2 x DNA ATP PEMF Resonator
Approx USD$209.32
Contemporary cell research is now based on the principles
of quantum physics that shows the world as being created
out of energy. Researchers have now demonstrated that
our cells’ membranes contain special proteins
called Intergral Membrane Proteins (IMPs) that respond
to energy signals from the external and internal environment.
The energetic link that we all share explains how
our intentions, thoughts and prayers can travel to
a sick friend and connect with their mind and consciousness.
It also explains why every action is followed by a
reaction. Everything that happens to one particle or
to a collection of particles, as in our being, affects
every other particle. All of our actions and thoughts
have ramifications throughout the universe.

Scalar waves generated in the body protect us from
the negative effects of solar radiation and other environmental
electromagnetic stresses by constantly producing a
neutral field capable of deflecting these harmful non-bio-energetically
compatible frequencies. Scalar waves generated in the
body also provide an energetic communication system
that connects all cells. This energy contains the power
of the universe and has unlimited potential.
We and our children are
exposed to hundreds of times more man made electromagnetic
fields (EMFs) than
generations in the past. The impact on our health and
especially on our immune system and internal scalar
waves has been much greater than most people realize.

Electromagnetic protection as a way to build and maintain
a strong immune system is vital to everyone, especially
to people who suffer from any stress related health
condition such as electro sensitivity, chronic stress
headaches, anxiety, cancer, autism, ADHD, Alzheimer’s
and asthma. Increased EMF protection frees the nervous
system from the chronic constriction caused by electromagnetic
fields (EMFs) thus dramatically increasing your
own body’s ability to heal specific disorders.
EMF Protection – The
The old mechanistic thinking sees us as physical
objects in space and time. In the current quantum view
we are essentially electrical beings existing in a
state of resonance within the electromagnetic embrace
of the earth.
The man made AC (alternating current) grid in which
we live has weakened our connection to the earth resulting
in a state of subliminal stress and the decreased ability
to heal. EMF Protection offers protection from electromagnetic
fields (EMFs) by
reconnecting each of us to the healing properties of
the earth as nature intended.
Resonance Technology

Headaches and EMFs
"EMF pollution is known as a major component
of headaches and chronic stress. Sitting in front
of computer screens or TV sets for hours on end,
cell phones used right up against the temporal
lobes of the brain, teenagers sitting glued to
their computerized games. Most people have observed
these phenomena with a sense of foreboding.

