Rife Pro3 Software package V X7 - 1 Licence


Approx USD$166.92

Rife Pro 3

The Rife Pro 3 Upgrade for your Rife Pro machine

Rife Pro 3 has the most extensive Rife Machine system available. It's easy for anyone to use.

Rife pro 3 includes :

  • Rife Machine X7 Pro - With 2,569 Easy Presets for just about any health problem.
  • Manual Rife / Structuring - Enter any frequencies you like and structure water and oils for making homeopathic remedies.
  • Auto Rife - The easiest Rife Machine ever, yet powerful!
  • K-Test - Used for diagnostics and Kinesiology
  • Sweep / Step Frequency Generator - Helps find NEW healing frequencies.

About Rife Machine X7 Pro Function

Rife Machine X7 Pro is an advanced, powerful, yet easy to use Rife Machine option. It has capabilities that no other Rife Machines have.

Rife Machine X7 Pro

You can easily run 30 Rife Frequencies at the same time in a single preset. Not only can you run 30 Rife Frequencies at the same time, you can also chain up to 7 Rife Presets and run up to 210 Rife Frequencies per session.

What does that mean for you?

It means that you get better results, faster and easier.

In the modern world, we have new health problems that simply cannot be eliminated with old technology. You can choose from 2569 Fast Presets, to deal with almost any possible health problem.

It has a frequency display, so you can see the running preset frequencies and also displays the running frequencies in display boxes. The frequencies can be sent to the Manual Rife section of the program, in case you want to modify them or use them to make homeopathic remedies.

Rife Machine X7 Pro has a built-in timer. Times are set with a simple mouse click.

Also :

  • You can choose between Sine or Harmonic waves(Square wave), both used in Rife work .
  • You can turn on Modulation, a special algorithm that enhances the use of Rife Frequencies.
  • You can also select Scalar Waves. This is something that has been impossible to do with Rife technology, until Rife Pro 3.
  • You can save an unlimited number of your own presets, for quick recall at a later time.

Rife Machine X7 Pro lets you record your Rife sessions to OGG audio format (Audio Prescriptions™).

Say you have a Client, relative or friend with a health issue and all they have is an iPhone or Android tablet. Simply record the Preset session and the OGG file can be emailed to someone and run on ANY computer, smart phone or tablet, using free OGG player apps available in the App stores.

About Manual Rife and Structuring

The Manual Rife / Structuring section of Rife Pro 3, is where you can input any frequencies you like or structure water and oils to make your own homeopathic remedies.

Manual Rife and Structuring Water

Structuring is really easy to do. Simply click a button and run the frequencies through headphones or speakers into a container for 40 to 60 minutes and that’s all there is to it. The special algorithms in the program do all of the work.

Use Structuring For :

  • Pain relief remedies
  • Detox for chem-trails, heavy metals, liver or general detox
  • Other things from the Frequency Presets or your own frequency sets

Structuring can last up to a year in a UV safe container using spring or pure mineral water and up to 15 months using base oils like Almond oil. If you plan on drinking water structured with the presets right away (like infoceuticals), it only takes two minutes! If you want the structuring to last up to a year, it only takes 20 to 40 minutes.

You can also import frequencies from Rife Machine X7 Pro or the Sweep Generator, where you can modify them and save them as a User Preset.

As with Rife Machine X7 Pro, you have a timer, a frequency display and selectable waveforms - including Modulation and Scalar Waves.

In Manual Mode, you can enter up to 30 frequencies and run them in one of three modes.

  1. Single-timed - Frequencies run one at a time at a time you set for each frequency.
  2. Multi-timed - Frequencies will all run at the same time with a time you set.
  3. Multi-continuous - Frequencies will all run at the same time until you want them to stop (no time limit)

You can save an unlimited number of your own presets and also record your sessions to OGG files (Audio Prescriptions™) for use on all smart phones and tablets.

You can also record your frequencies to WAV audio files for making CDs.

About Auto Rife

Auto Rife is a powerful Rife Machine for quick access. It's great for beginners and advanced practitioners alike, and has all of the power of Rife pro3 X7 .

Auto Rife

Auto Rife is the easiest Rife Machine to use - anywhere! Weve taken 21 common problems, created powerful Rife Machine X7 Pro chained presets and made them so all you have to do is select a preset and click Start.

Weve even set the levels and times. Anyone that can click in a selection box with a mouse and click Start can use Auto Rife.

The goal for making Auto Rife, was to make it very easy for even the beginner level computer user to start using Rife Technology.

Auto Rife Function completely automates everything!

Dr. G. Wilson is a doctor who actually worked with Dr. Royal Rife. At 76 years old, he's been of great assistance to us over the years with Rife Pro Frequencies. Here's what he has to say...

