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Table Rapping and Automatic Writing

by Alexander Verner
"If a man dies, shall he live again?" Does death end all - or is it merely "the gate of life"? If there be a next world, can we communicate with those that are in it?

These are questions that have agitated the minds of millions. "Table Rapping and Automatic Writing" answers the questions. It also does more, it shows you how you can answer them. It shows you how to prove there is another life, and how to open up communication with those who dwell therein. To the Materialist it says: "Belief is unnecessary. You demand evidence - here it is."

"Table Rapping and Automatic Writing" gives full instructions on how to form a Circle for receiving messages from spirit friends - How to enable spirits to make themselves visible to ordinary sight - How to get written messages, drawings, etc., from those who have "passed over," and more.
EBook PD0003 -

NZD $ 2.95

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