Super Sweep Function Zapper 3Starting at: NZ$249.95Approx USD$145.71![]() "From time immemorial, healthy people have held sick people hostage…I believe hostage-holding of the sick is immoral, fundamentally unethical, and needs to be stopped." Dr. Clark Dr. Clark was harassed and victimized by the pharmaceutical industry, the FDA, the FTC, and some other members of medical community, she was considered by many to be a hero and will in the future be hailed for her efforts to forward modern medical thought. Her claims are a threat to the drug companies and to surgical hospitals which are the basis of health care throughout the world. Almost everything that Dr. Clark claims is supported in current textbooks. Sadly Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark passed away peacefully in her sleep on September 3, 2009. She was 82 years old.
Just what are these claims that Dr. Clark makes? Dr. Clark claims that much of our bad health comes from chemicals and toxins that we are subjected to on a daily basis. Among these chemicals are mercury from amalgam dental fillings and isopropyl alcohol from cleaning products and many others. She also claims that in addition to these chemicals that there are many parasites that invade our bodies and cause illness. Her solution to the problem of health is to eliminate these foreign contaminations. Remove unwanted metals and chemicals from your body, eliminate disease causing parasites, drink water to keep your body cleaned out, eat proper chemical free and parasite free foods for nutrition,and Zap. What could be simpler than a clean healthy diet and a clean healthy environment
The zapper is a device invented by Dr. Clark. It kills parasites, bacteria, viruses, molds and fungi electrically. Viruses and bacteria disappear in three minutes; tapeworm stages, flukes, roundworms in five; and mites in seven. A battery-operated, positive offset with a very low voltage from 5 to 10 volts is sufficient. It kills parasites and bacteria wherever the current reaches them. But it does not reach the eyes, the appendix, the testes, the inner ear bones. The current travels along the stomach or intestinal wall, not through its content. It does not reach into the gallstones or into the living cells. The current does not pass uniformly through the body. With regular zapping, the current passes mainly through our liquids, i. e our lymphatic and vascular system, a small fraction reaches every organ and tissue of our body. Blood and lymph are the most important locations to zap. Benefits
of zapping The removal of parasites,
bacteria, viruses, and fungus Firstly Do I have Parasites ??? The answer is probably yes,,every body has them,,some more than others,,,and sadly,,, some in more high concentrations in major organs. The Promise Step into a new world. A world without chronic diseases. Step out of your old world. It has kept you a prisoner. Try something new.
Allergies are due to a disabled liver, extreme allergies are due to an extremely disabled liver. This is the case for persons suffering from "universal" allergies, namely "everything", like the lacquer on floors, plastic chairs, the neighbor's flowers, and the grocery store.
Sometimes the body manages to kill them with its own
resources (maybe you ate something even too toxic for
them!) They come through the bowel in a torrent. In the
water of the toilet bowl they explode, spewing their
infectious eggs all over in little black threads. Because
these look like hairs, you may believe you passed "things
with black hairy legs". These are actually burst
flukes with black strings of highly infectious eggs.
Why some people are literally taken over by these flukes
is unclear. Amongst sheep, only certain sheep will be
severely affected, being called "liver-rot".
The disease in animals has been extensively studied.
The liver is a versatile organ. It can regenerate itself but it won't if food molds block regeneration. Given half a chance it will become like new. After killing parasites do the liver cleanse. If it has been a month or more since you killed parasites, then go on a high dose parasite herb treatment the week before, or zap. Don't the herbs the day of the cleanse. With one major allergy gone after each cleanse and by timing liver cleanses two weeks apart, it takes only six months to have a reasonably normal life again. You can endure indoor air again, sit on plastic chairs, read newspapers, wear cotton clothing and leather shoes without reacting. You must still be patient and careful as you take back the world for you to live in. The ZAPPER is a device that eliminates parasites, bacteria, viruses, etc THE ZAPPER " Electricity can now be used to
kill bacteria, viruses and parasites in minutes, not
days or weeks as antibiotics require". What is a Zapper and what does it do The Zapper is a device invented by Dr. Clark. It kills parasites, bacteria, viruses, molds and fungi electrically. Viruses and bacteria disappear in three minutes; tapeworm stages, flukes, roundworms in five; and mites in seven. A battery-operated, positive offset with a very low voltage from 5 to 10 volts is sufficient. It kills parasites and bacteria wherever the current reaches them. But it does not reach the eyes, the appendix, the testes, the inner ear bones. The current travels along the stomach or intestinal wall, not through its content. It does not reach into the gallstones or into the living cells. The current does not pass uniformly through the body. With regular zapping, the current passes mainly through our liquids, i. e our lymphatic and vascular system, a small fraction reaches every organ and tissue of our body. Blood and lymph are the most important locations to zap. Parasites can be killed with a very low voltage. But only if the voltage is 100% POSITIVE OFFSET and if the voltage is varied up and down repeatedly. If the varying voltage becomes NEGATIVE, even momentarily, it supports and maintains their lives. The above picture of the Zapper output on an oscilloscope illustrates the varied square wave voltage which stops at 0.25 Volt and therefore does not go below the 0 volt
What are the benefits by applying a positive offset? If the voltage is applied in pulses, to produce a “square” wave, it will affect many parasites at once so that the rate of pulsing, called frequency is not critical. Even though these tiny animals undoubtedly have a “mortal frequency” ( a frequency that kills), this rate does not need to be known or used when a square wave of electricity, totally positive, is used.
