

Approx USD$432.80

Cataract is the leading cause of blindness in the world today, while age-related macular degeneration is responsible for the majority of new cases of visual impairment in the western world. It is estimated that back in 2004, 1.75 million U.S. residents have significant symptoms associated with age-related macular degeneration, now the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), suggest cataracts affect an estimated 20.5 million Americans age 40 and older. The challenge is awesome: More than 160 million people world wide have visual impairment, with huge percentage of the cases related to cataract and many of them avoidable.

"What are Cataracts?

Cataracts are a medical condition that gradually disrupts the ability to see and is most common in older people. Usually, cataracts takes the form of a cloud in the eye. In your eye you have a lens, the function of the lens is to focus on light that travels through the eye before it enters the retina. The lens is the colored area (Iris) that is located behind the eye. It consists of proteins that can amass as people get older, resulting in a cataract. The cataract disperses light as it travels into the lens, diminishing vision.

Doctors have detected several kinds of cataracts. These are: complete, partial, progressive, stationary, soft and hard. The major sorts are: the posterior subscapular, cortical and the nuclear sclerosis that is rampant.

Common Causes of Cataracts

Proteins found in the lens are translucent and deteriorate over time, the result is proteins becoming hard and thick blocking light from passing through. This thickening process of the lens is known as ripening. It can happen slowly or very quickly and may require surgery or special treatment.

Age is another common factor that causes cataracts. The older a person becomes the more likely there will be cataract development. In terms of Age, cataracts have been accountable for 51 percent of blindness globally which is approximately 20 million people. It has also affected 42 percent of Americans between the ages of 52 and 64, another 60 percent between the ages of 65 and 74 and 91 percent of individuals between the ages of 75 and 85. According to research at the age of 80 over half of every American has cataracts.

As we get older there are other health conditions and factors that can contribute to the development of cataracts in the eyes. These conditions include; hypertension, diabetes and exposure to sunlight (UV light) without sunshades that have filters, radiation, toxins, and chemicals. Smoking is also very harmful to the eyes, it speeds up the development of cataracts. Corticosteroids can also foster cataract growth."

When the Soviet Cosmonauts came back from their space exploration they were so weak they could barely walk. What was wrong? They had 4 of the 5 elements, good nutrition, water, oxygen and light but they were missing the 5th element -electromagnetic field or the earth’s gravity. The earth’s magnetic field has decreased by a large percentage since the time of the dinosaurs. This decrease is adversely affecting the charge of our cells. Each cell is like a battery and when the charge is lost the cell dies. PEMF helps to recharge the cells much like recharging your cell phone when it is low on energy.

Alternative approaches to the treatment of cataracts exist. Among the alternative approaches is the use of magnetic therapy. Magnetic therapy is the application of magnetic fields on parts of the body to speed healing, relieve pain and inflammation, and improve bodily function. Possible beneficial effects on blood flow in and around the optic nerve head and on direct protection of retinal ganglion cells, so-called neuroprotection, may be attained by the use of magnetotherapy.

In recent times, the biological effects of magnetic fields have been studied in Japan, the Soviet Union, Europe and the United States. Most of the Japanese products used in magnetic therapy are bipolar in the sense that when they are used, they apply both North and South pole magnetic energies to the body. Numerous theories and hypothesis have been proposed to explain the observed effects, but at this time there is still no single explanation, which is accepted as definitive."

A PEMF system was used in the treatment of 283 eyes (177 patients) with macular damage of the retina. The treatment had a positive influence on the pathologic process in the eye, with stability of the benefit after treatment.

PEMFs and the eyes

PEMF Therapy and Cataracts

There is limited research relating to the application of PEMF therapy and cataracts. However, PEMF has been known to lessen the oxidative tension on the lens and the eye. It can also minimize the shape of the fiber layers that thicken the lens and its adequate applications of natural fats and enhances the circulation of tissue cells.

Frequent application of PEMFs from low to medium have been shown to make major difference and can be done from the comfort of your own home. It is best to apply PEMF treatment at the start of cataract formations. Just 15 to 20 minutes daily will have positive effects.

