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Life Tune-up
Dozens of Positive Affirmations Affirmations on your key life areas: Abundance, Health, Healing, Peace, Balance, Harmony, and Self-Realization. The suggestions begin with asking spirit to manifest that which is your Divine right. I live in a Universe of abundance, and I now rise above my limited awareness to claim my share of my Divine legacy. From this moment on, I radiate an attitude and aura of abundance. I thankfully accept the Divine healing of my body. I now choose to experience joy and vitality as a reflection of the omnipresence of “all that is.” I now choose to experience my life as Divine tranquillity. From a world of activity and distraction, I open to the soothing radiance of spirit. I am a reflection of the Divine power which enables me to carry any burden as though it did not exist. Self-realization now sets me free. Much more on all life areas

NZD $ 14.99

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