Every atom in the Universe has a frequency.
Whether it's a grain of sand, a piece of steel, a plant,
animal or an organ in your body, each cell resonates, or
vibrates, at a specific frequency or oscillation. Your
body consists of a variety of atoms, which contain photons,
electrons & an overall bio-electric energy that runs
through it. The way you take care of your body physically,
emotionally and mentally determines how many negative frequencies
or toxins are being built up in it. There are four general
ways imbalance in the body is created. Through toxic substances
we eat, pollution we breathe, exposure to a negative energetic
environment, and how we process information in our thinking & feeling.

Reported Uses |
1 |
Under Eye Tube:,,helps with lines and wrinkles,,has
been reported to help vision by Edgar
Cayce |
2 |
Hair: helps things like Dandruff, flaking skin etc,,restores
circulation to the hair folicles |
3 |
Lymphatic: Rub over the Lymphatic points |
4 |
Gums: Helps kill gum infections,,and nails |
5 |
General,,has been used by thouisands of people world
wide for many complaints from arthritis to shin diseases,,plus |
6 |
Internal |
7 |
Skin Amazing new tool for massaging toning and rejuvinating
skin |
8 |
the violet Ray on the Breast, hips, Abdomin |

“Life in its expression in a human body is
of an electrical nature. The vibrations from low electrical
forces, rather than the high vibrations, produce life-flowing
Edgar Cayce |
The testimonials below are from individuals. Your experiences may differ and we look forward
your feedback
I am studying to be a Naturopath and also enjoy
Martial Arts. A friend suggested I use his
Ray for various
pains and damage I have experienced over the
years. I was surprised to notice that within a
short time
I felt a definite reduction in the pain from
some recent calf and thigh injuries. Over the next
few weeks I
continued to use the Ray and have noticed a considerable
improvement in some old injuries.
John D Oklahoma |
Nikola Tesla was the great genius who observed
that high-frequency electricity had important effects on
health. In 1892 he met with Paul Oudin in Paris where hey
discussed ways of building therapeutic high-frequency oscillators.
Months later Oudin produced the first device that became
known as the “violet ray.” Paul Oudin began
to experiment with skin disorders and found that acne,
eczema and psoriasis were easily treated with the new device.
After a few treatments the skin patches would begin to
break up and disappear completely in two to three months.
When the devices were used to spark warts or skin cancer,
the anomalies often were removed within weeks. The violet
ray often took away pain, and many times it was almost
considered a miracle.

Reprinted from:
MARCH, 1917
In 1893, Dr. Nikola Tesla described in a magazine
article the remarkable effects upon himself and his
assistants resulting from their exposure to the action
of alternating currents of exceedingly high-voltage
and frequency during some research work. He prophesied
that when electrical oscillations were fully understood
and applied by physicians that a universal healing
agent would have been obtained - one which would so
increase the vital energy and resistive reaction of
the human body as to enable it to throw off all disease.
The present writer, acting on this hint, constructed
a high-frequency apparatus, tested it on a number of
patients and reported his results to a local medical
society in 1895. So far as can be learned this was
the first clinical work ever done with the Tesla current,
altho d'Arsonval in Paris was then experimenting with
his relatively low voltage currents, produced from
3,000 cycle alternators. Later Apostoli, Denoyes, and
others reported remarkable results from the currents
induced in the bodies of patients placed inside of
huge solenoids or wire coils thru which high frequency
currents were passing. The effects obtained were: increase
of strength, appetite and weight, induction of natural
restful sleep, and increase in tissue combustion and
Early in 1895, the author devised the
first Vacuum electrodes for applying Tesla currents
to the patient.
Today thousands of physicians are using this device,
often calling it the Violet-ray Treatment.
Some years ago the great Swedish scientist, Arrhenius,
was reported to have subjected one-half of a class
of school children to the action of high-frequency
currents, one hour daily for several months, at the
end of which time there was marked increase in the
average growth, weight, general health and mental ability
in the electrified pupils as compared with those not
so treated.
The high-frequency currents, in short, act as vitality
boosters - no other form of electricity will do this.
Galvanism, Faradism, Static electricity are all valuable
agents in the hands of the Electro-therapeutic specialist,
but they have little direct action in promoting cell
vitality and growth, as do the high-frequency currents
when properly applied.
High-frequency currents are now extensively used by
the medical profession to increase cell growth, metabolism
and functional activity. They tend to normalize the
blood pressure and are the only agents that are of
real curative value in certain stage of Arterio-sclerosis
(hardening of the arteries). They greatly augment the
defensive powers of the organism, enabling it to resist
and overcome disease-producing agencies.
Life-force or vital energy is another great Cosmic
Principle; thru its action electrons are formed into
atoms, atoms into molecules, molecules into crystals
and chemical compounds, and these into the bodies of
plants, animals and of man. We have no name for this
force, but thru its action the great Cosmic Scheme
of Evolution goes on
Electricity and Life
Frederick Finch Strong, M.D.
1917 |

