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NZD $ 14.99

White Llight Meditation

With 3-D Sound Effects
By Dick Sutphen
White-light, the spiritual light of life energy, can be focused to cleanse and balance your body and mind. Track 1: As the light expands and intensifies, you are directed: "Experience the light, become the light, radiate the light and invoke the blessing of the source of the light. Let this light of balance and harmony bring healing to every level your body and mind. Visualize yourself physically healed. Allow the light and energy to cleanse and heal you mentally. Let go of all sorrow, suffering, worry and blame. Allow the light and energy to cleanse your mind of negativity. From this moment on, you are a channel for the light."

You are provided time to meditate on whatever you wish, or to allow understanding and awareness to flow into your mind. Trust your thoughts and impressions and the visions that dance before your inner eyes. At the end of the session, you are awakened with positive suggestions.

Track 2: White-Light Sleep Meditation -- Similar to track 1, but at the end you are directed to drift off into a peaceful sleep with suggestions such as, "You will have enlightening dreams. While sleeping, you attain Divine inspiration." Much more. 60 minutes.

NZD $ 14.99

Weight-Loss Zapper

Weight-Loss Zapper

The powerful “Zapper” mind technology combined with audible suggestions. Use the CD three different ways: 1) Be mentally programmed in your home or office while sitting down and doing other things such as working at a computer or reading. 2) Use it as closed-eye meditative programming. 3) Use it as sleep programming. Simply listen as you go to sleep.

Some of the Spoken Suggestions

From this moment on, you eat less calories than you use. Reduce calories. You do. You accept this. You have the self-discipline to establish a healthy diet and stick to it. You eat only healthy foods in small portions and only at mealtime. No snacks. You stick to your diet. Slim down. Lose weight. Do it. You can. You ignore all urges to eat between meals. Smaller portions. Every day you lose weight. You have the power and discipline to do what you need to do to have the body you want. You accept and act upon these suggestions and you lose weight. The regulating power of your mind now assists you in fulfilling your weight-loss goals. It does. Your mind is all powerful. Your mind produces the proper levels of beta-endorphins and serotonin for maximum health and ideal body weight. This is what is.

NZD $ 14.99

Wealth/Success Zapper

Wealth &
Success Zapper

The powerful “Zapper” mind technology combined with audible suggestions. Use the CD three different ways: 1) Be mentally programmed in your home or office while sitting down and doing other things such as working at a computer or reading. 2) Use it as closed-eye meditative programming. 3) Use it as sleep programming. Simply listen as you go to sleep.

Some of the Spoken Suggestions

You manifest wealth and success in your life. Wealth and success results from clarity of intent, abundant energy, enthusiasm, high self-esteem, discipline, and recognized opportunities. You are enthusiastic and willing to act. You think of yourself as a winner. You are persistent, ambitious and determined. You recognize and grasp opportunities. And you spend each moment doing the most productive thing you can. You do. You focus your energy upon attaining wealth and success. Your creative thinking opens doors to monetary abundance. What you imagine, you can create. You accept this. You are totally confident of your monetary success, because you focus your energy on making great amounts of money. Focus. Focus upon money-making opportunities ... wealth-generating opportunities. You manifest success, success, success.

NZD $ 14.99

Zen Zapper

ZAPPER PROGRAMMING SERIES: The powerful “Zapper” mind technology combined with audible suggestions. Some of the Spoken Suggestions
From this moment on self-liberation is a priority in your life. You view life from a Zen perspective. You flow with life, never opposing things by resisting them. You yield, realigning the force of your opposition and using it to your advantage. You accept that what is, is. You accept the things you cannot change. You develop detached mind. You detach from the need of approval or control. You detach from expectations, judgment and blame. You let the little things go. What isn’t important doesn’t need to be challenged. You’re unconcerned with the opinions of others. You’re secure in knowing who you are. You live in the now. You’re strong and patient.

NZD $ 42.95

Learn How To Expand Your Own Inner Genius

Yes! Now You Can Learn Anything Quickly and Easily!

Tap Your Inner Genius
Whether you are a statesperson, CEO or student, your speed
of learning can be the criteria for success or failure.