In addition to work at delaying or stopping the progression of the formation of cataracts, PEMFs can also be used to help people recover faster from their surgery and have a lower risk of complications. One group studied the effects of low-intensity laser and alternating PEMFs on the course of the postoperative recovery period after cataract extraction and implantation of an intraocular lens (IOL) in patients with edema reactions. Edema reactions can cause significant delays in healing and recovery and increase risk of other complications. Patients were observed for up to 6 months after starting treatment. The postoperative course was more benign and recovery sooner in patients getting the combined laser and PEMF therapy compared to controls.

Laser magnetotherapy after cataract extraction with implantation of intraocular lens. Maksimov VIu, Zakharova NV, et al. Vestn Oftalmol. 2002 May-Jun;118(3):15-7.

"So, using low to medium intensity PEMFs on a regular basis in the home setting could be expected to help with reducing the progression and development of cataract. As with many other applications of PEMFs, the longer one waits to begin PEMF therapies, the less successful the resulting effects will be. That is because these tissues will end up being too resistant to change and reversal of underlying damage. So, the best time to start PEMF therapies is early in the cataract development process. All that would be necessary is 15-30 minutes every day. " Yelena Pukhovitskaya President at Almagia International



Glaucoma is reconized as a group of eye diseases which are often caused by increased pressure inside the eye. Unless the pressure is controlled, it can cause damage to the optic nerve and loss of vision. In the early stages, it’s difficult to dianose whether you have glaucoma; it’s virtually symptom-free. As the condition progresses, side vision may begin to fade. If left untreated, the field of vision will continue to narrow and blindness results.

"Glaucoma is the leading cause of blindness in the United States. Nearly three million people have some form of it. Fortunately, if detected early, glaucoma can usually be controlled. "

The latest science and knowledge regarding the causes of glaucoma are pointing to the significant presence of inflammation blocking the flow of fluid out of the eye channels,

Much of the research on the use of magnetic fields in eye disorders has come from Eastern Europe.

In one study, courses of rotating PEMF therapy (MT) were given using a device of a 33 mT [330 Gauss] magnetic field, rotation frequency of 1.0 to 1.5 Hz, to 31 patients (43 eyes) for 10 min with primary open-angle glaucoma, over 10 sessions. Untreated eyes (n=15) of the same patients were controls. The patients were examined before and 4 to 5 months after MT. Vision acuity improved by 0.16 diopters, on average, in 96.7% of the treated people who had vision acuity below 1.0 diopter before treatment. By way of comparison, mild myopia [shortsightedness] could have a loss 1.00 to 3.00 diopters, while over the counter reading glasses will be rated at +1.00 to +3.00 diopters. MT brought about an improvement of spatial contrast sensitivity by at least 7 of a possible 12 levels in 85% of 26 eyes assessed. After PEMFs, visual field deficits decreased by at least 10% in 72% of 43 eyes versus controls and decreased by 22% vs. the initial value overall in those treated. After 4 to 5 months the treatment changes in the vision acuity and visual field deficit were negligible, in other words the results were stable even after 4 – 5 months.

Oftalmol Zh. 1990;(3):154-7.
[The effect of a pulsed electromagnetic field on the hemodynamics of eyes with glaucoma].
[Article in Russian]
Tsisel;skii IuV, Kashintseva LT, Skrinnik AV.
The influence of pulse electromagnetic field (PEMF) on hemodynamics of the eye in open-angle glaucoma has been studied by means of amethod and a device proposed at the Filatov Institute. The PEMF characteristics are: impulse frequency–50 Hz, exposition–0,02 sec., impulse shape–square, rate of impulse rise211;4.10(4) c rate of magnetic induction rise–2.10(4) mT/c, amplitude value of magnetic induction at the impulse height–9.0–8.5 mT, duration of the procedure–7 min., a course–10 sessions. Observations over 150 patients (283 eyes) with latent, initial and advanced glaucoma have shown a positive influence of PEMF on hemodynamics of a glaucomatous eye: a rise of rheographic coefficient and relative volume pulse in 87,99 and 81,63%, respectively. The degree of the rise and restoration frequency of rheographic values of the glaucomatous eye under the influence of PEMF to the age norm was more expressed at initial stages of the glaucomatous process (latent and initial glaucoma).

Vestn Oftalmol. 1996 Jan-Mar;112(1):6-8.
[Possibilities of magnetotherapy in stabilization of visual function in patients with glaucoma].
[Article in Russian]Bisvas Shutanto Kumar, Listopadova NA.

