Heart Disease
The addition of magnetotherapy to the treatment of patients suffering from
ischemic heart disease and osteochondrosis led to clinical improvements.
23 parasystolic children found that low-frequency magnetic field exposure
improved humoral and cellular processes involved in the regulation of cardiac
Polymagnetic system called Avrora-MK-01 used to administer impulse magnetic
fields to diseases of the leg vessels. Results indicated positive effects
on peripheral capillaries in 75-82 percent of patients receiving the treatment
at a pre-gangrene stage.
Traveling pulsed magnetic field and magnetic laser treatment produced beneficial
effects in patients suffering from the initial stages of essential hypertension.
The effects of extremely high frequency electromagnetic radiation (EHF EMR)
in 93 patients suffering ischemic heart disease. EHF treatment consisted
of 10 to 15 exposures of the lower end of the sternum from a 'Yav'-1-7,1
device. Treatment was performed five times weekly for a total of 30 minutes
per day, with drug therapy being maintained during this period. Positive
results tended to occur after 5 to 6 treatment sessions, with a good or satisfactory
response being reported in 82 of 93 patients, and lasting as long as 11 months
after hospital release.
3 0 myocardial infarction patients received millimeter-wave (MW) therapy in the form of 10 exposures of 30 minutes per day, with a 2-day interruption after the fifth exposure. Patients continued conventional drug treatment during the MW therapy period. Better results were seen in those patients exposed to the MW therapy relative to an equal number of patients receiving conventional treatment only.
I. Rodin, et al., "Use of Low-Intensity Eddy Magnetic Field in the Treatment of Patients with Skin Lymphomas," M.A. Dudchenko, et al., "The Effect of Combined Treatment with the Use of Magnetotherapy on the Systemic Hemodynamics of Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease and Spinal Osteochondrosis," Lik Sprava, E.M. Vasil'eva, et al., "The Effect of a Low-frequency Magnetic Field on Erythrocyte Membrane Function and on the Prostanoid Level in the Blood Plasma of Children with Parasystolic Arrhythmia," V.S. Zadionchenko, et al., "Prognostic Criteria of the Efficacy of Magnetic and Magnetic-laser Therapy in Patients with the Initial Stages of Hypertension," I.E. Ganelina, et al., "Electromagnetic Radiation of Extremely High Frequencies in Complex Therapy for Severe Stenocardia,"N.N. Naumcheva, "Effect of Millimeter Waves on Ischemic Heart Disease Patients,"
Treating atherosclerosis through the alteration of biophysical properties both
intracellularly and extracellularly. Atherosclerotic lesions might be selectively
resolved without harming normal blood vessels allowing the lesions to take
up the magnetically excitable submicron particles and then applying an external
alternating electromagnetic field. Ref R.T. Gordon & D. Gordon, "Selective
Resolution of Plaques and Treatment of Atherosclerosis Biophysical Alteration
of "Cellular" and "Intracellular" Properties,"
Chronic Venous Insufficiency
Magnetotherapy in a variety of forms has been successfully used in the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency and is a commonly used physical therapy for the condition.Alternating magnetic fields (15-20 minutes per day over a period of 20 days) in patients suffering from chronic venous insufficiency, varicose veins, and trophic shin ulcers. Results showed good effects in 236 of the 271 patients receiving the treatment. Thirty-four patients reported satisfactory effects.
The effects of running impulse magnetic fields in patients suffering from vessel obliteration diseases of the legs. Treatment consisted of 15-20 whole body exposures (0.5-5 mT, 1-2 Hz) lasting 15-20 minutes each. Treatment led to a significant reduction in the number of patients experiencing leg pain while at rest. Among patients previously unable to walk a 500-m distance, 52 percent were able to complete the distance following treatment. Circulation improved in 75-82 percent of patients.
E.I. Pasynkov, et al., "Therapeutic Use of Alternating Magnetic Field in the Treatment of Patients with Chronic Diseases of the Veins of the Lower Limbs," A.P. Dovganiuk, "Balneologic and Physical Therapy of Chronic Venous Insufficiency of Extremities," Y.B. Kirillov, et al., "Magnetotherapy for Obliterative Disease of the Vessels of the Legs,"
The effects of constant MKM2-1 magnets on essential hypertension patients.
Results indicated the treatment decreased arterial pressure in stage II patients,
with magnetotherapy being shown to produce beneficial effects on the central
hemodynamics and microcirculation. Ref S.G. Ivanov, et al., "The Magnetotherapy
of Hypertension Patients,"
Angina Pectoris
L.L. Orlow et al.: "Evaluation of Anti-anginal Effects of PEMF and Drug
Therapy on the Physical Working Capacity and Hemodynamics in Patients with
Stable Angina Pectoris," Kardiologiia, February1992. - In this study the
effect of PEMF and medication against angina pectoris and the combination therefore
was investigated on 60 patients with stable first through third degree angina.
