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NZD $ 14.99

Two Tracks to Induce Different Altered States of Consciousness
These vibrational sound waves will ease you into an altered state of consciousness -- a mid-range meditative state (alpha), or a deep-level state (theta).

For 25 years, Dick Sutphen has been experimenting with trance states. And in that time he has introduced many concepts now in general use. This CD is the result of the latest research by the Sutphen staff. And according to Dick, it is also the most powerful.

Simply follow the instructions inside the cover and use the sound waves as you would while conducting a self-hypnosis or meditation session. Once you’re in an altered-state, here are some ideas: 1) Simply open to receiving ideas, images or inspiration. 2) Communicate with your spirit guide via “thought language.” Simply ask a question with a thought and then listen as another thought comes to you as the answer. 3) Explore the memory banks of your mind by regressing back to past events in this life, or your past lives. 4) Program your mind by visualizing what you desire as an already accomplished fact. Also give yourself positive suggestions. 5) Use the waves as a background sound while studying and give yourself the suggestion, “I will remember and easily recall everything I am reading.” 73 minutes.

NZD $ 14.99

Chakra Balancing

Your seven chakras of etheric energy influence all aspects of your life and open naturally as you evolve spiritually. Balancing and energizing these centers assures greater balance, harmony, health, and vitality. Track One is a chakra balancing and energizing session. Track Two is a chakra meditation. At the end you are awakened with positive suggestions

NZD $ 15.00

Ascension to all that is

NZD $ 14.99

ASTRAL MASSAGE by Upper Astral
is inner-harmony music that will relax your mind just as a physical massage relaxes your body. Sustained, flowing environmental sounds and gentle flute and synthesizer melodies will carry you far from your worldly pursuits. Use this mellow album for such activities as massage, meditation, or behind spoken visualizations.

NZD $ 14.99

Temple of Light
Temple of Light Sample -- Real Audio


Temple of Light

CD Meditation Journey

The backstory begins, "Long ago, in dreams, your spirit guide introduced you to a sacred temple existing in a mountain of light. Later, during sleep, while out of body on the other side, Master teachers began to prepare you for a physical journey to the Himalayas."

Produced with incredible 3-D sound effects, The Temple of Light is a mind-movie meditation like nothing you've ever experienced. For 65 minutes, you become the central character on a journey of self-discovery.

You journey to Kathmandu, where you meet a Sherpa guide who leads you deep into the Himalayas. Along the way, you meet various travelers who ask soul-searching questions you'll answer in your mind. The travel, the mountains, and the people become real to you. People in the teahouses talk to you, ask questions, and provide messages the Masters have asked them to relay. Eventually, you reach The Temple of Light , where you'll meet the Masters, experience a chakra initiation, and be offered the opportunity to have all your questions answered.

NZD $ 14.99

The Wave & Become the Light
The Wave/Become the Light Sample -- Real Audio


The Wave & Become The Light

Two Meditation Journeys On One CD

In the tradition of Dick Sutphen's best-selling Temple of Light and Gateless Gate Meditation Journeys. Each meditation uses 3-D effects and includes soothing music created especially for these explorations.

The Wave Meditation begins with you meeting a kindly teacher, whom you follow into the mist to begin a journey to mystical sites, including a Celtic stone circle, an Egyptian mystery school and a Native American medicine wheel. At each sacred site, you experience the past, then tap into the intense energy and use it to explore your own present and future. The final site is Mt. Shasta in Northern California where a great "energy wave" brings into your life what you desire and takes away what you want to release. 41 minutes.

Become The Light Meditation is a unique "transference" session in which you explore what you will one day become -- a being of light exploring your potential in a highly evolved nonphysical realm. You'll return with the feelings of peace, light and love that you experience there. 23 minutes.

NZD $ 14.99

Find Your Best Solution

Find Your Best Solution

TRINARY BRAIN/MIND PROGRAMMING -- Six tracks using unique and ultra-powerful techniques. Track 1: Astral Body Relaxation -- Accompanied by soothing music and 3-D sound effects, Dick Sutphen directs a visualization in which you float up through the ceiling and into the sky, experiencing total freedom far above the earth below. As the process continues, your physical body relaxes until you're in a meditative state and receptive to suggestions. Followed by 5 tracks of life-changing brain/mind programming.


NZD $ 14.99

Banish Stress / Attain Peace of Mind

Banish Stress &
Attain Peace of Mind

TRINARY BRAIN/MIND PROGRAMMING -- Six tracks using unique and ultra-powerful techniques. Track 1: Path To A Tranquil Pond Relaxation -- Accompanied by soothing music and 3-D sound effects, Dick Sutphen directs the visualization of a walk through sand dunes and patches of marsh grass to a tranquil pond near the sea. As you walk, he relaxes your body, one part at a time, until you are in a meditative state and receptive to suggestions. Followed by 5 tracks of life-changing brain/mind programming.