The violet ray in healing would have been
almost totally forgotten, except for one man. Around 1900, Edgar
Cayce lost his voice for months and doctors were
unable to help him. After he learned how to do self-hypnosis
and diagnosed his own medical condition, he quickly regained
his voice. Then he went into hypnosis and began to help
a few friends with their health problems.Floods of desperate
people flocked through his door seeking help for difficult
medical conditions. In his lifetime as a “psychic
diagnostician,” he gave 14,000 readings in which
he mentioned using the violet ray in more than 900
According to the Super High
Frequency Maunual dated 1930, "it stimulates
and regulates the circulation of the blood,forcing
it to carry away the waste and poisons from the
body. It vitalizes or brings back to normal the
many thousands of tissues throughout the body.It
quites the nerves equalizes the circulation and
restores normal rest, followed by pleasant and
refreshing sleep.It also increases intake of oxygen
through the pores, causing them to throw out impurities
and breathe,or take in oxygen.And most important

Violet-ray therapy this is another convenient
means of translating electric energy into the body, but
in a more focused, localized mode. A low-pressure inert
gas, such as neon oir argon, is contained in a glass bulb
or tube and is electrified by high-potential, high-frequency
Tesla currents. The device emits, when brought into contact
with the body, an electric ray, seen as a reddish/ violet
beam, a fascinating phenomenon to watch and feel.

The violet ray conducts electro-energetic
life-force enhancing properties into the body, like the MWO.
Tesla himself used such a reviviing ray daily. While
the MWO was
never mass-produced, the violet-ray machine was actually
commercially manufactured, and it became a fixture in many
a doctor’s office and in many homes.

My first experience using the Ray was at a family
members home where I was staying. I had an infected
tooth and was in considerable pain. My cheek had
started to swell and my mouth had an awful taste.
They had no pain medication in their home so they
asked if I would like to try the Violet Ray. Getting
desperate I nodded and they past me the tube, directing
me to rub it gently over the outside of the area.
I cannot tell you how surprised I was when, within
10mins, the swelling had subsided and the awful taste
had almost gone. I used it a couple of times that
day. On returning to my home I booked in with my
Dentist who was amazed that I was not in pain because
of what he found.
C.Denning Australia
More on infection |
Many human ailments, can be traced
to faulty circulation and impure blood. When Exercise
sound sleep and appetite are well regulated, weakness
and disease seldom develop the blood is adequately
supplied in its richest state to every part of
the body, nourishing every organ and muscle and
providing adequate protection against dis-ease
and weakness. As a person grows older, however,
there is a tendency to slow down on physical exercise
and to live a quieter and more sedentary mode of
living. The circulation suffers accordingly, and
instead of circulating to every part of the body
in its richest state, a portion collects in areas,
and becomes stagnant because of the impurities
thrown off by the body. These impurities are absorbed
by the tissues and a type of self poisoning results,
as a consequence of which the body begins to deteriorate,
the digestive organs fail to function properly,
the internal organs become sluggish and weak, and
weaknesses develop which are peculiar to men or
women. This weakened condition of the blood and
vital organs leaves the human body easily susceptible
to any disease to which it may become exposed.
Skin Aging

• Reduces skin irritation
• Eliminates acne and pimples
• Accelerate blood circulation and improve metabolism.
• Has the function of anti-aging, anti-wrinkle and skin-tightened.
• Improve secretion, the PH value causes the skin lean to neutral
• Strengthen lymphatic gland activity,and provide nutriment for epidermis,
expulse harmful substances in skin.
The Violet Ray is an
integral part of my beauty regimen.
Having used it for years, I’m
happy to offer it on my website. My
own experience and customer comments
tell me the Violet Ray is the
best aid there is for reversing and
preventing graying hair. It definitely
stimulates hair growth. It is also
helpful for treating skin blemishes
such as acne, redness, sun damage spots
and fine lines. If you own
a Violet Ray, or decide to buy one,
you may want a few extra tips for using
this handy multi-tasking unit.
Tonya Zavast