The procedure is administered to a patient in a sitting posture with magnetic inductor held before the eye. The duration of a session is 10 min, a course consists of 10 sessions. (Short exposure – emphasis added) Untreated eyes (n=15) of the same patients were examined for control. The patients were examined before and 4 to 5 months after MT course. Vision acuity improved by 0.16 diopters, on an average, in 29 eyes (96.7%) out of 30 with vision acuity below 1.0 before treatment. Visocontrastometry was carried out using Visokontrastometer-DT device with spatial frequency range from 0.4 to 19 cycle/degree (12 frequencies) and 125 x 125 monitor. The orientation of lattices was horizontal and vertical. The contrasts ranged from 0.03 to 0.9 (12 levels). MT brought about an improvement of spatial contrast sensitivity by at least 7 values of 12 levels in 22 (84.6%) out of 26 eyes and was unchanged in 4 eyes.

The results of 30 patients with macular degeneration and glaucoma were presented at the 81st international Conference of Light and Vision on May 4, 2013 in St. Petes Beach, FL

Each patient received a total of 10 PEMF treatments over a 5 day period. One body treatment to strengthen the core energy and then one treatment on the eye

27 patients-54 eyes (average age 73.2)
Average ETDRS Vision 37.8 letters
Average Change in vision 5.34
Range 0 to 65 letters
Average Contrast 1.2
Farnsworth + 6.2
Campimetric fields
3 eyes no color to color!
Average change 97%
Range 0 to 400%

Two patients dropped out of the study
One 92 year lady developed flu symptoms after the first day of treatment
Patient with Wet Macular Degeneration developed loss of vision of 2 lines and increase in OCT thickness.

Results with Macular Degeneration
17 patients (24 eyes)
Average Age 76.3
Average ETDRS Vision 38.8 letters
Range 0 to 60 letters
Average Contrast 1.28
Average Change in vision 5.15
Range -2 to +18
Farnsworth Hue +7
Campimetric fields
3 eyes no color to color!
Average change 120%
Range 0 to 400%

Patients with Glaucoma
9 patients (18 eyes)
Average Age 73.6
Average ETDRS Vision 37.9 letters
Range 0 to 62 letters
Average Contrast 1.36
Average Change in vision 6.25
Range -2 to +28
Tensions average 19 (13 to 36)
Average pressure change (-2.8)
Farnsworth hue change +5.3
Campimetric fields
Average change +44%
Range 0 to 400%

The majority of patients in this study had an improvement of vision, Average change was over 5 letters or one line of vision (Significant) They also had an improvement of contrast average change of 1.2 letters (not significant), average change in visual field of 97% (very significant) and 3 patients who went from seeing no color to seeing color! (amazing!) There was a slight lowering of pressure in the glaucoma patients of 2.8mm HG (not significant)"

To read the original source, use Pubmed.

Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 1999 Sep-Oct;(5):7-9.
[The characteristics of the geroprotective action of magnetotherapy in elderly patients with combined cardiovascular pathology].
[Article in Russian]
Abramovich SG, Fedotchenko AA, Koriakina AV, Pogodin KV, Smirnov SN.
Central hemodynamics, diastolic and pumping functions of the heart, myocardial reactivity, microcirculation and biological age of cardiovascular system were studied in 66 elderly patients suffering from hypertension and ischemic heart disease. The patients received systemic magnetotherapy which produced a geroprotective effect as shown by improved microcirculation, myocardial reactivity, central hemodynamics reducing biological age of cardiovascular system and inhibiting its ageing..

Research evaluated the possible mechanisms for improvement seen in retinal function. The effectiveness of PEMF therapy is not the same in all patients. The benefits from PEMF treatment for 15-30 min usually last only for 8-10 days, consistent with the time to renew rod pigments in the retina. In addition, visual examination of the back of the eye after electromagnetic treatment reveals dilation of the capillaries. Hence, one conclusion is that the favorable effect of PEMF therapy was from improvement of microcirculation. They found that retinal circulation gradually increased from arterioles to capillaries and venules. It appears that the authors concluded that the conditions for retinal rod pigment restoration in the central area of the retina are less favorable than in its peripheral areas. Therefore, the therapeutic effect in patients with loss of vision in the central area of the retina will occur after a greater number of PEMF stimulation sessions.

