Darkfield Microscope with HD camera


Approx USD$1,299.96

Dark Field Microscope


What is Blood and What Does it Do

Two types of blood vessels carry blood throughout our bodies: The arteries carry oxygenated blood (blood that has received oxygen from the lungs) from the heart to the rest of the body.

The blood then travels through the veins back to the heart and lungs, where it receives more oxygen. As the heart beats, you can feel blood traveling through the body at your pulse points - like the neck and the wrist - where large, blood-filled arteries run close to the surface of the skin.

The blood that flows through this network of veins and arteries is called whole blood. Whole blood contains three types of blood cells:

Red Blood Cells

White Blood Cells


These blood cells are mostly manufactured in the bone marrow (the soft tissue inside our bones), especially in the bone marrow of the vertebrae (the bones that make up the spine), ribs, pelvis, skull, and sternum (breastbone). These cells travel through the circulatory system suspended in a yellowish fluid called plasma (pronounced: plaz-muh). Plasma is 90% water and contains nutrients, proteins, hormones, and waste products. Whole blood is a mixture of blood cells and plasma.

Red Blood Cells

Red blood cells (RBCs, and also called erythrocytes, pronounced: ih-rith-ruh-sytes) are shaped like slightly indented, flattened disks. Red blood cells contain an iron-rich protein called hemoglobin (pronounced: hee-muh-glow-bun). Blood gets its bright red color when the hemoglobin in RBCs picks up oxygen in the lungs. As the blood travels through the body, the hemoglobin releases oxygen to the tissues. The body contains more RBCs than any other type of cell, and each has a life span of about 4 months. Each day, the body produces new RBCs to replace those that die or are lost from the body.

White Blood Cells


White blood cells (WBCs, and also called leukocytes, pronounced: loo-kuh-sytes) are a key part of the body's system for defending itself against infection. They can move in and out of the bloodstream to reach affected tissues. The blood contains far fewer white blood cells than red cells, although the body can increase production of WBCs to fight infection. There are several types of white blood cells, and their life spans vary from a few days to months. New cells are constantly being formed in the bone marrow.

Several different parts of blood are involved in fighting infection. White blood cells called granulocytes (pronounced: gran-yuh-low-sytes) and lymphocytes (pronounced: lim-fuh-sytes) travel along the walls of blood vessels. They fight germs such as bacteria and viruses and may also attempt to destroy cells that have become infected or have changed into cancer cells.

Certain types of WBCs produce antibodies, special proteins that recognize foreign materials and help the body destroy or neutralize them. Someone with an infection will often have a higher white cell count than when he or she is well because more WBCs are being produced or are entering the bloodstream to battle the infection. After the body has been challenged by some infections, lymphocytes "remember" how to make the specific antibodies that will quickly attack the same germ if it enters the body again.


Platelets (also called thrombocytes, pronounced: throm-buh-sytes) are tiny oval-shaped cells made in the bone marrow. They help in the clotting process. When a blood vessel breaks, platelets gather in the area and help seal off the leak. Platelets survive only about 9 days in the bloodstream and are constantly being replaced by new cells.

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Drop of Blood

Blood also contains important proteins called clotting factors, which are critical to the clotting process. Although platelets alone can plug small blood vessel leaks and temporarily stop or slow bleeding, the action of clotting factors is needed to produce a strong, stable clot.

Platelets and clotting factors work together to form solid lumps to seal leaks, wounds, cuts, and scratches and to prevent bleeding inside and on the surfaces of our bodies. The process of clotting is like a puzzle with interlocking parts. When the last part is in place, the clot happens - but if only one piece is missing, the final pieces can't come together.

When large blood vessels are severed (or cut), the body may not be able to repair itself through clotting alone. In these cases, dressings or stitches are used to help control bleeding.

In addition to the cells and clotting factors, blood contains other important substances, such as nutrients from the food that has been processed by the digestive system. Blood also carries hormones released by the endocrine glands and carries them to the body parts that need them.

