Secrets of Nikola Tesla
A man of Vision

Decades after he died penniless,
Nikola Tesla is elbowing aside his old adversary
Thomas Edison in the pantheon of geek gods.
had a hunch that, since his high-potential,
high-frequency currents could be passed into
the body harmlessly, “these currents might
lend themselves to electrotherapeutic uses.”
Tesla experimented upon himself. When he
was struck down in the streets by a New York
taxi, he didn’t deliver himself over to the
medicals but dragged himself up to his hotel
room where, in seclusion and with the help
of his own electrotherapy, he recovered from
his fractures and contusions. Tesla never
patented in electrotherapy, but in 1891 he
began publishing his observations in technical
journals, and seven years later we find Tesla
giving a speech to the to the American Electro-Therapeutic
Association in which he details with drawings
the high-frequency apparatus he invented
for this purpose, which included a Tesla
coil." George Trinkaus |
When California engineers wanted
to brand their new $100,000 electric sports car,
one name stood out: Tesla. When circuit designers
at microchip producer Nvidia Corp. in 2007 launched
a new line of advanced processors, they called
them Tesla. And when videogame writers at Capcom
Entertainment in Silicon Valley needed a character
who could understand alien spaceships for their
new Dark Void saga, they found him in Nikola Tesla.

The high tension
current being passed through the body before
it excites the lamps to incandescence.
The loop is held over the resonating coil
by Mr. Clemens (Mark Twain) From the April
1895 Century Magazine. |
Tesla was a scientist and inventor
who achieved fame and fortune in the 1880s for
figuring out how to make alternating current work
on a grand scale, electrifying the world. He created
the first major hydroelectric dam, at Niagara Falls.
He thrilled packed theaters with presentations
in which he ran high voltage through his body to
illuminate a fluorescent light in his hand. His
inventions helped Guglielmo Marconi develop radio.
Tesla sending 500,000 volts through his
body to illuminate a vacuum lamp in a multiple
exposure photograph [circa, 1898]. |
And his rivalry with Edison—called the Battle
of the Currents because Edison had bet on direct
current—was legendary. Tesla won the contest,
when his AC equipment powered an unprecedented
display of electric light at the 1893 Chicago World's

Fifty years later, the 86-year-old Serbian emigré died
in obscurity at a New York hotel, unmarried, childless
and bereft of friends. Meanwhile, Edison was lionized
for generations as one of America's greatest inventors.

appears to be sitting calmly by his 12-million
volt coil in Colorado Springs... actually
this is a double exposure (a technique
Tesla used extensively in his research). |
But Tesla has been rediscovered by technophiles,
including Google Inc. co-founder Larry Page, who
frequently cites him as an early inspiration. And
Teslamania is going increasingly mainstream.
street Journal DANIEL MICHAELS |
Health Secrets of a 114-Year Old Man

Called a madman by some, a genius by others, and an enigma
by nearly everyone, Nikola Tesla was possibly the greatest
inventor the world has ever known. He was, without
doubt, a trail blazer who created astonishing, sometimes
world-transforming, devices that often were virtually
without theoretical precedent. It was Tesla who introduced
us to the fundamentals of robotry, computers, and missile
science and helped pave the way for such space-age
technologies as satellites, microwaves, beam weapons,
and nuclear fusion. Yet, Tesla still remains one of
the least recognized scientific pioneers in history.
Certainly he was one of
the strangest of scientists -- almost supernaturally
gifted, erratic, flamboyant, and neurotic nearly to
the point of madness. A dandy and popular man-about-town,
he was admired by man as diverse as George Westinghouse
and Mark Twain and adored by scores of society beauties.
Yet his bewildering of compulsions and phobias extended
from such mundane subject as food and clean linen to
pearls and women's ears. He was fond of creating neighborhood-threatening
electrical storms in his apartment laboratory and once
nearly knocked down a tall building by attaching a
mysterious "black box" to its side. (He claimed
he could have destroyed the entire planet with a similar
device.) And because he kept so few notes, to this
day we can only guess at the details of many of the
fantastic scientific projects that occupied his fevered
intellect |
Nikola Tesla
(1856-1943) was a Serbian-American inventor and researcher
who discovered the rotating magnetic field, the basis
of most alternating-current machinery. He was born
in Yugoslavia and worked as a telephone engineer in
Prague and Paris, where he conceived a new type of
electric motor which had no commutator, as direct current
(DC) motors have, but instead worked on the principle
of a rotating magnetic field produced by polyphase
alternating currents (AC). He produced a prototype,
and finding no interest in Europe, emigrated to the
United States in 1884. He worked briefly and unhappily
with Thomas Edison, the champion of DC, then established
his own lab and continued his prodigious output of
inventions. He obtained patents on polyphase motors,
dynamos, and transformers for a complete AC power system.
“If Edison had a needle
to find in a haystack, he would proceed at once
with the diligence
of the bee to examine straw after straw until
he found the object of his search.
