Prevention is better than cure

Many illness these days are an autoimmune illness, Often Caused by viruses and Foreign particles introduced into our bodies either by accident ot ignorance.When our immune system cannot ward off a problem in our system in time, something fails. Our only defense is Our immune system. By raising the oscillating frequency of every atom in our body, we are increasing the rate at which the immune system operates as well as eliminating the negative toxins the body is trying to fight off. The quantum fluctuations (vibrations) that make up the memory of the cells of our body start creating different "memories". This type of frequency reprogramming allows the body to remember the natural effectiveness of the immune system and regenerate back 100% to its original state.

Using newly developed voltage-sensitive nanoparticles, researchers have found that the previously unknown electric fields inside of cells are as strong, or stronger, as those produced in lightning bolts. Previously, it has only been possible to measure electric fields across cell membranes, not within the main bulk of cells, so scientists didn't even know cells had an internal electric field. Source

Lakhovsky viewed disease or illness as a battle of vibrations between the cells of the body versus viruses and bacteria. If the pathogenic organisms won this vibrational contest, the cells would become energetically weakened and more susceptible to disease. According to Lakhovsky, the way to counter this vibrational attack was to introduce a broad spectrum of RF (radio frequency) harmonic energies into the system and then, through the principle of sympathetic resonance, each cell would pick out exactly the proper frequency needed to reinforce its own internal vibration and the healthy cell would be more resistant to vibrational attack from virus and bacteria. His method of achieving this was by means of his invention that is known today as the Multiwave Oscillator

It is better to try to keep a bad thing from happening
than it is to fix the bad thing once it has happened

Have you noticed it’s getting harder to be healthy? We rely on air, water and food to sustain us. The quality of our air, water and food has changed. We don’t notice when we consume a pollutant here or an additive there—they don’t seem to harm us.
Eventually, however, the pollutants and additives along with stress add up—to the point we get sick.


Let’s look at a few of the reasons:

AIR:We might as well all call ourselves “smokers.” As a result of deforestation and industrialization, the air we breathe today has a mixture of thousands of different toxins in it. Not only that,
but the air has about 30% less oxygen than what we enjoyed 200 years ago.

One source put it another way, the amount of CO2 in our air is increasing by 6.6 billion tons per year. Fallout from nuclear testing and nuclear accidents like Chernobyl and the smoke and particles released from massive fires like the oil fields in Kuwait etc all pollute our air. We all inhale the air surrounding
this planet. Evidence of our air pollution is found even in pristine areas in the far north. As glaciers recede, tests on recently exposed soil indicate industrialized pollutants.

As individuals we add to the mix with our automobile and lawn mower exhaust. So even though we don’t roll our air into cigarettes, we do inhale it.

Water Pollution The Dirty Details

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Water Pollution


Water: Chemical fertilizers and pesticides leached from our soils often find their way to our drinking water.

In addition, heavy metals from industry may contaminate both our ground and surface water. The relatively stagnant nature of our water delivery systems encourages the growth of microbes. Then we add toxic chemicals like chlorine or chloramine to this soup…

We call it drinking water!

Male infertility rate on the rise

SOILS: Dirt is dirt or soil is soil. Or is it? Most of our soils are sadly anemic. That means, just like many of us, they’re tired. Why? Chemical fertilizers have created nutritional deficiencies.

The vegetables and fruits are then as deficient in nutrients as the soils that nurture them. This makes them prey to bug infestations—just as a weakened body plays host to beasties like
parasites and viruses. We spray layer after layer of toxins on the plants to kill bugs. Now we have a double whammy to deal with—fewer nutrients to help our immune systems wrestle with
an increasing load of toxins.

FOODS: At the turn of the century, about 90% of the food available went from the farmer to the table—unpackaged and unprocessed. Today, it’s the other way around, about 90% of the
food in a supermarket is dead—packaged, refined and stripped of nutrients. Once eaten, our cells have to struggle with the foreign invaders—additives such as coloring, sweeteners, flavorings, and preservatives. Add to this insult hybrid forms of grains, vegetables and fruits developed for storage potential or resistance to bugs rather than for nutritional content. Then there’s the cruel way animals are raised in crowded, confined circumstances and injected with a concoction of antibiotics and hormones. Diseased meat and poultry often pass inspection and land on our dinner plates.

