Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor


Approx USD$19.71

"Some of the time, there is no explanation for
high blood pressure
Many people are unaware that they have the condition.
That is why hypertension is referred to as a "silent killer."

Be aware of high blood pressure before it causes serious health problems.

More than 65 million Americans are estimated to have high blood pressure. High blood pressure occurs more often in darker people—in 32% of black adults compared with 23% of whites and 23% of Mexican Americans. It also occurs with high frequency in people whose ancestors are from China or Japan. The consequences of high blood pressure are worse for darker people. High blood pressure occurs more often in older people—in about three fourths of women and almost two thirds of men aged 75 or older, compared with only about one fourth of people aged 20 to 74. People who have normal blood pressure at age 55 have a 90% risk of developing high blood pressure. High blood pressure is twice as common among people who are obese as among those who are not.

Blood pressure is a measurement of the force applied to the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps blood through the body. The pressure is determined by the force and amount of blood pumped, and the size and flexibility of the arteries.

The normal blood pressure range of persons aged 20 – 40 years is 120mm Hg systolic pressure and 80mm Hg diastolic pressure.=120/80mmHg. Anyone registering above this range is classed as having high blood pressure.

The Systolic pressure is when the heart`s ventricles contract and push the blood through the veins. It is called the systole, the pressure during heartbeat action. The Diastolic pressure is the lower pressure that results when air is released out of the cuff and no more sound is heard. This is called the diastole; the artery resting pressure.

The normal blood pressure range can vary depending on what age you are.

It increases with age when the elasticity of arteries is reduced.Evolution and modulation of age-related medial elastocalcinosis: impact on large artery stiffness and isolated systolic hypertension. Dao HH, Essalihi R, Bouvet C, Moreau P.

Blood pressure is continually changing depending on activity, temperature, diet, emotional state, posture, physical state, and medication use.

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Dangers of High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is also called Hypertension, it is what happens when someone experiences a chronic raise in their blood pressure. The normal blood pressure reading should be 115 over 75 or 115/75. There are typically 4 stages of blood pressure, these stages determine how high of a risk you are of developing some sort of blood pressure related disease. Here are the different categories of blood pressure.

The normal range like was said before is actually between 90-119 over 60- 79. This is the normal range for someone.

The next stage is called Pre-hypertension the numbers range between 120 - 139 over 80 - 89. This stage is still considered OK, but you have to start watching what you are eating, and making sure you get enough exercise.
The third stage is considered mildly high blood pressure, it is 140 - 159 over 90 - 99. At this stage you should see a doctor and get checked out and make sure it's not something serious.

The last stage is high blood pressure, and this stage is the one where you need to serious consider going to the doctor and getting a check up. Depending how long you have been at this stage will tell you how serious the stage is. The numbers for this stage are anything over 160 over anything over 100. At this stage you should go to doctor immediately.

Some of the symptoms of high blood pressure might be headaches that are around the occipital area of the head, which is the top of your skull. They generally occur in the mornings and go away after a short time. Other symptoms may be dizziness, palpitations, fatigue, and impotence. Since these symptoms could mean a lot of different things it is recommended that you get medical attention and find out what is causing these things.



Most people are not aware that they have hypertension because of a general lack of symptoms until major complications arise. In rare cases, some people with hypertension may have headaches or nosebleeds...Despite a general lack of symptoms, uncontrolled hypertension damages the kidney and heart and large and small blood vessels throughout the body. This due to the excessive and ongoing pressure that the blood is putting on the walls of the arteries as it is pumped from the heart throughout the body.

Because of this "lack of symptoms", regular medical care is vital to monitoring blood pressure and promptly treating high blood pressure....Now you can easily monitor your own blood pressure,,see below

A few Causes of High Blood Preasure

Smoking and Alcohol are two of the more well known culprits behind raised blood pressure levels.

Obesity is certainly considered one of the main causes of high diastolic blood pressure and in fact, as high as two thirds of all people with high diastolic blood pressure are obese and the problem is particularly relevant to people living in the more developed nations of the world.