I was a sorry witness of such doings, knowing
that a little theory and calculation would have
him ninety per cent of his labor.”
Nikola Tesla quote |
He formed an
alliance with George Westinghouse, who bought polyphase
patents for $1 million plus royalty. With Westinghouse,
he engaged in a struggle against Edison to convince
the public of the efficiency and safety of AC over
DC. They succeeded in getting AC accepted as the electric
power system worldwide. Also with Westinghouse, he
lit the Chicago World's Fair, built the Niagara Falls
hydro-power plant, and installed AC systems at Colorado
silver mines and in other industries. By the turn of
the century, he was lifted to celebrity status comparable
to Edison's as the media promoted him along with the
expanding electric power industry.

independently in his Manhattan lab, he developed and
patented electric devices based on the superior capabilities
of high-potential, high-frequency currents: the tesla
coil, the radio, high-frequency lighting, x-rays, electrotherapy.
When his lab burned to the ground, he rebuilt and continued.
He moved his lab to Colorado Springs in 1899, where
he built a huge magnifying transmitter. There, he experimented
with wireless power, radio and earth resonance and
studied lightning. One of the most famous photographs
of Tesla shows him in his large lab surrounded by giant
bolts of lightning.
After that,
he returned to New York where, with the encouragement
of financier J.P. Morgan, promoted a World System of
radio broadcasting utilizing magnifying transmitters.
He built a huge tower for a magnifying transmitter
at Wardencliff, Long Island as the first station in
the World System. He received enough from Morgan to
bring the station within sight of completion, then
funds were cut off and the project collapsed. He continued
to invent into the 1920s, but the flow of patents was
meager compared to earlier torrents which amounted
to some 700 patents worldwide. His high-frequency inventions
were ignored by established technology, as were the
disk turbine, the free-energy receiver, and others.
The media ignored him except for his birthday press
conferences. At these events he predicted microwaves,
the TV, beam technologies, the cosmic-ray motor, interplanetary
communications, and wave-interference devices that
have since been named the "Tesla howizer" and
the "Tesla shield." In the 1930s, he was
involved in wireless power projects in Quebec. His
last birthday media appearance was in 1940.

He died privately and peacefully
at the age of 87 in a New York hotel room. His personal
papers, including copious lab notes, were impounded
by the US government, and surfaced many years later
at a Tesla Museum in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Of these
notes, only a fragment, "Colorado Springs Notes",
has been published by the Museum.
Excerpts from the "MWO
Handbook", by Tom Brown,
Lost Inventions of Nikola Tesla
Tesla's best-known invention takes the
spark-gap oscillator and uses it to vibrate vigorously
a coil consisting of few turns of heavy conductor. Inside
of this primary coil sits another secondary coil with
hundreds of turns of slender wire. In the Tesla coil
there is no iron core as in the conventional step-up
transformer, and this air-core transformer differs radically
in other ways. Recounting the birth of this invention,
Tesla wrote, Each time the condenser was discharged the
current would quiver in the primary wire and induce corresponding
oscillations in the secondary. Thus, a transformer or
induction coil on new principles was evolved Electrical
effects of any desired character and of intensities undreamed
of before are now easily producible by perfected apparatus
of this kind. Elsewhere Tesla wrote, There is practically
no limit to the power of an oscillator.
The conventional step-up transformer (short
primary winding, long secondary on an iron core) boosts
voltage at the expense of amperage. This is not true
of Tesla's transformer. There is a real gain in power.
Writing of the powerful coils he experimented with at
his Colorado Springs lab, coils with outputs in excess
of 12 million volts, Tesla wrote, It was a revelation
to myself to find out that ... a single powerful streamer
breaking out from a well insulated terminal may easily
convey a current of several hundred amperes! The general
impression is that the current in such a streamer is
That Heal - The New Science of Radiobiology"(PDF
How it works
A Tesla coil secondary has its own particular
electrical character determined in part by the length
of that slender coiled wire. Like a guitar string of
a particular length, it wants to vibrate at a particular
frequency. The secondary is inductively plucked by the
primary coil. The primary circuit consists of a pulsating
high-voltage source (a generator or conventional step-up
transformer), a capacitor, a spark gap, and the primary
coil itself. This circuit must be designed so that it
vibrates at a frequency compatible with the frequency
at which the secondary wants to vibrate
“My method is different.
I do not rush into actual work. When I get a
new idea, I start at once building it up in my
imagination, and make improvements and operate
the device in my mind. When I have gone so far
as to embody everything in my invention, every
possible improvement I can think of, and when
I see no fault anywhere, I put into concrete
form the final product of my brain.”
