Magic Acupuncture Pen x 2


Approx USD$117.40


Each Time we do a newsletter on Acupuncture many clients ask "is it easy to use?", The answer is YES with the modern forms of needleless electronic Acupuncture,now
With todays Electronic Acupuncter systems its very simple,and mostly very efective...

Long before HMO’s, family practice and medical malpractice insurance ever entered the stage, acupuncture was already an ancient art. It’s been around for millennia, but unlike passing medical “fads”, acupuncture is here to stay.
As a matter of fact, acupuncture – along with many other forms of alternative medicine – is back in full force. What was once a sacred study, centralized in Asian countries has now stormed across the entire planet, penetrating into even the most “traditional” Mid-Western communities.

Now Acupuncture is taught and practiced all over the world in many countries and each country uses their own individual style and technique. Germany has its own style and technique as does Japan, Korea, Australia, France, Russia and Italy. Besides these countries already mentioned, there are still many others that use their own acupuncture techniques. But it should be said that most of these different and varied styles of acupuncture were derived from the Traditional Chinese Medicine health care system and then modified to some degree.

Which Diseases Can be Helped by Acupuncture?

How do you treat Shao Yang type headaches?

ndldoc1 Shao yang type headaches for those new to the term are related to the organ of the gall bladder and we see them in the more hard driven type. We use liver and gall bladder points including distal points in the leg gb 39, 40 liver points such as 3,4 and local points around the neck such as gb 21 20.



Acupuncture as a sole treatment method became very popular, especially during the early 1970's when then President Nixon opened the doors to China. Many of his representatives were in awe when they toured different Chinese hospitals and observed first hand the wondrous results of acupuncture and oriental medicine techniques. By the middle and late 1970's, acupuncture was being taught in oriental medicine universities in the United States and about the same time, different healing professions began teaching brief instruction courses on the subject.

A Simple, Easy-to-Understand Explanation of Acupuncture
Dynamic Chiropractic, Oct 26, 2006 by Amaro, John

One particular request I hear more often than anything else is for help in explaining what acupuncture is and how it works. As one reader put it, "[I find] myself sometimes tongue tied when I'm asked to describe how acupuncture works. I hear myself and I sound like I'm spouting mumbo jumbo."

Bear in mind that our typical patient is a contemporary Western patient who has grown up under the guidance and care of allopathic physicians - receiving myriad vaccinations, a history of taking a variety of prescription and over-the-counter medications - and who is now developing an interest in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Acupuncture and TCM are totally new to them, and even though they have heard positive remarks as to its clinical success and see it as the possibility of redemption of their problem, it remains controversial and, if anything, just "weird." Though they don't question their medical practitioner regarding how a specific medication works physiologically and pharmacologically, this is not the case with acupuncture; almost everyone wants to know exactly how it works.

So, what is acupuncture and how does it work? These are two of the paramount questions people ask. Of course, the other significant questions are, Can it help me? How long will it take? Since every case is different in terms of length of treatment, and the possibility of helping varies according to the extent of the condition, the only thing that might be answered generically is, "What is acupuncture?"

The One Acupuncture Point
Everyone Should Know?

A doctor uses acupuncture to treat a patient. body.
Balance within the body depends on the interplay between two forms of energy, called yin and yang. When these forces are in harmony, the body is healthy. When either force becomes dominant, disease or pain occurs. Acupuncture restores the balance between yin and yang by tapping into the body's channels, or meridians, through which these energy forms flow.

What about the acupuncture meridians themselves?
Bear in mind that most have never heard of such an unusual concept. We are basically knowledgeable about nerves, blood vessels, muscles, etc., as one can visualize and actually demonstrate hard evidence of their existence. Suddenly, we are presented with a concept of invisible meridians that carry invisible qi energy. May have never encountered anything so mystical regarding the human body; suddenly, we're are being asked to accept with blind faith a concept that goes beyond their general understanding of anatomy and physiology.

When I explain the meridian system of the body,


He shows people a graphic of a meridian; for example, the Foot Shao Yang (Gallbladder) meridian .He explains to them that even though the ancients recognized and discovered the meridian system thousands of years ago, science today is recognizing the electromagnetic potential of the body, which is what the meridian system is based on.
Today we have electrical muscle exams (EMGs), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and other tests based on the body's basic biomagnetic system. Science and the medical profession have accepted the existence of the meridian system as an integral part of human functioning; it controls and coordinates the electromagnetic system of the body, which might control all other systems of the body.

He continues to explain that the meridian system is very similar to radio, in that radio waves likewise cannot be seen by the human eye, but we all understand they do exist. Meridian acupuncture compares to radio in that if a city has 12 radio stations, much like our 12 meridians, it is imperative that each specific station broadcast at its individual frequency. In other words, if a station is operating at 94.5 on the dial, it comes in loud and clear; however if it comes in at 94.4 or 94.6 the radio broadcast is only static. There is nothing wrong with the radio; the fine tuning is out of adjustment. A simple adjustment to the radio will bring it into full normalcy.

Two very different theories exist as to how acupuncture works. According to Chinese philosophy, the body contains two opposing forces: yin and yang. When these forces are in balance, the body is healthy. Energy, called "qi" (pronounced "chee"), flows like rivers along pathways, or meridians, throughout the body. This constant flow of energy keeps the yin and yang balanced. However, the flow of energy can sometimes be blocked, like water getting stuck behind a dam. A disruption in the flow of energy can lead to illness.


Acupuncture deals with homeostasis or the body's ability to maintain balance. The person who is out of balance electromagnetically becomes ill and expresses specific symptoms. This explanation is simple to understand and best of all, simple to remember . Hopefully this allows us to have a much better understanding of electromagnetic balance and what might occur when each meridian becomes challenged.