Conversely, high blood pressure that has one or more definite causes is known as secondary hypertension. Secondary causes of hypertension include pregnancy, aortic narrowing, specific drugs, increased blood thickness and various kidney and glandular diseases.

Reducing your weight by just 10 pounds may be enough to lower your blood pressure. Losing weight can help to enhance the effects of high blood pressure medication and may also reduce other risk factors, such as diabetes and high bad cholesterol.

A few Causes of Low Blood Preasure

Many things can make your blood pressure too low. These range in severity from normal changes caused by pregnancy to dangerous underlying conditions, like heart problems or hormone disturbances. Some low blood pressure causes are simple cases of dehydration brought on by vomiting, intense exercise, or the overuse of diuretics. Some studies have shown that a dehydration-induced weight loss of 1 percent is enough to trigger dizziness, confusion, or other symptoms of low blood pressure

No matter what, blood pressure shouldn’t be too high or too low. There are four acupressure points for treating low blood pressure: Zhong Zhu and Yang Chi on the back of the hand, Shen Men and Tai Ling on the palm side.

Acupuncture Tools

One especially important cause of low blood pressure is orthostatic hypotension, which is sometimes referred to as postural hypotension. This happens when blood pressure drops rapidly during changes to body position--usually when changing from sitting to standing--inducing classic signs that the blood pressure is too low, like dizziness, blurry vision, and fainting.

• Normal changes associated with the first and second trimesters of pregnancy
• Hormone problems such as adrenal insufficiency or thyroid disease (overactive or underactive thyroid)
• Deficiencies of essential nutrients, such as folic acid, can cause the number of red blood cells to decrease (anemia)
• Alterations in blood sugar, like those caused by diabetes
• Age: Some older patients, especially those with existing high blood pressure, can experience postprandial hypotension, where the blood pressure drops suddenly after eating a large meal

Stress, Blood Pressure and Stroke Risk
Here's what you need to know about stress, your blood pressure, and your risk for having a stroke.

The everyday stress of modern life and work can definitely increase your blood pressure levels by accelerating your heart rate. But this is a temporary, non permanent raising of blood pressure levels used quite normally by the human body to prepare you to respond to 'threats'. This is often called the fight-or-flight response. However, it’s not necessarily correct to say that everyday stress causes permanently high blood pressure (hypertension).

BUT Regular stress suffered for extended periods of time can cause hypertension through the repeated raising of blood pressure levels as well as by stimulation of the nervous system to produce large amounts of vasoconstricting (artery tightening) hormones that increase blood pressure. Factors affecting blood pressure through long term stress include job strain, race, social environment, and emotional distress.

Stress is most nation’s #1 health problem.

It is the source of the anxiety, depression, and insomnia plaguing millions of people world wide.

Stress accounts for more than two-thirds of family doctor visits and is an important risk factor in all major illnesses. Left unchecked, it is a killer Fix your stress lower your blood pressure click here

When one or more risk factors for high blood pressure are coupled together with other stress producing factors, the effect on blood pressure is multiplied. Also, some of the side effects of stress, like overeating and lack of exercise can contribute to a person developing hypertension.

Which ever way you look at it, long term stress is not good for the human body and should be avoided and controlled wherever possible.click here

Know your blood pressure check it regularly; detect high blood pressure before it causes serious health problems.

Hypertension is also called "high blood pressure". Hypertension is a silent killer because it is deadly and has no early significant symptoms. The danger from hypertension is the extra load on the heart, leading to complications such as hypertensive heart disease. Hypertension can also seriously damage the kidneys. And it does all this silently, without any major symptoms, except when the high blood pressure gets extreme.