Nikola Tesla quote |
The primary circuit's frequency is determined
by the frequency and voltage of the source, the capacity
of the capacitor, the setting of the spark gap, and the
character of the primary coil, determined in part by
the length of its winding. Now when all these primary-circuit
components are tuned to work in harmony with each other,
and the circuit's resulting frequency is right for plucking
the secondary in a compatible rhythmic manner, the secondary
becomes at its terminal end maximally excited and develops
huge electrical potentials, which if not put to work,
boil off as a corona of bluish light or as sparks and
streamers that jump to nearby conductors with crackling

Unlike the conventional iron-core step-up
transformer, whose core has the effect of damping vibrations,
the secondary of the Tesla transformer is relatively
free to swing unchecked. The pulsing from the primary
coil has the effect of pushing a child in a swing. If
it's done in a rhythmic manner at just the right moment
at the end of a cycle, the swing will oscillate up to
great heights. Similarly, with the right timing, the
electrical vibration of the secondary can be made to
swing up to tremendous amplitudes, voltages in the millions.
This is the power of resonance.
Re Violet Ray is
simply a small Tesla coil with a glass electrode
at one end. It puts out high-frequency electricity,
which, according to Tesla, can penetrate under
the layer of fat cells in the skin. This electricity
apparently stimulates the immune system in many
cases. It also has proven effective in some cases
of tendon or muscle strain, imparting relief to
the affected areas.
We have been using one around our
house for about three years now. We use it occasionally
on ourselves, often just to feel a little more
energetic. Whenever there is a muscle or tendon
strain present, we use it, and we've noted that
the problems seem to clear up faster for us than
for people who don't use the device. Sometimes,
we have used it on guests at our house who were
suffering from a variety of aches and pains, and
they generally report noticeable improvement the
next day.
The most dramatic instances of effectiveness
have been with our dog. Once, a cyst under his
skin disappeared after three treatments spread
over five days. Often, when our 11-year old dog
has spent a day playing too hard, he will be obviously
stiff the next day. We then apply the electrode
to his back for less than thirty seconds, and within
an hour the stiffness always disappears.
A a whole branch of medicine was founded
on the healing effects of certain Tesla coil frequencies.
Tesla understood the therapeutic value of high-frequency
vibrations. He never patented in the area but did announce
his findings to the medical community, and a number
of devices were patented and marketed by others.
Dr. Kyochi Nakagawa of
Japan. The Earth's magnetic field is not fixed
in position or strength. In the last hundred
years, it has weakened on the average by about
6 percent. In the last thousand years, it has
fallen nearly 30 percent. Dr. Nakagawa argues
that since humans evolved in a magnetic field,
it is necessary for proper health. A falling
magnetic field puts us at risk and magnetic
Resonators makes up the deficit.
a Schuman resonator in your home |
The violet ray in
healing would have been almost totally forgotten,
except for one man. Around 1900, Edgar Cayce
lost his voice for months and doctors were unable
to help him. After he learned how to do self-hypnosis
and diagnosed his own medical condition, he quickly
regained his voice. Then he went into hypnosis
and began to help a few friends with their health
problems.Floods of desperate people flocked through
his door seeking help for difficult medical conditions.
In his lifetime as a “psychic diagnostician,” he
gave 14,000 readings in which he mentioned using
the violet ray in more than 900
on the Violet Ray here. |
Tesla had a hunch that, since his high-potential,
high-frequency currents could be passed into the body
harmlessly, "these currents might lend themselves
to electrotherapeutic uses." He experimented upon
himself. When Tesla was struck down in the streets
by a New York taxi, he didn’t deliver himself
over to the medicals but dragged himself up to his
hotel room where, in seclusion and with the help of
his own electrotherapy, he recovered from his fractures
and contusions. He never patented in electrotherapy
but in 1891 began publishing his observations in technical
journals, and seven years later we find Tesla giving
a speech to the American Electro-Therapeutic Association
in which he details with drawings the high-frequency
apparatus he has invented for this purpose, which included
a Tesla coil.
Point Energy Wand
Zero point energy
Tesla, a brilliant inventor and visionary,
is considered the father of scalar, zero-point
technology, and the Tesla Coil, the technology
used in The Violet Ray, a high frequency, low
amperage source of static electricity.. Edgar
Cayce (1877-1945) a contemporary of Nikolas
Tesla, advocated the use of the violet ray
in almost 900
of his readings. Original violet ray devices
were indicated and recommended in many Cayce
on the Zero point energy wand here
Patients, by focusing certain frequencies
on afflicted areas, or, in some cases, just sitting
in the vicinity of vibrations from a device like the
Lakhovsky Multi wave Oscillator, which produced a blend
of specific frequencies, were said to have experienced
relief from rheumatism and other painful conditions.
It was even considered a cure for certain types of
paralysis. Such radiation's increase the supply of
blood to the area with a warming effect (diathermy).
They enhance the oxygenation and nutritive value of
the blood, increase various secretions, and accelerate
the elimination of waste products in the blood. All
this promotes healing. Electrotherapists even spoke
of broadcasting vitamins to the body. Reversals of
cancer tumor growths have been documented. Lakhovsky
predicated science will discover, some day, not only
the nature of microbes by the radiation they produce,
but also a method of killing disease within the body
by radiation.
