Tri-Pulsar MK3


Approx USD$208.09

Bob Beck was a physicist, holding a Ph.D in physics from the University of Southern California. He was also previously a Professor at the University of California. He is a researcher and inventor who likes to improve upon other people's inventions. His version of the Brain Tuner has been used successfully to alleviate insomnia, depression, anxiety and addictions. He is also the inventor of the strobe flash light. He has been nominated by a Mexican hospital for the Noble Prize for his research in developing an aids cure. He believed that he would not receive the prize, which he did not, because he is not a "team player" in the organized health field. Leading Edge Newspaper publishers Kenneth and Dee Burke interviwed Bob Beck at the Global Sciences Congress in Denver, Colorado, where cutting-edge, innovative information continues to be presented year after year.

Statement of Robert C. Beck: " All statements made by me are mine, and mine alone. I am expressing this as my opinion; I am expressing it as theoretical, although we have abundant proof; I am saying this information is given for your education and informational purposes only. I cannot make any medical claims, although we have hundreds of spontaneous remissions. Everything I say is copyrighted 1997 by Robert C. Beck."

Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.
Sir Winston Churchill

Bob beck portraitDr Bob Beck obtained national attention during the 1990's for his health-expo lectures and public exposition of a healing protocol known as "bioelectrification" or "blood electrification", a simple electronic therapy that was discovered to stop the replication of the virus that causes AIDS. Subsequently, Bob discovered that many other serious health conditions, including malaria, responded favorably to blood electrification. Many thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, of people, worldwide, have benefited enormously from the use of blood electrification due to the lecturing efforts of Robert C. Beck.

Bob Beck never had anything to sell and often titled his talk as "Take Back Your Power". He wanted to get the information out to the public that it was possible to cure yourself of serious, life threatening diseases without turning your life and wallet over to the drug medicine industry. He repeatedly averred that established medicine was more interested in "managing" your health problem, rather than curing it; although they paid ample lip service to the latter. 'Managing' health problems translated into a continuing stream of income for medical insurance companies, hospitals, and health care providers alike, while 'curing' a patient meant a lost customer. Today, many people agree with Bob's long held assessment of the myriad drawbacks to the allopathic health care system and have turned their attention towards alternative and natural health therapies such as colloidal silver or magnetic pulsing, which Bob Beck played a leading role in popularizing during the 1990's.

Beck informed his audiences that they could produce a natural and powerful germ fighting colloid mineral called "colloidal silver". He made a magnetic pulser the magnetic pulser could zap organisms hidden deeper in body such as the bones or the lymph system. Bob Beck was granted his first patent in 1947 .
LE: I would like our readers to know about how you became involved in these technologies, which enhance the immune system and kill every organism that isn't supposed to be there.

Bob: I read an article in Science News that was published March 30, 1991. On page 207, it described the "shocking" treatment proposed for AIDS by Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City, which had accidentally discovered a way to cure all AIDS. So I looked into this, and I found that a paper on an AIDS cure had been presented to a Joint Congress on Combination Therapies in Washington, D.C., on March 14, 1991, at the First International Symposium on Combination Therapy.

When I attempted to find a copy of this paper to see what it said, I found that they had all vanished or were cut out of the proceedings. We hired a private investigator who got a personal abstract copy from one of the conference attendees. I also did a computer search and found that the only other mention of this technology was in "Outer Limits" in Longevity Magazine which appeared in the December, 1992, issue. It stated that Steven Kaali, M.D., from Albert Einstein College of Medicine, had found a way of inhibiting AIDS in blood, but that years of testing would be required before the virus-electrocuting device was ready for use. In other words, they discovered it and then tried to cover it up immediately.

But a very funny thing happened. Two years later, a patent popped up. The U.S. Government Patent Office described the entire process. You can obtain Patent #5188738 in which the same Dr. Kaali describes a process, which will attenuate any bacteria or virus (including AIDS/HIV), parasites and all fungi contained in the blood, rendering them ineffective from infecting a normally healthy human cell. This is in a government document! This was in 1990! Why haven't they told the public about it? I decided if there was a sure-fire cure for AIDS, I had to find out about it.

When I looked into Dr. Kaali's work, I decided to go ahead and fund it. We found that it worked all of the time. For two and a half years, we gave full credit for this invention to Dr. Kaali, whose name is on the patent. Then I discovered that there was a long history of this technology. We followed a trail of these patents back 107 years! We found a patent, #4665898, that cured all cancer, dated May 19, 1987. Why has this been suppressed? Why hasn't your doctor told you about an absolutely proven, established cure for cancer? The answer is that doctors get $375,000 per patient for surgery, chemotherapy, x-ray, hospital stays, doctors and anesthesiologists. This is the official statistic from the U.S. Department of Commerce. Unfortunately, the medical patient cured is a customer lost.

From the Bob Beck interview

During the mid 80's , Bob developed a palm sized 'black box' called the "Brain Tuner". The Brain Tuner was able to balance the electrical activity of both hemispheres of the brain which produced similar effects to that of a Russian invention that costs nearly one quarter of a million dollars and nearly as bulky as an office desk. Bob found that alcoholics and drug addicts could get off drugs in about a week without suffering withdrawal symptoms by using the Brain Tuner. He thought he had a winner and went around to several alcohol and drug detox clinics to show them his one week, no pain cure from drug addiction. They all thought it was very interesting, but said "no thanks". Apparently, they weren't interested in 'no stinkin' one week cure. The traditional 3, 4 or 6 month detox regimen was just fine with the clinics.

