Science teaches us that everything in the
universe is energy. All energy is electromagnetic in nature.
All atoms, chemicals and cells produce electromagnetic
fields (EMFs). Every
organ in the body produces it own signature bioelectromagnetic
field. Science has proven that our bodies actually project
their own magnetic fields and that all 70 trillion cells
in the body communicate via electromagnetic frequencies.
Nothing happens in the body without an electromagnetic
exchange. When the electromagnetic activity of the body
ceases, life ceases.
"The Body contains multiple electromagnetic
fields with each tissue and organ having a unique electromagnetic
signature, CAT scans and MRI take advantage of these
unique signatures to create a map of the body's tissues
using pulsed electromagnetic fields.While the diagnostic
benefits of PEMF's are accepted and widely used,medical
practitioners are still realizing the theraputic benefits
of PEMF's" K Holden:M.D |
Now just imagine,
reaching into the body and healing an imbalance without
touching anything. This
what magnetic
fields do. This is the essence of energy medicine. These “waves” are
the future medicine. Magnetic fields are “like
a breeze in the trees”. The branches and leaves
are moving but nothing is seen to be doing it. The body
is like air to a magnetic field. The body is transparent
to these fields. This is the magic potential of magnetic
"Never must the physician
say, the disease is incurable. By that admission
he denies God, our
Creator; he doubts Nature with her profuseness of
hidden powers and mysteries."
Quoted from the last page of the book "THE MEDICAL
FOLLIES" printed
in 1925 and written by Morris Fishbein, M.D.
Editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association
The earth is
a giant magnet, the soil and rocks are magnetized and normally
there are strong magnetic fields
in the atmosphere. Human biology, which developed and
matures in this natural magnetic environment, is totally
dependent on it. Magnetic fields have been found by accident
over the eons, to help people. Rocks were reputed to
be used by Hippocrates, the Father of Western Medicine,
to relieve headaches. The Chinese wrote about how to
use magnetic stones on acupuncture points in 200 BC.
D’Arsonval in France used pulsed electric magnetic
fields in the 1700’s to stimulate the body. In
the 1970’s and 80’s in the west, scientists
began to study the magnetic fields produced by the body
itself. This new field is called bioelectromagnetics.
We now know definitively that the body itself is a large
electromagnet. We also know the body produces electric
By simple exposure of the body to pulsating
low frequency magnetic fields stimulate cell metabolism,
increase oxygen assimilation, and accelerate the
removal of toxic chemicals and waste. Pulsating
electromagnetic fields can fully penetrate the
body and reinforce weak functional cycles in a
natural way. This allows the body to recover its
self-healing capabilities. As a result, health
and wellness improves. |
Ask any engineer and you will be told that
where there is electricity there is a magnetic field.
You will also be told that when a magnet moves past an
object capable of reacting electrically, you will generate
electricity. The opposite is also true. When an object
capable of reacting electrically is moved past a magnet,
electricity will also be generated. What this means is
that when the body, which is very magnetically active,
interacts with magnetic fields,
tiny therapeutically beneficial electric charges are
What does this mean to you? It means that you will see
magnetic fields that are energy medicine, being used more
more in the future to heal problems that medicines can’t
or haven’t been able to do. Most medicines are
used to relieve symptoms but don’t remove or heal
the cause of the problem. They don’t help the tissues
heal themselves. Most medicines were developed to deal
with problems far along in their course. They can be
very effective at this stage but often carry significant
risks. Doctors and consumers must continuously weigh
the potential risks and benefits. The risks of these
medicines are greater than the benefits for preventing
problems or when the problems are very early in their
development. If this is so, what alternatives do we have?
Let’s take an example. When you have a skin infection,
and damage has already been done to the tissues, antibiotics
will typically be prescribed to halt the spread of the
bacteria. The antibiotics don’t heal the infection;
they only stop the bacteria from multiplying further
and doing more damage. The infection has progressed because
the body wasn’t able to handle it completely by
itself. When the bacteria stop growing the body then
has a fighting chance to heal the tissues and kill the
remaining bacteria. What does medicine do to help the
body to heal? Most of the time, nothing. The doctor relies
on the body doing the rest of the job by itself. What
can you do to speed recovery and assure better repair?
Traditionally, herbals, vitamins and minerals, rest,
good nutrition and moist heat will help. Also, now magnetic
fields can be used.