Some of the experimenters who build
and consistently work with demonstration coils
have reported that, the more they are around
the active units, the less sleep they need. Often,
a generally high level of personal energy is
reported, compared to times in the lives of the
technicians when these coils were not being used
in their presence. In this context, the extraordinary
longevity and personal health of Nikola Tesla
himself should be noted. He lived into his 80's,
and Ralph Berkstresser has reported that the
man was in perfect health right up to the last
day of his life.

On two occasions, I have taken
a 60-hz filtered gaussmeter to the Tesla Museum
and measured fields around the Tesla coil when
it is operating. Both times, a consistent fluctuation
of readings was noted. This is significant, because
it indicates there are several unseen phenomena
occurring while the coil is operating. The gaussmeter
used is a highly filtered model made by Integrity
Electronics of Buffalo, NY. It is designed to
detect only magnetic fields emanating from 60-hz
AC lines, and to reject all other fields. Normally,
the meter is used to map powerline and equipment
magnetic fields that may cause health problems
in homes and offices. All readings are in milligauss
units (mg). Many European researchers have agreed
that any level above 2.5 mg is probably bioactive.
True Story of the Philadelphia Experiment
On both occasions, the baseline
reading was normal for the room where the coil
resides, with ackground fields at about .01 .03
mg. When the coil was on, fields fluctuated in
a regular pattern from 1.0 - 43 mg. This pattern
seemed to be precisely timed in its rise and
fall, although specific time measurements have
not yet been made. Most startling was the fact
that, after the coil was turned off, a field
reading of 22 mg was detected around a jar of
salt water used in another demonstration, when
no current was connected! A jar of plain salt
water holding an AC magnetic field under these
conditions is an unexpected phenomenon, and deserves
more study.
Currently, my own hypothesis is
that the magnetic fields emanating from operating
Tesla coils are forming some kind of spiral or
helical pattern in time and space. The patterns,
because of their geometric shape, could be part
of what causes bioactivity associated with these
devices. Of course, this all will be looked at
more closely. We plan to use a "geomagnetic" gaussmeter,
which is essentially unfiltered in terms of frequency,
and make further measurements under the same

Electrotherapy devices were sold directly
to the public via ads in popular magazines and in the
Sears catalogs. Self-treatment was widespread. This
easy access to treatment of all sorts of conditions
led to the eventual suppression of the technology by
the medical establishment. Electrotherapy, however,
is making a big comeback. In chiropractic and sports
medicine, low-frequency AC and DC pulses are being
used to kill pain and exercise muscles. High-frequency
electrotherapy is coming back in alternative healing
practices. There is an increasing appreciation of the
electrical nature of biological functioning and that
some electric vibrations in the environment are harmful
while others are healing. Reprints of Lakhovsky's works
are widely read. There is a growing conviction that
cancer can be effectively treated with high-frequency
“Today's scientists
have substituted mathematics for experiments,
and they wander off through equation after
equation, and eventually build a structure
which has no relation to reality.”
Nikola Tesla quote |
In his experimenting over an eight-year
period, Tesla made no fewer than 50 types of oscillating
coils. He experimented with lighting and other vacuum
effects, including x-rays. He also experimented with
novel shapes for the normally cylindrical coils, getting
satisfying results from cone shapes and flat spirals.
At Colorado Springs Tesla achieved phenomenally increased
outputs by using a third coil resonantly tuned to the
secondary. Observing the tremendous magnification this
achieved, he gave much of his attention to integrating
this extra coil, as he called it, into an evolved outsize
tesla coil called the magnifying transmitter.

Tesla Files
" Were we," remarks B. A. Behrend, distinguished author and engineer, "to
seize and to
eliminate the results of Mr. Tesla's work, the
wheels of industry would cease to turn, our
electric cars and trains would stop, our towns
would be dark, and our mills would be
dead and idle." |
of Pulsed Electro Magnetic Field Therapy
In 1898, Tesla published a paper that he read
at the eighth annual meeting of the American
Electro- Therapeutic Association in Buffalo,
NY. He states that one of the early observed
and remarkable features of pulsed magnetism was
their apparent harmlessness, which made it possible
to pass relatively great amounts of electrical
energy through the body of a person. Coils up
to three feet in diameter were used for magnetically
treating the body without contact, |
cosmic forces shape our Destinies Every
living being is an engine geared to the wheelwork
of the universe. Though seemingly affected
by its immediate surrounding, the sphere of external
influence extends to infinite distance. |
Human Energy
Does not the whole of human life attest to it?
