Diabetes App for BT-ProNZ$239.95Approx USD$139.54![]() Pulsed electro magnetic fields and diabetes In insulin-dependent diabetes, the diabetic's body fails to make insulin, a hormone essential to the metabolism of glucose. Glucose enters the blood stream from the food that we eat and, in the presence of insulin, is taken up and "burned" by cells that require this essential fuel. In the absence of insulin, however, glucose accumulates in the blood causing the condition known as high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), while the cells starve for fuel. Without taking insulin injections, the diabetic will slowly starve to death despite abnormally high blood sugar levels. Why does a diabetic's body fail to produce insulin? Within the pancreas, the Islets of Langerhans produce insulin in response to blood glucose. These islets are tiny insulin factories that sense the level of glucose in the blood stream, and produce insulin in precise proportion to that level. Therefore, following a meal, blood sugar levels will rise significantly, and the islets will release a large amount of insulin. This insulin will cause body cells to take up the sugar, causing blood sugar to quickly return to its normal range. Once blood sugar is in the normal range, the islets will reduce the output of insulin to an idling state. In this way, the islets adjust their production of insulin on a minute-by-minute basis, always producing just enough insulin to deal with the amount of blood sugar presently in the blood stream. In insulin-dependent diabetes, the islets are destroyed by the person's own immune system, which mistakenly identifies these essential cells as foreign invaders. This self-destructive mechanism is the basis of many so-called autoimmune diseases. Once the islets are killed, the ability to produce insulin is lost, and the overt symptoms and consequences of diabetes begin. okay thats interesting but can pulsed electro magnetic field help diabetes,, Firstly What is Pulsed Electo-Magnetic Field Therapy A living cell is surrounded by a membrane through which important materials must pass, -in and out. The membranes’ ability to open and close is called permeability. Permeability is controlled by an electric phenomenon, which is influenced by magnetic fields. Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field Therapy is the application of pulsating electro-magnetic fields which support the body to remain healthy and pain-free by stimulating each and every cell to retain its’ permeability. How does it work? Pulsating electro-magnetic fields work by stimulating ions and regulating
their function, improving their interaction, which in turn accelerates
healing and prevents cells from degenerating and dying.
But can pulsed electro magnetic field help Diabetes??? well many scientist think so PULSED ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD THERAPY IN CERTAIN DISEASES Diabetes mellitus: Blood sugar level in diabetes slowly reduce when treated with Pulsed electromagnetic Field. The reduction in blood sugar level can be brought to a near normal or normal stage. This reduction is mostly because of increased metabolism of glucose in the tissues and increase in the production of insulin in the pancreas and its utilization at the receptor level. Gastro-intestinal conditions in which PEMF Therapy is effective are GASTRITIS, PEPTIC ULCER, ULCERATIVE COLITIS, IRRITABLE COLON, HEMORRHOIDS etc. 20 Diabetes mellitus (DM)
patients were exposed to impulsed magnetic field, 100 control DM patients
received conservative therapy alone. Metabolism stabilization
resulted in some patients in reduced blood sugar. Use of magnetic field
produced faster and longer response than conservative therapy. Neurosci Behav
Physiol. 2003 Oct;33(8):745-52. Application of PEMF-CM facilitated regression of the main clinical symptoms of DPN, improved the conductive function of peripheral nerves, improved the state of la afferents, and improved the reflex excitability of functionally diverse motoneurons in the spinal cord. PEMF-CM at 10 Hz was found to have therapeutic efficacy, especially in the initial stages of DPN and in patients with diabetes mellitus for up to 10 years. Diabetes In this study, 320 diabetics
received impulsed magnetic field treatment while 100 diabetics (controls)
received conservative therapy alone. Results showed beneficial
effects with respect to vascular complications in 74 percent of the
patients receiving magnetotherapy combined with conservative methods, I.B. Kirillovm, et al., Magentotherapy in the Comprehensive Treatment of Vascular Complications of Diabetes Mellitus, Klin Med, 74(5), 1996, . 39-41. This study involving 72 diabetics with purulent wounds found that magnetic fields aided healing significantly. R.A. Kuliev & R.F. Babaev,
A Magnetic Field in the Combined Treatment of Suppurative Wounds in
Diabetes Mellitus, Vestn Khir Im I I Grek, 148(1), Diabetic ulcers and poor circulation
This scenario will sound familiar to diabetics. Sometimes, however, this also seems to happen to people who don't have diabetes. Or do they?? A lot of people have diabetes without even realizing it. There must be at least as many people who don't know they have diabetes as there are people who do know they have diabetes! This is why it's essential that diabetes is detected as soon as possible and that people who have diabetes are properly treated. They need to keep their blood sugar level under control. Their feet need to be inspected regularly. If not, this happens... When you suffer a foot or leg injury, it takes a long time to heal. Or it won't heal at all; the wound just gets bigger and deeper. An infection makes it worse. Why wounds don't heal properly
And you don't feel it? It won't heal?
A vicious circle?
Frequency medicine: The FDA knows it all If you had to convince the FDA that pulsed electric or magnetic field can kill pathogens, you would have a hard time, especially if you were a member of the Alternative Medicine community. But, luckily you do not have to. The FDA already knows! You can find all about disinfection with pulsed electric fields right here, with a large number of scientific references here DO PULSED ELECTRO-MAGNETIC FIELDS WORK ON Warning these graphic pictures may disturb some people Includes extra frequencies
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