Diabetes 20
Diabetes mellitus (DM) patients were exposed
to impulsed magnetic field, 100 control DM
patients received conservative therapy alone.
270 patients had microangiopathy, macroangiopathy
was diagnosed in 50 patients. Magnetotherapy
in combination with conservative methods gave
good and satisfactory results in 74% of patients
versus 28% in control group. Metabolism stabilization
resulted in some patients in reduced blood
sugar. Use of magnetic field produced faster
and longer response than conservative therapy.
PMID: 8999182, UI: 97062022
Magnetic fields have been found in extensive
research in Europe, in humans and all kinds of animal
species, to have many positive actions in the body. The
medical magnetic fields work by stimulating the acupuncture
system, the immune system of the body, improving circulation
and oxygen levels in tissues, relaxing muscles, stimulating
tissue healing, healing fractures and strengthening bones
faster, decreasing nerve irritability, removing swelling,
decreasing clotting and improving cell metabolism. Some
very strong magnetic fields can actually stimulate muscles
and nerves – used for incontinence, rebuilding
muscles, nerves and depression.

Large Data Base of Scientific
links on PEMF
"The human body is electro-magnetic
in nature.. We all know the brain and nervous system
are electrical.
By adding a balancing charge to your cells, your
lifestyle improves because your cells are constantly
energized and calibrated. Magnetic fields affect
the charge of the cell membrane, which allows membrane
channels to open up. These channels are like the
doors and windows of a house. By opening cell channels,
nutrients are better able to enter the cell, and
waste is more easily eliminated from the cell. This
helps to rebalance and restore optimum cell function.Thus,
with continued use you will find you feel more vital
because your cells are better utilizing the water,
food and air you take in. Increased elimination of
waste by-products also occur. This process could
be referred to as "cell-breathing."
If you restore enough cells, they will all work
more efficiently. Cells of the same type come together
to make tissues, and those tissues come together
to make organs. So, by restoring or maintaining cellular
function, you will, in turn, restore or maintain
organ function, allowing the entire body to function
better. We all know that the body ages over time.
Maintaining the function of every individual cell
at an optimal level every day is an important part
of slowing aging.
Cell“injury,” the state of
a cell when it is not healthy, leads to disease
Magnetic fields protect against cell injury by improving
circulation, repair processes and energy, and increasing
special stress proteins in the cells. These proteins
are used to prevent cell breakdown and wear and tear
as well as help speed recovery from injury. Magnetic
fields balance cells, tissues and bodily functions
at very fundamental levels, even before damage and
problems become obvious to you.”
In 2002, Health Canada certified the use
of PEMF to treat severe depression and currently
several private Canadian clinics offer PEMF
therapy. In 2011, the FDA approved TMS Therapy
system for use if the patient failed to respond
to antidepressants. This treatment, known as
transcranial pulsed electromagnetic therapy
uses a strong electromagnetic field that is
pulsed into the patients head. The treatment
usually consists of two 15-minute treatments
each day for two weeks. BTPro
with Magnastim |
Electrochemical therapy of pelvic pain: effects of
pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) on tissue trauma.
An article from John Hopkins
Effect of pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) on late-phase osteotomy gap
healing in a canine tibial model.
How can something do all these seemingly different actions?
The primary reason is because magnetic fields affect
the movement of calcium ions and nitric oxide, recently
awarded the title of the molecule of the decade. Calcium
is not just in bones. It is involved in a large number
of cellular chemical processes that are impaired tissue
injuries. There are many other actions, too numerous
to list here.
"Specifically, North Pole energies cause mass to contract
and condense while South Pole energies cause mass to expand
and dissipate. Also, North Pole energies have alkaline
properties while South Pole energy is acid.
Davis was the first scientist in the world to discover
that magnetism consists of two separate energies with different
effects, it's not a singular form of energy with a singular
effect, as is still widely believed today. The North and
South poles have opposite effects.
Davis found that South pole magnetism is harmful to our
health and will cause bacteria, germs, and even cancer
to grow and spread at an accelerated rate in the body,
while North pole magnetism will quickly stop the growth
and assist the body to overcome disease. Just as Becker
has said, Davis and Rawls found that many devices used
in hospitals actually compound the problem. Radiation,
for example, emits positive and negative electromagnetic
energies. The positive energies can actually stimulate
the growth of the cancer cells, similar to the way positive
(South) magnetic energies do.