Now you can View your Blood Alive

Dark Field Microscope with HD camera

The advantage of darkfield illumination is that you can see details that are normally not resolved by the microscopes objective. You can't normaly see the actual detail but because it reflects light you can . A nice analogy is that of dust in a room. In a well lit room you do not see the very small dust particles. However, if the lights go out, a beam of light from an acute angle makes these same particles visible. Besides the optical advantages darkfield illumination is very beautiful and gives an almost science fiction like image.

Darkfield blood analysis uses a high-definition microscope to analyze the  blood. This method is very useful for the early detection of serious health conditions. As the blood is being analyzed under the microscope the images are being passed to a monitor screen where You or a practitioner can analyze and discuss the patient's blood in its living state.

It is a way to look at one drop of your living blood from a simple prick of your finger. That drop is placed on a slide, enlarged and projected onto a monitor. The invisible comes alive as you instantly enter the world of your living blood.

The same microscopic equipment utilized in the Live Blood Analysis screening test is also used in the Dry Blood Test. Both tests use droplets of blood expressed from the tip of the finger.

Traditional blood tests use a light source so hot that it kills the blood, and a stain that is looking only for a particular microbe - it is an autopsy of your blood.

Blood Under a Microscope

Dark field is used for Initial examination of suspensions of cells such as yeast, parasites,bacteria, small protists, or cell and tissue fractions including cheek epithelial cells, chloroplasts, mitochondria, even blood cells Pics

Of Course,The FDA does not approve of dark field microscopic blood analysis, therefore many doctor's hands are tied. Viewing a fresh, natural blood sample (a sample not altered with any stains, etc., needed for normal microscopic exams), under the technology of a dark field microscope, will reveal conditions of your blood not normally even considered during the diagnosis of a normal blood test performed in doctor's office or a lab.

However, an increasing number of health professionals have found that the use of this technique allows inspection of cellular dynamics which as noted above normally escape analysis or diagnosis using orthodox medical tests.

Darkfield microscopes employ a special contrast enhancing technique known as dark field illumination to produce beautiful images of normally difficult-to-observe biological specimens. Similar to the phenomenon of being able to see stars at night but not during the day, darkfield illumination is most often used with samples that are not easily imaged against a light background, and results in samples that appear bright against a dark background

How to Interpret what you see

Healthy Blood Cells

UnHealthy Blood Cells

Do you see how far apart the blood cells are from each other? As a result, your blood can move freely throughout your entire body, and get into all your small capillaries, providing energy to your whole body. During deep sleep, proper blood flow and hydration is important. When your blood looks like this, your sleep is also really energizing and you need less of it! When your blood is clumped together, it no longer can get to all the little capillaries in your body to give you the life giving oxygen you need. It no longer can give every cell of your body the energizing and rejuvenating effects. This is the major reason why some people feel horrible when they wake up, and why they need to sleep longer. It's also why you tend to wake up feeling dehydrated.

In darkfield microscopy, one is therefore able to observe "live blood." Unlike the techniques of electron microscopy, no fixative is used so the picture is one of mobility rather than fixity. With stains and fixatives, the picture reveals a moment in time rather than a continuum.

What Makes Up Healthy Blood?

What one sees in the mobile situation are the usual red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma—and what is floating in the plasma. Microbial activity, undigested food, fungi, and crystals are all apparent as is the capacity of the red blood cells to circulate and the white blood cells to devour morbid matter.


Darkfield Microscopy
or Live Blood Analysis
(Live Blood Examination in the Darkfield according to Prof. Dr. G. Enderlein)
Darkfield Microscopy or Live Blood Analysis is a way of studying live whole blood cells under a specially adapted microscope that projects the dynamic image onto a video screen. This allows you to view your inner terrain. Digestive, eliminative and immune functions can be assessed as well as the presence of bacteria and other micro-organisms.

The darkfield microscopic examination of the freshly taken live blood is one of the most important examinations of the holistic medicine applied at the Centre. It enables us to view the inner terrain (milieu) and to examine the functions of the red blood cells. It also shows the evolutionary stages of the smallest proteins (endobionts) which are found in every human body. We are also able to see any developed structures such as bacteria, virus and fungus. The darkfield examination shows the state of the blood cells, endobionts and the plasma in a functional and structural way, making bacterial processes and fungal pre-stages in the blood clearly visible.

