Prostate Care System


Approx USD$249.95

Modern lifestyle is the prime cause of most prostate problems. Constant sitting incorrectly, deficient foods,smoking and alcohol, these things all poison and suffocate the cells in the prostate gland. This is what creates the diseases or the breeding ground for the bacteria that cause the disease, Poison your prostate enough and you'll create prostate cancer. It's no mystery.

The prostate is a walnut-size gland located just below the bladder and surrounding the urethra. This tiny gland often goes unnoticed for years - but sometimes it becomes impossible to ignore. That's why it is so important for men to get regular prostate exams and PSA tests. Prostate enlargement, the most common prostate concern, is often signaled by frequent nighttime urination, difficulty urination and uncomfortable urination.

A man with prostate cancer may not have any symptoms.
For men who do have symptoms, the common symptoms include:
Urinary problems

As men age, a potent form of the male hormone testosterone, called DHT, may begin to accumulate within the prostate. The buildup of DHT is thought to contribute to an overproduction of prostate cells, which can then lead to prostate enlargement, putting pressure on the urethra and interfering with normal urinary function.

Prostatic enlargement known as BPH (Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy) also increases with advancing age. BPH has been reported in over 90% of men over the age of 85, although it is relatively uncommon before the age of 35. BPH is in large part related to hormonal changes that occur with aging which relates to male hormonal function (androgens). Significant BPH can lead to obstruction of urinary function and potential renal failure if untreated.

Half of all men will be forced to deal with a prostate problem as they get older, either in the form of prostatitis
PROSTATITIS (Infection of the prostate)Bacterial infection of the prostate may be acute or chronic. A nonbacterial prostatitis is actually more common. (Merck Manual, 14th ed., pp 1566-1567)

Signs and Symptoms of prostate Cancer

The Merck Manual has historically indicated surgery as "definitive" therapy for this common condition. Medication is now commonly prescribed first, one of the more popular being finasteride ("Proscar") manufactured, conveniently enough, by the Merck company.]

Prostate enlargement, called benign prostatic hypertrophy, or BPH for short, is an unwanted but non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate. Although men in their 20s can suffer from BPH, it usually surfaces later in life. It’s estimated that half of all men have BPH by the age of 60, and 90 percent will suffer from it by age 85. If the prostate enlarges outward, a man probably won’t know he has BPH (unless it grows upward and pushes into the bladder). But if it swells inward, squeezing the urethra which passes through the center of the gland, he will know there’s a problem. With the prostate squeezing down on the urinary tube, a man can suffer from hesitancy in urinating, straining to start the stream, dribbling of urine before and after urinating, frequent urination, getting up several times at night to urinate, or urgency of urination.

There is no doubt whatsoever that diet has a major role in allowing - or stopping - prostate cancer. For example, a Harvard University School of Public Health study indicated that you are 250% more likely to suffer advanced prostate cancer if you eat red meat every day than if you eat red meat only once a week. The message is clear and generally ignored: move your diet in the direction of vegetarianism, and start today (USA Weekend, December 3-5, 1993, p 14).

The following are the most common symptoms of prostate Problems. However, each individual may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms may include:

•weak or interrupted flow of urine
• urinating often (especially at night)
• difficulty urinating or holding back urine
• inability to urinate
• pain or burning when urinating
• blood in the urine or semen
• nagging pain in the back, hips, or pelvis
• difficulty having an erection
The symptoms of prostate may resemble other conditions or medical problems. Always consult your physician for a diagnosis.

Signs and Symptoms of prostate Cancer

PROSTATE CANCER This is the one we're really worried about. There is much that can be done to prevent this number two cancer killer of American men.

When prostate cancer spreads, it's often found in nearby lymph nodes. If cancer has reached these nodes, it also may have spread to other lymph nodes, the bones, or other organs.

Stage I: The cancer can't be felt during a digital rectal exam, and it can't be seen on a sonogram. It's found by chance when surgery is done for another reason, usually for BPH. The cancer is only in the prostate. The grade is G1, or the Gleason score is no higher than 4.
Stage II: The tumour is more advanced or a higher grade than Stage I, but the tumour doesn't extend beyond the prostate. It may be felt during a digital rectal exam, or it may be seen on a sonogram.
Stage III: The tumour extends beyond the prostate. The tumour may have invaded the seminal vesicles, but cancer cells haven't spread to the lymph nodes.
Stage IV: The tumour may have invaded the bladder, rectum, or nearby structures (beyond the seminal vesicles). It may have spread to the lymph nodes, bones, or to other parts of the body.

