World of Words English vocabulary through pictures
Approx USD$12.99
Discovery Educational Software
World of Words English vocabulary through pictures
This new series of programs teaches English in an enjoyable
and extremely effective way. In all there are in the region of 1000
words and over 300 sentences covering all aspects of daily life.
Pointing at objects with the mouse brings up labels, clicking on them
allows the learner to hear the words spoken.
The learner listens to (and repeats) sentences about the people and
objects in the pictures.
Comprehension is tested by a "quiz" in which you are asked to find
something in the picture, and you have to click on the correct object.
The writing option tests the user's ability to reproduce the language
and spell the words correctly. Some hints will be given if required.
At the end of each session the learner is encouraged to print out a
progress report.