Bob Beck spent a good part of his life showing people that they could cure themselves of serious disease conditions and didn't have to be indentured to the drug companies, established medicine, or the health insurance industry. We owe him a great debt of gratitude. Gob Bless you Bob Beck and thank you for all you've done to aid humanity.
By Ken Adachi

Various “magnetic” therapies have existed for a number of years but the originator of the “Beck magnetic pulser” is Dr. Robert C. Beck.

Dr Beck designed a magnetic pulser to treat infected lymph glands and other sites of infection, tumours and other parts of the body with poor blood supply. A strong but very short magnetic pulse (20 K Gauss or higher) induces a tiny current in the cells and body fluids up to 10 or 20 cm into the body. There is evidence that this is not only effective in eliminating microbes, parasites and tumor cells, but also to recharge and rejuvenate weak body cells. I found it useful for pain relief. Often there is a healing reaction or a series of healing reactions whereby old health problems flare up for a short period before final healing takes place. This is a hallmark of all true healing methods.

With any kind of disease or just to improve your health I recommend to use the pulser frequently or regularly on any area where you suspect an inflammation or infection, be it acute or chronic, swollen lymph glands, on the tonsils and any tooth or jawbone positions that are not obviously completely healthy, e.g. where a tooth has been extracted or where there is a filling or a root pocket or receding gum. In addition pulse all the lymph glands in the neck, armpits and groins. When pulsing directly on a tumour I suggest that this is done only with a strong pulser , especially if the tumour is not close to the surface.

"William D. Lyman and his colleagues found that exposure to 50 to 100 microamperes of electricity—comparable to that produced by a cardiac pacemaker—reduced the infectivity of the AIDS virus (HIV) by 50 to 95 percent. Their experiments, described March 14 in Washington, D.C., at the First Inter–national Symposium on Combination Therapies, showed that the shocked viruses lost the ability to make an enzyme crucial to their reproduction, and could no longer cause the white cells to clump together—two key signs of virus infection."

The researchers anticipated a microcurrent device would be developed for implant or that a dialysis approach would be used with microcurrents applied as blood was circulated outside of the body. William Lyman was also interviewed on Quirks and Quarks, a Canadian network radio program on March 30, 1991 about their promising research. Despite the fact they had found an inexpensive way to cleanse blood, their research was dropped. US Patent #5,188,738 filed in 1993 stands as a sole source for evidence of their research. Such is the politics of health at present.

Bob Beck’s genius found a simple way to apply these same microcurrents to blood without invading the body. He developed a system to place electrodes over the radial and ulner arteries on the wrist.


The results of a study conducted at the University of Washington are rather startling and indicate there should be a great upswing in microcurrent research. Researchers tested the microcurrent output of the Zapper on white blood cells and leukemia cells. Keep in mind the Zapper is designed as a frequency unit. To generate frequencies, however, microcurrents are produced—usually minimal. The Zapper output proved safe on white blood cells while the Zapper proved to slow the growth of the leukemia cells in culture. The Zapper output is only 0.14 milliamp of a low-intensity time-varying electric current. This is much less than units used in The Beck Protocol.

Our New Unit is all three of Bobs protocols in one unit

Blood Electrification Zapper (Beck Protocol)
This treatment disables microbes as they float through the bloodstream. This is an important part of the protocol.
Dr Bob Beck electrification devices are attached directly to the bloodstream via the wrists, not the palms of the hands, as with Dr Clark's zapper. The Beck electrification device output is much stronger and has been measured in the bloodstream, using hypodermic probes. The slower pulsation of Beck's device is said to "permit the current to penetrate deeply".

Once the microbes are disabled, they are harmless and the body
should eventually excrete them.

Pulsed Magnetic Fields (i.e. Magnetic Pulser)
The purpose of this treatment is to disable microbes that are not floating around in the bloodstream, but are "hiding" in root canals, the lymph system, the stomach area, etc. This is a very important part of the protocol for wellness, this unit unlike the original Beck Pulsar, produces a weak pulsed field for more details, click here.

For serious problems look at the heavy duty pulsar here. The Bob Beck Protocol here.

Colloidal Silver Generator (Beck protocol)
This is another treatment that does get to the cells. Colloidal silver is an antimicrobial nutrient and is relatively safe for humans, pets and plants. When the colloidal silver is absorbed by a cell, it will probably kill the microbe inside the cell, thus allowing the cell to revert back into a normal healthy cell.

"We encourage you to educate yourself before purchasing any of our units. When ill, it's easy to make a decision in desperation rather than based on information."

Our Latest
Tri-pulser MK3

Tripulser3 image

What is The Beck Protocol? Details Here

99.99% Pure Silver Electrodes/Rods
Gels Pads and lead

Blood Zapper (Beck Protocol)
Colloidal Siver Generator (Beck Protocol)
Magnetic Pulser (Micro pulse)

Fully Rechargable Batteries
500% Stronger Magnetic field than the last unit up to 30 gause
Selectable Zapper intensity
Low Battery level LED
Advanced charging circuitry
---Charger included
Colloidal Silver generator ajusts
---to your water resistance
Slimmer more portable case
State of the art circuitry

Tri-pulser mark 3
Pulsed Magnetic Fields (i.e. Magnetic Pulser)
The purpose of this treatment is to disable microbes that are not floating around in the bloodstream, but are "hiding" in root canals, the lymph system, the stomach area, etc. This is a very important part of the protocol for wellness.
Made to order- dispatch 7-10 working days

Tri-Pulsar MK3


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