Am i affected by these toxins? which ones?
This unit allows you to easily Muscle test yourself
Any time

STRESS: Many of us are running on a treadmill. To maintain a high standard of material living, family life often suffers. Life becomes a round of work, eat and not enough sleep. Recreation
and relaxing activities are sandwiched into weekends.
With all this we expect our body to build healthy cells. It’s enough to make a cell up and quit or make us sick! The natural health movement has helped many of us recognize how we create disease. Over time, we give our bodies too many toxins to deal with and too few nutrients to build with. Our cells are overwhelmed and body tissue breaks down.
Voilá, we get sick! Fix your stress now

NOT TO mention: Electro–magnetic radiation (EMR’s) from

Watch some interesting Videos

power lines and a myriad of electrical appliances including computers and cell phones · Lots and lots of synthetic materials and glues to build houses and furniture · Cosmetics and body care products with harmful additives,lack of exercise. Whew! The list goes on

"All living organisms emit certain electro-magnetic waves. If they are in a healthy condition, they emit more. If not, they emit less. This phenomena is common to all forms of cells. This electromagnetic emission is called biophotons. In these tests "acetabularia mediterranea", a certain very sensitive algae from the Mediterranean Sea is used. The test, using this form of algae, is a scientifically recognized method of determining whether or not a substance is toxic, or to what degree a substance is beneficial to cells. The test was carried out by one of the world's leading biophysicists, Dr Fritz-Albert Popp

Prevention is better than cure
It is better to try to keep a bad thing from happening
than it is to fix the bad thing once it has happened

Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic fields on Pain
Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Cancer
Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Parkinsons
Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Osteoporosis
Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Alzhiemers
Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Arthritis
Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Fibromyalgia
Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Pain
Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on MS
Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Depression
Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Heart Dis-ease
Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Migraine
Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Sleep
Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Wounds
Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Stroke
Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Incontinance
Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Neurolgical
Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Stress

Bob Beck’s Blood and Tissue Electrification ?
Bob Beck applied his genius to designing units that would create microcurrents of electricity in either blood or lymph and tissue. The research at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York that caught his attention in 1992 was based on applying a gentle level of electricity—50 to 100 µA (microamperes) to blood in a petri dish. When this current was applied viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens were neutralized so they could not attach to or enter the cells. Bob Beck designed a unit to apply microcurrents to blood in a noninvasive way, or without a surgical procedure, to allow each of us to use this technology in the privacy of our homes.


The original research intended that the microcurrents would be applied to blood while it circulated outside the body. Beck’s blood electrification specifications are designed to deliver
between 50 to 100 µA to the blood while wearing electrodes on the skin over the two arteries on the wrist. The blood electrification unit actually outputs 3 to 7 mA (milliamperes) to overcome the skin’s natural resistance and to ensure the correct level of microamperes are delivered to the blood. (This is less than a heart pacemaker which outputs up to 10 mA.) In order to penetrate the skin, the unit outputs from 27–31 volts of current. The frequency emitted by the blood electrification unit is 4 Hz Microcurrents rather than frequency is the basis on which the unit is effective.

A combination super zapper and colloidal silver generator
in one compact portable unit SuperZapper/Blood Electrifier

How does electrification work?
Bob Beck based his research on US Patent #5,188,738—filed by the medical doctors who found that microcurrents of electricity neutralize viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens in blood in the laboratory. When we use the Beck protocol, we’re attempting to neutralize pathogens while the blood, lymph and tissue are still in our bodies.
For blood electrification, the electrodes must be placed directly over the arteries—in order for the electricity to penetrate the arteries.
Remember, blood in the body is not in a sterile controlled laboratory and, therefore, is subject to all the conditions that affect us—physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. As with any
therapy that works with the body’s natural processes, we need to make lifestyle changes for lasting results. Without change, our cells may still be subjected to the stresses that created the disease.