The first book by Davis
and Rawls, "Magnetism and
Its Effects on the Living System", goes into detail
about how magnetism affects the physical and mental development
of animals, the growth of plants, and among other topics,
a detailed account of the effects both negative and positive
magnetic energies have on cancer. "The Magnetic Blueprint
of Life", the last of their books, expresses the relationship
of air ions to health, how magnetism can be utilized in
energy production, and it has in-depth information on how
these positive electromagnetic energies, which are all
around us, endanger us to a greater degree each and every
day. We are being lied to about the safety of many electrical
products on the market today, cell phones included."
Magnetic Therapy works by
affecting our blood. Normally the blood operates
in a North Pole orientation, or under a North
Pole effect. In this polarity the blood is oxygenated
and its process of distributing nutrients and
pulling wastes and toxins from injured tissue
is made most efficient. When the body is ill
or injured the polarity of the site is switched
by the body to a South Pole orientation. This
creates faster, excited movement meant to draw
blood cells to the area for healing. The blood
does not work well in a South Pole orientation.
Its movement does not allow normal function and
an acid state is developed, which micro-organisms,
viruses and malignance thrive in. *The chart
below shows the affect of North and South Pole
applications on the body.* Once the blood has
been drawn to the area, the body, with the help
of the Earth's magnetic field is supposed to
change the polarity of the blood back to a North
Pole orientation so positive activity by the
blood may take place. More |
PEMFs are produced by special machines
that generate specific electromagnetic signals found
to have beneficial medical effects. Important distinctions
among them are how much of the body they cover, the strength
of the field(s), the configuration of the field, flexibility
and usefulness, length of time to be used, frequencies
and waveform. PEMFs can produce actions in the body even
with fields that are much weaker than the earth. Actions
of PEMFs can be expected to happen faster than with static
magnets. These wave-like or resonance fields act like “throwing
pebbles in a pond”. The action continues long after
the field is removed. These fields were the first ones
to be approved by the FDA in the 1980’s. The first
were for healing fractures that didn’t unite after
6 months. New ones are used to stimulate muscles and
nerves. Others are very high frequency and have been
used to decrease pain, swelling and heal wounds.
"Magnets appear to heal
the body removing inflammation and restoring
circulation. By increasing blood flow to a diseased
site on the body, increased nutrients become
available to speed the healing process. In fracture
healing, for example, the use of magnetic fields
increases the adherence of calcium ions to the
blood clot formed at the site of the break. This
allows for the proper formation of the callus
that is necessary for fractures to heal properly" |
To summarize, more and more medical care
will include magnetic fields in all sorts of applications
to heal the body. They will be used in conjunction with
conventional medicine and other complementary health
techniques. Many magnetic fields will be able to be applied
by people themselves with or without direction or order
by a physician or other practitioner. This is possible
today because more and more information about this new
technology and more equipment are becoming readily available
at affordable prices.
William Pawluk, MD, MSc

The Scientific and Medical
Richard A. Marks, M.D.
Richardson Orthopaedic Surgery
Richardson, Texas
Sixty-one randomly selected patients who underwent lumbar fusion
surgeries for discogenic low back pain between 1987 and 1994
were retrospectively studied. All patients had failed to respond
to preoperative conservative treat- ments. Forty-two patients
received adjunctive therapy with pulsed electromag- netic field
(PEMF) stimulation, and 19 patients received no electrical
stimulation of any kind. Average follow-up time was 15.6 months
postoperatively. Fusion succeeded in 97.6% of the PEMF group
and in 52.6% of the unstimulated group (P<.001). The observed
agreement between clinical and radiographic outcome was 75%.
The use of PEMF stimulation enhances bony bridging in lumbar
spinal fusions. Successful fusion underlies a good clinical
outcome in patients with discogenic low back pain |
Fracture healing is
a process of restoring the structural and biological
properties of injured bone. It has been well documented
that diabetes mellitus (DM), a systemic disease affecting
17 million Americans, causes increased healing time with
a concomitant increase in delayed unions and nonunions.
