Brainwave PhotoStim Deluxe V2.0 Download


Approx USD$9.96

Use your PC to tune your brainwaves to specifically chosen frequency ranges.
Full Version 2.0 - Professionally designed with new advanced functionality


Brainwave PhotoStim Deluxe Software Program
Use your computer to tune your brainwaves.
Full Version with Unlimited Usage!!!
Create your own brainwave entrainment sessions!
Works on all PCs with Windows.

The software is unmatched by any other products on the market today!


Light and Sound Mind Machines can cost HUNDREDS of dollars!

Brainwave PhotoStim Deluxe v 2.0
for a fraction of the cost!


Using the principle of brainwave entrainment, your brainwaves can become synchronized to specific frequencies. The Brainwave PhotoStim Deluxe uses Photostrobic Entrainment to tune the users' brainwaves to specific ranges using a flashing light source (Photo=Light, Strobic=Pulsation).

The pulsing lights guide the user into pre-selected states of consciousness depending on the range of entrainment that is selected.




You can use this computer software program to influence your mood, enhance your brainwave activity and induce specifically chosen mindstates.

Simply get comfortable while wearing loosely fitted clothes, run the program, select your desired mindstate and tune your brain into various altered states of consciousness.


You can select BETA brainwaves for BETA waves between 13 and 30 Hz, the fastest waves, most commonly found during our waking state, associated with outward awareness, engaged mind, arousal, actively perceiving and evaluating forms of data through the senses; also present with fear, anger, worry, hunger, and surprise.

You can select ALPHA brainwaves for ALPHA waves between 7 and 13 Hz associated with non-drowsy but relaxed, tranquil state of consciousness, less engagement and arousal, pleasant inward awareness, body/mind integration, present during meditation and states of relaxation

You can select THETA brainwaves for THETA waves between 3 and 7 Hz associated with increased recall, creativity, imagery and visualization , free-flowing thought, future planning, inspiration, drowsiness, present during dreaming and REM states

You can select DELTA brainwaves for DELTA waves between .1 and 3 Hz associated with deep dreamless sleep, deep trance state pituitary release of growth hormone, self-healing, present during deep levels of non-REM sleep.

You can select PROGRESSIVE RELAXATION for a pre-programmed session that begins in upper Alpha and then pulses it way down into deep delta brainwave range.

You can also select a CUSTOMIZED SELECTION to run the Screen Flasher Standalone player which allows you to select any specific frequency for fine-tuning your experience. INPUT ANY FREQUENCY! You can enter 7.83 Hz, the Schumann Resonance, the so-called electromagnetic pulse of our planet Earth or you can use this bonus Screen Flasher program to choose any other frequency to entrain your brain.


You can use this program as a guiding force to open the doors to altered perceptual states.

You can use this program to resonate your brainwave to specifically chosen mindstates.

You can use this program for meditation or simple relaxation and stress relief.

You can use this program for enhancing creativity, problem-solving, brainstorming, and other activities that require holistic mental processing.

You can use this program for auto-suggestion, self-hypnosis, group hypnotism and other activities that require enhanced mindstates.

You can use this program for inducing more advanced altered states like lucid dreaming, out of body travel, psychic experiences, remote viewing, channeling, ESP, traveling clairvoyence, and any other form of inner work.

You can use this program over and over again to enhance your mental states. Learning the ropes of navigating your own awareness with enhanced clarity and better control.

With practice you can develop the ability to summon these altered states on command.

The Amazing Powers of
Brainwave Entrainment Technology

Our brain produces waves of currents that flow throughout its neural pathways. The type of brainwave is defined by the frequency at which it is pulsing, and this particular rate of pulsation determines our respective state of mind at any given moment in time.

Your brain operates much like a resonance chamber or a pitch fork. When you hold two similarly tuned pitch forks together and strike one of the them, the other will also vibrate at the same frequency. When using this software program, your brain will naturally tune itself to the rate at which your screen is flashing!

There are four common types of brainwave patterns, but due to the complexity of our brains there are often several patterns interacting at one time. It is the predominance of one particular brainwave frequency that determines our state of mind. For example, if you are in a beta state, there may be trace levels of alpha and theta but they would minimal compared to the dominating amount of beta present.

Below is a simple chart containing the four common types of brainwave frequencies along with their characteristic features and associated mental states. The frequencies are measures in hertz (Hz) which is roughly translated as beats per second or cycles per second.
( Ex. A brainwave monitored as pulsing 20 times per second would be a beta wave since the Beta range is between 13 to 30 Hz)


BETA waves 13 to 30 Hz the fastest waves, most commonly found during our waking state, associated with outward awareness, engaged mind, arousal, actively perceiving and evaluating forms of data through the senses; also present with fear, anger, worry, hunger, and surprise.

ALPHA waves 7 to 13 Hz associated with non-drowsy but relaxed, tranquil state of consciousness, less engagement and arousal, pleasant inward awareness, body/mind integration, present during meditation and states of relaxation

THETA waves 3 to 7 Hz associated with increased recall, creativity, imagery and visualization , free-flowing thought, future planning, inspiration, drowsiness, present during dreaming and REM states

DELTA waves .1 to 3 Hz associated with deep dreamless sleep, deep trance state pituitary release of growth hormone, self-healing, present during deep levels of non-REM sleep.

Your brain is always producing electromagnetic brainwaves that have a measurable frequency and magnitude. The frequency range and magnitude identify whether you are aroused, alert, asleep or anywhere in between. The breakthrough occurs when we use this principle of entrainment to synchronize our brainwaves to specific chosen frequencies.

THE HUMAN BRAIN is such an amazing thing. It not only forms but also stores our memories, it keeps out heart beating, tells our muscles to move, allows us to learn and speak, it even allows us to feel emotions and have fun. It even allows us to control it and interact with increased handling and maneuverability.

You can use the BPSD Brain Tuner as a tool for developing your conscious awareness and enhancing the perceptual abilities of your brain.

Here is what the different parts of the brain do:

CEREBRUM: Holds our memories, and controls how we respond to different sensory signals from the world around us

CEREBELLUM: Coordinates all of your movement and muscles to help you walk and remain balanced

FRONTAL LOBE: Controls our ability to use words and speech as well as how we react to situations emotionally.

PARIETAL LOBE: Controls our sense of touch as well as how we use our hands to complete tasks.

OCCIPITAL LOBE: This is when our sense of vision is controlled from

TEMPORAL LOBE: This is where our sense of hear is centered as well as our ability to organize things.

PONS: Controls our breathing and heartbeat

BRAIN STEM: Sends all of the decisions that the brain makes to the rest of the body.

Brainwave PhotoStim Deluxe V2.0 Download


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