Prostate cancer
Although prostatitis and BPH can, in advanced cases, be quite dangerous, the most serious prostate problem is cancer. Cancer of the prostate is the second most frequently diagnosed cancer in males (after skin cancer), and the second most frequent cause of cancer death in males (after lung cancer). Approximately 200,000 American men will get the unhappy diagnosis of prostate cancer this year alone — and 38,000 will die of the disease. As was true in my case, men usually don’t know that they have prostate cancer for quite some time after the malignancy takes root, because it produces no symptoms in its early stages of growth. In fact, often there are no symptoms at all, or only very minor ones that can easily be overlooked. The early symptoms of prostate cancer are very similar to those of BPH, including getting up frequently at night to urinate; urinating frequently, but often only in small amounts; having to wait longer for the urine flow to begin; and a urinary stream that starts and stops. Having these symptoms does not mean that you have prostate cancer. But if you do have these or other symptoms, it’s best to get yourself checked.

What are the key statistics surrounding prostate cancer?
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in the UK, with over 40,000 new cases diagnosed every year.
Prostate cancer makes up more than a quarter of all cancers in men
About 1 in 7 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime.
Prostate cancer occurs mainly in older men and men of African-Caribbean descent. About 6 cases in 10 are diagnosed in men aged 65 or older, and it is rare before age 30.
More than 8 out of 10 men in England with prostate cancer survive for 5 years or more.
Your risks are higher if your father or brother has had prostate cancer.

Signs and symptoms of stage 4 prostate cancer may include:

Painful urination.
Decreased force in the stream of urine.
Blood in the semen.
Bone pain.
Swelling in the legs.

Signs and Symptoms of prostate Cancer

Soy products appear to have a special benefit against prostate cancer. Japanese men have especially low death rates from prostate cancer, even thought they get the disease as often as American men do. The Japanese eat a lot of tofu, tempeh, miso, soy milk and other soy foods. Even animals fed a lot of soybeans have far less prostate cancer than others. There are at least two specific substances in soybeans that seem to help fight cancer: genistein and isoflavinoids. These natural chemicals are especially effective against the hormone-dependent cancers, which includes prostate cancer. (Soybean products may lower prostate cancer, Lancaster Intelligencer-Journal, January 12, 1994)

In the mean time, an especially good diet and appropriately generous use of supplements may positively influence the situation. It certainly cannot hurt to have lots of raw salad foods, sprouts, and fresh vegetable juices every day. Natural health research has continually emphasized these measures to help fight cancer. A particularly good example is the work of Max Gerson, M.D. Dr. Gerson used a mostly raw food and fresh vegetable juice diet for cancer patients with remarkably good results. He also used substantial quantities of vitamin supplements. His entire program is set forth in a tremendously valuable book entitled The Gerson Therapy, by Charlotte Gerson and Morton Walker (2001) NY: Kensington Publishing Corp. ISBN 1-57566-628-6 (paperback, 371 pages, plus appendixes and index

According to All men over 40 should make it a top health priority to remain in the unaffected half of the population. One of the ways that men can help maintain prostate health or relieve existing prostate problems is to.keep the blood flow to that area maximised

What are the signs & symptoms of prostate cancer?
Different people have different symptoms for prostate cancer. Some men do not have symptoms at all, especially in the early stages.

Some symptoms of prostate cancer are:
Difficulty starting urination
Weak or interrupted flow of urine
The need to urinate more often, especially at night
Difficulty emptying the bladder completely
Pain or burning during urination
Loss of bladder control
Blood in the urine or semen
Pain in the back, hips, chest (ribs) or pelvis that doesn’t go away
Weekness or numbness in the legs or feet
Difficulty getting an erection (erectile dysfunction)
Painful ejaculation
Any of these symptoms ??? Go see your health care provider ASAP !!!

What are the risk factors associated with prostate cancer?
It is believed that a number of things can increase your risk of developing the condition. These include:

Age – risk rises as you get older and most cases are diagnosed in men over 50 years of age.
Ethnic group – prostate cancer is more common among men of African-Caribbean and African descent than in men of Asian descent.
Family history – having a brother or father who developed prostate cancer under the age of 60 seems to increase the risk of you developing it. Research also shows that having a close female relative who developed breast cancer may also increase your risk of developing prostate cancer.
Obesity – recent research suggests that there may be a link between obesity and prostate cancer.
Exercise – men who regularly exercise have also been found to be at lower risk of developing prostate cancer.
Diet – research is ongoing into the links between diet and prostate cancer. There is evidence that a diet high in calcium is linked to an increased risk of developing prostate cancer.

