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Records found: 62

NZD $ 10.00


A With Superlearning Music

B With Surf Sounds

NZD $ 20.00

1A • The Art of Learning Exercise Cycle. Body/Mind Relaxation. Calming. Joy of Learning
1 B • Spanish phrases for travelers: 4 second pacing with intonation cycle: repeat with music
• Unit 1 — General Expressions
• Unit 2 — Some Basics

2A • Unit 3 — Useful Statements
• Unit 4 — Signs & Notices
• Unit 5 — Arrival/Changing Money/Telephone

• Unit 6 — Hotel/Post Office
• Unit 7 — Directions/Meals
• Unit 8 — Eating out/Breakfast

• Unit 9 — Lunch and Dinner
• Unit 10 — Meals Cont’d Desserts/Weather/Seasons
• Unit 11 — Shops and Services/Traveling

• Unit 12 — Telling Time/Days of the week
• Unit 13 — Emergencies/Colors/Months
• Unit 14 — Numbers

NZD $ 10.00


A With Superlearning Music

BWith Surf Sounds

NZD $ 10.00


A Mind/body training for total tennis mastery; inner energy flow awareness for balancing, centering and stress free tennis

B Mind/body training; mind calming , relaxation, concentration. Guided Imagery for tennis stroke improvement

NZD $ 14.99

Accelerated High-Speed Learning RX17 Audio Track 1: Alpha Level Programming. Track 2: Subliminal Programming embedded in relaxing music. Uses the most powerful mind-programming techniques. Example of suggestions: * The power of your mind is limitless. * You focus your energy and concentration to accelerate learning. * You now develop a photographic memory and remember what you learn. * You instantly comprehend complicated data. * You now triple your learning speed. * High-speed learning now becomes your reality. "High-speed learning" are your key words for conditioned response. * More. * 60 Minutes.

NZD $ 15.00

TEMPLE IN THE FOREST by David Naegele.
Inner-harmony music that captures the peaceful meditative environment of a beautiful forest. A temple bell sound is combined with an "OM" vibration and the sounds of forest birds and a gently flowing stream. Acoustic grand piano, synthesizer, electric piano and natural effects produce soothing environmental music.

NZD $ 14.99

Artists/Painting Zapper

ZAPPER PROGRAMMING SERIES: The powerful “Zapper” mind technology combined with audible suggestions. Some of the Spoken Suggestions
You are a highly talented and successful painter. You now focus your energy upon fully developing your painting talent. You draw upon an unlimited inner source of creativity You master imagery, composition, color, and style. You master light, shade and space. You develop your own unique style. You’re inspired to paint. Intensely inspired. You are. You paint. Paint. Paint. And your paintings communicate exactly what you desire to share. You refine your unique painting technique. You produce acclaimed works of art. Every day in every way, you become a more masterful painter. People who see your paintings want to buy your paintings. Your paintings generate art-gallery interest. You visualize a successful one-person show and it becomes your reality. It does. Visualize. You become an award-winning painter whose work is in demand. More.


NZD $ 14.99

Atracting Perfect Love

RX17 Audio Track 1: Alpha Level Programming. Track 2: Subliminal Programming embedded in relaxing music. Uses the most powerful mind-programming techniques. Example of suggestions: * You now create the space in your life for the perfect love relationship. * You are now ready to meet the perfect lover. * You are ready to give and receive unconditional love. * You now focus the power of your subconscious mind upon drawing the perfect lover into your life. * "Goal focus" are your key words for conditioned response. * More. * 60 Minutes.