Silver Kills Viruses, Study Finds

Parts of The Beck Protocol
1. Making and drinking colloid silver—a natural antibiotic.
2. Blood electrification using a –stimulator unit.
3. Drinking freshly ozonated water to help flush out toxins.
With this protocol, it is important to drink plenty of water throughout the day; avoid potentially toxic substances such as prescription drugs, alcohol, caffeine, sugar and tobacco. It is also advisable to consult a health practitioner about a program to cleanse and strengthen the kidneys, liver and intestines. These are key organs in helping the body get rid of toxins during electrification.

Bob Beck warned that drugs—both pharmaceutical and recreational—may be even more toxic if magnified. If you want to use the units while on a mild prescription drug, Bob Beck suggested in his workshops to take the medication shortly after a session and then wait 24 hours before the next session to give time for the drug to be reduced in the blood. See a health professional for advice. Avoid nicotine, caffeine, alcohol and sugar as well.Or it has now been found by many therapists workld wide , 10-30hz in the wrist zapper does not cause that toxicity,, the multipulser now uses those frequencies.


The roots of Frequency & Microcurrents date back to the early 1900's from Dr. Albert Abrams, who was the first physician to use calibrated instruments capable of detecting the radiations of living tissue. Dr. Abrams concluded that: all matter radiates electromagnetic energy; the characteristics of the radiations from any type of matter depend upon the molecular constituents of the material examined; and the radiations emitted by the different organs of living tissues can be detected, selectively differentiated, and the amplitudes measured. Dr. Abrams became convinced that the frequencies involved were radio waves and that electronic equipment could be developed to neutralize and eliminate disease radiations.

Remember your high school chemistry class. Think about the explanation of the atom. At the center of the atom are the protons and neutrons. This is called the nucleus. The old theory, in the 1960s, was the electrons were spinning in orbits around the nucleus. Modern research has shown that the electrons actually vibrate back and forth in orbits around the nucleus, instead of spinning in continuous, mono-directional circles


In a groundbreaking study, the Journal of Nanotechnology has published a study that found silver nanoparticles kills HIV-1 and is likely to kill virtually any other virus. The study, which was conducted by the University of Texas and Mexico University, is the first medical study to ever explore the benefits of silver nanoparticles, according to Physorg. more information


Hulda Clark’s Zapper works in a different way

Hulda Clark’s Zapper is designed to deliver frequency to boost health. Everything, either animate or inanimate, is made up of atoms. Electrons or particles of energy rotate around the nucleus of atoms at particular energy or frequency levels. The movement of these atoms create vibrations. Even though these vibrations are often invisible to the human eye and ear, delicate instruments have been developed to measure them. We measure the speed or wavelengths produced by these vibrations as
frequency. We are able to either see or hear frequencies only when the vibration produces sound in the audible range or light in the visible range. Sound has a lower frequency than light.
Georges Lakhovsky and Royal Raymond Rife are considered the forerunners of today’s frequency research. Their reported use of frequency, however, differs.
Hulda Clark initially developed the Zapper to destroy microbes. Hulda Clark states in her books that the Zapper’s frequency output of 30 kHz or 30,000 Hz will kill a wide range of
parasites, bacteria, and other pathogens. Many people,report health benefits from using the zapper—on themselves and on their pets.
So how might the Zapper work? it may work as a result of the frequency travelling along the skin and stimulating the acupuncture points in the body. The One Acupuncture Point Everyone Should Know

In 2002, research by Professor Henry Lai of the University of Washington indicates that microcurrents even though minimal may be effective. The Clark Zapper they tested proved safe on white blood cells while the Zapper slowed the growth of leukemia cells in culture in the laboratory. The results of this study are startling and indicate there should be a great upswing in research into microcurrent research. The Zapper indicates effectiveness with a microcurrent output of only 0.14 milliamperes. This is
much less than units used in The Beck Protocol yet even this output proved to be effective in the laboratory.
All microcurrent units produce a frequency and all frequency units produce microcurrents. The Beck units are designed for a safe and effective level of microcurrents. The frequency emitted may also be helpful. While the Clark zapper is designed to output specific frequencies for health, the
microcurrent output, although minimal, is probably contributing to the effectiveness of the unit as well.

