Biophoton Eye Mask


Approx USD$52.31

Depression or winter mood swings can be related to changes in seasons, its called Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and it normally begins and ends at about the same period every year,it seems to come and goes in a seasonal pattern. If you're like most people with Seasonal affective disorder SAD, your symptoms start in autum and continue into winter , sapping your energy levels and making you very moody.

Sunlight triggers the release of hormones in your brain. Exposure to sunlight is reported to increase the brain’s release of the hormone serotonin. Serotonin is associated with boosting moods, calmness and focus. Without enough sun exposure, some people's serotonin levels drop. Low levels of serotonin are associated with a higher risk of Seasonal affective disorder . That form of depression triggered by the changing seasons.

Interestingly countries closest to the equator report a very low incidences of SAD, whereas extreme northern and southern countries report high incidences. This is mainly due to the fluctuations in daylight hours as the seasons change, disrupting a person’s circadian rhythm—or internal clock—which controls a person’s physiological response to light and darkness.

Although as usual, "experts" were initially skeptical, this condition is now recognized as a common disorder

Symptoms of SAD often include:

Persistent low mood
Less active than normal
Loss of pleasure or interest in everyday activities
Irritability despair, feelings of guilt and worthlessness
Lethargic (lacking in energy) and feeling sleepy during the day
Sleeping for longer than normal and finding it hard to get up in the morning
Craving carbohydrates and gaining weight

For some people, these symptoms can be quite severe and have a significant impact on day-to-day activities.

"Interestingly, the symptoms of SAD are not limited to only reduced seasonal daylight. Similar symptoms are now common for millions of people all year round caused by our now predominant indoor life style that has unwittingly created a silent epidemic known as — mal-illumination.”

Mal-illumination is brought about by limiting our daily intake of balanced, full-spectrum daylight and supplementing it with too much artificial ‘limited-spectrum’ indoor light.
Mal-illumination silently contributes to many health issues, some quite serious —obesity, depression, fatigue, sleep and eating disorders as well as breast, prostate and colon cancer.
Like malnutrition, mal-illumination causes deficiencies by depriving us of the sun’s energetic nutrient wavelengths referred to as photo-nutrition. Source

“We are still on the threshold of fully understanding the complex relationship
between light and life, but we can now say emphatically, that the function of our entire
metabolism is dependent on light.” .Dr. Fritz Albert Popp

The most common treatment for Seasonal affective disorder is light therapy, which consists of daily exposure to light, leading to increases in serotonin levels in the brain that will help lift moods and relieve other symptoms.

What we are suggesting is not just creating a light source,but creating Biophotons and the healing frequency (380nm) of the sun as a light source,and gently strobing the eye lids,a direct pathway to the brain

"Biophoton therapy is the application of light to particular areas of the skin for healing purposes. The light, or photons, that are emitted by these units are absorbed by the skin's photoreceptors and then travel through the body's nervous system to the brain, where they help regulate what is referred to as our human bio-energy. By stimulating certain areas of the body with specific quantities of light, biophoton therapy can help reduce pain as well as aid in various healing processes throughout the body."

The theory behind biophoton therapy is based on the work of Dr. Franz Morell and has been expanded by the work of Doctors L.C. Vincent and F.A. Popp, who theorized that light can affect the electromagnetic oscillation, or waves of the body and regulate enzyme activity."

It is well known from biological laboratory experiments that if you blast a cell with UV light so that 99 per cent of the cell, including its DNA, is destroyed, you can almost entirely repair the damage in a single day just by illuminating the cell with the same wavelength at a much weaker intensity. To this day, scientists don't understand this phenomenon, called photorepair, but no one has disputed it.
What's so special about 380-nanometer frequency? It is where the best "photorepair" effects take place — a phenomenon described as such: Read more here

"In 2003 NASA-Goodwin found 10 Hz square wave stimulation caused neural tissue regeneration @ 4x baseline, w/ better 3-D orientation; cell DNA signature turned - OFF - 120+ sets of maturation genes and turned - ON - 120+ sets of developmental genes. Over 100 sets of nucleic DNA reverted from maturation to developmental. NASA didn't dig deep enough to explain why cell regeneration QUADRUPLED under 10 Hz pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) or why the genetic effects occurred ONLY at 10 Hz pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF). However more ATP explains very well based upon the work of David Hood and the efficient demonstration by James Tong "

Pulsing a 10 hz square wave through skin contact around the eye socket and also pulsing a 380nm light source together from the same mask, Could help us all according to NASA with cell Rejuvination, and thanks to the reaserch of F.A. Popp give relief to those with "Seasonal affective disorder" and "mal-illumination"


BTPro plus Biophoton 380nm LED, Electrostim Eye Mask

BT Pro Multi system
Built in frequencies
0.5 Hz Anxiety release
1.5 Hz Deep sleep
2.0 Hz Healing Of Nerves
5.0 Hz Brain fog retain recall release information
7.83 Hz Zen Meditation
10 Hz Cell Rejuvenation
15 Hz Lymph System Circulation
20 Hz Breast lumps
35 Hz Stimulate Clarity of Thought, Mental Function
100.00 Hz Feeling Down
500Hz Chronic depression
1434 Hz White Blood Cell stimulation
1524 Hz Red Blood Cell Stimulation
Plus the Full BT6-BT11 Beck Protocol 1000.00 Hz + 111.00 Hz
Over 700 Natural Harmonic frequencies

Fully Rechargeable ...Batteries/Charger
Timer : 5 - 60 mins
Intensity Control
Very portable
High Quality Ear clips
Tens pads and lead
LCD Screen
Many more add on options

More BTPro information here

Eye mask

Biophoton 380nm LED, Electrostim eye Mask

Is compatible with the

BTPro All versions
BTPlus All versions
And All Rife Pro Machine options


Do not use if you have photosensitivity issues or epilepsy


Biophoton Eye Mask


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    Approx USD$52.31
  • Model: biopmk

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