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Color Therapy
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Color Therapy
74-Minute Course With
Two Altered-State Meditations

Dick Sutphen’s explorations of color therapy grew out of Atlantean past-life regressions he conducted in the 70s. Hypnotized subjects talked about being taken to crystal healing chambers where they were exposed to specific colors for healing. Each color has a frequency, and when an organ is mentally or physically permeated with a color, the frequency of the color will tend to affect the organ -- just like the vibration of one tuning fork affecting another tuning fork. Matter is energy, and we respond to energy. On the two altered-state meditations, a chakra balancing and energizing induction is used to expand your aura prior to the therapy sessions. Pillars of Light teaches the values of colors through first-hand experience and is an exercise in symbol therapy (Psychosynthesis). The Color Therapy session focuses colors for healing, plus much more.

Tracks: 1. Introduction to Color Therapy. 2. Altered-State Preparation. 3. Pillars of Light Altered-State Session. 4. Preparation for Healing Session. 5. Color-Therapy Altered-State Session.

NZD $ 14.99

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