Birth, growth, old
age, and death of an individual, family, race,
or nation, what is it all but a rhythm? All life-manifestation,
then, even in its most intricate form, as exemplified
in man, however involved and inscrutable, is
only a
movement, to which the same general laws of movement
which govern throughout the physical universe
must be applicable. |
The remedy in my opinion, is not to kill the microbes
contact with the healthy cells, but to reinforce
the oscillations
of the cell either directly by reinforcing the
radio activity of
the blood or in producing on the cells a direct
action by means
of the |
Tesla Discovering the future |
Controlled Earthquake |
Tesla Writes About His Experiments in Electrical
They affect powerfully the condition of the stomach,
undoubtedly promoting the process of digestion
and relieving the feeling of distress, often
experienced in consequence of the imperfect function
of the organs concerned in the process. They
have a strong influence upon the liver, causing
it to discharge freely, similarly to an application
of a catharic. They also seem to affect the glandular
system, noteably in the limbs; also the kidneys
and bladder, and more or less influence the whole
body. When applied for a longer period they produce
a feeling of immense fatigue, so that a profound
sleep is induced. |
of energy of the universe
I pondered over this oldest and greatest of all
riddles of physical science a long time in vain,
despairingly remind of the words of the poet:
Where, boundless nature, can I hold you fast?
And where you breasts?
Wells that sustain All life--the heaven and the
earth are nursed.
Goethe. Faust |
with planets |
coil theory and applications |
and pyramids |
(real) Flying Machine |
The Electric Magician |
MWO Tesla's
greatest inovation
Nikola Tesla Writes About His Experiments
in Electrical Healing Some weeks ago this journal published
an interesting article concerning electrical oscillations
as observed by the eminent scientist, Ni(c)ola Tesla.
So much interest was shown in the subject that Mr.
Tesla was appealed to directly and in response to that
appeal he sends to The Detroit Free Press this open
letter: Nos. 46 & 48 E. Houston Street
New York, February 10, 1896
During the past few weeks I have received so many letters
concerning the same subject that it was entirely beyond
my power to answer all of them individually. In view
of this I hope that I shall be excused for the delay,
which I must regret, in acknowledging the receipt,
and also for addressing this general communication
in answer to all inquiries. The many pressing demands
which have been made upon me in consequence of exaggerated
statements of the journals have painfully impressed
me with the fact that there are a great many sufferers,
and furthermore that nothing finds a more powerful
echo than a promise held out to improve the condition
of the unfortunate ones. The members of the medical
fraternity are naturally more deeply interested in
the task of relieving the suffering from their pain,
and, as might be expected, a great many communications
have been addressed to me by physicians.
To these chiefly this brief statement
of the actual facts is addressed. Some journals have
confounded the physiological effects of electrical
oscillations with those of mechanical vibrations, this
being probably due to the circumstance that a few years
ago I brought to the attention of the scientific men
some novel methods and apparatus for the production
of electrical oscillations which, I learn, are now
largely used in some modification or other in electro-therapeutic
treatment and otherwise. To dispel this erroneous idea
I wish to state that the effects of purely mechanical
vibrations which I have more recently observed, have
nothing to do with the former. Mechanical vibrations
have often been employed locally with pronounced results
in the treatment of diseases, but it seems that the
effects I refer to have either not been noted at all,
or if so, only to a small degree, evidently because
of the insufficiency of the means which have eventually
been employed in the investigations.
While experimenting with a novel contrivance,
constituting in its simplest form a vibrating mechanical
system, in which from the nature of the construction
the applied force is always in resonance with the natural
period, I frequently exposed my body to continued mechanical
vibrations. As the elastic force can be made as large
as desired, and the applied force used be very small,
great weights, half a dozen persons, for instance,
may be vibrated with great rapidity by a comparatively
small apparatus. I observed that such intense mechanical
vibrations produce remarkable physiological effects.
They affect powerfully the condition of the stomach,
undoubtedly promoting the process of digestion and
relieving the feeling of distress, often experienced
in consequence of the imperfect function of the organs
concerned in the process. They have a strong influence
upon the liver, causing it to discharge freely, similarly
to an application of a catharic. They also seem to
affect the glandular system, noteably in the limbs;
also the kidneys and bladder, and more or less influence
the whole body. When applied for a longer period they
produce a feeling of immense fatigue, so that a profound
sleep is induced.
The excessive tiring of the body is generally
accompanied by nervous relaxation, butthere seems to
be besides a specific action on the nerves. These observations,
though incomplete, are, in my own limited judgment,
nevertheless positive and unmistakable, and in view
of this and of the importance of further investigation
of the subject by competent men I prepared about a
year ago a machine with suitable adjustments for varying
the frequency and amplitude of the vibrations, intending
to give it to some medical faculty for investigation.
This machine, together with other apparatus, was unfortunately
destroyed by fire a year ago, but will be reconstructed
as soon as possible. In making the above statements
I wish to disconnect myself with the extraordinary
opinions expressed in some journals which I have never
authorized and which, though they may have been made
with good intent, cannot fail to be hurtful by giving
rise to visionary expectations.
Yours very truly, N. Tesla
The Detroit Free Press — Feb. 16, 1896, p. 16.