When a high frequency AC voltage was applied to a human, using hand electrodes, and the current flow measured, it could be seen that the higher the frequency, the greater the current. At about 30,000 cycles per second the current begins to decline, showing the resistance is increasing. The application of a 30 KHz frequency at a voltage of about 5 volts, can be felt by all parts of the body. A probe from a frequency counter picks up this frequency at any location. But some locations have a much weaker signal than others. The current is evidently not uniform through the body. Persons with an inflammation in the body can often “feel” the Zapper at that location, suggesting it is a path of low resistance, too, for the 30 KHz Zapper current. Inflamed areas are negatively charged regions. Negative charges would be pulled toward the positive electrode of the Zapper in 30,000 little jerks per second. Therefore a frequency of about 30 KHz (30,000 cycles per second) was chosen for the Zapper, since it maximizes the current with regular zapping. But other frequencies may prove to have special value as research progresses.
Benefits of zapping The removal of parasites, bacteria, viruses, and fungus
Different zapping methods Regular zapping with “standard” program Regular zapping with “duration” program An hour of continuous zapping. Since the more the very sick persons zapped, the better they became, it may be possible to zap continually till well; that is, non-stop all day for a week or more.
Frequency zapping Every living thing has its own frequency. Frequency zapping is frequency-DEPENDENT. Based on homeopathic principles, the pathogen’s frequency is used. In this way, this way of zapping aims for a specific frequency or frequencies. Frequency zapping kills a range of parasites clustered around the frequency chosen and at more locations. Differences and benefits of the various zapping methods
The healthy: Zapping once a day is now a common routine for many persons. The ill: For the ill, zapping all day, continuously, for a month or more has often brought significant improvement. (From the “Prevention of all Cancers” pages
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Introducing our latest fully Automatic Super sweep function Zapper The Most Advanced Hulda Clarke Type Zapper in the World Hulda Clark specifies to use copper handholds. Her instructions are to zap for 7 minutes, wait 20 minutes. This kills any larger parasites like worms in the body according to her, as well as any free bacteria, viruses, and such. Then on another 7 minutes followed by another 20 minute break. This is to kill any bacteria and viruses which were inhabiting the body of the larger parasites. Then a final 7 minutes on. This mops up any viruses which were inhabiting the bacteria. This is a total of 61 minutes. It is necessary to do this daily for at least a month to clear chronic pathogens which respond to a zapper. The body's cells are not harmed by the zapper, so any viruses, fungi, and such which are inside the cells will be gotten eventually. Afterwards, zapping once a week is all that is necessary except in the case of serious disease, where Clark recommends daily until better since it is so easy to pick up parasites and other pathogens. NEVER zap for only one or two 7 minute sessions. Always do the full regimen of three. I think it is best to swap hands with electrodes between each 7 minute session. I don't know if charge buildup is a problem, causing electrical imbalance as some speculate, but it is prudent to swap hands at least once during the sessions.
Please click here for larger image A first seven-minute zapping is followed by an intermission, lasting 20 to 30 minutes. During this time, bacteria and viruses are released from the dying parasites and start to invade you instead. Each parasite has its own bacterial and viral escapees. The second seven-minute session is intended to kill these newly released viruses and bacteria. Again, viruses are released, this time from the dying bacteria. The third session kills the last viruses released. A fourth and fifth session may be very beneficial too, to eliminate “prion protein” streaming from killed Salmonella bacteria. |