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ebook specials

NZD $ 46.95

Rich Man’s Poor Man’s Cancer Treatment


NZD $ 7.95

The Gnostic Gospel of Judas

The Newest Gnostic Find: The Gospel of Judas! In the Spring of 2006 the media was convulsed by the news that a 1,600 year old copy of the fabled Gospel of Judas was about to be published by National Geographic.

Discovered in Egypt in the 1970s, the Gospel of Thomas suffered neglect until 2001 when a team of experts began restoration of the text. Now available in a fine translation, this scripture more than any other has galvanized interest in Gnostic alternative Christianity. Dr. Hoeller interprets this scripture in the light of Gnostic teachings which he has represented in the Los Angeles area for over 50 years.

JUD1-Judas the Chosen One

$NZ7.95 aprox $US4.95


NZD $ 7.95

The Gnostic Gospel of Judas

The Newest Gnostic Find: The Gospel of Judas! In the Spring of 2006 the media was convulsed by the news that a 1,600 year old copy of the fabled Gospel of Judas was about to be published by National Geographic.

Discovered in Egypt in the 1970s, the Gospel of Thomas suffered neglect until 2001 when a team of experts began restoration of the text. Now available in a fine translation, this scripture more than any other has galvanized interest in Gnostic alternative Christianity. Dr. Hoeller interprets this scripture in the light of Gnostic teachings which he has represented in the Los Angeles area for over 50 years.

JUD2-Judas, the Insightful Disciple

NZD $ 7.95

The Gnostic Gospel of Judas

The Newest Gnostic Find: The Gospel of Judas! In the Spring of 2006 the media was convulsed by the news that a 1,600 year old copy of the fabled Gospel of Judas was about to be published by National Geographic.

Discovered in Egypt in the 1970s, the Gospel of Thomas suffered neglect until 2001 when a team of experts began restoration of the text. Now available in a fine translation, this scripture more than any other has galvanized interest in Gnostic alternative Christianity. Dr. Hoeller interprets this scripture in the light of Gnostic teachings which he has represented in the Los Angeles area for over 50 years.

JUD3-Judas and Gnostic Cosmology

NZD $ 7.95

The Gnostic Gospel of Judas

The Newest Gnostic Find: The Gospel of Judas! In the Spring of 2006 the media was convulsed by the news that a 1,600 year old copy of the fabled Gospel of Judas was about to be published by National Geographic.

Discovered in Egypt in the 1970s, the Gospel of Thomas suffered neglect until 2001 when a team of experts began restoration of the text. Now available in a fine translation, this scripture more than any other has galvanized interest in Gnostic alternative Christianity. Dr. Hoeller interprets this scripture in the light of Gnostic teachings which he has represented in the Los Angeles area for over 50 years.

JUD4-Judas the Holy Betrayer

NZD $ 19.95

Law of Attraction in 30 MinutesTM

NZD $ 14.99

Attract Love-
Project Charisma Zapper

ZAPPER PROGRAMMING SERIES: The powerful “Zapper” mind technology combined with audible suggestions. Some of the Spoken Suggestions
You are open and approachable and you project an inner warmth and friendliness. You are self-assured and independent, and you project self-confidence to everyone you meet. You are open and approachable. You easily express sensitivity and you allow others to know it. You’re confident enough to let your vulnerability show. You project charisma and draw people to you. And you’re open and receptive to a loving relationship. You’re ready to give and receive unconditional love. You accept others without judgment, expectations, or blame. You now create the space for a warm loving relationship. You do. You’re willing to fully commit to another person, mentally, physically and financially. You’re clear on your intent and you open to meet new people. And you now meet eligible new people. Potential lovers manifest in your life.