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NZD $ 19.95

Examples of Suggestions
  • Every day you become more psychic.
  • You now become telepathic and clairvoyant.
  • You now rapidly develop your extrasensory and precognitive abilities.
  • Your thoughts have psychic validity and you trust them.
  • sixth sense now opens all psychic channels.

NZD $ 19.95

Examples of Suggestions
  • You now release the unlimited power of your creative ability.
  • You now draw creative inspiration from the universe.
  • You feel creative and you are creative.
  • Every day in every way, you become more creative.
  • You easily generate creative solutions.

NZD $ 19.95

Examples of Suggestions
  • You have the ability to focus your concentration at will.
  • Total concentration is yours when you want it.
  • You totally focus your concentration and energy at will.
  • Every day, you increase your ability to concentrate.
  • You can do anything you want to do.
  • You are a winner

NZD $ 19.95

Examples of Suggestions
  • You see positive opportunities in everything you experience.
  • You experience inner peace.
  • Every day, you feel better about yourself.
  • You are optimistic.
  • You are enthusiastic and look forward to challenges.
  • You experience the joy and detach from negativity.

NZD $ 19.95

Examples of Suggestions
  • Your immune system functions at optimum efficiency.
  • Every day, your body's immune system becomes stronger.
  • You love yourself, your body and your immune system.
  • Your continually strengthening irnmune system keeps you healthy.

NZD $ 19.95

Examples of Suggestions
  • You have the power and ability to decide what you want.
  • You now develop clarity about desires and goals.
  • You are now dear about what you want.
  • You are now clear, focused and have a strong direction.
  • You have the courage to make life changing decisions.

NZD $ 19.95

Examples of Suggestions
  • Let the divine white presence descend.
  • You are a channel for the Light.
  • You walk in the Light and are harmonious and self-filled.
  • The Light within you inspires you to be all you are capable of being.
  • You invoke the blessing of the source of the Light.

NZD $ 19.95

Examples of Suggestions
  • You project an inner warmth and friendliness.
  • You are self-assured and independent.
  • You project self-confidence.
  • You are sensitive and you allow others to know it.
  • You are confident enough to let your vulnerability show.
  • You project charisma and draw people