Zero Point Energy Wand
Approx USD$23.23
"We live in a vast sea of energy. Everything, every
atom, every subatomic particle is in constant motion,
spinning eternally. Even in the cold, dark absolute vacuum
of empty space, there exists what new physics is calling
the quantum vacuum flux; it is the ether of the ancients,
the life force energy of metaphysics; are the random
fluctuations of this vast field of potential in which
space and time are embedded. Now theoretically and mathematically
proven, the question no longer is: “does this zero
point energy exist?” but rather, can we tap this
inexhaustible resource of free and unlimited energy
and manifest new technologies which are both inexpensive
and environmentally safe. " Source |
Free Energy: The Race to Zero Point
"Zero-point energy, also called quantum
vacuum zero-point energy, is the lowest possible energy
that a quantum mechanical physical system may have; it
is the energy of its ground state. All quantum mechanical
systems undergo fluctuations even in their ground state
and have an associated zero-point energy, a consequence
of their wave-like nature. To understand this zero-point
field (for short), consider an old-fashioned grandfather
clock with its pendulum swinging back and forth. If you
don't wind the clock , friction will sooner or later
bring the pendulum to a halt. Now imagine a pendulum
that gets smaller and smaller, so small that it ultimately
becomes atomic in size and subject to the laws of quantum
physics. There is a rule in quantum physics called the
Heisenberg uncertainty principle that states (with certainty,
as it happens) that no quantum object, such as a microscopic
pendulum, can ever be brought completely to rest. Any
microscopic object will always possess a residual random
jiggle thanks to quantum fluctuations. "Science & Spirit
Zero-point energy is the
energy that remains when all other energy is
removed from a system. This behaviour is demonstrated
by, for example, liquid helium. As the temperature
is lowered to absolute zero, helium remains a
liquid, rather than freezing to a solid, owing
to the irremovable zero-point energy of its atomic
motions. (Increasing the pressure to 25 atmospheres
will cause helium to freeze.) |
The concept of zero-point energy was developed
in Germany by Albert Einstein and Otto Stern in 1913,
as a corrective term added to a zero-grounded formula
developed by Max Planck in 1900.The term zero-point
energy originates from the German Nullpunktsenergie.
An alternative form of the German term is Nullpunktenergie
(without the "s").
"In other words, everything
in the Universe (at all scales) is in motion.
It is impossible for a particle or an object
to be completely at rest, such would violate
a principle law of quantum mechanics. Even at
absolute zero, there's still a very tiny bit
of motion and uncertainty between position and
velocity. " |
Vacuum energy is the zero-point energy
of all the fields in space, which in the Standard Model
includes the electromagnetic field, other gauge fields,
fermionic fields, and the Higgs field. It is the energy
of the vacuum, which in quantum field theory is defined
not as empty space but as the ground state of the fields.
In cosmology, the vacuum energy is one possible explanation
for the cosmological constant A related term is zero-point
field, which is the lowest energy state of a particular
field.[4] Source
"Beyond the energy solutions
of solar and wind power, beyond tides and nature's
un-ownable abundant energetic resources lies what
physicist term zero point energy. Zero point energy
or the Zero Point Field is, in fact, what powers
the sun, our tides, the wind, our biological systems
and the very atoms of all physical matter. Zero
point energy is the source level, life force energy,
chi or prana which animates our Universe." |
Zero Point
Energy Wand Delivers Amazing Results!
If you are looking for simple and convenient way to
balance and energize the body, loosen muscles and relief
from pain, the Zero Point Energy Wand, a revolutionary
product from Asia is the answer you have been looking
The Zero Point Energy Wand looks like an ordinary pen,
but it's not. This futuristic healing tool contains a
special combination of granulated minerals and crystals
fused and structurally bonded together at a molecular
level to resonate at Zero-Point Energy. The special crystals
in the Zero Point Wand have powerful healing qualities
and are energy amplifiers that can absorb, store, release
and regulate energy. The Zero Point Wand helps to balance
the body's energy and speed up the healing process, targeting
the immune and nervous systems.
Benefits May Include:
o Better Sleep
o Reduced Stress
o Increase Energy
o Relieve Headaches
o Increases Circulation
Zero-point energy is the lowest possible energy that
a quantum mechanical physical system may have and it
is the energy of its ground state. All quantum mechanical
systems undergo fluctuations even in their ground state
and have an associated zero-point energy, a consequence
of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.
Crystals and minerals have been used as healing
tools for thousands of years. Now, modern science
has enhanced their power through fusion technology
to restore and rejuvenate on a cellular level. |