It appears to normalise the body's unbalanced electromagnetic frequency patterns ..."

Hulda Clark Super Sweep Function Zapper 3 Click Here


Georges Lakhovsky published his findings in the 1920’s so there is a record of his
work. He reported using frequencies to reverse cancers in plants, animals and humans. He reported, “The remedy in my opinion, is not to kill the microbes in contact with the healthy cells, but to reinforce the oscillations of the cell…”

What is a Multi-Wave-Oscillator
and What can it do for me ?

"You cannot poison your body into health with drugs, chemo or radiation. The holistic approach treats the whole animal, ignites the body's internal healing force and stimulates the body's natural abilities to heal itself. "Health can only be achieved with healthful living" T.C.Fry


For people or plants suffering from disease conditions, Lakhovsky found that if he could increase the amplitude (but not the frequency) of the oscillations of healthy cells, this increase would overwhelm and dampen the oscillations produced by the disease causing cells, thus bringing about the demise of the disease causing cells trying to set up shop in the body. If he pumped up the amplitude of the disease causing cells, their oscillations would gain the upper hand and cause the person or plant to become weaker and more ill. Lakhovsky viewed the progression of disease as essentially a battle between the resonant oscillations of host cells versus the oscillations emanating from pathogenic organisms.

Each tissue in the body has individualized frequencies. The individualized and specific vibrational characteristic of each atom, of each tissue type, varies even more specifically for varying conditions, such as: trauma, inflammation, stress, environmental influences, etc. To put the theory of vibrations in a better overall perspective: different vibrations / frequencies of sound, light, radio waves, etc., are responsible for notes of music, colors of light, and radio stations. Vibrations are specific and unique for all matter, inorganic and organic

When an injury occurs to a tissue, the electrons in the affected tissue take on a different vibrational characteristic, unique to that injury or other abnormal condition. As the vibrations of the electrons change, it is believed the electrons concurrently may also change to a different "orbit" from what was normal for that tissue type
Dr. C McMakin

Lakhovsky’s Multiple Wave Oscillator "
Every frequency generates additional frequencies in a specific series above the original frequency. These are known as harmonic frequencies. Lakhovsky stated: “The main thing is to produce the greatest number of harmonics possible.”

Rife machines and Multiwave oscillators are claimed to complement each other based on the principle that life forms absorb energy. A multiwave Oscillator uses this principle to strengthen cells within the body to resist disease while a Rife machine uses this principle to destroy microorganisms with an overdose of frequency energy.

The 70 trillion cells in your body are like little wet cell batteries that operate ideally at a voltage of around 70 millivolts. The cell membrane acts like a one-way rectifier that converts the earth's magnetic pulse into electrical potential energy, which "charge's your cells".

This energy drives cell metabolism and helps to enhance oxygenation, ATP production and overall absorption of nutrition and essential elements into the cell and removal of wastes out of the cell.

Without this energy, the cell voltage weakens and disease and illness sets in.

Each organ of the body has its own rate of vibration. The first, third and fifth notes on the musical octave ...vibrate in harmony. The first, second and third not vibrate in harmony. If the string of the fifth note on the scale is out of tune, there will be inharmony ...every time this note is struck. Just so ...there is health inharmony —when any one of the organs is out of tune. As the fifth string on the piano, when out of tune must be brought up to pitch, reinstated in its proper vibration, just so ...must the physical organ —out of tune— be reinstated, brought up to the proper vibration. The vital current that carries the life principle must be restored, built up, and a proper equilibrium (vibration) ...must be reestablished.

Scientist explains it this way. A NORMAL cell has an electrical potential of 70 millivolts, an AGED cell at 50 mV, and a CANCER or ill cell is 15-20 mV.