Most of the time, blood functions normally, but sometimes, blood disorders or diseases can cause problems. Diseases of the blood that commonly affect people can involve any or all of the three types of blood cells (red blood cells, white blood cells, or platelets) or the proteins and chemicals in the plasma that are responsible for clotting.More

The darkfield examination is most suitable for the evaluation of chronic diseases; for children who are prone to infections; for recurrent bacterial problems; for candida and other fungal problems and also to answer questions concerning chronic problems of toxicity (e.g. amalgam disturbances).

Some Interesting Uses for Darkfield Microscopes you can Experiment With

Water, Consciousness & Intent: Dr. Masaru Emoto

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Microscope Video of a Drop of Pond Water

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Pond Water

He freezes droplets of water and then examines them under a dark field microscope that has photographic capabilities.More Suspensions of cells and samples of pond water look spectacular in dark field. While specimens may look washed out and lack detail in bright field, protists, metazoans, cell suspensions, algae, and other microscopic organisms are clearly distinguished and their details show up well. At 100x you can readily see bacteria, even distinguish some structure (rods, curved rods, spirals, or cocci) and movement. Non-motile bacteria look like vibrating bright dots against a dark background. Motile bacteria can be seen moving in a definite direction, sometimes remarkably fast. In pond water samples you may find Spirillum volutans, a very large (up to 0.5 mm) motile spiral bacterium.

Using a very fine needle, a drop of blood is taken from the finger and directly placed on a glass slide. Without fixation or colouring, the blood is examined right after taking it through a special darkfield microscope with up to 100x enlargement. You can follow the process via video or Computer screen. The blood can be examined again several hours after taking the sample. This procedure informs us about the speed of degeneration of the cells (shows cell resilience, the immune system and the degenerative tendency).How to Interpret what you see

This examination was developed and described by Prof. Dr. G. Enderlein. With this method he proved that co-relations exist between blood parasites, symbionts, bacteria and fungi. The main proven fact is that chronic diseases are created by increasing sickness tendencies of the endobionts and that bacteria, viruses and fungi developed in the human body, or are changed to pathogenic agents of diseases depending upon the inner terrain (determined by acid-base balance, protein content and level of trace elements). The existence of pre-stages which are not yet able to make one ill but that can endanger an illness can also be found in the darkfield examination. Therefore it is also an important preventative tool.

The medical establishment has generally not been keen to support the concept of viewing live blood as a method of diagnosing and determining the health of a patient. In many instances, they completely omit and reject darkfield microscopy as a diagnostic instrument. This same medical establishment has also been resistant to natural health including the use of herbs and natural supplements as an alternative to the pushing of powerful pharmaceutical medical drugs. It is acknowledged by this author that there are certainly quack doctors out there that will use whatever instrument they can to make a fast dollar.
Many cancer patients have poor oxygenation of their blood. Low hemoglobin, clumped red blood cells (rouleau), infections, and toxicity can affect oxygenation, vitality, and health. The picture to the left vividly demonstrates how impossible it is for the red blood cells to circulate and transport oxygen. From a health perspective, this condition is an accident waiting to happen.


Dr Young is a world reknowned scientist and microbiologist who studies live blood cells under the microscope. He has found that excess acidity in the body causes health problems and symptoms. Our blood in order to remain healthy has to remain at a pH of 7.36


Laser Blood Cleanser

Every once in a while a technology is introduced that transforms the landscape of health care. Low Level Laser Therapy is a perfect example of such a development. It is well accepted, painless and, bottom line, it gets results.