Just to let you know, I've been involved using Rife equipment in research for many, many years, more than I would like to admit. I've owned multiple kinds of equipment and also built my own over the last 30 years. But, I believe if Dr. Rife were here with us today he would be using all available technologies to accomplish his goals, including software.

I've found your software extremely easy to use and to obtain results equal to or better than equipment selling for thousands of dollars. I use it almost daily in my practice.

I have presently used your software with over 400 individuals. All have positive results, some with unbelievable recoveries.

Dr. G. Wilson - PhD, MH, ND


TBSW PRO - Pain Relief and Theta Healing

TBSW stands for Trilateral Balanced Sine Waves. This new generation of healing, has become the powerful alternative to binaural beats.


Since it's release in 2008, TBSW technology can now be found in doctor's offices and hospitals around the globe.

TBSW Basics :

You've probably known or heard of someone having a car accident and not feeling a thing, even though they might have been pretty banged up. This is because the brain releases powerful pain relieving endorphins into the body during a trauma.

TBSW waves allow you to safely control these endorphins to get rid of pain naturally, by using special frequencies and waveforms. All you need to do is put headphones on your ears and run the frequencies.

TBSW does a lot more than get rid of pain. It can be used for addictions, insomnia, stress relief, weight loss, theta healing and more. TBSW enhances Binaural Beats and adds new dimensions. It's easy to use and has all of the tools you need to take healing and recovery to new levels.

There are 21 pre-programmed TBSW Presets in TBSW Pro. To run the presets, simply set the preset kind, background sound, time and click the Start button.

Built-In TBSW Presets (scroll to view)

You can input any frequencies you like in Manual Mode. You have immediate access to hundreds of brainwave frequencies that you can use in Single or Dual modes, for your own experiments.

Pain relief using TBSW is incredible! Many practitioners have thrown away their Tens Units, because TBSW is a modern solution and has a lot more versatility.

For Chiropractors, Doctors, Dentists and Physical Therapists, you can run one of the pain presets during or at the end of your session. TBSW has made Tens Units fairly obsolete. It will leave you with very happy patients. Don't get left behind on this powerful technology!

TBSW Pro Function:

  • Quickly get natural, safe, powerful pain relief - without side effects or addictions.
  • Deal with headaches and migraines within minutes.
  • #1 in the world for Theta Healing.
  • Use it for insomnia, stress relief and hundreds of other problems.
  • Record and give TBSW files to patients / clients that can be played on any computer or tablet, including iPhones, Macs, and Android Smart Phones.
  • Record WAV files for making CDs.
  • Select soothing background sounds for your TBSW sessions, if you like.
  • Built-in timer with Auto-Shutoff
  • SCALAR WAVES and Dual Mode for even more exciting possibilities.

About The Chakra Tools function

Chakras have been around since early recorded history. They are finally being very seriously used in the western world.

Chakra Tools recharges the body like a battery charger. It does so by resonating the known Chakra frequencies, which causes them to balance and align. When they're balanced, the body is resistant to health problems, phobias, addictions and more.

Chakra Balancing

This may sound strange to some of us in the west, but there are many people that use nothing except Chakra healing that live well over 100 years of age. This can easily be seen with Tibetan monks and other cultures.

Chakras are used today extensively for all types of physical, mental and emotional problems.

Chakra Tools Function in RifePro 3 :

  • Has three modes of operation. You can time the frequencies individually, run them all at once on a timer, or run them all at once continuously.
  • You can choose from nine main Chakras to work with. Select individual Chakras, or any combination you like.
  • Has a button that allows you to instantly access all of the information about Chakras and health / mental problems that occur when they are out of balance.
  • Select from several soothing background sounds while running Chakra sessions.
  • Record and give Chakra session audio files to patients / clients that can be played on any computer or tablet, including iPhones, Macs and Android Smart Phones.

Chakra Information

You may be surprised at how easily you can diagnose someone based on their emotional states. Chakra Info lets you quickly learn this, by giving you advanced information about Chakras and their effects on emotional, mental and physical problems when they're out of balance.

With a click of a button, you get all of the information about Chakras, that you need for effective healing.

About the Ancient Tones Function

For thousands of years there have been special frequencies used for healing work. Rife Pro 3 gives you the ability to use these special waveforms and frequencies to enhance your life.

These special healing frequencies have been highly effective and documented in different cultures around the world.

Ancient Tones

Ancient Tones has the most known, used and effective waveforms and frequencies used throughout history. Running these special frequencies in the background of a room can work wonders.

A normal frequency generator cannot generate these frequencies and waveforms correctly. Special processing is done by Rife Pro 3 to make them effective.

