Dr. Lawrence Webster Fox found only one failure in treating 100 cases of eye inflammation. There was relief in iritis but not a cure; however, the treatment’s effect on pain was magical. He treated three cases of toxic amblyopia resulting from alcohol and tobacco use. The degeneration may result in blindness. He found that about 20 treatments restored the patients’ sight.

William Snow was noted for his use of electricity in therapy. He remarked: “The use of the vacuum eye electrodes with the static current is of great value in the treatment of epiphora, when the tear duct is closed but not stenosed. If a vacuum electrode is held against the canal and a short spark gap employed, it will remove the infiltration and open the canal.”Source

Edgar Cayce mentions the use of the violet ray in eye conditions. He advised treating the third, fourth, and fifth cervicals and the first and second dorsals on the back first. He recommended treating the eyes no longer than one minute. He suggested the eye applicator to clear cataracts.Source

A Chinese peasant was buried in earth by a shell explosion and was unconscious when dug out. Emergency treatment restored him to life, but he lost his sight. Both eyes had no light perception, but light reflexes were present. He suffered from headaches and blindness for 18 years. After his first violet ray treatment, his headache was less severe. After the second treatment his headache disappeared, and his perception of light returned. By the fifth treatment, he was able to recognize people. After nine treatments, he was able to read numbers and words.Source

A woman was treated in a hospital for optical nerve atrophy. She completely lost her color vision and could only count fingers at six inches away. Doctors couldn’t help her, so she used the violet ray. After four months of treatment, she was able to read and write. Source

Glaucoma is one of the most trying disorders to treat. People fear eye operations, and if they wait too long their sight may be gone. A study on the violet ray for glaucoma was done in 1911. A woman had no vision in the right eye and very little in the left. She said that she was able to read and thread a needle two weeks before. Before telling her that her condition was hopeless, Dr. Samuel Risley decided to try the violet ray. She was given 10-minute applications over her closed eyelids. She then had a steady improvement in vision in her left eye.Source

A man had cataracts removed from his eyes. The pressure rose to 90 in both eyes, with a diagnosis of glaucoma. An operation gave him some relief for weeks, but he had pain and an inability to see. Eye drugs didn’t help him. After nothing else worked, he was given violet ray treatments. The ocular tension dropped to 50 after a month’s treatments. Most of his vision was destroyed, but he could see a little.Source

A 78-year-old woman complained of excruciating pain in her left eye. The tension was 90. She was given myotics and violet ray treatments. In three weeks, the tension dropped to 50, and she felt comfortable. Then the eye tension dropped to normal and stayed there.Source

A man had an eye injury and became blind in that eye. Two specialists condemned the eye, and a surgeon wanted to remove it, but the man refused. He put the vacuum electrodes over the eye and alternated the treatment with a negative current. Vision returned to the eye, and the pain disappeared. When the violet ray is used to treat cataracts, there is a “mackerel sky” appearance after treatment because of disintegration of the cataract. The vision is poorer for a few days, and then it becomes much better. The edge of the lens is the first to clear, where the opacity is thinnest. As the eye recovers, the ability to see green returns, followed by blue, red and yellow colors.Source

A 70-year-old woman had been blind in her left eye because of a childhood injury. She had a cataract on her right eye. She started violet ray treatments, and in two days, she was able to count the number of fingers a foot away and see the green leaves of the shrub in the pot beside her bed. A week later she could tell onions by sight and see the difference between peas and beans on her plate. After two months of treatment, she was able to read fine print and function normally.Source

A 62-year-old woman had a cataract in her right eye for four years and a cataract in the left eye for 15 years. After a week of violet ray treatments, the woman wasn’t bumping into objects so often. After six weeks of treatment, she could see bumps in the sidewalk, instead of having to feel for them. She could now distinguish faces. After three months of treatment, she was able to write and could see her sister’s face. The treatments were taken occasionally, and improvement was slow. Soon she was able to read magazines. A year after her first treatment, she could see the eye of a sewing needle and thread it. Source

A 15-year-old English boy was born with a cataract in his right eye and suffered from severe myopia in the left. He got a small portable violet ray from Canada and began to use it. After a week his vision began to clear. In three weeks, he could distinguish between meat and vegetables on his plate. After using it for three months, he was able to count the number of books on a shelf. Earlier, he couldn’t tell the weeds from the vegetables; now he could weed the garden. A six-year-old child had an unusually severe attack of chickenpox, which damaged both corneas and left him with poor vision. Violet ray treatment was given every other day for six months, and vision returned to 20/30. Source

The companies that made violet rays had testimonials from their customers. One wrote: “I purchased one of your Marvel Violet Rays and with it I cured my eyes that three doctors, two of them noted specialists, gave up as a hopeless case. I got results in the first treatment and could read without glasses – something I could not do before, and now I am practically cured.Source

Another customer wrote: “I wish to say a word in regard to your Marvel Violet Ray outfit. I have been using it on my eye for a pronounced
cataract; it has nearly cured it. I have been loaning my outfit to a friend for the same trouble. He is benefited and is ordering one.” No treatment is a panacea for eye conditions, but many more cases where electricity made a major change could be cited.


Edgar Cayce mentions the use of the violet ray in eye conditions. He advised treating the third, fourth, and fifth cervicals and the first and second dorsals on the back first. He recommended treating the eyes no longer than one minute. He suggested the eye applicator to clear cataracts.Source

A Chinese peasant was buried in earth by a shell explosion and was unconscious when dug out. Emergency treatment restored him to life, but he lost his sight. Both eyes had no light perception, but light reflexes were present. He suffered from headaches and blindness for 18 years. After his first violet ray treatment, his headache was less severe. After the second treatment his headache disappeared, and his perception of light returned. By the fifth treatment, he was able to recognize people. After nine treatments, he was able to read numbers and words.Source

Gladys Davis suffered from dull headaches while transcribing the first readings. She finally asked Caycefor a reading, and it attributed the headaches to eye strain resulting from bad posture. It told her to do neck stretching exercises, discard the glasses and use the violet ray three times a week. She did so, resulting in no more headaches. She didn’t need glasses until the age of 50 when her eyes began to change.

MWO Violet ray adapter