MWO Theory
of Operation
Lakhovsky pointed out that all cells capable of reproduction
contain in their nuclei "filaments" of
highly conductive material surrounded by insulating
media. This filament, which may be the RNA-DNA complex,
is always in the form of a spiral or helix, in other
words, a coil. Therefore, each will react as a tuned
circuit if its resonant frequency can be approximated
by an external oscillating coil.
did not carry this to its conclusion; however, I
postulate that by exciting the nuclei with electromagnetic
energy a "charge" can be induced by the
long established principle of electromagnetic induction.
This demonstrably raises the energy level and perhaps
the vitality of every call in the field simultaneously.
Since each cell is an individual, and of slightly
different physical dimensions, the exciting wavelengths
must be multiple, and must span a broad frequency
spectrum. Diathermy machines, limited to crystal-controlled
single frequences in the 27.255 MC region, can do
nothing but heat the tissue; and yet this approach,
abandoned by Lakhovsky in the 1930s, can still be
found in "modern" doctors offices!
The electromotive
force (emf) produced by the MWO and induced in the
cell nucleus, can raise the cell's metabolic rate
by electrolysis, and perhaps jog the RNA-DNA "memory" and
reproductive capabilities to their level at an earlier,
younger age, thus the rejuvenation. Even more subtle
changes might be postulated, such as a magnetic "progression" of
effects as evidenced by heavy water in magnetic fields.
in cancer, the emf induced by the MWO raises the
vitality and memory of marginal cells to normal reproduction
levels. In the case of other diseases, perhaps cells
given higher energy levels can more readily throw
off affliction.
The MWO described
here radiates a bandwith of radio frequency energy
from the audio frequencies up beyond microwave frequencies.
By actual measurement with standard field strength
meters, this vast bandwidth of frequencies and harmonics
can be shown. In fact, a bluish glow of "brush
discharge" surrounds the antenna when operating.
A fluorescent lamp held anywhere within several feet
of the subject glows brilliantly. Within this multiple-wave
range of frequencies, every cell in the body can
find its ONE resonant frequency and absorb energy
at its own natural wavelength.
the electrostatic energy cannot penetrate the body.
This is known as the "skin effect". However,
the electromagnetic component of the energy can and
does permeate and will induce an emf in each cell.
It is precisely this energy to which Lakhovsky attributes
his almost miraculous "cures". |
By George Lakhovsky
A whole branch of medicine was founded
on the healing effects of certain Tesla coil frequencies.
Tesla understood the therapeutic value of high-frequency
vibrations. He never patented in the area but did announce
his findings to the medical community, and a number
of devices were patented and marketed by others.

Patients, by focusing certain frequencies on afflicted
areas, or, in some cases, just sitting in the vicinity
of vibrations from a device like the Lakhovsky Multi
wave Oscillator, which produced a blend of specific
frequencies, were said to have experienced relief
from rheumatism and other painful conditions. It
was even
considered a cure for certain types of paralysis.
Such radiation's increase the supply of blood to
the area
with a warming effect (diathermy). They enhance the
oxygenation and nutritive value of the blood, increase
various secretions, and accelerate the elimination
of waste products n the blood.
All this promotes healing. Electrotherapists
even spoke of broadcasting vitamins to the body. Reversals
of cancer tumor growths have been documented. Lakhovsky
predicated science will discover, some day, not only
the nature of microbes by the radiation they produce,
but also a method of killing disease within the body
by radiation.
Electrotherapy devices were sold directly to the public
via ads in popular magazines and in the Sears catalogs.
Self-treatment was widespread. This easy access to
treatment of all sorts of conditions led to the eventual
suppression of the technology by the medical establishment.
Electrotherapy, however, is making a big comeback.
In chiropractic and sports medicine, low-frequency
AC and DC pulses are being used to kill pain and exercise
muscles. High-frequency electrotherapy is coming back
in alternative healing practices. There is an increasing
appreciation of the electrical nature of biological
functioning and that some electric vibrations in the
environment are harmful while others are healing. Reprints
of Lakhovsky's works are widely read. There is a growing
conviction that cancer can be effectively treated with
high-frequency therapies. In his experimenting over
an eight-year period, Tesla made no fewer than 50 types
of oscillating coils. He experimented with lighting
and other vacuum effects, including x-rays. He also
experimented with novel shapes for the normally cylindrical
coils, getting satisfying results from cone shapes
and flat spirals. At Colorado Springs Tesla achieved
phenomenally increased outputs by using a third coil
resonantly tuned to the secondary. Observing the tremendous
magnification this achieved, he gave much of his attention to integrating this extra coil, as he called it, into
an evolved outsize tesla coil called the magnifying
MWO's provide a full musical octave of resonating
rejuvenation electromagnetic energy to every part of
your body's cellular structure.
If you have never experienced the total
excitement of a full body therapeutical electromagnetic
charge that completely saturates you, then I strongly
suggest you do so. Its electromagnetic rejuvenation energy
resonates at many different cellular frequencies that
tune (by the process of resonation) each cell in your
body back to its original youthful cellular frequency.