The Zero Point Zero Point Wand is a device
that is able to imprint subtle energy patterns into one
of the energetic layers of our body known as the etheric
field. It has been demonstrated that there are independent
etheric fields for each vibrating unit of life and for
the physical body as a whole.
"Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla suggested
that we are surrounded by a ‘sea of energy’,
which they described as invisible, boundless, and
in perfect order…Everything is made of energy:
molecules, pathogens, prescription medicines, and
even emotions. Each cell pulses electrically, and
the body itself emanates electromagnetic fields.
The human body is a complex energetic system, composed
of hundreds of energetic subsystems. Disease is
caused by energetic imbalances; therefore, health
can be restored or established by balancing one's
energies."?(The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia
to Your Energetic Anatomy) |
The Crystals and Minerals in the wand are able to hold
and store these energy patterns for long periods of time,
helping entrain your cells to their vibration
AMized fusion Technology process included:
1. Neutralising negative frequencies and memories
from substance
2. Clearing the bio photon field distortions of the substance
3. A 14-21 days energisation in a vacuum chamber
With the application of Amized Fusion technology
normal tap water can be restored to its original
structure and to resonate zero-point energy,
which has a tremendously positive effect on our
The wand is filled with a special combination
of granulated minerals processed using proprietary AMized
Fusion Technology to resonate at Zero Point Energy.
This helps the body source the universal life force energy
which our body needs.
Amized® Fusion Technology
is a resonance technology developed over a period
of 15 years
of research, applying the principles of Quantum
Physics and Quantum Mechanics. |
Listen to Deepak Chopra, the world authority
on mind body healing, discussing energy
How to Use the Zero Point
"The fact that the zero-point field is
the lowest energy state makes it unobservable.
We see things by way of contrast. The eye works
by letting light fall on the otherwise dark retina.
But if the eye were filled with light, there
would be no darkness to afford a contrast. The
zero-point field is such a blinding light. Since
it is everywhere, inside and outside of us, permeating
every atom in our bodies, we are effectively
blind to it. It blinds us to its presence. The
world of light that we do see is all the rest
of the light that is over and above the zero-point
field. "
"At this time the most intensive, concentrated
manner in which to apply the Zero Point Field
Energy is through a device shaped like an stainless
steel pen referred to as a ‘wand.’ The
wand is directed at an
object (or a person) and rotated in a clockwise motion with emphasis
on the area in which one is desiring to see a positive effect.
This energy instantly reminds the body of its natural healing
abilities and the body begins to go back to its source state
or back to its condition prior to pain and/or disease "
The Wand may be used in any way you find
beneficial. However, here are a few basic suggestions.
the wand as closely as possible, or lightly touch
it to the area of the body you are choosing to
work on.
the wand around the area in clockwise movement.
Repeat as needed or desired.
the wand on your hands, fingers and toes so as
to open the meridians of the body using the acupressure
or acupuncture points.
addition, you can use the wand on your face to
help rejuvenate the skin.
Like fruits and vegetables, our cells slowly
deteriorate with age. By using the Zero Point Energy
Wand, these cells can be re-energized at a molecular
level. The natural balanced energy of the Zero
Point Wand may help improve sleep patterns, decrease
muscle tension and improve the positive chi energy
of the body when worn, carried or placed under
your bed or pillow while sleeping. It can help
strengthen the body and immune system against the
detrimental effects of daily stress and exposure
to electromagnetic pollution. |
may also stir liquids with the wand to energize your
drinks or rotate it above your food to energize it as
Rotating the wand above a drink, the Zero point energy spins into the
liquid. Or liquid can be poured over theWand where it picks up the resonance.
The resonance generated is similar to that which is found in the earth
surrounding many healing spring waters of the world.
"I propose that the
Source of Reiki energy originates in what some
modern scientists describe as the Zero Point
Field – a field of low-level energy filling
the seemingly empty vastness of deep space. Some
scientists are beginning to see the Zero Point
Field as a limitless Source of energy and even
as the Source of all the matter in the Universe. " Curtis
Lang The Science of Reiki |
As we know, our bodies are made up of 70%
or more of water. Water becomes blood within minutes
after drinking! Thus it is important to nourish the body
with the correct molecular structured water.
"The exact process of how
subtle energy interacts with the physical world
is a subject of great fascination to both healers
and quantum physicists alike. While we are able
to observe the effects of subtle energy, modern
science is still scarcely able to understand how
these subtle energies work. In fact, mainstream
science is just beginning to acknowledge and study
the existence of dark matter, which is said to
compose of up to 94% of the known universe!"
Usage of Zero
Point Wand:
1." To discharge energy blockages in our body
2. To clear the distortions in our Bio energetic field
3. Facilitate the body's (self) healing
4. To energize the foods and liquids thereby increasing potency
5. On pets and plants to supplement energy deficiency
6. To balance & energize the body imbalances
7. To help others from aches, pains and other ailments
8. To energize the environment in which we live "

Zero Point Wand
1." Helps our body to obtain homeostasis condition
2. Help our body's bio energetic field to source Zero Point Energy
3. Relieves us of pain, discomfort and supports healing
4. Energizes the liquid we drink, and food we eat by increasing the potency
5. Neutralizes the harmful elements (energetically) from the liquid we
drink, and the food we eat
6. Energizes creams, oils for better absorption of nutrients
7. Facilitates and strengthens the flow of energy in our body
8. Unblocks and strengthens the flow of energy in our body
9. Stimulates bodily functions and strengthens immunity "

How to Use: ·
Point the Zero Point Wand and rotate clockwise 3,9,18 times · For
more effectiveness, point as close as possible, · You can also
stir liquids with Zero Point Wand (with proper hygiene) ·
Use the Zero Point Wand on face to rejuvenate the skin ·
Use the Zero Point Wand to Energize your food and water ·
Press ( into finger tip) and rotate at least 3 times on all finger and
toe tips to unblock energy blockages

Click on picture
The "Wand" looks very much like
a pen. Through a highly guarded proprietary process,
it is made up of a mixture of granulated minerals and
created by a technology called AMized Fusion. This technology
resonates at what is called zero point energy. Zero point
energy reminds cells to return to source thus facilitating
a natural state of homeostasis. When the body
is exposed to zero point energy it has the ability to
heal itself of pain, and many other conditions. Many
people attest to the benefits then have received from
Zero point Energy

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