In school we're told to learn, but never are we taught HOW to learn.

Unfortunately, most of us have a negative fear of learning
which holds us back from truly reaching our potential.

Dr. Tag Powell has developed an easy Mega-Power Learning Training Program
that you can use in your own home.

Finally, there is a fast and easy method to change limiting learning beliefs.
Unleash the genius within you!

This simple program combines latest worldwide research
to bring success within your grasp.

It helps you to keep up with your fast-paced world.

You Can Learn Anything Faster!

Phone Numbers
Names & Addresses
Anything Faster


Prepare your mind for fast, easy learning.
Prepare your own Mega-Power Learning tapes and lessons for accelerated learning.
Use special music to open the door to your right-brain hemisphere,
and increase your learning abilities.
Use the methods developed by Bulgarian, Georgi Lozanov.
Lozanov is using this method to teach complete languages in twenty-four days!

NZD $ 42.95

Is Your Wealth Creation Journey Going Nowhere?

Have you been struggling for so long to find the secret to wealth that you're starting to believe you'll never achieve your dreams?
You need to ask one simple question:
What stops me from getting what I want?
Many people claim they want to be wealthy, or at least financially independent. Yet most of us live from paycheck to paycheck and retire broke at the end of our lives.
How can this happen when there's so much wealth building information available in bookstores, courses, workshops and on the Internet? For the cost of a few dollars (or for nothing if you use your local library), you can study subjects from financial planning to investing in the stock market, real estate and your own business.
There's no shortage of strategies out there that can help make you amazingly wealthy within the next five to ten years.
But if information were the only ingredient necessary for success, then all those people who take wealth creation courses would be wealthy!

In fact, the opposite is true.

Only a very small percentage of students and product purchasers actually follow through on what they've learned.

Why is that?

We're great at coming up with excuses:

Not enough time
No privacy for study
Not enough money to invest
Children take up all my time
But Perhaps the real reason we don't utilize what we've learned is that we overlook the key ingredient for turning knowledge into action:

To become wealthy, your motivation, habits, thoughts, self-image and emotions must all be aligned towards achieving that single goal.

In other words, success hinges on your frame of mind.

Here's what some of the world's top motivators have to say:

All riches, of whatever nature, begin as a state of mind.
Napoleon Hill, The Master Key to Riches

The key is not the mere pursuit of wealth, but changing your beliefs and attitudes about it.
Anthony Robbins, Awaken the Giant Within

You are the fruit of the thoughts you have planted and nourished. If you want a better harvest, you must plant better thoughts.
Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen, The One Minute Millionaire

The way each of us thinks and feels about our money is the key factor in determining how much we ultimately have.
Suze Orman, The Courage to be Rich

Change a few ideas and you gain power over money, rather than allowing money to have power over you.
Robert Kiyosaki, Rich Kid Smart Kid

People become successful the minute they decide to be.
Harvey Mackay, Pushing the Envelope

To be ambitious for wealth and yet always expecting to be poor, to be forever doubting your ability to get what you long for, is like trying to reach east by traveling west.
Og Mandino, The Greatest Mystery in the World

Because they are consistent, often unconscious patterns, (habits) constantly, daily express our character and produce our effectiveness or ineffectiveness.
Stephen Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

What you radiate outward in your thoughts, feelings, mental pictures and words, you attract into your life and daily affairs.
Catherine Ponder, The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity

When our self-instructions are negative, our achievements will be negative. On the other hand, when our self-instructions are positive, we will achieve much.
Tom Hopkins, The Official Guide to Success

The key to directing your life is the ability to know how to direct and manage your states.
Anthony Robbins, Unlimited Power

The only difference between those who have failed and those who have succeeded lies in their habits.
Og Mandino, The Greatest Salesman in the World a matter of mental attitude.
W. Clement Stone, The Success System That Never Fails

Money comes from your ideas because money is just an idea.
Robert Kiyosaki, Rich Kid Smart Kid

In most of the books written on success and wealth creation, the authors agree that attitude is the most important component, accounting for 85-90% of the result. Without it, nothing you try will succeed past a certain point. With it, you can start with nothing yet find opportunities literally knocking on your door. We call people who experience this 'lucky', but that luck is something they've unconsciously attracted because of their positive mindsets.

