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NZD $ 19.95

Remote viewing is a clairvoyant perception of a distant location in which you mentally visit a person or place and accurately observe details of the environment and what is happening. Astral projection is leaving your physical body and traveling to another location or alternate realm of reality. The first 20 minutes of this 90-minute tape are step-by step instructions by Dick Sutphen, followed by two Video Hypnosis sessions.
The suggestions include:
  • You can project your mind.
  • Remote view another location.
  • You can astral project.
  • Let go and astral project.

NZD $ 19.95

Examples of Suggestions
  • You are driven to work out and achieve peak condition.
  • You now develop the body you desire: the size, definition, fullness, separation, and hardness.
  • You are driven to build your body to perfection.
  • You have the self-discipline to do anything you want to do.

NZD $ 19.95

Examples of Suggestions
  • What your mind can envision your body can master.
  • You swing is Quid, free and in perfect balance.
  • You visualize your shot then achieve it.
  • Your concentration, coordination and timing become better and better with every game.
  • You putt with confidence.

NZD $ 19.95

Examples of Suggestions
  • You are powerful, independent -and you take control of your life.
  • You have the willpower and discipline to do anything you desire.
  • You now ignore all cravings and insecurities.
  • You let go of the past and free yourself.
  • You enjoy deep inner peace.
  • You love yourself

NZD $ 19.95

Examples of Suggestions
  • You are driven to become physically fit.
  • You set positive goals and accomplish them.
  • Everything you do reflects a winning attitude.
  • You mentally detach so negative people don't affect you.
  • Everyday, your mind becomes fitter.

NZD $ 19.95

Examples of Suggestions
  • Every day, you become more and more relaxed.
  • You are so relaxed and so at ease.
  • You now experience life peacefully and tranquilly.
  • You are at peace, and you feel in balance and harmony.
  • You now choose to experience life as a tranquil oneness.
  • Relax.

NZD $ 19.95

Examples of Suggestions
  • Your mind becomes more limber and agile every day.
  • Your learning abilities and performance increase every day.
  • There is no limit to what your mind can do.
  • Every day, you realize more and more of your brain's potential.
  • You think more dearly and more creatively.

NZD $ 19.95

Examples of Suggestions
  • You have the power and ability to attain the perfect weight and body.
  • You have the self discipline to do what's needed to attain the body you desire.
  • You stick to your diet.
  • You live a healthy lifestyle and exercise daily.
  • You attain your weight goals and the body you desire.