Meridian Diagnostic Instrument
Approx USD$299.95

Meridian Diagnostic Device
Over 5,000 years ago, the ancient Chinese discovered
a subtle energy in the body that can't be seen,
felt or found with the senses. Energy disturbances
in the subtle bodies precede the manifestation
of abnormal patterns of cellular organization and
growth=ill health. Matter and energy are two
different manifestations of the same primary energetic
substance of which everything in the universe is
composed, including our physical and subtle bodies.
Matter, which vibrates at a very slow frequency,
is referred to as physical matter. That which vibrates
at speeds exceeding light velocity is known as
subtle matter. Subtle matter is as real as dense
matter; its vibratory rate is simply faster. It
is believed that two opposite ends of the spectrum--yin,
the energy of earth and yang, and the energy of
heaven--combined with humans to create this vital
Energy is the source of all movement in the body.
In a healthy person, living in harmony with him-
or herself, others and the environment, it circulates
freely. A disturbance of this cyclical flow of
energy results in disharmony leading to sickness
and disease. Any part or organ in our body with
deficient energy supply cannot function properly.
Lack of energy in the Bladder Meridian for example
results in a weak back and consequently backache.
When Chi flows freely through the meridians,
the body is balanced and healthy, but if
the energy becomes blocked, stagnated or
weakened, it can result in physical, mental
or emotional ill health. An imbalance in
a person's body can result from inappropriate
emotional responses such as: excess anger,
over-excitement, self-pity, deep grief and
fear. Environmental factors such as cold,
damp/humidity, wind, dryness, and heat can
also cause imbalance so as factors such as
wrong diet, overwork ,too much exercise and
stress. |
The Meridian Diagnostic Health
Analyzer is a non-invasive health screening
method based on an efficient energy diagnosis
system. By measuring the bio-electric conductivity
of the meridians, it enables us to analyse the
energy status and the self-regulation capacity
of the human organism. Disharmonies in organs
correlate to changes of the energy flow in corresponding

Factors such as environmental toxicity,
geopathic stress, physical injuries, mental exhaustion
and emotional disturbances express themselves as
chronic energy deficiencies. The Meridian Diagnostic
Health Analyzer highlights these irregularities
in the energy balance and energy circulation. This
allows us to define the state of health of organs,
the nervous and hormone system, as well as the
immune system

The very big advantage of energy diagnosis with
the Meridian Diagnostic Health Analyzer over laboratory
tests is that results are instantly available.
Should the energy measurements reflect suspicion
of ongoing or impending pathology, requiring the
need to check kidney or liver function for example,
then this can be done promptly. Because all disease
starts off with disruption of the body's energy
field, routine examinations for early diagnosis
and prevention should primarily be based on energy
diagnosis supported by functional tests and pathological
In acupuncture, each meridian is related
to, and named after, an organ or function,
the main ones are: the lung, kidney, gallbladder,
stomach, spleen, heart, small intestine,
large intestine, gall bladder, urinary bladder,
san jiao (three heater) and pericardium (heart
protector/ or circulation sex meridian). |
As diagnosis with the Meridian Diagnostic
Health Analyzer measures bio-energetic conductivity
via the body's resistance at end-points of meridians
(in kOhms), it may enable the therapist to pinpoint
the initial stages of electrical disruption before
pathological changes are manifested. We all know “Prevention
is better then Cure” — in
this sense, energy diagnosis will play an ever
increasing role in the prevention of disease, in
early therapeutic intervention and maintenance
of health.

Diagnostic Health Instrument
The Meridian Diagnostic Health Analyzer
Device is a popular health analyzer instrument
based on Traditional Chinese Medicine.
The dynamic energy change in internal organs
is detected by the instrument through twelve meridian
acupuncture points in 5 minutes. The Meridian Diagnostic
Health Analyzer scans entire bio-energy levels
in the body which in turn analyzes and matches
against many cases and clinical studies and generates
a group of comprehensive health reports, including
health overview, potential diseases and professional
health advices. The Meridian Diagnostic Health
Analyzer integrates the latest computer technology
and clinical experiences over several years of
research and development.
The operator can accquire the physiological data on the body meridian
energy and excess or deficiency syndrome by the operation mode with the
humanization interface after a very short learning curve.

