructions. 2-99. Individual messages.

........................... RB402

Love-Life Psychic Reading CD -

NZD $ 14.99

Soul Blueprints 74-Minute Course

Soul Blueprints

74-Minute Course on CD
with 2 Altered-State Sessions
By Dick Sutphen

To what degree is your life predestined? What kind of soul contracts have you made with yourself and others? While still in spirit, before incarnating upon the earth, you worked out a life-plan. Astrological timing and place of birth set you on upon destiny’s pathway. Major relationships and important key events were part of the plan, to fulfill karma and provide learning opportunities.

The first altered-state session is a Prebirth-Planning Regression. Dick regresses you back to the time in spirit when you were working out your present life with Guides and Masters. You will look at some of your decisions and if you structured relationships to last or if your learning dictated the outcomes. Dharmic (career) directions are explored. Why did you pick your parents? Much more is explored before Dick directs you up into Higher Self - the all-knowing level of mind. Here, you directly communicate with your spirit guide through “thought language,” to find out what changes you need to make to fulfill your life-plan.

Dick follows this session with some Q&A processing, before directing a second altered-state session on Potential Changes. You will explore the changes you need to make to fulfill your life plan. This is powerful processing that could end up sending you off in a new life direction. This course is a condensed version of a workshop Dick has conducted at New Age Expos all over the world