Laser Blood Cleanse Dark Field Results



Blood under darkfield. Microscopic examination which is moderately to strongly infested
(source: Blood examination in darkfield, Semmelweis Verlag 1993 ISBN 3-925524-01-0)

(Blood examination according to Prof. Dr. G. Enderlein) Darkfield Microscopy is an important holistic diagnostic instrument used in practice.
It gives information about the terrain, e.g. hyperacidity, lack of energy and dynamics and the functionality of blood cells.
Prof. Dr. G. Enderlein (1872-1968) observed in darkfield microscopic examination of blood the tiniest moving beings , which seem to be primitive forms of either bacteria or fungi.
These so-called Endobiont change the hydrogen-ion con centration (pH) of the blood. Also Intoxication such as with heavy metal (e.g. mercury) can be made visible.

For the examination we need only a drop of blood from the fingertip or the ear. Observation of the blood sample in the darkfield microscope gives information within 15 min. after hours or even days we find further information regarding the condition of the immune system, cellular resistance and the disposition towards the growing or regeneration of possible tumors.
Cancer, for example, cannot be seen but the weakness of the immune system or the degeneration of the blood cells can be made visible which is invaluable in early treatment.

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Cleanse The Blood

The Bob Beck Protocol Simply Put

The Blood zapper emits pulsed micro-amps causing the blood and tissue cell membranes to oscillate, thereby interfering with the microorganisms ability to parasitize the cell by entering it an using its componenets and protection from the immune system. The cell membrane opens and closes rapidly, flushing the serum in and out, taking with it microorganisms which would otherwise be using the cell interior for its store of nutritional reserves and as an environment in which to replicate or develop into more advanced phases of manifestation. Simultaneously, nutrients are carried in and out, and feed the cell at a much more effective level.

Ozone stimulates interleukin II, alkalinizes the body through the production of ash, oxygenates the blood and tissues, and provides higher forms of oxygen (03 through 013?, or higher depending how it is produced) which share electrons with bacteria, virus, fungus, toxins, chemicals, and reduce all to ash or nonpathogenic forms.

Colloidal silver interferes with the enzyme system that the anaerobic microbes use for respiration. Therefore they cannot mutate around it or become resistant and are eliminated instead. Special care must be taken with colloidal silver to use one that is strong enough and simultaneously supplement the gut flora, as the silver can also interfere with aerobic microorganisms. Failing to supplement the flora, or using a product that only contains 3 to 5 parts per million of silver, appears to be the main limitations in terms of effectiveness. Naturally this approach, like any other, must be accompanied by a full regimen that includes cycles of purification, balancing, and rejuvenation. Contrary to popular gossip to the contrary by invested promoters, there appears to be some negative side effects to colloidal silver consumption, when used over long periods of time and in relatively high amounts. These include drainage problems and the destruction of intestinal floras. For some, the results of oral use have been complicated gastro intestinal dysbioses and Fortakehl, Albicansan and Pefrakehl and other SANUM preparations in combination may be a better approach as they do not tend to produce those negative results.

Many individuals have been known to exhibit extreme Herxheimer's (healing crisis) reactions with silver. This has particularly been a problem with chronic fatigue syndrome. Lymphatic drainage (homeopathic, herbal, or 714-X, which also regulates the immune system) along with juicing, consumption of a minimum of eight 8 oz. glasses of Crystal Energy water and/or other natural fluids such as juices and herbal teas, colonics or colemas, lymphatic massage, dry brush massage, bouncing exercises, and walking are all required in combination with colloidal silver and also the other aforementioned approaches. It is not useful or necessary to load up the body with unnatural numbers of metals such as silver over extended periods of time in order to maintain good health. It is better to understand the overall biological terrain requirements and meet them through the adjustment of lifestyle. Nevertheless, it may be very useful to apply colloiddal silver for a measured period of time because of its ability to interfere with the repiratory enzymes of the microorganism. They also cannot mutate around this effect.