There's no shortage of free advice out there either. At various stages we've all been told to
get your act together
get focused
get control of your finances
develop a 'positive mental attitude'
have faith in yourself
and just do it!

Have you ever noticed that many of the people who tell you
WHAT to do, can't tell you HOW to do it?

People assume that because something comes naturally to them that anyone else can do the same thing if they just put their minds to it. But without a recipe for implementation, advice becomes worse than useless. The recipient feels like a fool when he can't change his behavior with a simple click of his fingers.

Did you know that change can occur in an instant?
Many people believe that change is a laborious process that happens one step at a time. And it can be. We grow up one day at a time, we learn a new skill over time, and we construct buildings one brick (or plank) at a time. It would seem that most meaningful change requires a substantial time frame in order to take place.

But it can also happen like a bolt of lightning.
Did you ever feel you'd never learn to swim or ride a bike, then changed your mind the second you mastered it?
Have you ever imagined someone didn't like you until they asked you for a date or invited you to their party?
Did you ever love a particular food until the day you overindulged and lost your taste for it?
Have you ever idolized a stunningly gorgeous man or woman, and then been repulsed when you saw the depth of their vanity?

You could say your feelings about the subject were reframed. It's as if you're looking at the same picture, but it has different frame around it. In other words, the meaning has changed from positive to negative or vice versa.

You now see that person or event in a different light. And you can never go back to feeling the way you did before that change in perception.

This is the kind of shift that can transform your life.
What if you could reverse your negative self-image?
What if you could alter your expectations about your future success?
About the amount of money you think you deserve?
The kind of lifestyle you feel is possible?
The kind of relationships you believe you can create?

It's all achievable. It happens every day, often without any conscious intent. And it also works when you use the process deliberately. Many people have been instantaneously reframed using quick-change techniques.

The point is, not every technique works the same way for everyone. What turns on the spotlight for you may not work for me. For me it will be something different, because I'm a different person. We all are.

Marguerite Bonneville


Profit From

How To Become Wealthy By Changing Your Thoughts

Before you take another seminar on Sales, Real Estate, or make any more investments, reprogram your mind to embrace the wealth that can be yours.

Our files are full of super-charged letters from people like you, who have used these techniques to increase their finances by hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Break out of mediocrity, use your mind!

"It is not a "magic bullet," but a systematic plan to help
you get from where you are to where you want to be."
New Awareness Magazine

Become wealthy by changing your thoughts.

Here, in 10 easy steps, is the way you can formulate and attain your money goals. A short, easy-to-read, to-the-point Ebook showing how you can think wealthy and become wealthy. A physical and mental approach to abundant living.

Not just another album on thinking rich.
This information is based on over two decades of research from Dr. Tag Powell's Think Wealth Seminars taught around the globe since 1979. Tens of thousands have claimed their increased money goals -- from $1,000 to $30 million above and beyond their normal income -- by applying these lessons, including:

How to think rich.
How to spend rich.
Deciding your pathway to wealth.
How to plan your money moves.
Accustoming yourself to wealth.
Developing money confidence.

You will learn:

How to rethink your self-defeating attitudes about being wealthy;

How to gain fresh insight into your earning, spending, banking and investing behaviors;

How to love yourself, your work, your wealth, and your life in general;
How to expand your awareness and your comfort zone to accept riches into your life.

Why buy the MP3 Format?
Avoid costly shipping charges
Avoid the delay, we want you to start benefiting from our programs right away Enjoy the latest improvements in our programs.


Mini-Seminar revealing the secrets from the famous Think Money Seminar taught worldwide by Dr. Tag Powell.

A guided visualization mental training exercise that has helped thousands change their lives and their financial status.

Powerful "Changing the Past" visualization exercise uniquely designed by Dr. Tag Powell that will help you root out the cause of your early fears or beliefs about money. And other fears, phobias and unproductive behaviors.

A Subliminal MP3 with the special Alphamatics
(increased wealth suggestions) embedded below the threshold of hearing in an relaxing ocean sound.