The One Acupuncture Point Everyone Should Know


PDF Files for a basic Understanding

What conditions are most often treated with acupuncture?
In veterinary medicine, there is evidence of the success of acupuncture for treating disorders of the reproductive, musculoskeletal, neurologic, pulmonary, gastrointestinal and dermatologic systems. The most common conditions that are treated include traumatic nerve injuries, intervertebral disk disease, degenerative myelopathy, epilepsy and other central nervous system disorders; asthma, allergic dermatitis, lick granulomas; and chronic pain such as that caused by degenerative joint disease.

Acupuncture can be used in conjunction with general anesthesia, allowing decreased doses of drugs such as analgesics. Any condition may potentially benefit from acupuncture

The use of acupuncture for treating illnesses and relieving pain dates back thousands of years in China. Continuous refining of the process and monitoring the effects of the classic acupuncture which uses needles was obviously on of the reasons that this kind of "alternative" became accepted by western health professionals.
Scientific evidence for the mechanism of action is extensive.
Electro acupuncture was developed many years ago and is being used successfully worldwide.

The following is an excerpt from an official WHO document entitled “Acupuncture:
Review and Analysis of Reports on Controlled Clinical Trials.” Compiled by John A.
Amaro D.C., FIAMA, Dipl.Ac, L.Ac.

Diseases and disorders that have beeen treated with acupuncture The diseases or disorders for which acupuncture therapy has been tested in controlled clinical trials reported in the recent literature can be classified into four categories as shown below.

Diseases, symptoms or conditions for which acupuncture has been proved—through controlled trials—to be an effective treatment:
Adverse reactions to radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy
Allergic rhinitis (including hay fever)
Biliary colic
Depression (including depressive neurosis and depression following stroke)
Dysentery, acute bacillary
Dysmenorrhoea, primary
Epigastralgia, acute (in peptic ulcer, acute and chronic gastritis, and gastrospasm)
Facial pain (including craniomandibular disorders)
Hypertension, essential
Hypotension, primary
Induction of labour

Easy to use

Knee pain
Low back pain
Malposition of fetus, correction of
Morning sickness
Nausea and vomiting
Neck pain
Pain in dentistry (including dental pain and temporomandibular dysfunction)
Periarthritis of shoulder
Postoperative pain
Renal colic
Rheumatoid arthritis
Tennis elbow

Diseases, symptoms or conditions for which the therapeutic effect of acupuncture has been shown Abdominal pain (in acute gastroenteritis or due to gastrointestinal spasm)

Acne vulgaris
Alcohol dependence and detoxification
Bell’s palsy
Bronchial asthma
Cancer pain
Cardiac neurosis
Cholecystitis, chronic, with acute exacerbation
Competition stress syndrome
Craniocerebral injury, closed
Diabetes mellitus, non-insulin-dependent
Epidemic haemorrhagic fever
Epistaxis, simple (without generalized or local disease)
Eye pain due to subconjunctival injection

Female infertility
Facial spasm
Female urethral syndrome
Fibromyalgia and fasciitis
Gastrokinetic disturbance
Gouty arthritis
Hepatitis B virus carrier status
Herpes zoster (human (alpha) herpesvirus 3)
Labour pain

Lactation, deficiency
Male sexual dysfunction, non-organic
Ménière disease
Neuralgia, post-herpetic
Opium, cocaine and heroin dependence
Pain due to endoscopic examination
Pain in thromboangiitis obliterans
Polycystic ovary syndrome (Stein–Leventhal syndrome)

Postextubation in children
Postoperative convalescence
Premenstrual syndrome
Prostatitis, chronic
Radicular and pseudoradicular pain syndrome
Raynaud syndrome, primary


Recurrent lower urinary-tract infection
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy
Retention of urine, traumatic
Sialism, drug-induced
Sjögren syndrome
Sore throat (including tonsillitis)
Spine pain, acute
Stiff neck
Temporomandibular joint dysfunction
Tietze syndrome
Tobacco dependence
Tourette syndrome
Ulcerative colitis, chronic
Vascular dementia
Whooping cough (pertussis)

Diseases, symptoms or conditions for which there are only individual controlled trials reporting some therapeutic effects, but for which acupuncture is worth trying because treatment by conventional and other therapies is difficult:

Choroidopathy, central serous
Colour blindness
Irritable colon syndrome
Neuropathic bladder in spinal cord injury
Pulmonary heart disease, chronic
Small airway obstruction

Diseases, symptoms or conditions for which acupuncture may be tried provided the practitioner has special modern medical knowledge and adequate monitoring equipment:

Breathlessness in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Convulsions in infants
Coronary heart disease (angina pectoris)
Diarrhoea in infants and young children
Encephalitis, viral, in children, late stage
Paralysis, progressive bulbar and pseudobulbar


The One Acupuncture Point
Everyone Should Know?

Latest Magic Acupuncture Pen

2x Magic Acupuncture Pen

Two units


Acupuncture Tools

Electronic Meridian Acupuncture Energy Pen

with 5 Acupuncture heads

Functions of 5 massage heads:
Traditional Acupuncture: partial therapy, which is applicable for quickly alleviationg pain
Node point massage: Node therapy, which is applicable for partial body pains.
Facial Beauty: Superficail therapy, which is applicable for health care and facial beautification.
Scapping massage: Scapping therapy, which is applicable for acupuncture and blood circulation.
Tapping massage: Full body therapy, which is applicable for tapping and rolling message to relief the pain.

For more information on the Meridian Energy Pen Click Here

Package Included:
1 x Meridian Energy Pen
5 x Massage head
1 x User Manual

Magic Acupuncture Pen x 2


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    Approx USD$117.40
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