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NZD $ 14.99

Life Tune-up
Dozens of Positive Affirmations Affirmations on your key life areas: Abundance, Health, Healing, Peace, Balance, Harmony, and Self-Realization. The suggestions begin with asking spirit to manifest that which is your Divine right. I live in a Universe of abundance, and I now rise above my limited awareness to claim my share of my Divine legacy. From this moment on, I radiate an attitude and aura of abundance. I thankfully accept the Divine healing of my body. I now choose to experience joy and vitality as a reflection of the omnipresence of “all that is.” I now choose to experience my life as Divine tranquillity. From a world of activity and distraction, I open to the soothing radiance of spirit. I am a reflection of the Divine power which enables me to carry any burden as though it did not exist. Self-realization now sets me free. Much more on all life areas

NZD $ 14.99

Mind-Over-Muscles Zapper

ZAPPER PROGRAMMING SERIES: The powerful “Zapper” mind technology combined with audible suggestions. Some of the Spoken Suggestions
You have the will-power, inner strength and determination to build your body to absolute perfection. You now develop the body you desire: the exact size, definition, fullness, separation, and hardness. What you can conceive and believe, you can achieve. You have the self-discipline to do anything you want to do. You’re a self-confident winner. You keep pushing and always optimize your workout time. Every day in every way, you get stronger and more confident. You free your mind of all limitations. The more you build your body, the better you feel about yourself, and the harder you work. You mold and sculpt your body to your specifications.

NZD $ 14.99

Reverse-Aging Zapper ZAPPER PROGRAMMING SERIES: The powerful “Zapper” mind technology combined with audible suggestions. Some of the Spoken Suggestions
Every day you feel more youthful and enthusiastic. You now unleash the youthful vigor that lies within. You choose to live a healthy lifestyle of proper diet and exercise. You are excited about life and you feel vigorous. You are as young as you feel and every day you feel younger. You now recapture your youthful vigor and enthusiasm. Every day you think more positively. You really feel good. What you think you are creates your reality. You detach from stress and allow it to flow through you without affecting you. You no longer resist what you cannot change. You now eliminate all excess in your life. You balance your life and your life works. You now act younger and you feel younger. You breathe deeply, purposely consuming more oxygen