Dramatically reduce Lines
Wrinkles and Blemishes

The Violet Ray has provided the
means of bringing to every home, at a reasonable
price, a method whereby every vital process can
be quickened and the blood helped to flow through
the body with renewed vigor. If necessary, the
treatment can be concentrated on any organ, muscle
or nerve, however delicate or tender,
I took this unit to my parents who both
have Arthritis. They are in constant pain
and their hands are easily damaged. My
father particularly noticed that it quickly
reduced the red angry swelling from around
the knuckles and finger joints allowing
him to flex his fingers more than he has
done for some years.
Christina F UK |
By this treatment the impurities
are washed from the affected organs by a rich,
warm flow of blood which nourishes and stimulates
the tissues and which is generated by the penetrating
current of the Violet Ray, reaching the cells
which supply life to the tissue, and causing
them to vibrate.
The stagnant pools of blood are
thus set in motion and the poisons contained
therein are expelled of by the purifying processes
of nature. The blood thus being freed of poisons
is able to take up oxygen from the lungs and
nutrition from the digestive organs and returns
Iaden with tissue building material to every
part of the body.
In this way new tissue is formed
to replace that destroyed by disease and carried
away in the blood stream. This process of stimulation
is called a "cellular massage" because
of the fact that the vibration or contractile
effect is expanded upon the individual cells
making up the tissue, rather than on individual
muscles. This is an important reason why the
high frequency current produces such marked effect
on nutrition and general health. Cellular massage
is much more penetrating and beneficial than
muscular massage as produced by mechanical vibration. |
The Violet Ray actually charges your body’s
battery by causing cells to open up more than usual, allowing
them to flush out toxins more easily. Nutrients then return
to the cells and the detoxification routine increases lymph
flow. .

By opening up the blood cells and encouraging
their natural ability to regenerate, new tissue replaces
damaged, diseased cells, flushing them out of the system
with other toxins. This “cellular massage” expands
individual cells instead of individual muscles. The stimulation
at the cellular level by high-frequency current is why
the Violet Ray treatment generates such marked improvements
in health. Cellular massage penetrates much more deeply
than a mechanical vibration massage, which concentrates
only on muscles.
Tesla took the ordinary electric
light current and by first passing it through a
special coil of
his own invention broke it up into an " electric
mist" (high frequency) that could enter the
body without causing a “ shock}’
He then took this "electric mist" and passed it through
a vacuum tube. This action gave off a combination of genuine Ultra-Violet
Rays, high frequency curative electricity (“electric mist")
and ozone. |

This device intensifies fresh blood circulation.
The extra flow of blood equalizes the circulation in crowded
areas, helping heal bruised and damaged tissue.
I have used this myself with relatively small
things (bumps, small cuts) but I have a neighbor
who is a severe diabetic. She has considerable trouble
with any damage to her skin with the potential of
ulcers developing. In the last few months she has
cut herself and developed a raw area on her heel
from new shoes. Both these superficial things responded
well as the Ray was used immediately. She has non-
healing area on her ankle which is always cold, dark
and mottled. There has been improvement with both
the skin temperature and the granulation around the
Joan Davies Washington |
Inflamed tissues are swollen. They hold more
water, giving you that puffy look. The Violet Ray charges
sick cells with energy. Current drops off for healthy tissues
because they have a higher resistance than swollen and
infected tissues. In this way, the Violet Ray charges the
sick body with energy as the rays penetrates the skin.
You’ll find the Violet Ray
an excellent tool for diminishing wrinkles, warts and
moles. It also decreases hair loss and promotes new growth.
The ray improves circulation in congested parts, restoring
bruised, inflamed and diseased tissues to normal. It’s
great for reducing wrinkles, warts and moles, and for
promoting new hair growth.

