Case for the ABPA
Approx USD$182.07
Electronic homeopathy
The Most Powerful Fully Automatic Intrinsic Data Field System We Have Ever Used

data field systems are a method of diagnosis and treatment which
utilizes specially designed instruments practitioner can determine
the underlying causes of diseases within a living system, be
it human, animal, plant, or the soil itself. While Intrinsic
data field devices are mainly used to diagnose and treat human
ailments, is has also been used extensively in agriculture to
increase yields, control pests and enhance the health of livestock.
medicine or Radionics as it is sometimes termed, is a healing
art originated from the research of the distinguished American
physicians Dr. Albert Abrams. He was born in San Francisco in
1863 and became one of the most highly qualified specialists
of his day. A graduate of the University of California, he wrote
several medical text books and eventually won for himself a national
reputation as a specialist in diseases of the nervous system.
the course of his research Abrams made the startling discovery
that diseases could be measured in terms of energy, and he devised
and instrument which calibrated dials which enabled him to identify
and measure disease reactions and intensities. From this work,
called E.R.A. of the Electronic Reaction of Abrams, came Radionics
as we know it today. Leading British physician Sir James Barr
considered Abrams' discoveries to be among the most significant
of the day.
surprisingly, certain elements of the medical and scientific
community attacked Abrams' work and sought to discredit
him. In 1924, the year of Abram' death, a committee of
the Royal Society of Medicine under the Chairmanship
of Sir Thomas (later Lord) Horder investigated his claims.
To the astonishment of medicine and science, the committee,
after exhaustive tests, has to admit that Abrams' claim
was proven |
healing enthusiasts around the world using the scanning technology
of the Advanced Bio-Photon Analyzer as an energy balancing strategy
to help maintain a healthy state for themselves, their families,
and pets.
The Advanced Bio-Photon Analyzer
is on the cutting edge of technology in the field of Natural
Health. As researchers pursue the investigation of subtle energies
and informational fields, they are continually learning how to
use this emerging science to benefit the world around us. This
equipment brings state of the art technologies into our homes
and daily lives. Everyone interested in this endeavor now has
the ability to contribute to the new discoveries being made in
this field. The equipment is easy to use. It only takes time
and common sense to successfully operate. As we experiment with
the multitude of health challenges we all face, we hope to find
and share simple ways to achieve and maintain a state of natural
health and well-being. We each have to take responsibility for
our own health. Although this is a very useful tool that can
aid in achieving wellness, users have to be willing to know and
understand the dynamics of this instrument and be willing to
do the work it takes to get effective results. We encourage everyone
to be creative and persistent with their experiments.
Researchers using an Analyzer
are able to successfully reduce the amount of offensive energetic
interferences the body is exposed to, therefore reducing overload
from stress on the total system. This process allows the body
to spend more of its energy striving for health, instead of expending
overwhelming amounts of energy dealing with disturbances in the
self regulating mechanism that are thought to be responsible
for the distress and unhealthy states within the body. In addition,
the Analyzer stimulates a safe gentle detoxification within the
system, which helps speed the healing process. Using the Analyzer
has made a huge difference in many peoples lives. Individuals
have reported they fell better, experience fewer and reduced
allergic reactions, are able to resist illnesses for longer periods
of time, and are continuing to maintain a healthier, happier

Manual (800k
PDF File)
in life is vibration"Albert Einstein
is the ever-changing state of dynamic equilibrium our bodies
try to maintain in this highly polluted and ever-changing environment
in which we live. We all have to deal with stress from food because
of pesticides, and added chemicals such as preservatives, artificial
flavors and colors. There is stress from water because of the
chemicals which are added to the water supply to make it safe
for drinking. There is stress from the air we breathe because
of the exhaust from automobiles and industrial pollution. We
also may have added stress at the work place or home because
of exposure to the variety chemicals used in these modern times.