Sheldon S. Lin, MD
(purulent wounds)
This study involving 72 diabetics
with purulent wounds found that magnetic fields
aided healing significantly.\
R.A. Kuliev & R.F. Babaev, "A
Magnetic Field in the Combined Treatment of
Suppurative Wounds in Diabetes Mellitus, " Vestn
Khir Im I I Grek, 148(1),January 1992
Pain The
issue of pain treatment is an extremely urgent health
and socio-economic problem. Pain, in acute, recurrent
and chronic forms, is prevalent across age, cultural
background, and sex, and costs North American adults
an estimated $10,000 to $15,000 per person annually.
Estimates of the cost of pain do not include the nearly
30,000 people that die in North America each year due
to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug-induced gastric
lesions.More Effects
of Pulsed Electromagnetic fields on Pain
Having healthy cells is not a passive process. Active,
regular tuning-up of our cells is not only feasible,
but also necessary to slow aging and reduce the risk
of cell dysfunction. We are, after all, only as healthy
as our cells. Imperceptible cell dysfunction that
is not corrected early can lead to disease. Fine-tuning
can be done daily in only minutes, using pulsed electromagnetic
fields (PEMFs). In addition, when there is a known
imbalance (when symptoms are present) or there is
a known disease or condition, PEMF treatments, used
either alone or along with other therapies, can often
help cells rebalance dysfunction faster. |
Tumours People
with the following criteria were used for this study:
advanced cancer, people who had exhausted the usual resources
of traditional medicine and people with greatly reduced
immune competent cells (less than 50%). More than 300
patients with epithelial tumors were divided into two
groups and treated one of the two groups additionally
with PEMF More Effects
of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Cancer

Magnacoil around Torso
Disease These studies prove many
non-invasive, pulsed electromagnetic field therapies
provide beneficial effects while significantly reducing
some symptoms of Parkinson's disease. Unlike electroconvolsive
therapy (ECT), these types of therapy lack detrimental
side effects, expected or unexpected adverse reactions
More Effects
of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Parkinsons
Osteoporosis Bone
density changes in osteoporosis-prone women exposed to
pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs). Tabrah F, Hoffmeier
M, Gilbert F Jr, Batkin S, Bassett CA.University of Hawaii
School of Medicine, Straub Clinic and Hospital, Honolulu
More Effects
of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Osteoporosis
of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Alzhiemers
of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on treatment-resistant
Medical doctors
in America are using magnet therapy for patients
with certain tumours. Dr Harry Park of Vancouver,
Washington successfully treats breast cancer
patients with PEMF therapy (and herbal drinks
which speed up [X ten] detoxification symptoms):
there are many more examples in his book.
More |
of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Arthritis
of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Fibromyalgia

Effects of Pulsed
Electromagnetic Fields on CFS
British magno-therapist Malcolm
Cummings, spent a large proportion of his working
life as a successful executive for a large oil
company, when catastrophe struck in 1982. He
was hit by a viral infection of the glandular
system, which led to years of chronic fatigue.
He recalls how he could hardly walk 50 yards,
and used to spend at least 16 hours a day in
bed. This went on for 8 miserable years, with
all the symptoms of ME (which then was not recognised
by medicine), as he sampled all the latest drugs
and their side-effects.
Hearing about magnet therapy
he ordered a magnetic mattress, pillows, cushion,
shoe insoles, and a mains powered PEMF unit.
The first few days were bad, he admits, but
improvement rapidly followed, and in as little
as three months he was back to normal. |
Effects of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields
on The immune system
of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Pain
A 55-year-old female chronic progressive multiple sclerosis patient who
received a single external application of low magnetic fields (7.5-picotesla;
5-Hz frequency) which lasted 20 minutes. The treatment quickly led to
improvements in a variety of areas, including fatigue, sleep, vision,
bladder function, movement and speech problems, and mood. More Effects
of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on MS

of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Depression
Heart Disease Blood
pressue, angina, blocked arteries More Effects
of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Heart Dis-ease
Migraine The
effect of exposure to pulsing electromagnetic fields
on migraine activity was evaluated by having 42 subjects
(34 women and 8 men), who met the International Headache
Society's criteria for migraine, participate in a double-blind,
placebo-controlled study.After the initial 1-month follow-up
with 75% showing decreased headache activity (38% good,
38% excellent). In conclusion, exposure of the inner
thighs to pulsing electromagnetic fields for at least
3 weeks is an effective, short-term intervention for
migraine More Effects
of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Migraine
Sexual Disorders
Magnetotherapy exhibited beneficial
effects with respect to cavernous blood flow in male
patients suffering from sexual problems. Weak magnetic
fields in men suffering from various sexual disorders,
including decreased erection and premature ejaculation.