Prostate Health

What if someone told you that they would give you the absolute best liquid to heal your prostate? A liquid so healing and so powerful that nothing else in all of medical history has ever been able to compete with it? A liquid that is non toxic, and a liquid that is responsible for every cure that ever was?

Well, according to some you already have it! That liquid is your blood. Hard to believe, but it is true. It is the greatest real healer in the whole world.

There is no laboratory chemical that ever healed anything. Yes they can kill bacteria and germs and viruses. But no laboratory chemical ever healed anything. If you've been on prostate medication for a length of time you've learned this the hard way. You are still not well.

The Prostate exam A little humor,,Be warned some adult words

Modern lifestyle is the prime cause of most prostate problems. Constant sitting, incorrect deficient foods,smoking and alcohol, these things all poison and suffocate the cells in the prostate gland. This is what creates the diseases or the breeding ground for the bacteria that cause the disease. Poison your prostate enough and you'll create prostate cancer. It's no mystery.

The most serious prostate-related condition is prostate cancer. Patients with this potentially life-threatening disease may be able to improve their chances of surviving enhancing the blood flow, according to ScienceDaily.

Cardiovascular fitness is essential to maintaining a healthy prostate. Blood flow brings oxygen and needed nutrients, and takes away toxins and waste materials from all areas of your body, including the prostate.

The fresh oxygen rich blood is what we want your prostate to have. That is what brings the new life energies and nourishment to your prostate. That is what revitalizes you and makes you feel good!

Whether you are looking to relieve a prostate condition or simply encourage prostate health, increasing blood flow to the prostate and surrounding muscles can dramatically improve the way you feel, according to

Stress, particularly chronic or long-lasting stress, is especially damaging to the prostate. Stress causes all areas of the body to tighten up, restricting the flow of blood and energy.

As the stress continues, the tension and restriction grow cumulatively worse. The prostate, an emotional center which relies on tiny blood vessels for nutrition and cleansing, is severely damaged by tension caused by years of stressful living. This damage sets the stage for prostate enlargement and eventually cancer.

Stress Buster Pro

Fresh blood flow brings the nutrients and oxygen cells needed to remain healthy and replicate normally. But, even if the blood is healthy, when it can not reach the prostate gland in sufficient quantity, the prostate can and will suffer from a variety of diseases. Get more healthy blood to the prostate gland and most prostate problems will disappear. A healthy prostate will prevent prostate cancer and inflammation.



Three in One Prostate Care System.

Thermotherapy , Magnet therapy ,
Vibromassage therapy

Prostate care unit
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PEMF Pulsed Magnetic Fields

Encourage the Supply to your prostate and Pelvic area (see vid no16)with fresh, oxygen-rich blood by using the amazing tools available

Prostate Health Care

Alternative Health care At Home For Male And Female

Very recent studies indicate that a healthy blood flow is integral to a healthy prostate. If you are suffering from a prostate disorder like prostatitis, BPH, have to frequently use the bathroom or are simply looking to promote a healthy prostate, then Rife Frequencies + PEMF Pulsed Magnetic field therapy may be a viable alternative to conventional treatments like antibiotics and surgery.

Improve the whole environment of the pelvic cavity in order to increase blood circulation overall to the pelvic cavity.
It allows increase blood flow into the weakened tissue for enhance recovery and pain relief.

The special care to the most important acupoint Huiyin of prostate gland and pelvic cavity plays a very important role in the device, this helps to improve the total conditions of the procreation system.

Pemf Pulser

Totally Solid State Design,
Variable speed from 1 pulse to 75 pulses a minute. .
Bob Beck type magnetic pulser 6500-7000 gauss at 7 pulses per min
1-30 min Timer
Double the penetratioin of the sota pulser
You can hear the magnetic pulser pulse
Doesn't over heat after a short time
Instruction pics and Videos
Skype,Telephone,Email Support

More Information

Using Rife Frequencies with PEMF for prostate health

Using Rife Frequencies with PEMF for prostate health

Prostate Health Care

Rife/Crane Pro Mark 9 Option 2H High Frequency

Rife 14" Screen Master unit
Rife Pro Multi Drive (Full Mains isolation)
Rife Pro software
Structuring of water and oils
Over 2569 Fast Preset Rife Frequencies
TBSW Generator Pro
Chakra Tools
Sweep / Step Generator
A Client / Patient Database
Pair of Conductive Foot Slippers
Small Magnacoil
Hoyland Type Generator
TENS pads and Leads
Bob Beck Blood Zapper Kit
Ear Clips and Leads
Magnetic Blanket
HC Zapper electrodes
Head Set

More information

Rife Pro Option 3ah Healers Option
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Prostate Care System


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