Quantum Pet Scanner


Approx USD$249.00


The animals body is a collectionof a large number of cells which are in continuous growth, development, differentiation, regeneration and apoptosis, and the cells constantly self-renew through division. During this process of cell division and growth the cells atomic nucleuses, constituting atoms as the basic unit, and the electrons outside the nucleus are in constant high-speed movement and change, thereby constantly emitting electromagnetic waves.

The electromagnetic wave signals emitted by the pet's body represent the specific state of health, disease, etc of the pet's body, . If we can determine these specific electromagnetic wave signals, we can determine the status of your pets health.

Quantum medicine considers that the most fundamental reason of sickness, is the spin of electrons outside the atomic nucleus and the direction of their orbit, Because the electron is a charged body, when the spin of electrons outside the atomic nucleus and the orbit changes, the electromagnetic wave emitted by the atoms will also change. This can lead to changes in the cells, and finally ,changes in the organs, which may result in ill health.

By using the quantum sensor ,the frequency and energy of the magnetic field of your pets hair etc, is compared with the resonance spectra, standard quantum of diseases and nutrition indicators, prest in the instrument. The measured frequency and energy collected is then amplified by the pet scanner and processed by the computer software. The corresponding quantum value is shown as a negative to positive scale.

Sensitive instruments have been developed that can detect the minute energy fields around the human body. Of particular importance is the SQUID magnetometer (1) which is capable of detecting tiny biomagnetic fields associated with physiological activities in the body. (Figure 1)

SQUID is an acronym for Superconducting Quantum Interference Device.

Test protocol were developed by clinicians for use in the Pet Scanner. The size of the quantum values indicate the nature and extent of disease and nutritional levels. . It's similar to the principle of listening to broadcasting from the radio. There are many radio waves in the air. If you want to listen to some designated broadcasts, you can tune the radio to the corresponding frequency, at this moment, resonance occurs, so that you can listen to this broadcast.

Animal Reports example

Quantum resonance uses this principle for testing. What is Pet Scanner? The Pet Scanner utilises high-tech innovation systems of medicine, bio-informatics, electrical engineering and other sciences. Incorperating all 3 in the PET Scanner --

The quantum resonant magnetic pet Scanner is a new instrument to analyse such phenomenon. The weak magnetic frequency and energy of your pets body are collected by the sensor, and after amplification by the instrument and analysis by the built-in micro-processor, the data is compared with the standard quantum resonant spectrum of dis-eases, nutrition and other indicators incorporated in the instrument to judge whether the sample waveforms are irregular using the Fourier approach calculations. Analysis and indications can thus be made on your pets health condition and main problems based on the result of waveform analysis, as well as standard protective and curative soggestions.


Attach the test sensor to your pets body as shown above,the advanced electronic system will collect all the information and relay it to your computer,and analyse and compare each organ with the referenced Database...

Instruction Manual

Animal Reports example

The pet scanner applies advanced electronic software to collect your pets magnetic signature for analysis. Analyzing and determining the tested animal's health status and main indications, Then advising standard prevention recommendations. [Pet scanner] is an individualized guide of health care consultation , and has the advantages of being, non-invasiveness, practical, simple to use and fast, etc. With the depth and development of scientific research, it will make a great contribution for the indication of your pets health.

Speed and accuracy: Multiple indicators of your pets well being can be obtained within minutes. The database of the analysis system has been established with scientific methods, strict health statistic treatment and demonstration of a large number of clinical cases, leading thus to better analysis accuracy.

Quantum Magnetic Pet Scanner

The method of quantum resonant magnetic analysis is an emerging rapid, indicator, and non-invasive spectral testing method and particularly interesting for comparison of effects of health products, and to check sub-health indications.

Simple and convenient: It is easy in operation and in general, people will be able to analyze and interpret the result through short-term Practice. checks can be performed in any place and at any time.

This powerful Economical tool provides immediate results which allows the practitioner or Home user to use or suggest individualized, effective protocols to achieve balance and optimal health.

Quantum Pet Scanner

Quantum pet Scanner
Harness and Sensors
Instruction Manual


Quantum Pet Scanner installed on a 15" Brand new Laptop

No health claims are made or implied ,these units are offered as experimental pet health indicators only

Quantum Pet Scanner


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    Approx USD$249.00
  • Model: qpes

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