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Quietness of Spirit Zapper

ZAPPER PROGRAMMING SERIES: The powerful “Zapper” mind technology combined with audible suggestions. Some of the Spoken Suggestions
You detach from worldly pressures and retreat into a harmonious space. You reject pressure. A quietness of spirit permeates your body and mind. It does. You accept this. Your mind is like calm water and the Universe supports your needs. You feel peaceful, balanced and harmonious. You experience tranquillity. You carry this feeling with you throughout your days. You choose a calm and peaceful viewpoint. You accept all the warmth and joy in life, while detaching from negativity. Detach. You give up the need of approval and control. You do. You are physically relaxed and emotionally at ease -- at peace with yourself and your circumstances. You view life as a tranquil oneness.

NZD $ 14.99

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