Ozone will cause less of a negative reaction than silver. The reaction will not as likely be a result of the breakdown of toxins, but rather congestion in the lymph and liver. This is because the ozone reduces toxins to ash, so they don't get recycled through your bloodstream as poisons on the way out (and by association, through the brain). The Rife and Beck therapies also require all of the same drainage requirements, and the lymphatic thumper (Beck's design) may be useful while the fungus is being reduced The best approach, as always, is to combine elements based on the individual's tolerance and needs. Diet alone most likely will not correct this condition of candida overgrowth, but is certainly a necessary adjunct to any program. The dietary needs and reactions will be observed to change greatly after the problem has been addressed

Elimination of blood pathogens can be verified by examining blood under dark field/phase contrast microscopy



Using a Dark field microsope to compare the latest

Blackground, Darkfield Microscope

Darkfield is the method whereby the sample being viewed is actually in front of a dark background and light is being angled onto the sample from the sides.

Both the techniques of darkfield and phase contrast allow nearly invisible microorganisms within the blood to be "lit up" and seen. It also clearly delineates the blood cells. This method is in contrast to the standard microscope "brightfield" conditions where light shines directly through the viewed sample, and invisible particles remain invisible.


Eyepiece Wide field PL10 × (F18mm)
Objective Plan achromatic objective:
4X/0.1, 10X/0.25, 40X/0.65(spr), 100X(spr.,oil).
Optional: 20X
Nosepiece Quadruple(Four-position).
Stage Stage size:160×140mm.
Moving range: 75mm ×50mm
Precision: 0.1mm
Focusing mechanism Coaxial coarse and fine focusing system.
Focusing stoper for protecting the lens and specimen.
Tightness and height limitation of coarse regulation are adjustable.
Fine adjustment accuracy :0.002mm.
Illumination Transmission illumination system.
6V/20W halogen lamp
Condenser Dark field conderser.
Camera adapter C-mount.
Camera 5mp
Carry case Padded Aluminum
Power supply AC100-240V, 50/60Hz


Dark Field Microscope with HD camera

Want to see and understand your blood health
Is Your health protocol Working
Not Happy with the Medics
Easy to use with great Examples so you can analyze and interpret your blood slide

1X HD camera with HDMI , you can connect with anyTV or Computer which supports HDMI

Plan achromatic optical system.
Dark field.
HD Camera
Wide field WF10 × (F18mm).
Plan 4X/0.1, 10X/0.25, 40X/0.65(spr), 100X(spr.,oil).
6V/20W halogen lamp or LED.
Carry Cae
1X adapter
Full Instructions
Cetificate: CE, Rohs.

Our Very Special Price

It should be noted that Live Blood Analysis is not a diagnostic procedure. This method was designed as a screening test to take the guesswork out of selecting the appropriate supplements for the individual patient.



Live Blood Darkfield Microscope

With hd camera

Magnification 40X - 1000X.
Application For living blood analysis.
For dry blood analysis.
Signal out put The image system support Monitor or TV with AV interface.
With a video processor, it can connect to computer with software for image capturing and video recording.
View Tube Trinocular head, 30 ° incling, 360°rotating.
Diopter adjustable. Iinterpupillary distance adjustable.
Eyepiece WF10X / 18mm.
Objective Plan Achromatic objective:
4X/0.1, 10X/0.25, 40X/0.65(Spr), 100X/1.25 (Spr. Oil).
Nosepiece Quadruple reversed angle nosepiece, revolver with rotation on ball
Stage Mechanical double layer stage, platinum with overhang, dimensions
140x140 mm. Moving range: 75mm ×50mm.
Vernier scale on both axes of movement with an accuracy of 0.1mm
Focusing Coaxial positioning system. Movement by roller guider(Roller and pinion).
Rubber grip around fine and coarse adjust knob.
Tension adjustment of coarse regulation knob.
Upper pper limit stoper for protecting the lens and sample.
Illumination 3W LED cold light.
Condenser Removable darkfield condenser, NA1.25 with aperture iris diaphragm.
Video 1 Live Blood Watch the Video
Video 2 Connect to TV or computor screenWatch the video
  Easy to use with great Examples so you can analyze and interpret your blood slide
  Full Instructions
Cetificate: CE, Rohs.

It should be noted that Live Blood Analysis is not a diagnostic procedure. This method was designed as a screening test to take the guesswork out of selecting the appropriate supplements for the individual patient.


Darkfield Microscope with HD camera


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