I.I. Gorpinchenko, The Use of Magnetic Devices in Treating Sexual
Disorders in Men. |
Sleep The
sleep inducing effect of a 15 min treatment with either
an active or an inactive Low Energy Emission Therapy
(LEET) device emitting amplitude-modulated electromagnetic
(EM) fields was investigated in a double-blind cross-over
study performed on 52 healthy subjects. All subjects
were exposed to both More Effects
of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Sleep
of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Wounds
Currently, about 250,000 people with diabetes
in the United States undergo leg amputation each
year as the end result of chronic leg ulcers that
did not heal from conventional or lack of wound
care |
Warning these graphic pictures may disturb some people More
of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Stroke
One researcher discovered that cancer cells exposed
to 60 Hz (positive polarity) field for 24 hours underwent
6 times normal growth within a week.3 Could portable
telephones working on high 80m Hz with south pole
(positive fields) be hazardous?
Happily the opposite appears also to apply.
18 years of American research on cancers in animals
showed north pole (negative) treatments resulted
in tumour development reduced or stopped, in
90% of cases. South pole (positive) fields reversed
this, showing aggravation of pathological conditions
and advancement of tumours.4,3
of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Incontinance
A magnetic field can stimulate the brain and promote
the growth of new nerve cells, scientists have found,
raising the possibility of treating conditions linked
to neuron death such as Alzheimer's disease, and
perhaps one day of enhancing humans' memory capacity.
Experiments on mice used a technique, transcranial
magnetic stimulation, or TMS, which has become
a standard tool for investigating the brain.
TMS has been used experimentally to treat disorders such as depression, Parkinson's
and schizophrenia;
Fortunato Battaglia and a team at City University
in New York gave mice up to five short bursts of
TMS a day for five days, then looked at their brains.
New Scientist magazine reports today that they
found large increases in the proliferation of stem
cells in part of the hippocampus - a brain region
known to act in memory formation and mood regulation.
They also saw changes in a part of the brain for
controlling movement.
This is the first time TMS has been shown
to stimulate new neurons. "There is a lot of potential
for this technique," said Professor Battaglia,
who presented his results in Boston this month. "The
effect on the stem cells is the most exciting finding
The team also saw evidence of long-term potentiation
- changes to the nerve cells making them more sensitive
and more likely to fire if stimulated by neurons
next to them. In all areas of the brain tested,
TMS modified chemical receptors on the surface
of nerve cells so they remained active for longer." |
of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Neurolgical
Results: 1 to 20 of 319
"Pet parents of large and small pets can help their beloved animals suffering
from conditions as diverse as arthritis, postoperative wound healing, and other
conditions by using therapeutic Pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) to reduce
pain and speed up healing. Users and veterinarians alike report excellent results
using therapeutic PEMF for dogs, cats, horses, and other animals.
Pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy
actually began with veterinary applications
for horses in the mid-1970s when large animal
veterinarians and trainers began treating bowed
tendons, and back and hip conditions. This
preceded PEMF applications in human medicine
by a number of years. At that time Pulsed electromagnetic
field clincians were interested in human applications,
which fed their interest in then-current PEMF
applications for equine healing and therapy.
Clinicians observed horses arriving before
treatment unable to bear weight on a leg, yet
later running across a 10-acre training area
after 4 days of treatment with Pulsed electromagnetic
field technology. In addition, wound healing
and other beneficial effects following surgery
or open lacerations were seen" |
of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields on Stress
So it seems that the question is not ‘Does
magnet therapy work?’ but ‘How does it
Mirroring the planet and the atom, each human cell has
a positive charge inside and a negative charge on the
outside (of the cell membrane; there is a difference
in voltage of about 70 millivolts).
There seems general agreement among clinicians that beneficial magnetic
1 – increase blood flow and improve the oxygen
carrying abilities of haemoglobin. As 4% of the latter
is iron, beneficial low frequency magnetic fields make
molecules spin into vortices (the Hall Effect). Greater
oxygenation in tissues increases resistance to micro-organism
invasion as such organisms tolerate oxygen less than
human cells.