Despite the FDA’s refusal to certify
the Violet Ray for anything except skin care and hair loss,
many people find it beneficial for a wide range of problems.
Many users find that the penetrating electrical currents
can relieve pain, stimulating cells and organs by enhancing
blood flow in the treated area. While electrical currents
infuse your body’s cells and tissues, they stimulate
and strengthen your vital organs, steady your nerves, and
help rebuild your sense of vitality and well being
Violet Rays have been proved to have the
power of being able to painlessly penetrate the tissues,
reach the ailing cells, cause them
to absorb oxygen, burn it up, throw off the waste created---in other
words, restore the sick cells, to normal functioning Source
How the Violet Ray works:
All cells have small electrically powered pumps inside
of them whose function is to bring in nourishment, and
take out toxins. Imagine going into a house where the power
is out. The water pumps wouldn't operate so the toilets
wouldn't work. The would be no running water, therefore
no showers or baths or doing dishes. The refrigerator wouldn't
work so there wouldn't be any food to eat, and the food
that was in there would go bad. Add to that a garbage man
strike, and now garbage is piling up. As you could guess,
anyone living in that house would probably get sick.
Hey there. I am really excited on a couple
of levels after working with the violet ray unit.
have been placing it over my “third eye” area.
Not only have I had a boost in my physical energy
(cut my coffee consumption in half) but I seem to
have found an increase in my spiritual awareness – things
keep on getting better and better!!
T Shultz Californa |
believed that living cells are batteries; the nucleus
holds the positive charge
and the cytoplasm
carries the negative. If cells were irradiated with
a range of electromagnetic oscillations, they could
be "recharged" and thus rejuvenated. A
range of frequencies is necessary because the cell
and its parts respond to different frequencies.

Mainstream research supports the idea that "We
are electrical creatures using a biochemical body
to exist in an electro-chemical environment," as
Van Tassel wrote. The name "Integratron" actually
applies to a machine, a high-voltage electrostatic
generator, that would supply the range of frequencies
to recharge cell structure. Added to this are certain
magnetic field principles and Nikola Tesla's technique
of creating high ionization static fields. |
It is the same for the cells of the body.
Without enough energy to operate, the cells become toxic
and malnourished. Then, when presented with an infectious
organism, whether it is the virus that causes cancer, or
the common cold, they have lost the vitality to resist.

Although primarily for various skin and scalp conditions,
such as Acne, Wrinkles, Dandruff, Gray Hair and Baldness
the Violet Ray is helpful for many other disorders (including
some serious conditions). It appears to also work by Balancing
and Energizing the Nervous System and moves the "Chi".

When you have pain, there is often a build up of hydrogen
in the area. This replaces it with oxygen. The glass electrode
filled with neon rubbed over the area ozonates thus oxygenating
the area. Ozonation kills parasites, bacteria and viruses.
The blood receives oxygen when the electrode is applied.
Where there is pain there is a build up of positive ions,
this replaces it with the beneficial negative ions which
are very healthy for the body. The Ray may cause electroporation
to the cells, meaning the cells become more permeable (the
cells opening up a little more than normal) making the
toxins flush out easily and the nutrients rush in.

can detox the cells and improve the lymph flow. Also.
Where there's pain, swelling, inflammation and disease
is a problem of low millivolts in the area. This device
raises the millivolts eventually back to normal. Healthy
cells, according to Nobel prize winner Otto Warburg, have
cell voltages of 70 to 90 millivolts. Due to the constant
stresses of modern life and a toxic environment, cell voltage
tends to drop as we age or get sick. As the voltage drops,
the cell is unable to maintain a healthy environment for
itself. If the electrical charge of a cell drops to 50,
a person has chronic fatigue and gets sick often. If the
voltage drops to 15, the cell becomes cancerous.

Scientist explains it this way. A NORMAL
cell has an electrical potential of 70 millivolts,
an AGED cell at 50 mV, and a CANCER or ill cell is
15 mV |
When a body becomes overwhelmed with toxic
substances, thoughts or feelings, the positive bio-electric
field is immensely lowered in vibration & frequency.
Our body has a higher frequency or vibration when it's
healthy & a low vibration when sick.

When the body's immune system gets overwhelmed and cannot
fight an abundance of toxins, and we continue to put toxins
into our bodies & minds such as alcohol, nicotine,
caffeine, negative fear based thoughts and heavy emotions,
the experience of a physical imbalance occurs within.