A possible mechanism of retina dystrophy treatment by electromagnetic field. Shlygin, V. V.; Arnautov, L. N.; Maksimov, G. V. Biofizika 38(3):507-510, 1993.

Oftalmol Zh. 1990;(3):154-7.
[The effect of a pulsed electromagnetic field on the hemodynamics of eyes with glaucoma].
[Article in Russian]
Tsisel’skii IuV, Kashintseva LT, Skrinnik AV.

The influence of pulse electromagnetic field (PEMF) on hemodynamics of the eye in open-angle glaucoma has been studied by means of a method and a device proposed at the Filatov Institute. The PEMF characteristics are: impulse frequency–50 Hz, exposition–0,02 sec., impulse shape–square, rate of impulse rise–4.10(4) c rate of magnetic induction rise–2.10(4) mT/c, amplitude value of magnetic induction at the impulse height–9.0–8.5 mT, duration of the procedure–7 min., a course–10 sessions.Observations over 150 patients (283 eyes) with latent, initial and advanced glaucoma have shown a positive influence of PEMF on hemodynamics of a glaucomatous eye: a rise of rheographic coefficient and relative volume pulse in 87,99 and 81,63%, respectively. The degree of the rise and restoration frequency of rheographic values of the glaucomatous eye under the influence of PEMF to the age norm was more expressed at initial stages of the glaucomatous process (latent and initial glaucoma).

Macular damage of the retina
A PEMF system was used in the treatment of 283 eyes (177 patients) with macular damage of the retina. The treatment had a positive influence on the pathologic process in the eye, with stability of the benefit after treatment. In 152 eyes, visual acuity remained unchanged, improved in 131 (46%). Stabilization of the process was confirmed by objectively measured improvement indices. In 72 eyes, the results of treatment were followed up for 6 yr, confirming the effectiveness of this method of treatment. Long-term observations have found the need to repeat the course of treatment every 3-5 months (within a year) to prevent progression of the damage. Unfortunately we do not have information on the characteristics of the magnetic system used. Nevertheless, this study demonstrates the need for longer-term reatment to get sustainable results. When one considers the length of time it takes to regenerate neural tissues, this long-term personal, home use approach makes sense.

The impulse electromagnetic field in the treatment of dystrophic lesions of the retina. Skrinnik, A. V.; Kovalchuk, A. S. Oftalmol Zh(8):459-462, 1989.

Pulsed magnetic fields have proven to help by increasing oxygen in the cells, improving cell metabolism and enhancing mineral exchange. Studies indicate these benefits have helped individuals overcome heart, lung, gastrointestinal, rheumatic and skin diseases as well as overcoming infections and improving immunity. In short, there are many benefits from the use of a magnetic pulse generator.

Since the general circulation and pumping of the heart affects circulation through the whole body, it is important to balance and restore the overall circulation, not just the circulation of the eyes. Also, glaucoma tends to be more common in people as they age. So, central general circulation, diastolic and pumping functions of the heart, reactivity of the heart muscle, microcirculation and biological age of the cardiovascular system were studied in 66 elderly patients with hypertension and ischemic heart disease. The patients received systemic magnetic therapy which produced a protective effect against aging as shown by improved microcirculation, heart muscle function, and central circulation. See the PEMF Pulser here

The characteristics of the geroprotective action of magnetotherapy in elderly patients with combined cardiovascular pathology. Abramovich SG, Fedotchenko AA, Koriakina AV, Pogodin KV, Smirnov SN. Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult. 1999 Sep-Oct;(5):7-9.

Indirectly, other actions of PEMFs on the eye can be taken as demonstrating repair and reduction of inflammation in the eye in general as well as specifically in glaucoma. Fifteen patients with surface infections of the cornea due to a foreign body in one eye were treated with PEMF (50 gauss, 50 Hz) for 9 minutes and the topical antibiotic gentamycin before and after removal of the foreign bodies. This treatment promoted suppression of the inflammatory reaction of the eye and accelerated corneal tissue regeneration. This study establishes that PEMFs can accelerate healing of not only inflammation but also eye tissue damage.

Verzin AA. Action of gentamycin against a background of magnetotherapy of the anterior chamber in a traumatic infected erosion of the cornea. Antibiotiki. 1982 Oct;27(10):774-5.