In case you are wondering why you have never heard of
the MWO before now allow me to share with you my observation.
They were introduced to the public in the late 1930's.
MWO helps the body automatically return back to a state
of health and, at the same time, assist the body is overcoming
its sicknesses and diseases.

What does it feel like to be sitting in-between
the antennas of a MWO? If you have ever imagined how
a battery might feel while being charged - it feels similar.
Your skin can actually feel the electrical charging effects
from the antennas. It is an exciting new experience to
be charged by an MWO.
The idea of "Resonance" is the
key to understanding the function of Lakhovsky's Multi-Wave
Oscillator. The resonant frequency of cells and organs
happens to be the natural frequency of health for that
individual cell.
Exposure to the MWO field induces an detoxification
effect/ experience as the body attempts to shed itself
of accumulated toxins. An example would be the case of
a cigarette smoker starting to cough more as the lungs
begin a process of self cleansing in response to repeated
exposure to the MWO field.
An additional effect occurs when there
is a pure Etheric component of the Tesla Coil output
independent of any frequencies. This Etheric or Radiant
Energy component was noted by Nikola Tesla himself as
being therapeutic and rejuvenating. For the special Ætheric
or Radiant Energy effect to occur, the Tesla Coil must
be tuned so that it becomes a series "impulse" device
rather than an alternating current device.
Instruction Page

Zero Point Energy Pen
Using the Zero Point Energy Wand is simple and
only takes minutes a day to start feeling the results.
For the cost of just 1 massage or acupuncture therapy
session, try the Zero Point Energy Wand and reap
the benefit for years to come!
More information
Violet Ray
Tesla, a brilliant inventor and visionary, is
considered the father of scalar, zero-point technology,
and the Tesla Coil, the technology used in The
Violet Ray, a high frequency, low amperage source
of static electricity.. Edgar Cayce (1877-1945)
a contemporary of Nikolas Tesla, advocated the
use of the violet ray in
almost 900 of his readings.
Original violet ray devices were indicated and
recommended in many Cayce readings
Tube Violet Ray system
With Tubes Click here for Tubes picture
Updated 30 watt model
Color white
Voltage 110v - 220/240v
Dual voltage units
More Information
PEMF Pulser
All energy is electromagnetic in nature, nothing
happens in the body without an electromagnetic
exchange between cells
n 1898, Tesla published a paper that he read at
the eighth annual meeting of the American Electro-
Therapeutic Association in Buffalo, NY. He states
that one of the early observed and remarkable features
of pulsed magnetism was their apparent harmlessness,
which made it possible to pass relatively great
amounts of electrical energy through the body of
a person.
More information
Totally Solid State Design,
Variable speed from 1 pulse to 75 pulses a minute.
Bob Beck type magnetic pulser 6500-7000 gauss at
7 pulses per min
1-30 min Timer
Double the penetratioin of the sota pulser
You can hear the magnetic pulser pulse
Doesn't over heat after a short time
Left and Right coil system
Stand components
Please Note: Current stands are made from PVC pipe
and some assembly is required.
In Control Consol
Spark Adjustment
Cooling Fans
Information Click here
[1] L. Anderson, "Wardenclyffe: A
forfeited dream," Long Island Forum, Aug/Sept 1968.
[2] L. Anderson and J. Ratzlaff, Dr. Nikola Tesla: Bibliography,
Palo Alto, CA: Ragusan Press, 1979.
[3] J. Blatt, Theory of Superconductivity. New York:
Academic Press, 1964, p. vi.
[4] R. Bourne (Editor), Smithsonian Book of Invention.
New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1978. [No/Tesla]
[5] R. Burlingare, Machines That Built America. New York:
Harcourt and Brace, 1972. [No/Tesla]
[6] M. Cheney, Tesla: Man out of Time. Englewood Cliffs,
NJ: Prentice Hall, 1981.
[7] E. Chressy, Discoveries & Inventions of the 20th
Cen tury; London: Routledge & Kegan, 1923. [No/Tesla]
[8] J. Crowther, Discoveries & Inventions of the
20th Century. London: Routledge & Kegan, 1955. [No/Tesla]
[9] M. Freedman, "Dig for mystery tunnels ends with
scientist's secret intact," Newsday, 2/13/1979,
p. 26.
[10] M. Freedman, "Famed inventor, mystery tunnels
linked," Newsday 3/16/1979, p. 19.
[11] E. Gertz, "Who is Nikola Tesla? who indeed!" The
Paper: A Chicago Weekly, 10/22/1960, p. 1.
[12] J. Gies and F. Gies, Those Ingenius Yankees. New
York: Thomas Crowell Publ., 1976. [Yes/Tesla]
[13] E. Heyn, 100 Years of Popular Science. Garden City,
New York: Doubleday, 1972. [Yes/Tesla]
[14] E. Hoyt, The House of Morgan. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co.,
1966, pp. 237-257.