Stress can cause hypertension through repeated blood pressure elevations as well as by stimulation of the nervous system to produce large amounts of vasoconstricting hormones that increase blood pressure. Factors affecting blood pressure through stress include white coat hypertension, job strain, race, social environment, and emotional distress. Furthermore, when one risk factor is coupled with other stress producing factors,

In 2014, scientists from Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School investigating the link between stress and heart attacks reported that stress causes our bodies to make a surplus of disease-fighting white blood cells. That in turn can increase inflammation in the arteries of people with a condition called atherosclerosis, where the artery walls are thickened by a build-up of plaque.

What are the warning signs of stress?

When you are exposed to long periods of stress, your body gives warning signs that something is wrong. These physical, mental, emotional and behavioural signs of stress should not be ignored. They tell you that you need to slow down. If you continue to be stressed and you don’t give your body a break, you are likely to develop health problems. You could also aggravate an existing illness.

Below are some common warning signs of stress.

Physical signs

Dizziness, general aches and pains, grinding teeth, clenched jaws, headaches, indigestion, muscle tension, difficulty sleeping, racing heart, ringing in the ears, stooped posture, sweaty palms, tiredness, exhaustion, trembling, weight gain or loss, upset stomach

Mental signs

Constant worry, difficulty making decisions, forgetfulness, inability to concentrate, lack of creativity, loss of sense of humour

Emotional signs

Anger, anxiety, crying, depression, feeling powerless, frequent mood swings, irritability, loneliness, negative thinking, nervousness, sadness

Behavioural signs

Bossiness, compulsive eating, critical of others, explosive actions, frequent job changes, impulsive actions, increased use of alcohol or drugs, withdrawal from relationships or social situations


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More info




Get Rid of the Fats that Accumulate in Your Arteries

What Is Coronary Artery Disease?
Coronary artery disease (CAD), also called coronary heart disease, is a condition in which plaque (plak) builds up inside the coronary arteries. These arteries supply your heart muscle with oxygen-rich blood.
Plaque is made up of fat, cholesterol (ko-LES-ter-ol), calcium, and other substances found in the blood. When plaque builds up in the arteries, the condition is called atherosclerosis (ATH-er-o-skler-O-sis).
Plaque narrows the arteries and reduces blood flow to your heart muscle. It also makes it more likely that blood clots will form in your arteries. Blood clots can partially or completely block blood flow

Heart attacks and Stokes


Artery Disease Begins in Childhood

The study examined the arteries of young people who died of other causes, such as suicide, homicides and accidents.

One-fifth of the young men aged 30-34 already had advanced plaques, or deposits of fat, inside their coronary artery, pointing the way toward future heart attacks and strokes. Males were more than twice as likely to have the plaques than women of the same age range.

The biggest risk factors for a clogged artery were found to be obesity and a high level of low-density lipoprotein or LDL, the so-called bad cholesterol that forms deposits on artery walls. Those with LDL levels above 160 milligrams per deciliter were 2 ½ times more likely to have one of these advanced plaques.

Other risk factors, such as smoking, high blood pressure, and having a low level of high-density lipoprotein or HDL, known as the “good” cholesterol, also put people at a slightly higher risk of artery blockage. Source

"First, each time new nicotine arrives in our brain it causes the body to activate its fight or flight stress defenses. This in turn causes the immediate release of stored fats into the bloodstream, fats intended to be used to provide the instant energy needed to either fight or flee the saber tooth tiger. But there is no tiger

The heavy blasts of stored fats released by nicotine stick to vessel walls damaged by toxic carbon monoxide. Sound bad? It gets worse. We've recently learned that nicotine itself, inside our vessels, somehow causes the growth of new blood vessels (vascularization) that then provides a rich supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fats and plaques that have stuck to damaged vessel walls. This internal nicotine vascularization (vessels within vessels) hardens a smoker's arteries and veins and further accelerates their narrowing and clogging."


During the aging process the artery walls may become weakened. Coronary artery disease occurs when deposits of fatty material, cholesterol and other substances form plaque that collects in the thinned or weakened parts of the artery wall. The plaque may then thicken and harden forming calcium deposits that may eventually block the arteries and restrict blood flow to the heart. This condition is known as atherosclerosis or "hardening of the arteries."