Many people today are also suffering from problems associated
to allergies. As our bodies attempt to adapt to the environment
around us, our self-regulating mechanisms can become overloaded
or stressed out. With all these sources of stress it may become
difficult to maintain a balanced healthy state and we may begin
to lose our sense of well-being.
contrast optimum health is the direct result of choices we make
in our daily lives. We can choose to eat healthy by adding lost
of organic fruits and vegetables to our diet, take nutritional
supplements if necessary, eat more fiber, consume less processed
foods and reduce our intake of simple sugars. Foods can be positive
and health building or they can be negative and have no value
for building health but simply taste good. Many choose to drink
some sort of filtered or purified water. Others choose to get
away from the cities and out into nature where there is lots
of clean fresh air which is usually a good stress reliever. Choosing
to exercise on a regular basis can have a valuable impact on
health. Loosing weight and choosing not to smoke are also positive
steps toward healthy living. The more choices we make which are
health building the more resistant we become to the stress around
of the great advantages of Intrinsic data field Systems
is that the person's physical presence is not necessary
for treatment - a snippet of their hair is used to act
as the link (witness) between patient and practitioner
or grand mum and grand kids etc. The witness provides
the focus of attunement between patient and practitioner
during analysis and treatment. This link is based on
the principles of Holography in which, from a vibration
and energy viewpoint, a small portion removed from the
whole (e.g. a hair sample removed from the body) reflects
the total energy pattern of the whole,,,with the ABPA
this is very simple as no previous Intrinsic knowledge
is required,, the unit is fully automatic... |
functional health can be a hard thing to maintain. The overload
of stress can become overwhelming and hard to manage. Some may
look to the advancement of today's technology for extra support.
This is where the state of the art technology of the Advanced
Bio-Photon Analyzer can help those trying to obtain success in
managing stress to achieve a healthy edge for a healthy future!
using an Analyzer are able to successfully reduce the amount
of offensive energetic interferences the body is exposed to,
therefore reducing overload from stress on the total system.
This process allows the body to spend more of its energy striving
for health, instead of expending overwhelming amounts of energy
dealing with disturbances in the self regulating mechanism that
are thought to be responsible for the distress and unhealthy
states within the body. In addition, the Analyzer stimulates
a safe gentle detoxification within the system, which helps speed
the healing process. Using the Analyzer has made a huge difference
in many peoples lives. Individuals have reported they fell better,
experience fewer and reduced allergic reactions, are able to
resist illnesses for longer periods of time, and are continuing
to maintain a healthier, happier life.
are excited about the fact that the Advanced Bio-Photon Analyzer
is on the cutting edge of technology in the field of Natural
Health. As researchers pursue the investigation of subtle energies
and informational fields, they are continually learning how to
use this emerging science to benefit the world around us. This
equipment brings state of the art technologies into our homes
and daily lives. Everyone interested in this endeavor now has
the ability to contribute to the new discoveries being made in
this field. The equipment is easy to use. It only takes time
and common sense to successfully operate.
keep in mind the Bio-Photon Analyzer is not a diagnostic medical
device, and is not used to treat medical conditions. Yet at the
same time, thousands of researchers have observed that the ABPA
has the ability to positively influence the body's energy handling
system. Even though it is not designed to cure any diseases the
ABPA works to effortlessly counter stressful interference within
the body's natural regulating mechanism and relieve stress. We
believe this device will have a beneficial impact for those individuals
who strive to improve the ongoing process of natural healing.
each have to take responsibility for our own health. Although
this is a very useful tool that can aid in achieving wellness,
users have to be willing to know and understand the dynamics
of this instrument and be willing to do the work it takes to
get effective results. We encourage everyone to be creative and
persistent with their experiments. As we experiment with the
multitude of health challenges we all face, we hope to find and
share simple ways to achieve and maintain a state of natural
health and well-being.
one level it can be used to determine the structural
and functional integrity of the body, and identify the
causes of disease hidden within. At another level, the
determination of the states of the energy centers provides
a picture of energy flows in the body and enables the
user to gain a deeper insight into the reasons behind
certain physical and psychological imbalances. |
to various problems in conventional homeopathy, both in terms
of selection, production and preparation of remedies, Ruth Drown
arrived at the idea of transferring the principles of radionics
to homeopathy.
for example, it is very time-consuming precisely to determine
the appropriate homeopathic remedy, and is often made harder
because of lack of self-awareness in patients. In the second
stage, the required homeopathic remedy is often not in stock
and is not likely to be available until several days have elapsed,
or not in the required potency.