2 – affect the calcium bicarbonate bonds, stretching,
bending and breaking them, converting calcium bicarbonate
to calcium hydroxide (+ carbon dioxide);11 thus increasing
alkalinity in extra-cellular fluids – capable of
absorbing more oxygen than a low pH fluid. Micro-organisms
thrive in more acid conditions.3,12
Calcium ions10,12 can now migrate to where they should be: not getting
stacked against cell walls, but winging their way electrically to feed
or mend bone, or to withdraw from a painfully arthritic hand or knee.
Improved transportation of ions of calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc,
chromium, etc, means better cell nutrition (and excretion).
3 – stimulate the pineal gland in the brain encouraging
the production of melatonin. Melatonin prevents production
of free-radicals: It has been described as ‘a central
governing neuro-hormone, having anti-stress, anti-ageing,
anti-infectious and anti-cancerous effects’. (Semm,
P., Nature. 1980.9) Perhaps it should not be surprising
therefore to find that magnet therapy has helped with
psychoneuroimmunological problems such as ME, depression,
Seasonally Adjusted Depression, lethargy, epilepsy, and
4 – can increase or decrease hormone production
of the endocrine glands. At this stage I refer any gallant
reader who may still be with me to the medical textbooks
and the internet for more stimulating reading.
There are critics of course, and in plenty among medical
and scientific professionals. They are right in saying
more research needs to be done. Many perhaps will have
had neither time for research, nor the use of a PEMF
unit for their own practice. Let’s hope change
comes soon, and that research is well-funded.
Magnet therapy appears to be complementary to many types of medicine,
preventive and curative.
Whilst some changes are swift, others are more drawn out and sadly not
all conditions will respond to PEMF-therapy.
PEMF therapy should not be applied to those with pace-makers, if pregnant,
in dialysis or it they have had recent cases of chicken pox. Always ask
your doctor first.
that produce PEMF's

Latest Multi-Pulsar v2

"If you have a pacemaker, or a Cochlear hearing implant,
you cannot use the MAGNETIC PULSER for fear of destroying
their electrical circuits.Hearing aids can be removed and
placed at least ten feet away from the treatment area"
Electro Magnetic Pulsers
Tri-Pulser 3
(Colloidal Silver Generator,
Beck Zapper
Magnetic Pulsar,
All in One)
1. R. Lightwood, Department of Surgery, Clinical Research Unit, Queen
Elizabeth Hospital, Edgbaston, Birmingham BIS OTH. J.Blomed.Eng. 1989,
Vol 11, September.
2. W.J.W. Sharrard MD, ChM, FRCS, the Royal Hallamshire Hospital, Sheffield
Professor Associate of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Sheffield,
and Emeritus Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, 140 Manchester Road, Sheffield
S1O SDL; (J Bone Joint Surgery [Br] 1990; 72-B; 347 – 55, May)
3. Discovery of Magnetic Health, A Health Care Alternative, Washnis G.J. & Hricak
R.Z., Nova Publishing Company, Rockville, Maryland, USA, 1993). (Fax
301 816 0816). Available in the UK from 15 Argyll Mansions, Hammersmith
Road, London W14 8QG.
4. Davids A.R. & Rawis W. Magnetic Blueprint of Life. 1979, (in 3)
5. Zenith Marketing Ltd. (all magnetic products). 6 Langton Green, Woolston.
Warrington, Cheshire WAl 4BU
6. For information concerning the publication of The Proceedings of the
1996 Congress on Magneto-therapy, please send A5 SAE plus £1.00
stamps to 15 Argyll Mansions, Hammersmith Road, London W14 8QG
7. Shakti Chakra. PO Box 3984, London SE12 OEJ tel 0956 233694 fax 020
8304 3949
8. Gerasimov, Dr, Sergei, Tkachenko S. Coghil R. Extra high frequency
EMF in supplemental management in childhood asthma.
9. Semm, P., Nature, ref 8, 228 (1980) 206. Magnetic Sensitivity of the
Pineal Gland.
10. David J. Smith, Magnatherapist. The Leicester Therapy Clinic, Alternative & Complementary
Healthcare Counselling & Advisory Centre, 94 Cyprus Road, Leicester
LE2 8QS tel/fax 0116 2838880
11. When an atom or molecule becomes electrically charged, it is called
an Ion.
12. When water is passed through a magnetic field, It becomes more alkaline
(higher pH).
14. Equestrian Innovations. Phil Scott. Equestrian Innovations Ltd, Mount
Ballan Manor, Crick, Gwent, NP6 4XP. tel 01291 424 710