The atoms of a body that is being affected by a negative
condition, have an oscillating rate that is lower than
it was originally designed. After many months or years
of these internal dis-harmony, our immune system weakens & the
symptoms begin to show in the form of an actual terminal
physical imbalance such as cancer

Causes of Human Ailments
ray in pain
Violet ray and infections
ray and tumors
Detoxing the
Lymphatic System
Cayce and the Violet Ray
Light Therapy for Skin and Acne
Healing Secrets of Nikola Tesla
Tesla’s Violet Ray: How Does
it Work?
I hope you will find my information interesting.
I have been using the tube over the closed lids of
my eyes. Just gently placing them there for a few
seconds, for maybe 5-10 repetitions. I am sure that
my vision has improved and that they soreness and
aching that I was dealing with seem to be almost
gone. I will update you in a few weeks
D Moore Montana
more on vision here |
The fastest way to raise cell
voltages is with an MWO Invented
by Georges Lakhovsky in the early 1900's. Dr.
Lakhovsky discovered that healthy cells acted
like little batteries and found out how to
recharge them (raise their voltages). He found
that transmitting energy in the range between
750,000 hertz and 3,000,000,000 hertz raised
the cell's voltage.
He had great results with all types of physical imbalances, including
cancer. Not only was his unit able to return sick cells (and people)
to health, but those who used it regularly noticed that they never
got sick anymore.
In 1925, Georges Lakhovsky published
a paper with the explicit title of “Curing Cancer with Ultra
Radio Frequencies” in Radio News.
His expressed philosophy was that “the amplitude
of cell oscillations must reach a certain value, in
order that the organism be strong enough to repulse
the destructive vibrations from certain microbes.” He
goes on to say, “The remedy in my opinion, is
not to kill the microbes in contact with the healthy
cells but to reinforce the oscillations of the cell
either directly by reinforcing the radio activity of
the blood or in producing on the cells a direct action
by means of the proper rays.” Lakhovsky’s
Radio-Cellulo-Oscillator (RCO) produced low frequency
ELF all the way through gigahertz radiowaves with lots
of “extremely short harmonics.” He favored
such a wide bandwidth device so that, “The cells
with very weak vibrations, when placed in the field
of multiple vibrations, finds its own frequency and
starts again to oscillate normally through the phenomenon
of resonance.” As a result, Lakhovsky’s
RCO is now more often called MWO (multiple
wave oscillator) for these reasons. The MWO uses
a Tesla coil and special antenna with concentric rings
that induce multiple sparks between them |

Suggested use of the Violet
ray is 5 to 10 minutes per session, once or twice a
Daily use of your Violet Ray is splendid for aiding
improved circulation, pain relief, blood
oxygenation, improved health of skin and hair
Often colds, flu and sore throat
were made to disappear or become so mild that they
were hardly noticeable after persistent treatment.
A friend of mine ran the violet ray over his sore
throat and nose daily. This reduced the discomfort
to such a low level that he was hardly bothered by
the cold.
A manager of the Dominion Rubber
Company of Ontario, Canada, bought a number of
violet rays and put them in the first aid kits.
When the electrical dealer asked him how they were
doing, he wrote:“ The violet ray machines
which we purchased from you last year, have been
very satisfactory. The reports we have from our
different branch factories are to the effect that
these machines are very useful in our
hospitals. We feel quite sure they have saved us many dollars in
keeping our employees at work. In cases of headache, they are treated
in a few minutes, whereas they were formerly off duty for the entire
day.” These observations and stories have all been forgotten
as medical science moved on. The electrotherapy journals are quite
rare, and only a few doctors have seen them or had an interest
in their contents.Source |

Your unit’s electrodes may
glow either violet or orange-red. Both work the same.
Colour merely indicates which gas is used in the electrode.
Neon glows orange-red, while argon gas glows violet.in
our experience niether is better than the other,most
units supplied in this package are either
Tips for
Using the Violet Ray
Tube Violet Ray system
With Tubes Click here for Tubes picture
Updated 30 watt model
Color white
Voltage 110v - 220/240v
Dual voltage units
“It has long been my belief, that the electric
influence is the great principle by which the Almighty
puts together and separates; and that it might be
called, metaphorically speaking, the right arm of
Andrew Cross c. 1835 |
Ray Upgrade your older model
watt upgrade, 3 times the power of your older
model violet ray unit
30 watt Handpiece