there was a search for an accurate procedure which would make it
possible :
- 1. To test the homeopathic remedy (in particular if several
remedies were available according to the Materia Medica)
- 2.To reproduce (produce) the homeopathic remedy in the form
of its specific content of information
first tests produced positive results and led to “electronic
homo eo pa thy” or “new homo eo pa thy”. Thus the
therapist has the opportunity of testing a similar or appropriate
homeopathic remedy (simile or similimum) and can imprint the
specific informational content of this remedy himself, on a carrier
substance (production).
advantage of ELECTRONIC HOMOEOPATHY is that
to Homeopathic theory and practice is the concept that man and
all life forms share a common ground in that they are immersed
in the electromagnetic field of the earth; and further that
each life form has its own electromagnetic field, which is sufficiently
distorted, will ultimately result in disease of the organism.
Accepting that all is energy, Intrinsic data field systems sees
organs, diseases and remedies having their own particular frequency
or vibration. These factors can be expressed in numerical values
which are known as 'Rates' or in h form of Geometric Patterns.
These provide the means by which the practitioner identifies
and treats disease at a distance. Intrinsic data field systems
also takes cognizance that there are a number of finely organized
fields of energy which lie beyond those identified by science,
and that these fields can be utilized for diagnostic and therapeutic
purposes. Thus it may be said that Radionics is a healing art
where physics and para-physics, science and religion, meet and
- Neither for testing nor production of remedies is it necessary
to have an original remedy available, because the remedy can
always be simulated by the corresponding rate.
- You have total freedom of decision making as to the choice
of potency (the best option is to test!).
- You obtain entirely new methods and possibilities in therapy
(especially for diagnostic processes).
- Helps to reduce the stress on your body's energetic system.
- Support and reinforce your body's natural balance for optimal
- Support the detoxifying of your body at a safe and gentle rate.
- Neutralize stressful energetic residue that may be contaminating
our foods.
- Antidote and neutralize the energetic effects of chemicals
and toxins in household products that may be weakening your body
(household and personal care cleaning products).
- Neutralize harmful energies in your living area and land, including
sick buildings, water and soil.
- Helps to reduce the effects of electromagnetic field that may
weaken your immune system.
- Customize the energetic match of a homeopathic remedy.
- Create your own individual isopathic restorative structure
in just 40 seconds.
the APBA System, your homeopathic dispenser is available to
you 365 days per year and 24 hours a day.

may be difficult to accept that such treatment can be
effective at a distance. However, the weight of clinical
evidence shows that it is very effective in a significant
number of cases. 'Action at a distance' as this phenomenon
is called is not new to science. Today a great deal of
research is being carried out by scientific institutions
in the field and they are finding out that humans, plants
and animals respond to projected thought patterns and
this phenomenon occurs no matter how great the distance
between the subjects under investigation. Their findings
now bear out the rationale of Radionics. One of the great
advantages of Radionics is that it is often possible
to discover potentially serious conditions at an early
stage and, by appropriate treatment, prevent them for
developing to a point where they become clinically identifiable. |
as Electronic homeopathy treatment takes place at a non-physical
level, it cannot harm any living tissue or produce any unnatural
side effects. Homeopathy is concerned with healing of the whole
man, with the health pattern or entelechy of the individual.
The health pattern is a singular, unitary force within the
structures of man that ensures adequate and optimum functioning
of the systems of his body. The purpose of Homeopathic therapy
is to help the individual to re-establish his optimum pattern
of health.
has never been taken seriously by mainstream science because
it defies 'common sense', but in recent years physicists have
demonstrated the truth of a level of reality outside the space-time
'stage' on which our lives are played out. At this level we are
all connected with one another instantaneously, because neither
time nor distance are real. It may be the reality from which
we emerge into the world, and to which we return when our material
lives are over - a reality where the pattern of perfect living
beings - humans, animals, plants, microbes - is found
what does all this mean in practical terms for those with health
concerns? It means that in Homeopathic we seem to have a powerful
additional strategy for managing illness. Animals respond well
to Homeopathic techniques, and 'putting him on the box' is commonplace
in equestrian circles. Many people use it to promote the health
of garden plants and crops. Homeopathic techniques, as a supplement
to conventional care, are reported to be helpful in a wide range
of physical and emotional problems, and can often help when conventional
strategies have little to offer. Many clients use Homeopathic
as a preventative therapy, and have regular checks on the state
of their subtle energy rather like an MOT on the car! One great
advantage is that those unable to travel can be treated as readily
as those who can.
the world is at last ready to take electronic Homeopathy seriously.
