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NZD $ 19.95

Examples of Suggestions
  • You now create a reality of happiness and success.
  • You are forgiven for what you can and cannot remember.
  • You are free to become all you are capable of being.
  • You now create the positive life you desire to live.
  • You have a right to the good things in life.

NZD $ 19.95

Examples of Suggestions
  • You take complete control of your life.
  • You are happy and fulfilled by your independence.
  • Success now becomes your way of life.
  • You are self directed and free.
  • You are a self-confident winner.
  • You live a successful independent lifestyle.
  • You feel good about yourself.

NZD $ 19.95

Examples of Suggestions
  • What your mind can envision, your body can master.
  • Your coordination gets better every day.
  • You have the ability to be the best.
  • You are driven to improve to peak ability.
  • You maintain total focused concentration.
  • You excel.
  • The winner within you now takes control

NZD $ 19.95

Examples of Suggestions
  • You get what you want with quick thinking.
  • You instantly respond with the best answer
  • You are mentally alert and focused at all times.
  • You think quickly and react quickly
  • You now release the full power of your mind.
  • Quick creative thinking makes you a winner.

NZD $ 19.95

Examples of Suggestions
  • What your mind can envision your body can master.
  • You now master your serve and return of serve.
  • You are driven to improve to peak tennis ability.
  • You master your tennis concentration and timing.
  • You master winning tennis strategy.

NZD $ 19.95

Video Hypnosis
Automatic writing is the technique of going into an altered state of consciousness and allowing an etheric world intelligence or your own Higher Self to communicate through your hand. The first 20 minutes of this 60minute tape are step-by-step instructions by Dick Sutphen, followed by an Automatic Writing Video Hypnosis!' session. The suggestions include: You use automatic writing successfully.
  • Trust, and allow the information to come in.
  • You can do automatic writing. R Automatic writing is easy.
  • You can do it!

NZD $ 19.95

Remote viewing is a clairvoyant perception of a distant location in which you mentally visit a person or place and accurately observe details of the environment and what is happening. Astral projection is leaving your physical body and traveling to another location or alternate realm of reality. The first 20 minutes of this 90-minute tape are step-by step instructions by Dick Sutphen, followed by two Video Hypnosis sessions.
The suggestions include:
  • You can project your mind.
  • Remote view another location.
  • You can astral project.
  • Let go and astral project.

NZD $ 19.95

Examples of Suggestions
  • You are driven to work out and achieve peak condition.
  • You now develop the body you desire: the size, definition, fullness, separation, and hardness.
  • You are driven to build your body to perfection.
  • You have the self-discipline to do anything you want to do.