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Intuition Tester

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Clairvoyance and Occult Powers
by S Panchadasi
Written by Swami Panchadasi, and originally published back in 1916, "Clairvoyance and Occult Powers" is a great introduction into the world of occultism and gives you an authentic look into a phenomenon that will keep you both spellbound and charmed! Even if you’re one of those that feels the practices mentioned below are dangerous, do consider the fact that knowledge is power. The more you know, the safer you are! Swami Panchadasi (aka Walker Atkinson), December 5, 1862 to November 22, 1932, was a very important and influential American figure in the early days of the New Thought Movement. He was an attorney, merchant, author, as well as being an occultist and an American pioneer of New Thought, which is in fact the title of a magazine he edited at one time.

This EBook will provide you with a massive amount of information regarding clairvoyance and other occult powers including:

Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Premonition and Impressions, Clairvoyant Psychometry, Clairvoyant Crystal-Gazing, Distant Clairvoyance, Past Clairvoyance, Future Clairvoyance, Second Sight, Prevision, Clairvoyant Development, Astral-Body Traveling, Astral-Plane Phenomena, Psychic Influence — Personal and Distant, Psychic Attraction, Psychic Healing, Telepathy, Mind-Reading, Thought Transference, And More!
EBook PD0001 -

NZD $ 2.95

Tea Cup Reading and Fortune Telling by Tea Leaves
by A Highlander
Inside this EBook you will find information on:
How to Read Your Fate in a Teacup - Divination by Tea-leaves - Practice & Method of Reading the Cup - General Theories - Divination as an Amusement & as a More Serious Study - Hints for Diviners - Writing in the Tea-leaves - Some Frequent Symbols - Nelros Cup - Dictionary of Symbols & their Meaning - Some Example Cups - Illustrations. This very same information is being offered in a hardback edition for $94.00 and in paperback for $17.90, at a very well known .com online book store that begins with an A and ends with an N.

And at another well known online bookstore with the initials B&N, the paperback edition sells for $22.95

EBook PD0002 -

NZD $ 2.95

Table Rapping and Automatic Writing

by Alexander Verner
"If a man dies, shall he live again?" Does death end all - or is it merely "the gate of life"? If there be a next world, can we communicate with those that are in it?

These are questions that have agitated the minds of millions. "Table Rapping and Automatic Writing" answers the questions. It also does more, it shows you how you can answer them. It shows you how to prove there is another life, and how to open up communication with those who dwell therein. To the Materialist it says: "Belief is unnecessary. You demand evidence - here it is."

"Table Rapping and Automatic Writing" gives full instructions on how to form a Circle for receiving messages from spirit friends - How to enable spirits to make themselves visible to ordinary sight - How to get written messages, drawings, etc., from those who have "passed over," and more.
EBook PD0003 -

NZD $ 2.95

How to Converse with Spirit Friends
by Alexander Verner
A medium is a person whose presence is necessary before a spirit can communicate. "How to Converse with Spirit Friends" tells you how you may develop mediumistic powers, so as to be able to receive messages from the other side when sitting alone. The book also tells you about different kinds of spirits, including apparitions (ghosts) and spirit guides (the spirit friends that are constantly with each of us); about spirit control (how spirits work through the organisms of mediums); and about spirit given premonitions, warnings, death-signs, etc. The work, moreover, gives other interesting and valuable matter related to communication with spirits. This work is calculated to "comfort those that mourn."

EBook PD0004 -