A monotherapy (just one medication) with MDT had a good anti-anginal action
on patients with class 1-2 angina pectoris. The efficacy of the treatment increased
definitely when combined with several drugs.
T.A. Kniazeva, R. Artutiunian: "The Effect of PEMF and General Lodobromide
Baths with the Presence of Molecular Iodine on the Blood Coagulation Processes
and the Central Hemodynamics of Patients after an Aortocoronary Bypass," Zeitschrift
fur Kur- und Physiotherapie [Journal for Cure Therapy and Physical Therapy],
L.D. Makoeva et al., "PEMF in Treating Stenocardia," Biofizika July-August,
1996, pp. 949-952. - This article reports on the use of PEMF in treatment of
angina pectoris in combination with and without medication. The flow properties
of the blood, the cardiac output and clinical symptoms were investigated. It
was found that PEMF has a definite anti-anginal action on class 1 and 2 angina
patients. With the combination with several drugs on class 3 angina patients,
a stronger and better effect of the medications was observed. The incidence
of heart attacks was clearly reduced.
L.N. Budkar et al.: 'Manetolaser Therapy in Treatment of Ischemic Heart Disease
and Heart Rhythm Disorders,' Doktor Lending, 4(3), 1996, pp. 10-13.
E.M. Vasi?eva et al.:' The Effect of Low-Frequency Magnetic Field on Erythrocyte
Membrane Function and on the Prostanoid Level in the Blood Plasma of Children
with Parasystolic Arrhythmia,' vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult (2), March-April
1994, pp. 18-20. - This study reports on the results obtained on 23 children
with parasytolic arrhythmia who experienced an improvement with PEMF in both
humoral and cellular processes which are involved in the regulation of the
heart rhythm.
F. Petrossi: 'The Effect f Low-Frequency Magnetic Field on Erythrocyte Membrane
Function and on the Prostanoid Level in the Blood Plasma of Children with Parasytolic
C. Wallach: "Electromagnetic Therapy. A New Medical Discipline," California
Institutional Review Board, Canoga Park, California, 1998. - This author shows
that new areas of use for PEMF are opening up and more and more biological
effects are being studies and documented by scientists. In addition to the
known broad spectrum in injuries current studies on arteriosclerosis patients
are showing a positive effect on atherosclerotic plaques.
R.T. Gor et al.: "Selective Resolution of Plaques and Treatment of Arteriosclerosis
Biophysical Alteration of Cellular and Intracellular Properties," Medical
Hypotheses, 7(2) February 1981, p. 217. - In this article the new possibility
of treatment arteriosclerosis by PEMF is discussed. Some of the atherosclerotic
plaques that have already formed can be dissolved again without injuring thevessels.
Blood Pressure
S.G. Ivanov et al.: 'Use of PEMF in the Treatment of Hypertensive Disease,'
Vopr. Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult (3), 1993, pp. 67-69. - This placebo-controlled
study found a very positive effect in the treatment of hypotension (stage 2)
with pulsating magnetic fields (supportive effect in 78%), whereas only 30%
in the control group showed an equivalent improvement.
N.N Bogdanov et al.: 'Optimization of the Effects of Physical and Health Resort
Factors in Ischemic Heart Disease and Arterial Hypertension,' Ter-arkh 1986,
pp. 108-111. This author presents the positive results when using PEMF in prevention
and rehabilitation of 300 patients with arterial hypertension.
S.G Ivanov: 'The Comparative effect of Non-drug and Drug Methods of Treating
Hypertension,' Ter Arkh, 65 (1) 1003, p.44f. - This double blind, placebo-controlled
study has shown that PEMF is very effective in the treatment of symptoms of
stage 2 hypertension patients (headaches, dizziness, etc).
G.A. Pochechueva et al: 'Effect of PEMF on Certain Humoral Indicators and Physical
Ability to Work in Patients with Neuro-circulatory Hypotension and Hypertension,'
Biofizika 1995. - This study is concerned with the influence of PEMF on patients
with hypertension and hypotension. These effects that have been observed and
documented have shown on the average a drop in blood pressure in patients with
hypertension and an increase in blood pressure and patients with hypotension.
In addition, an improvement in physical endurance, general condition and concentration
was observed in both groups.
L.L Orlov et al.: 'Effect of a PEMF on some Humoral Indices and Physical Capacity
in Patients with Neuro-circulatory Hypotension and Hypertension," Biofizika
41 (4), 1996, p. 944ff. - This controlled study shows the positive effects
of PEMF in patients suffering from blood pressure that is either too high or
too low. Patients which high blood pressure showed a definite improvement in
symptoms such as headaches, chest pain, numbness of extremities, systolic and
diastolic blood pressure and capacity for work.
T.A. Kniazeva: 'The Efficacy of Low-Intensity Exposures in Hypertension,' Vopr.
Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult 1, 1994, p. 8-9. -This double blind placebo-controlled
study with low frequency and low intensity electromagnetic fields has shown
that PEMF can help to normalize blood pressure in patients with high blood
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