“The vital force is not enclosed in man, but radiates
within and around him like
a luminous sphere. It is a radiating essence, and in these semi-material
rays, the
imagination of man produces healthy or unhealthy effects. But of these
invisible Violet ray and pain There are many stories of using the violet ray in first aid. One
man sprained his ankle and wrote, “After I sprained my ankle,
I A young woman sprained her ankle and could barely hobble. The
first treatment enabled her to walk with little stiffness or pain. After A young man fell while playing soccer, resulting in extremely severe
pain in the sciatic nerve. After ten treatments with the violet ray, A woman sprained her hand and right arm. She went to several
doctors and took different treatments. She couldn’t do needlework Another person wrote, “For eight years, I was afflicted with a stiff sore neck. After taking three Renulife treatments, to my great surprise, I felt some relief, and after eight treatments, I was entirely cured and could turn my head and twist my neck without the least pain.” A flooring installer had his right knee swelled to the size of an
orange. It kept recurring, and no treatments worked. Fter he took Venture Inward editor A. Robert Smith recalls being treated, as a child, with the violet ray machine for an earache and other conditions. "Our family physician, who was my grandfather, believed in the violet ray. He had a violet ray machine the size of an X-ray machine, as I recall it, and I would lie down underneath it while getting a treatment for my ear. It was painless, and I remember the neat part for me, as a kid, was having to wear goggles like an airplane pilot to protect my eyes from the light. I think he used it on my knee when I fell and had some deep abrasions. My sister recalls being treated for jaundice. It was a standard therapy in his office."