of Meridian Monitor
The Meridian
Diagnostic Health Analyzer has the following
This is the
manual for the Meridian Diagnostic Device
the pictures are different as the unit we
are offering is the very latest model... |
Manual |

Many medical experts spent many years studying
a large number of cases and invented this instrument.
A lack of energy in the meridians over a long time
will lead to organic and even psychological discomfort.
With the help of this instrument, it’s possible to
detect deficiencies before symptons start to appear.
Plus, health care suggestion can be given for necessary
treatment. Similar system has been in use for Russian
astronauts for over 15 years.
1. Detect:
A lack of energy in the meridians over a long time will lead to organic
and even psychological discomfort. Our healthcare equipment can detect
the health warning in advance. On basis of the test and analysis, health
care suggestion can be given to tested person for necessary treatment.
Similar system has been in use for Russian astronauts for over 15 years.
Fast: Only 5 minutes to test complete health condition.
Early Health Warning Function: Change
of bioelectricity information of meridians can be
detected at early stage to prevent illness before
appearing evident signs and getting more serious.
Simple: Easy operation, common
personnel can master technique of detection and
interpretation by short-term training.
Convinent: Test can be done at
any time and any place, save time for the patients.
Cost-effective: Reasonable test
cost, which shall be easily accepted by the customers.
Safe: Non-invasisve health analyzer
without any harm or pain to the human body.
The Meridian Diagnostic Health Analyzer scans
the bio-energy levels in the body comprehensively
and analyzes the conditions based on 1 million
cases and clinical studies. According to the analysis,
tester can give many testing reports, such as health
overview, potentially encountering diseases and
professional health advices, and so on. .
If necessary, further medical examination and treatment can then l be
given to the tested person based on the testing reports by your health
"The word Ch'i has many translations--nearly
every culture in the world has a word to
express this concept--but it can be thought
of as the activating energy of the universe.
Ch'i is the pure, harmonizing and free-flowing
energy that sustains all of life. |
the Video
of Meridian Diagnostic Instrument
Based on the testing reports, the users can get the information about
health status and prescription.
Our Meridian Diagnostic Device is extensively used in beauty salon, SPA
club, clinics, health examination centre, health care products shop,
massage center,and private homes.etc.

The Meridian Health Diagnostic Instrument is one
of the most secure, most convenient and most accurate
diagnostic system to get your physical energy and
health status. It can diagnose the change of physical
energy and health status by sensor measuring the
human body resistance value of 24 meridian acupuncture
points according to Chinese Medicine Meridian
Theory combined with Modern Medical Technology
and Computer Technology. The system can
create personal track files for the testee to understand
the physical changes and the prevention. It also
can formulate a comprehensive care treatment, home
skin beauty, and health care guidance to replenish
physical energy timely and correctly in order to
solve all kinds of internal problems. The
Meridian Detector can be connected to computers
to conduct detailed test analysis and
print out the test analysis report and recommendations.
According to ancient Taoistic view of
body, our body energy is held, channelized
and maintained by the flow of energy in meridians.
The essential point of Taoist medicine is
that Qi, energy, flows throughout the body.
It flows through meridians, channels, and
passes to the internal organs, and together
with Blood, it supplies nourishment to the
body and ensures it’s normal functioning. |