In 'Vibrational Medicine for the 21st Century' (Piatkus) Richard
Gerber M.D. writes: 'Radionics is a unique healing modality in
that it is a system of diagnosis and treatment geared to more
than just the physical body.. It may ultimately teach us the
most about the nature of healing and human consciousness itself.'
"Advanced Bio-Photon Analyzer #730"
"What may be the first totally Self-Tuning Instrument
in the World!"
the Advanced Bio-Photon Analyzer (ABPA) was introduced
several years ago, at the national conference of the USPA,
the initial response was much greater than anyone had anticipated.
The booth was overrun with people buying and asking questions
about them. It was obvious that the demand was much larger than
the supply at that time. Several said that just seeing this latest
advancement in instrumentation made the whole conference worthwhile.
that time, there have been thousands placed in businesses and
households around the globe.
manufacturer is very picky and will not allow anything out of
the factory without a personal inspection by the inventor. This
slows down the delivery, but assures you of having the best quality
The quality and
abilities of this instrument are truly amazing. If you have ever
owned an SE-5 or other type of vibrational instrument, seen an SE-5
or other instrument or wished you had one, you will want an Advanced
Bio-Photon Analyzer. In the world of instruments, it is truly
unique! Let's look at the high points and see why!
- Totally Self-Tuning
- No dials to turn or buttons to push
- No Stick Plate, Pendulum work or Dowsing needed.
- No classes needed to understand how to use the instrument
- No operator interaction needed. Set a couple of switches and
the ABPA does the rest.
- No analyzing needed to safely run the ABPA
- The ABPA automatically scans the subject every 40 seconds.
This enables the instrument to keep up with the changes that
occur in the subject's Auric Fields during the balancing process.
- Safety codes allow the ABPA to determine the safest
and best way to balance.
- The ABPA tunes into and locks onto the Energetic Mineral
Base of the subject automatically. If there is sufficient mineral
available, the instrument determines the best way to balance.
If there is a lack of minerals available, the ABPA will
change the type of information it is broadcasting to the subject.
It will continue to monitor the subject on a minute by minute
basis. When the system has stabilized, the ABPA will resume
its original program. This prevents the over-balancing or over-stimulation
that occurs at times with other instruments.
- A built in Sending Unit broadcasts the energetic patterns
generated directly to the subject of research. Perfect for agricultural
and long distance applications.
- Advanced Homeopathic (Isopathic) Imprints can be created without
knowing the exact potencies needed
- Automatic Auto phasing (in-phase and/or out-of-phase) of all
Advanced Homeopathic Imprints created
- Clone Homeopathic substances to make them more suitable for
the subject
- Veterinarians use this type of equipment all the time.
- Balance of energetic properties of every supplement for family,
farm or animals
- Customize the energy of all supplements, food, water, additives,
fertilizer for the subjects' specific energetic needs
- Neutralize the negative energetic properties of all supplements.
- Potentize available supplements. (This approach is utilized
by my family to save on supplements with the same physical results.)
- Balance all of the food and water consumed. Our Environmentally
Sensitive customers are doing this with profound results. They
have found, through their research, that they can eat and drink
substances that used to give them an allergic reaction. Now they
use the ABPA to have more choices during their hard climb
back to better health. The ABPA has become an integral
tool in their hands. (It's astonishing some of the stories we
hear. I am, sorry to say, unable to reproduce them due to the
current laws and regulations.)
- Use the ABPA to balance the energetic residential environment
- Chemical Sensitive people are using the ABPA very successfully.
Many are ordering a second ABPA for their family members.
- Large Input and Output wells (4.25" in diameter)
- Self Contained in an attractive box - 3.5" deep X 10.5" X 11.5"
- Lightweight - weighs only 5 lbs. without the case. Only 10
lbs. with the case (#731)
- Very sturdy and durable(The ABPA survived a 15' drop
from a second story porch to the ground without missing a beat.)