"While most of the studies were short term, they still showed significant benefits to improving the function of the eye and slowing retinal damage and visual loss. I would recommend that anybody using PEMFs to treat their pre—glaucoma, increased ocular pressure and vision loss related to glaucoma, should do so daily for extended periods of time until it can be established that the pressures and the visual changes are stable for at least 4 to 6 months before discontinuing or reducing the frequency of PEMF treatments.

Most of the magnetic field strengths studied ranged from 80 to 330 Gauss (8-33 milliTesla). " Dr Pawluk


Totally Solid State Design,
Variable speed from 1 pulse to 75 pulses a minute. .
Bob Beck type magnetic pulser 6500-7000 gauss at 7 pulses per min
1-30 min Timer
Double the penetratioin
You can hear the magnetic pulser pulse
Doesn't over heat



Frequency Specific Microcurrent Stimulation Eye Mask

Eyemate ver 3

Frequency Specific Microcurrent and PEMF Stimulator

Fully Rechargable
Intensity Control
Frequency Specific Microcurrent PEMF Stimulation Eye Mask included
Full Instructions

Frequencies INCLUDED :)

5Hz, 292 Hz, 292.7Hz ,30 Hz, 30.7Hz,9.1 Hz 9.8Hz and 0.3 Hz ,10hz , 0.7 Hz,, 14Hz 1.5Hz, 3.6 Hz ,95hz 137 Hz, 18Hz 1.5hz, 3.6 hz, 137Hz, 1Hz

Each frequency will run for aprox 24 sec.

My wife would like to follow a program for conjunctivitis. Which frequency should she use?
Many people use these on their RIFE PRO,,
5Hz, 292 Hz,, 292.7Hz ,30 Hz, 30.7Hz,,9.1 Hz 9.8Hz and 0.3 Hz ,,10hz ,, 0.7 Hz,, 14Hz 1.5Hz, 3.6 Hz ,95hz 137 Hz, 18Hz 1.5hz, 3.6 hz 137Hz 1Hz
Royal Rifes accepted protocol , Run Each frequency for aprox 3 min

The Ultimaste Package


PEMF Pulser

The Eyemate with the high power PEMF Magnetic Pulser

PEMF Pulser more information here
PEMFs and the eyes

Plus the

Eyemate Frequency Specific Vision Enhancement?.


Frequency Specific Microcurrent PEMF Stimulation Eye Mask
for use with Rife Pro machine and BTPro/ owners

Already have our Rife unit or a BTPro


Frequency Specific Microcurrent PEMF Stimulation Eye Mask


BTPro with the Eyemate option

BT Pro Multi system

Full LED screen

Built in frequencies

0.5 Hz
1.5 Hz
5.0 Hz
7.83 Hz
10 Hz
100.00 Hz

Plus the Full BT6-BT11 Beck Protocol 1000.00 Hz + 111.00 Hz
Over 500 Natural Harmonic frequencies

Fully Rechargeable Batteries/Charger (included),,and the charger is sent for the voltage of your country

Timer : 5 - 60 mins

Intensity Control

Very portable


High Quality Ear clips

LCD Screen

BT Pro Master Unit ver 5

Larger Screen with more information

16bit Processor for faster more accurate settings

More Amazing Add on programs

Very durable case

BTPro Eyemate Add on Option

Eye mate Option

The use of micro current stimulation to help eye problems

Frequency Specific Micro current Stimulator


5Hz, 292 Hz,, 292.7Hz ,30 Hz, 30.7Hz,,9.1 Hz 9.8Hz and 0.3 Hz ,,10hz ,, 0.7 Hz,, 14Hz 1.5Hz, 3.6 Hz ,95hz 137 Hz, 18Hz 1.5hz, 3.6 hz 137Hz 1Hz

Each frequency will run for aprox 24 sec.

Unlock code plus you will be sent
Eye mask with pemf and silicon carbon contacts

More information and pictures here

Add Eyemate option

Multi-Pulsar v3

Totally Solid State Design,
High Quality Capacitors
Variable speed from 1 pulse to 75 pulses a minute. .
Colloidal Metals
Magnetic pulser 6500-7000 gauss at 7 pulses per min
1-60 min Timer
Intensity Control
Doesn't over heat after a short time
full instructions included

PEMFs and the eyes

full instructions included




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