Many sources of stress in our lives today include
different types of pollution such as polluted
water and food. Yet people can choose to drink
clean water, eat consciously, practice stress
reduction exercises, and still have problems
with chronic headaches. A primary source of headaches
that has remained invisible to the majority of
people is EMF pollution from our manmade AC electrical
system and from the wireless microwave radiation
(cell phone towers, wireless repeaters, etc).
We now know that the human brain must be protected
from hazardous EMFs. The EMF protection solution
is two fold. One, use computers, cell phones
and wireless technology with care. Learn more
about the wise use of cell phones and computers
by reading our Self Help section. Two, EarthCalm
products with their power to ground us to the
earth, provide a very effective guard against
chronic migraine and stress induced headaches
that result from chronic exposure to EMFs.
“ Dr. Salford is quite outspoken
about his work. He has called the use of
handheld cell phones 'the largest human biological
experiment ever.' And he has publicly warned
that a whole generation of cell phone-using
teenagers may suffer from mental deficits
or Alzheimer's disease by the time they reach
middle age.” The Largest Bilogical
Experiment Ever by Arthur Firstenberg."
Many of us have paid too high a
price for electrical conveniences. The price
we have paid is loss
of mental clarity, and chronic headaches. We
are not suggesting that we do away with our electrical
system, but there is help. See Below
To identify the possible neurobehavioral
deficits among inhabitants living nearby
mobile phone base stations.”
RESULTS: The prevalence of headaches (23.5%), memory changes (28.2%),
dizziness (18.8%), tremors (9.4%), depressive symptoms (21.7%), and disturbance
(23.5%) were significantly higher among exposed inhabitants than controls.” Institut
national des sciences appliquees, France
"An association
was shown between the use of mobile phones and
health hazards. The overall mean percentage for
findings in all groups were an increase in headaches
for 21.6% of the participants…" Department
of Physiology (29), College of Medicine, King
Saud University, PO Box 2925, Riyadh 11461, Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia.
Recent research discovered that EMFs break down the blood-brain barrier that
protects the brain from toxins in the blood stream. |
due to the increased availability of wireless cell
phone towers and internet repeaters. It is not
possible to turn back the clock, but it is possible
to provide EMF protection
for ourselves and our children.
Children and EMFs
For adults and
children increases in frequency of asthma
are often attributed to triggers such as
increased levels of smog. A trigger that
is almost always overlooked is chronic stress
from electromagnetic fields. The unrecognized
or invisible nature of this trigger is especially
harmful because EMFs generate a stress reaction
which is never ending and even getting worse |
With the advent of computerized games and
cell phones, children have much higher levels
of EMF exposure than ever before. The sharply
rising curve of childhood nervous system disorders,
such as hyperactivity, asthma, autism and other
learning disorders comes as no surprise. A study
in Trenton, N.J. in 2004 by Medco Health Solutions,
Inc. documents a 49% increase in the use of attention
deficit/hyperactivity disorder drugs by children
under 5 in the previous three years.
Many studies,
mostly from Europe, go even further and
document the dangers involved with children
and EMFs,
and in particular the potential of tumors
with extended exposure to cell phones
and cell phone towers. The occurrence of
is the frightening end product of a long
period of exposure. It is therefore especially
important to limit children's exposure
to cell phone radiation. By limiting overall
exposure to EMF radiation, including
phones, we would also expect improvement
in a wide range of stress-induced conditions
related to children and EMFs.
Due to the increased availability of wireless
cell phone towers and internet repeaters. It
is not possible to turn back the clock, but
it is possible to provide EMF protection for
ourselves and our children.
"Children under
the age of eight should not use mobile
phones, parents were
advised last night after an authoritative
report linked heavy use to ear and brain
tumors and concluded that the risks had
been underestimated by most scientists.
Professor Sir William Stewart, chairman
of the National Radiological Protection
Board (NRPB), said that evidence of
potentially harmful effects had become
more persuasive over the past five
The news prompted calls for phones
to carry health warnings and panic
in parts of the industry. One British
manufacturer immediately suspended
a model aimed at four to eight-year-olds.
In his report, Mobile Phones and Health,
Sir William said that four studies
have caused concern. One ten-year study
in Sweden suggests that heavy mobile
users are more prone to non-malignant
tumors in the ear and brain while a
Dutch study had suggested changes in
cognitive function. A German study
has hinted at an increase in cancer
around base stations, while a project
supported by the EU had shown evidence
of cell damage from fields typical
of those of mobile phones."
The London Times, January 12,
Mobile phones tumor risk to young children,
By Sam Coates, Nigel Hawkes and Alexandra
"Panorama (programming) spoke
to a number of scientists on BBC who
questioned the safety limits and were
concerned about the possible health
effects of (wireless) radiation.
If you look in the literature, you
have a large number of various effects
like chromosome damage, you have impact
on the concentration capacity and decrease
in short term memory, and increases
in the number of cancer incidences,
said Professor Olle Johansson of the
Karolinska Institute in Sweden. Another
scientist, Dr Gerd Oberfeld, from Salzburg
is now calling for Wi-Fi to be removed
from schools." Panorama, Monday,
8.30pm, BBC1, Wi-Fi: A Warning Signal.
Story from BBC NEWS: Published: 5/20/2007 |
Electrosensitivity / Electromagnetic
Sensitivity and EMFs
may come as a surprise to most people, but
EMFs generated by common
AC appliances as well
as by wireless microwave radiation is a major
component of most forms of environmental illness. People who are diagnosed with fibromyalgia, rheumatoid
arthritis, chronic fatigue, lupus, multiple sclerosis,
even cancer and AIDS, all exhibit one characteristic
in common: a collapsed immune system. In part,
this dysfunction of the immune system can be
attributed to chronic stress from EMFs. Once
this chronic stress is removed, healing and the
regeneration of the immune system can occur.
"That workers have high incidence rates
of a number of cancers both in the LQMS study
and in studies of 270,000 California school employees