- Battery Powered (9-volt battery included). No covers or screws
to deal with when changing the battery as it is mounted on the
outside of the ABPA in a sturdy, easy to use holder.
- Transformer for plugging into 110 volt outlets (included)
- Photograph/witness well for Polaroid 600 Platinum photographs
- Extremely powerful - 10-12 times more powerful than the Bio-Photon
Headline News report the following someday?)
Is is possible that the body, when it receives the correct
information and energy, has the ability to totally heal itself?
Is this where spontaneous remissions come from? Is is possible
for an instrument to facilitate this type of energy and information
(From our research in working with hundreds of people from
the world over, this just may be possible.) |
Unique and Exclusive Features Include:
- A totally
automated process where the instrument scans the subject every
40 seconds.
- The ABPA determines
the amount of energy/information to send to the subject. This
is determined by the ABPA 's ability to lock onto the
available mineral base of the subject. This allows the hardware
to properly balance the subject without causing undue stress
on the energetic or physical system.
- 7 ft. Scan
Cable for oversized substances (It is an extension of the Input
and Output wells.)
- Antidote
setting. Used to analyze the substance in the substance
well and create an energetic pattern that will eliminate
the energetic effects of that substance with the subject.
- Clone
setting. Used to analyze and create an exact energetic
copy of the substance in the substance well.
- Neutralize
setting. Used to analyze the substance in the substance
well and balance the erratic and destabilizing aspects of
the energetic fields of the substance.
- Balance
setting. Used to analyze the substance in the substance
well and create a smoother energetic effect within the substance.
- Sending
Unit switch. Used to send the energy and information
it creates over great distances. To date, we have found excellent
results sending from the United States to as far away as
New Zealand. This means the ABPA has the same reach
and abilities as the SE-5 or other vibrational instruments.
- Plant
switch. While using the Sending Unit, specify the frequency
for plants to make the ABPA even more beneficial.
- Animal
switch. While using the Sending Unit, specify the frequency
for animals to make the ABPA even more beneficial.
- Inherited
Intrinsic Data Field (IDF) switch. This switch is turned
on if a miasm is present or suspected. The Instrument tags
the Miasm so the physical body is aware of it and allows
the body the time to properly deal with it.(A Miasm is
referred to as being an inherited energetic pattern from
your parents, grandparents or somewhere else within your
genetic pool.)
- Chemical
Sensitive switch. This switch is used if the subject
of your research is chemical or environmentally sensitive.
This allows the ABPA to gently adjust the energetic
patterns of the subject. (Our customers have seen some real
changes with the use of the ABPA and Chemical Sensitive
people. Reports of changes within hours of receiving the ABPA are
not uncommon.
- Dampening
Field switch. Is used to eliminate any and all energetic
interference from around the subject. When this switch is
on, it is very difficult to scan a subject with a Psychotronic
or vibrational type instrument. Just imagine, no more interference
from the energetic patterns that permeate our environment.
For the Health Professional, this can be a most useful tool,
as they know first hand that problems that they can pick
up from their clients. I have found it almost impossible
to pick up negative energetic patterns from those I am working
with while running the ABPA on myself.
The ABPA is
custom made per order and normally requires two to three weeks
for assembly. ABPA is an experimental, historical research instrument
and no medical claims are made.
It is not a medical instrument and is not intended to diagnose,
treat, cure or mitigate any illness or disease.
All ABPA purchases are final and non-refundable
the Introductory Video with Windows Media Player
Watch more videos
Analyzer Matrix 3

- The primary
function of the Bio-Photon Analyzer Matrix 3 is to provide
countermeasures to stress on the body's energetic system!
- Advanced
magnetic pad with 144 high power magnets that connect to the
control box.
- Mat can
be placed on the floor or a massage table.