Ancient Tones :

  • Has three modes of operation. You can time the frequencies individually, run them all at once on a timer or run them all at once continuously.
  • You can choose from eight special frequencies and waveforms for healing to work with.
  • Select from several soothing background sounds while running Ancient Tone sessions.
  • Record and give Ancient Tone session audio files to patients / clients that can be played on any computer or tablet, including iPhones, Macs and Android Smart Phones.

About K-Test Function

The K-Test section is used for diagnostics using AK. K-Test has no timers and reacts fast. Once you find the frequencies that are right for the person, or yourself, you can run the preset(s) from Rife Machine X7 Pro, or transfer the current frequencies to the Manual Rife section of the program.

Think someone has parasites? Run K-Test on the different parasite frequencies and look for a reaction in the person you're running the frequencies on. It can be used with all of the 2569 presets and health conditions.

Auto Rife

You can choose between a Sine Wave or a Square Wave. Using K-Test, you can quickly find out if a person will have a more positive reaction to presets using either one of the two waveforms.

K-Test is a quick and accurate way to find out what is wrong with someone.

Also Works in perfect harmony with the Trutester Pro Kinesiology muscle tester

About The Sweep / Step Frequency Generator function

The Sweep Generator is used for finding your own healing frequencies.

Sweep Frequency Generator

Holistic practitioners use the Sweep Generator in conjunction with Applied Kinesiology (muscle testing) to find frequencies. These frequencies can be logged using the Sweep Generator HIT button, transferred to Manual Rife / Structuring and saved to presets.

The Sweep Generator can also be used while observing things under a microscope. If you have a dark field or USB Microscope (like a Digital LCD Microscope), you can see the results the frequencies have on the organism.

The Sweep / Step Frequency GeneratorFunction :

  • Smart Sweep - knows the direction to sweep the frequency from your sweep range input.
  • Sweep or step frequencies from seconds to minutes, allowing you to find resonant frequencies for all kinds of things.
  • Sweep Sine or Square waves.

Sweep frequency generators are useful tools for frequency therapy. This one has all of the features of a very expensive lab grade generator.

Time Tested...

Since we released the first version of Rife Pro nearly ten years ago, we've learned quite a bit about how people like to use the programs. Rife Pro 3 has all of the features that make it easy for anyone to use.

A Client / Patient Database

Rife Pro 3 has a Client database that’s perfect for health practitioners, families and individuals. It allows you to keep track of symptoms, treatments, progress, medications and results and other information, without leaving the program.

Client / Patient Database

The Client Database is very useful!

You can keep track of :

  • All of the basic client information
  • Symptoms
  • Medications
  • Diagnosis / Prognosis
  • Treatments
  • Results

Built-In Notes

Rife Pro 3 has its own Notepad, so you can keep track of your experiments, frequencies and more, without ever leaving the program.

Help System

The program won't leave you hanging when you have questions. The help section of Rife Pro 3 has extensive help and examples on each individual section of the program.



Rife x7 pro Latest software package for your Rife pro Machine

Rife Machine X7 Pro - With 2,569 Easy Presets for just about any health problem.
Manual Rife / Structuring - Enter any frequencies you like and structure water and oils for making homeopathic remedies.
Scalar waves
Auto Rife - The easiest Rife Machine ever, yet powerful!
K-Test - Used for diagnostics and Kinesiology
Sweep / Step Frequency Generator - Helps find NEW healing frequencies.
TBSW Generator Enhancing the brain
Chaka Balancing tools
The Sweep / Step Frequency Generator
Ancient Tones Function
Client Database

Single license version you can install this on 1 Computer. Special $NZ269.95


Rife pro optio 2h-7h

"Royal rife developed "Five" Rife machine prototypes ,the fith rife machine(beam ray)was reported to be the most powerful"

""I can assure you that no one, not even myself, could help but be astounded at the results we are now obtaining with the assistance of our new machines and our new band of MOR's.(Mortal oscillatory rate)" (Letter from Dr. Johnson to Dr. Gruner (copy sent to Dr. Rife) dated, November 4, 1936."."

"None of Dr. Rife's previous instruments ever had the capability that this instrument had.. Dr. Johnson pointed this fact out in his letter. "The major difference between this new Rife Ray #5 Clinical instrument and Dr. Rife’s previous instruments is the fact that this new instrument could produce over one hundred harmonic side bands simultaneously. It was this new harmonic sideband capability in this Beam Ray Clinical instrument which makes this sweep we are discussing on this page possible."

The worlds most advanved multi purpose Fully Automatic Rife/Hoyland System Read more here

Can a Rife Machine Help?
Enter in a problem/ see if there is a known frequency


Rife Pro3 Software package V X7 - 1 Licence


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