When the outside sources of oscillations are in sympathy, that is they are exactly the same frequency as that produced by the cell, the strength and vigor of that cell will be reinforced and become stronger. The cells of disease causing organisms within an infected person, produce different frequencies than that of normal, healthy cells.

Multiwave oscillator

Rife machines and Multiwave oscillators are claimed to complement each other based on the principle that life forms absorb energy. A multiwave Oscillator uses this principle to strengthen cells within the body to resist disease while a Rife machine uses this principle to destroy microorganisms with an overdose of frequency energy.

More information click here



Totally Solid State Design,
High Quality Capacitors
Variable speed from 1 pulse to 75 pulses a minute. .
Colloidal Silver Generator
Bob Beck Type blood zapper
Bob Beck type magnetic pulser 6500-7000 gauss at 7 pulses per min
Doesn't over heat after a short time

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PEMF Pulser

Totally Solid State Design,
Variable speed from 1 pulse to 75 pulses a minute. .
Bob Beck type magnetic pulser 6500-7000 gauss at 7 pulses per min
1-30 min Timer
Double the penetratioin of the sota pulser
You can hear the magnetic pulser pulse
Doesn't over heat after a short time

More info


Life Stim

Multiple frequency System

270 plus Frequencies
2.5 kHz carrier frequency
Light weight and compact,,easy to use
Fits snuggly on the wrist,,and the contacts are wide enough to fit most wrist sizes
Option for modulation On or Off
Wrist cuffs
No wires to tangle
Fully rechargable batteries and charger

More Information

Special Price


Rife Most reports on the work of Rife indicate his efforts were directed to destroying the
microbes associated with specific diseases. Records indicate he was highly successful in reversing diseases . Ed Skilling, a noted frequency researcher, who studied Rife’s work soon after his death, contends that Rife’s frequencies were largely effective for the healing harmonics they produced—the same way in which Lakhovsky was successful.
More information on Rife machins and frequencies

click on picture for more information

Gary Wade, a physicist, has published several papers describing in detail his theory of how frequencies work to destroy pathogens in the body. Rife’s legacy proved that every microorganism has at least one ultrasound frequency that destroys it. Wade describes how the construction of the protein coating on viruses and bacteria make this outer layer easily disrupted by mechanical vibrations. This is why ultrasound vibrations are so effective in disabling pathogens. Once the outer protein coating is disrupted, the virus or bacteria loses its ability to attach to or enter a cell. Wade further explains how ultrasound frequencies acting on the skin, the ions in cellular water, and the cells cause the skin, cellular water and cells to generate a broad band of very gentle ultrasound frequencies.
These gentle ultrasound frequencies produced within the body act to disrupt the protein coating on the pathogens. This means that a frequency that only acts on the skin is still capable of creating ultrasound within the body to act on pathogens.

"None of Dr. Rife's previous instruments ever had the capability that this instrument had.. Dr. Johnson pointed this fact out in his letter. "The major difference between this new Rife Ray #5 Clinical instrument and Dr. Rife’s previous instruments is the fact that this new instrument could produce over one hundred harmonic side bands simultaneously. It was this new harmonic sideband capability in this Beam Ray Clinical instrument which makes this sweep we are discussing on this page possible."

The worlds most advanved multi purpose Fully Automatic Rife/Hoyland System Read more here

More information on Rife tools and frequencies

“ Curing Cancer with Ultra High Frequencies,” George Lakhovsky, Radio
News, February 1925.
“ Low-intensity electric current-induced effects on human lymphocytes
and leukemia cells,”
“ Exciting Possibilities in Pulsed Intense Magnetic Field Therapy—A
Physicist’s View” Gary Wade, Health Freedom News Aug/Sept 1998.

"Electromagnetic frequency patterns" refers to the work of Fritz-Albert Popp - that living organisms emit light photons (eg rudimentary plants or animals emit 100 photons/cm2/sec at a wavelength of 200-800 nanometres, humans 10 photons for same area/time/frequency. In illness, these patterns become disturbed.)

Prevention is better than cure.
It is better, to try to keep a bad thing from happening,
than it is, to fix the bad thing, once it has happened