and in office workers worldwide suggests that
the cancer excess may not be limited to one job
setting or cancer type and that EMFs may be a
general human carcinogen," Dirty Power Linked
to Cancers in California School in Milham-Morgan
With today's emerging awareness of the dangers
of EMF exposure on human health we are seeing
more and more research on the impact of EMFs
on the immune system. A new condition has been
identified which is generally termed Electrosensitivity.
In October, 2004 the World Health Organization
(WHO) sponsored a conference on EMFs and Electromagnetic
Sensitivity. While authorities do not agree
on the most common symptoms, Electrosensitivity
consists of headaches, fatigue, stress, sleep
disorders, skin conditions such as burning
sensations, rashes and pain, tinnitus and other
audible noises, to name a few of the symptoms.
You were most likely told at the beginning
of your search for healing to go see a psychologist
or to take tranquilizers. Now we know that
electrosensitivity is a real disease that can
be treated by minimizing the impact of EMFs,
and providing quality EMF protection.
The condition known as electro sensitivity,
a heightened reaction to electrical energy, will
be recognized as a physical impairment. A report
by the Health Protection Agency (HPA), states
that increasing numbers of British people are
suffering from this syndrome. While the total
figure is not known, thousands are believed to
be affected to some extent. Sarah-Kate Templeton,
Medical Correspondent
The connection between manmade EMF exposure
and chronic or unending flight or fight responses
has been documented in study after study. See
Blake Levitt's book, Electromagnetic Fields for
a summary of the scientific research. People
who have been overexposed to EMFs as children
or have genetically weaker systems often suffer
from environmental illness often resulting in
chronic fatigue, trouble thinking clearly and
a reduction in the body's ability to fight infection.
Here is how an article in the Toronto Now Magazine
describes the electrosensitive person:
There's something lonely about parties. Especially
if you're one of the few who isn't celebrating.
And as laptop lovers citywide rejoice in the
announcement that downtown Toronto will be a
wireless Internet hot spot by the fall, critics
worry that we may be feeding a new form of smog
that hangs in the air without a trace and makes
a growing number of us sick: electrical pollution.
Whether it's fluorescent lights, cell phones
or computer screens, more and more of us are
realizing that the technology we've welcomed
into our homes and offices is making us ill.
According to stats from Sweden and Britain, about
2 or 3 per cent of the population suffers from
potentially debilitating electro-hypersensitivity,
or EHS. Symptoms are all over the map, and include
nausea, headaches, chronic fatigue, chronic pain,
tinnitus and rashes, to name a few.
Researchers also say that many more, over a
third of us, are a little electrosensitive and
just don't know it, blaming restless nights,
office brain fog and Motrin moments on everything
but our electrified environment.
I've never seen anything from industry except
blanket assurances from their PR departments,
says the Brock U Prof. This is the identical
strategy used by the tobacco industry in the
50s and 60s.
I wonder how many people out there are being
misdiagnosed, asks Martin Weatherall, a retired
Toronto cop who started developing a ringing
in his ears and headaches when he moved into
a new home. They're being harmed by their electrical
environments, and doctors are just sending them
to a psychiatrist.
Wi-Fi's Electric Shock, Now Magazine, March
9-15, 2006 / Vol. 25 No. 28
People who are diagnosed with fibromyalgia,
rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue, lupus,
multiple sclerosis, even cancer and AIDS, all
exhibit one characteristic in common: a collapsed
immune system.
Fibromyalgia and EMFs
Traditionally the diagnosis of Fibromyalgia
is related to environmental illness. In the current
understanding there are basically three illnesses
emerging: Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and electrosensitivity,
also referred to as electromagnetic hypersensitivity.
The symptoms overlap dramatically and usually
consist of headaches, extreme fatigue, skin and
lung problems, multiple chemical sensitivity,
food allergies, sleeping disorders and general
Fibromyalgia most commonly occurs as hypersensitivity
to multiple household chemicals, and the individual
often develops multiple allergies. It is a muscle
and joint pain condition which is rarely diagnosed
until it has become a widespread immune, hormonal
and nervous system illness with other diverse
symptoms such as flu-like symptoms, temporary
memory loss, intolerance to odors and again,
multiple allergies not limited to simply food
allergies. (See The Invisible Disease synopsis
by Gunni Nordstrom published in 2004.)
"A GOVERNMENT agency has acknowledged for
the first time that people can suffer nausea,
headaches and muscle pains when exposed to electromagnetic
fields from mobile phones, electricity pylons
and computer screens."
Sarah-Kate Templeton, Medical Correspondent
Besides using drugs to control symptoms, an
alternative method of healing Fibromyalgia is
to remove the substances adversely affecting
the immune system. What is often missed however
is correcting the original source of the hypersensitivity.
This is often times because the correlation between
Fibromyalgia and EMFs is not widely known.
"Because the nervous system is a primary
site impacted by both chemicals and electromagnetic
fields, those with nervous system damage from
toxic exposures seem more susceptible to becoming
ES too."
Lucinda Grant, Advocate
Removing the chronic stress of
manmade AC generated EMFs can be a challenge
for those individuals with moderate to severe
Fibromyalgia. This is because their immune system
has collapsed and they are unable to handle the
increased energy when the chronic stress is removed.
Most individuals report within 60 to 90 days
a sense of strengthening, less stress and healing. |
Fatigue and EMFs

Its great to have units like our Schumman and Sacred
harmony resonators in your home,,but just how much
time do you spend at home,,,our workplace is often
an emf minefield,not to mention the supermarkets Casinos
and restaurants,,doesn't it make sense to wear something
that generates helpful healing magnetic frequencies
all day,,because. i hope you realize by now. you are
bombarded with unhealthy wifi cell phones and emf everywhere
Frequency generation
Is "Automatically Triggered" by the presence
of damaging magnetic fields... Wear around
your neck or close to the skin,as soon as a malignant
frequency is detected the unit starts to oscillate
at the
frequencies below
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