- Broadcast
intent, energy, healing frequencies and remedies to any Polaroid
600 photograph placed in the Photograph Well or in the Solution
- Support
and reinforce your body's natural balance for optimal health
- Support
the detoxifying of your body at a safe and gentle rate
- Neutralize
stressful energetic residue that may be contaminating foods
- Antidote
and neutralize the energetic effects of chemicals and toxins
in household products that may be weakening your body (such
as household cleaning products and personal hygiene items)
- Neutralize
harmful energies in your living area and land, including sick
buildings, water and soil
- An essential
tool for Feng Shui practitioners
and professionals who want to increase their revenue and produce
astounding results for their clients
- Reduce
the effects of electromagnetic fields that may weaken your
immune system
- Customize
the energetic match of a homeopathic remedy
- Create
your own isopathic restorative structure in just 40 seconds
Bio-Photon Analyzer Matrix 3 (ABPA
- Press two
switches to start
- Most important
features are totally automatic
- Convenient,
portable size . . . less than two pounds
- Photographs
to be used and placed in the Photograph Well must be taken
with a Polaroid 600 Instant Film Camera. This is because the
Polaroid 600 film contains silver particles which retain an
energetic signature of the subject matter
- Offers
simple operation by setting two or three switches
- Allows
you to make antidotes to any substance by placing the known
toxin (such as chemtrail particles collected on a coffee filter)
into the Substance Well, and then creating the antidote in
a small vial of spring water placed in the Solution Well
- Can be
powered by a single 9-volt battery for completely portable
ADVANCED Bio-Photon Analyzer
Matrix 3 (ABPA AM3) FEATURES and BENEFITS . . .
- A totally automated process whereby the instrument scans the
subject every 40 seconds
- The ABPA AM3 determines the amount of energy/information to
send to the subject. This is determined by the ABPA AM3's ability
to lock onto the available mineral base of the subject. This
allows the hardware to properly balance the subject without causing
undue stress on the energetic or physical system.
- 7 ft. Scan Cable for oversized substances (It is an extension
of the Input and Output wells.)
- Antidote setting. Used to analyze the substance in the Substance
Well and create an energetic pattern that will eliminate the
energetic effects of that substance with the subject.
- Clone setting. Used to analyze and create an exact energetic
copy of the substance in the Substance Well.
- Neutralize setting. Used to analyze the substance in the Substance
Well and balance the erratic and destabilizing aspects of the
energetic fields of the substance.
- Balance setting. Used to analyze the substance in the Substance
Well and create a smoother energetic effect within the substance.
- Sending Unit switch. Used to send the energy and information
it creates over great distances. To date, we have found excellent
results sending from the United States to as far away as New
Zealand. This means the ABPA AM3 has the same reach and abilities
as the SE-5.
- Plant switch. While using the Sending Unit, specify the frequency
for plants to make the ABPA AM3 even more beneficial.
- Animal switch. While using the Sending Unit, specify the frequency
for animals to make the ABPA AM3 even more beneficial.
- Inherited Intrinsic Data Field (IDF) switch. This switch is
turned on if a Miasm is present or suspected. The Instrument
tags the Miasm so the physical body is aware of it and allows
the body the time to properly deal with it. (A Miasm is referred
to as being an inherited energetic pattern from your parents,
grandparents or somewhere else within your genetic pool.)
- Chemical Sensitive switch. This switch is used if the subject
of your research is chemical or environmentally sensitive. This
allows the ABPA AM3 to gently adjust the energetic patterns of
the subject. (Our customers have seen some dramatic changes with
the use of the ABPA AM3 and chemically sensitive people. Reports
of changes within hours of receiving the ABPA AM3 are not uncommon.)
- Dampening Field switch. Is used to eliminate any and all energetic
interference from around the subject. Just imagine, no more interference
from the energetic patterns that permeate our environment. For
the Health Professional, this can be a most useful tool, as they
know first hand the problems that they can pick up from their
Healing Frequency

You can now turn your rife frequencies
into Radionic frequencies
or make electronic homeopathic remedies from Rife frequencies
A2 Device
1. Connect 3.5mm to A2 output jack, The ABPA LED will glow when unit is on.
2. Connect RCA jack to F-Scan output, DEVICE LED will glow when output is on and set for mid range.
3. Adjust Device LED input to balance A2 LED intensity only.
4. Connect RCA jack to Rife plates output, DEVICE LED will
glow when out put on and set for midrange (back to step 3) |
This interface is the only factory Authorised
device sold for this use
Ballistic Style Protective Travel Case, equipment cable box included