A blockage in an artery also increases the pressure of blood pumping through the vessel causing high blood pressure. Elevated blood pressure requires the heart to work much harder to pump blood to all body parts in need. Over time as the heart is forced to work at unusually high levels, it can become enlarged and lose its' ability to function. High blood pressure is the number one risk factor for heart disease and congestive heart failure, a condition where the heart is no longer able to pump enough blood to meet the demands of the body.

Symptoms of Coronary Artery Disease
The most common symptom of coronary artery disease is angina, or chest pain. Angina can be described as a discomfort, heaviness, pressure, aching, burning, fullness, squeezing, or painful feeling in your chest. It can be mistaken for indigestion or heartburn. Angina is usually felt in the chest, but may also be felt in the shoulders, arms, neck, throat, jaw, or back.

Other symptoms of coronary artery disease include:

Shortness of breath
Palpitations (irregular heart beats, skipped beats, or a "flip-flop" feeling in your chest)
A faster heartbeat
Weakness or dizziness

Silent heart attacks

Discomfort, pressure, heaviness, or pain in the chest, arm, or below the breastbone
Discomfort radiating to the back, jaw, throat, or arm
Fullness, indigestion, or choking feeling (may feel like heartburn)
Sweating, nausea, vomiting, or dizziness
Extreme weakness, anxiety, or shortness of breath
Rapid or irregular heartbeats
If an individual is not treated within four to six minutes from the onset of Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA), the results can be fatal. An SCA can be corrected via a shock from an external defibrillator or an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD).


Unfortunately, as the name suggests, SCA usually occurs without any warning. As many as 2/3’s of people who have attacks have no prior indication of heart disease. However, there are some symptoms that can help you identify if someone has just had an SCA: sudden collapse, loss of consciousness, abnormal breathing, an inability to find a pulse and loss of blood pressure.

The most common heart attack symptom is chest pain or discomfort. Most heart attacks involve discomfort in the center or left side of the chest that often lasts for more than a few minutes or goes away and comes back.

The discomfort can feel like uncomfortable pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain. The feeling can be mild or severe. Heart attack pain sometimes feels like indigestion or heartburn.

The symptoms of angina can be similar to the symptoms of a heart attack. Angina pain usually lasts for only a few minutes and goes away with rest.

Chest pain or discomfort that doesn’t go away or changes from its usual pattern (for example, occurs more often or while you’re resting) might be a sign of a heart attack. If you don’t know whether your chest pain is angina or a heart attack, call 9–1–1.

All chest pain should be checked by a doctor.

Other common signs and symptoms of a heart attack include:

Upper body discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw, or upper part of the stomach
Shortness of breath, which may occur with or before chest discomfort
Nausea (feeling sick to your stomach), vomiting, light-headedness or fainting, or breaking out in a cold sweat
Sleep problems, fatigue (tiredness), or lack of energy


Fats Accumulate in Your Arteries

More information here


Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor With Clear Digital Display - Fully Automatic

Test the blood pressure & heart rate

Blood pressure monitor for the wrist Great value for money digital wrist blood pressure monitor, very compact with modern design.

Wrist Blood pressure monitor for the wrist Great value for money digital wrist blood pressure monitor, very compact with modern design. suitable for . Reliable and clinically validated this monitor is CE certified

One BP monitor


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Test the blood pressure & heart rate

Blood pressure monitor for the wrist Great value for money digital wrist blood pressure monitor, very compact with modern design.

Wrist Blood pressure monitor for the wrist Great value for money digital wrist blood pressure monitor, very compact with modern design. suitable for . Reliable and clinically validated this monitor is CE certified



Four Color 10 Beam 3 in 1Wrist Laser

Red Laser Activate Metabolism: Lower Blood Pressure and Improve Blood Flow

An unhealthy lifestyle enhance the possibility that cholesterol and other blood fats build up on vessel walls and thus impair the oxygen and nutrient supply to our organs. Laser light activates different enzymes and decomposes redundant fat in the bloodstream. It increases the oxygen amount in the blood, boosts metabolism and enhances the process of lipid peroxidation to reduce cholesterol in the vessels.