The culprit of aging and diseases....
What is a sub-health? We
usually say suffering from a disease, the ancients
mean "illnesses" and "diseases" to
be different things. "Illness" refers
to a small imperceptible disease if you do not
take effective measures and it develops into a
visible problem, they call them "sick".
Modern Science call this developed state of suffering
from disease "sub-health" or "third
state", also termed"not sick" in
Traditional Chinese Medicine. "Not sick" is
not a disease-free, nor is it a visible serious
illness but Yin and Yang, Qi and Blood, Zang and
Fu imbalance of the body . Our
ancestors were already aware that we must actively
seek out the way to eliminate diseases and seek
measures to prevent illness.
" Canon of the Emperor" has
said: "Saints will take preventive measures
to prevent disease and will not been injured.
The consequences of not following a harmonious
way will end in dis-ease. If disease has
been formed and then medical drugs taken,
it's like trying to treat unrest in the community
and then change the law. Thinking of sinking
a well when thirsty and making weapons as
fighting a war, isn't it already a little
late ? "
It can be seen clearly that our ancestors recognized the importance
preventing disease, perhaps we should always"Keep something
for a rainy day" |
Based on World
Health Organization (WHO)a new concept about
health, called sub-health can be divided into:
(A) Body Sub-health
According to the body's organizational structure and organ system, it
can be divided into neuropsychiatric system, cardiovascular system,
digestive system, bone and joint system, genitourinary system, respiratory
system, endocrine system, special senses and other sub-health state.
It is mainly for diseases of unknown cause or causes of excluded diseases:
1) physical
fatigue, weakness, whole body discomfort, decline in sexual
function and menstrual cycle disorders, etc.;
2) discomfort, but
it's difficult to diagnose the "indefinite statements syndrome";
3) the
pre-clinical manifestations of certain diseases (diseases
4) "syndrome
of unknown causes," such as menopausal syndrome,
neurasthenia syndrome, fatigue syndrome, it is difficult to clarify
its pathological significance;
5) some
pathogen carrier state: such as pathogenic carriers of
hepatitis B, tuberculosis carriers, some virus carriers, etc.;
6) some
clinical examination of the high and low limit state,
such as lipids, blood pressure, heart rate and other high status;
calcium, potassium, iron and other low status etc.;
7) highly pathogenic risk factor status, such
as overweight, smoking, excessive tension, dyslipidemia, blood
sugar, high blood pressure and so on.

(B) Psychological
Mainly manifested in unexplained mental fatigue, affective disorder,
thought disorder, panic, anxiety, low self-esteem, as well as nervousness,
apathy, loneliness, reckless, even suicidal thoughts, etc.;

(C) Social Adaptation
Outstanding performance: too hard to reconcile interpersonal relationships;
too hard to adapt to working, living, learning environment. The role
of social dislocation and the inadaptability are the expression of social
adaptive sub-health;

(D) Ethics of Sub-health
Mainly manifestation: there is a clear deviation of loss to ourselves
and others about the world outlook, views on life and values (Depression).
Studies have shown that populations generally consistent with WHO standards
only about 15%; there are all kinds of illness which account for only
15%; while the third sub-health status of those accounts for 60% -70%.There
is a reduction in vigor and dysfunction, but no clear disease, while
still able to maintain normal work, study and life.
The resulting neglect and neglected prevention, its slow and gradual
development, will eventually lead to disease.
By analising and
treating blocked Meridians, the feelings of
helplessness and hopelessness often symptomatic
of depression, can begin to open doors to other
attitudes less out of control, more in tune
with the lessons involved in life experiences
and hence the re-gaining of the inner power
sense necessary to cope with a life crises. |
(E) Test our Third Status
The human organism has an amazing adaptive
capacity, the third state adresses the health,
and the disease. If you are already in or about
to enter the third state, as long as you adopt
a Healthy lifestyle, through diet, physical , mental
, environment change, and body's oxygen supplement,
ridding the body of pathogens, you will be able
to eliminate the third state, as soon as possible
and return back to the first state "healthy" .
You hear a lot about living a healthy
lifestyle, but what does that mean? In general,
a healthy person doesn't smoke, is at a healthy
weight, eats healthy and exercises. Sounds
simple, doesn't it?
The trick to healthy living is making small changes...taking more
steps, adding fruit to your cereal, having an extra glass of water...these
are just a few ways you can start living healthy without drastic
One of the biggest problems with
us all today is lack of activity. We know
it's good for us but avoid it like the plague
either because we're used to being sedentary
or afraid that exercise has to be vigorous
to be worth our time. The truth is, movement
is movement and the more you do, the healthier
you'll be. Even moderate activities like
chores, gardening and walking can make a
Just adding a little movement to your life can:
Reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes
Improve joint stability
Increase and improve range of movement
Help maintain flexibility as you age
Maintain bone mass
Prevent osteoporosis and fractures
Improve mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression
Enhance self esteem
Improve memory in elderly people
Reduce stress |

or Deficiant Meridians can be treated with
herbs, vitamins,
minerals, acupuncture
Operating system:
Windows XP, Vista, Windows 2000, Window Me, Windows
7, Windows 8
Will not work on 64bit versions.
Testing time: 5 minutes