[15] I. Hunt and W. Draper, Lightning in Hands: The Life
Story of Nikola Tesla. Hawthorne, CA: Omni Publ, 1964/77,
p. 123.
[16] M. Josephson, Thomas Edison. New York: McGraw Hill
Publ. Co., 1959> p. 362.
[17] W. Kaempffert, A Popular History of American Invention.
New York: Charles Scribner, 1924. [Yes/Tesla]
[18] F. Klemm, The History of Western Technology. New
York: Macmillan Publ., 1959. [No/Tesla]
[19] G. Marconi, "Syntonic wireless telegraphy," Electrical
Review, 6/22/1901, p. 783.
[20] J. Meyer, World Book of Inventors. New York: World
Publ. Co., 1956. [Yes/Tesla]
[21] New York Times, "The rich denounced," 5/2/1901,
p.7 col 1.
[22] New York Times, "Fear and ruin in a falling
market," 5/10/1901, p. 1, col 6.
[23] J. 0'Neill, Prodigal Genius. New York: David McKay & Co.,
[24] A. Pacey, The Maze of Ingenuity. New York: Holmes & Mercer
Publ. Co., 1975. [No/Tesla]
[25] F. J. Patten, "Nikola Tesla and his work," Electrical
World, 4/14/1894, pp. 496-499.
[26] C. Polla and d. Birdsell, The Technology of Man.
New York: Holt, Reinhart & Winston, 1976. [No/Tesla]
[27] H. Prout, George Westinghouse, An Intimate Portrait.
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1939, p. 163.
[28] Public Opinion, "Science and sensationalism," 12/1/
1898, p. 684.
[29] D. Rankine, Memorabelia of Wm. Birch Rankine. Niagara
Falls: Power City Press, 1926, p. 30.
[30] H. Satterlee, J. Pierpont Morgan: An Intimate Biography.
New York: Macmillan Publ. Co., 1939.
[31] M. Seifer, "Tesla: The man who fell to earth," Ancient
Astronauts, 9/1977, pp. 23-26. (H. Imber, pseudonym.)
[32] M. Seifer, "Forty years of the handwriting
of Nikola Tesla," presentation before The National
Society for Graphology, March, 1979.
[33] M. Seifer, "The battle of the currents," MetaScience
Quarterly, Vol 1, #1, Spring, 1979. pp. 101-102.
[34] M. Seifer, "Nikola Tesla: The forgotten genius," in
Psychohistory: Persons & Communities Conference,
edited by J. Dorinson and J. Atlas, International Psychohistorical
Association, 2/18/1983.
[35] M. Seifer, "Life on Mars: A turn of the century
group fantasy," in Proceedings of the Sixth Annual
Int?l Psychohistorical Association, City College of New
York, June, 1983.
[36] M. Seifer, Tesla: Mad Scientist of the Gilded Age.
New York: Windsor Total Video, 1984.
[37] M. Seifer, Nikola Tesla: Psychohistorical Analysis
of a Forgotten Genius. Doctoral dissertation in progress,
Saybrook Institute, San Francisco, CA.
[38] N. Tesla, "Torpedo boat without a crew," Current
Literature, 2/1899, pp. 136-137.
[39] N. Tesla, "The problem of increasing human
energy," The Century, 6/1900, pp. 175-211.
[40] N. Tesla, "Talking with the planets," Current
Literature, 3/1901, pp. 359-360.
[41] N. Tesla, My Inventions. VT: Hart Publ., 1982. (Originally
published, 1919.)
[42] N. Tesla, Private correspondence with J. Pierpont
Morgan (1900-06); George Scherff (1899-1938); Robert
Underwood Johnson (1894-1938); George Westinghouse (1891-1907);
Samuel Clemens (1894); Stanford White (1901) Washington,
D.C., Library of Congress.
[43] N. Tesla, Private correspondence with Kathryn and
Robert Underwood Johnson (1894-1938). New York: Butler
Library, Columbia University.
[44] N. Tesla, Lectures, Patents and Writings. Belgrade:
Nikola Tesla Museum, 1956. Patent numbers: 514168; 646621;
685012; 685953; 685954; 689955; 685956; 685957; 685958;
723188; 725605; 787412; 1119732; pp. P-225-227; P-293-359.
[45] C. Tuska, Inventors and Inventions. New York: McGraw
Hill, 1957. [No/Tesla] [46] W. Von Brawn, W. Ley/ P.
Bonestell, The Exploration of Mars. New York: Viking
Press, 1956, pp. 64, 84-85. [47] G. Wheeler. Pierpont
Morgan and Friends: Anatomy of a Myth. Englewood Cliffs,
NJ; Prentice Hall, 1973, pp. 232-233.
[48] T Williams, Short History of 20th Century Technology.
New York: Oxford University Press, 1957. [Yes/Tesla]
[49] Mr. X, "Science and fiction," Popular
Science Monthly, July 1900, pp. 324-326. |