Effects of Green Light and Yellow Light
Yellow light promotes serotonin and vitamin D metabolism.Yellow light stimulates the mitochondrial respiratory chain at complex III (cytochrome) and acts strongly detoxifying and anti-depressive.

Green light binds to hemoglobin, the ferrous blood compound in the red blood cells. It improves the function, behavior and cell elasticity of those cells as well as the oxygen supply.other effects: improved oxygen affinity, decreases in lactic acid, reduced blood viscosity, improved blood flow, activation of reparative,

Effects of Blue light Blue light stimulates the first complex of the respiratory chain (NADH dehydrogenase). Effects: anti-inflammatory, enhances NO production, activates telomerase (Anti-Aging!) By increasing the activity of fibroblasts blue light optimizes wound healing and improves the oxygen utilization in the tissue.

1. First Option: Wear the laser watch

First Step: Wear the main machine on the inner side of the left wrist, as shown in the diagram, so as to ensure the laser irradiates radial artery and neiguan acupoint precisely; and then fasten the wrist strap.

2. Second Option:: Use the ear probe

Wear the ear probe in the ear, insert the Ear probe accessory in the topside accessory plug of laser watch, (Reported by many to be very helpful with Tinnitus)

3. Third Option:: Nasal probe

When changing tratement from ear, to nose The nasal probe uses the same accessory output plug as the ear probe.

avoid eye contact of laser.

Conclusions: In summary, more than 25 years of experience of using laser energy at 630-640 nm has shown that this waveband directly influences the parameters of all cells in the blood, blood plasma, the coagulation process and all the structural components of the vascular wall. Additionally, ILBI directly or indirectly affects the cells of the immune system, hormones, and exchange processes in an organism, thereby not only improving the function of the vascular system, but also the other systems of an organism. It can finally lead to lower the incidence and number of vascular diseases, and indirectly to the reduction of the number of diseases in other organs and even systemically, thus helping to prolong the lifespan. Source

Four Color 10 Beam 3 in 1 Wrist Laser

Laser energy at 630-650 nanometers is arguably the most effective for irradiation of blood and the vascular wall. Photons at these wavelengths are absorbed by oxygen, improve microcirculation, can change the viscosity of the blood and affect vascular endothelium, plus Smash viruses.

For general use, they suggested 30min Two to three times a day. (Wear only ON left wrist)

Four Color 10 Beam 3 in 1 Wrist Laser

Power source Lithium battery

Laser probe for Ear 650nm laser diode Max 5mW for each laser diode
Laser probe for nose 650nm laser diode Max 5mW for each laser diode
Laser for wrist 650nm laser diode (Red, plus Blue, Green, Yellow laser)

USB charging cable
Instruction manual





Standard fda required warning

Sadly The web page authors after 39 years of working with alternative health in our Free alternative clinic,are not allowed to endorse the accuracy or reliability of any of the information, content or guidelines (collectively, the "Materials") contained on, distributed through, or linked, downloaded or accessed from these links. You hereby acknowledge that any reliance upon any Materials shall be at your sole risk.

1)Not suitable for the following groups:cancer patient,pregnancy ,patient with hemorrhagic disease.
2)Children shall only use the instrument under the direction of their parents.
3) The elder patients and sensitive patients must accept the low-power and short treatment at the beginning,the rate of work could be increased as the body adjusts.

Those of You interested in the matter of laser blood irradiation are welcome to check out the following links that will help you learn more. For specialists, we recommend the book written by

Gejnic, Moskvin, Achilov: Intravenal laser blood irradiation, which is a comprehensive source of information you won`t find anywhere else. A part of it is published on Russian servers. We have acquired information from many sources from this article. We focus Your attention to S.V.Moskvin, a significant specialist in this field and the author of the article published on the Medprosvet website. You can find more information on the websites below.

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