RPro Biophoton Body Pad


Approx USD$306.07

Light, Cancer and Fritz-Albert Popp Townsend Letter, August-Sept, 2010 by Jule Klotter
What makes some substances carcinogenic and others benign, even though they are chemically similar? In 1970, Fritz-Albert Popp, a German theoretical biophysicist, discovered that benzo[a]pyrene, a potent carcinogen, absorbs ultraviolet light at one wavelength and emits it at another. Yet, benzo[e]pyrene, a benign compound that is nearly identical to benzo[a]pyrene, absorbs and reemits the same light at its original wavelength. Popp tested 37 different chemicals. The carcinogens "scrambled" light with a wavelength of 380 nanometers. The benign chemicals did not. That finding in itself is fascinating. Using ultraviolet light, the EPA could target which of the thousands of chemicals used by industry are most likely to be carcinogenic. However, Popp's work with light and carcinogens led to momentous findings about cancer and about light's role in biology, as Lynn McTaggart explains in her book The Field. During his work with chemicals, Popp learned that 380 nanometers, the wavelength altered by carcinogens, is also the wavelength that cells prefer to use to repair themselves.

After exposure to intense UV light, cells quickly self-repair when they are exposed to very weak UV light, particularly that with a wavelength of 380 nanometers. Popp hypothesized that cancer results from a disruption of cells' photorepair system. His hypothesis raised a question: what in the body produced this very weak light that powered the repair system? Popp and his student Bernard Ruth found that all living systems store light energy (photons) acquired from the sun and from plants consumed as food (photosynthesis), in DNA. This stored light is released as very weak, extremely coherent biophotons. "Photons switch on the body's processes like a conductor launching each individual instrument into the collective sound," explains McTaggart. "At different frequencies they perform different functions." Over the years, Popp found that biophoton emissions from healthy humans display rhythmic patterns. He also observed that the coherence of the emissions, the intensity, and the rhythmic patterns varied in people with different illnesses.

People with multiple sclerosis, for example, absorb too much light and their photon emissions display too much order. Biophoton emissions from cancer patients lack coherence and fail to follow natural rhythmic patterns. Also, tumors emit high amounts of photons: an average of 300 [ or -] 90 photons/cm per minute compared with normal tissue that emits an average of 22 [ or -] 6 photons/cm per minute. Popp and colleagues at the International Institute of Biophysics have discovered that surface tumors and tumors excised during surgery respond to remedies with changes in photon emissions. Most possible treatments have no effect on the tumor's high emission rate. However, when the tumor responds to a nontoxic remedy with decreased emissions, the agent will likely improve the patient's condition and may even promote a cure. Rather than
killing tumor cells, the beneficial agent appears to stimulate the normal cells to overcome the cancerous ones."

It was 1970, and Popp, a theoretical biophysicist at the University of Marburg in Germany, had been teaching radiology -- the interaction of electromagnetic (EM) radiation on biological systems. Popp was too early to worry about things like cellphones and microwave towers which are now commonly linked with cancers and leukemia. His world was much smaller.

Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp

Dr. Popp is a German physicist, who holds a degree in experimental physics from the University of Wurzburg, a PhD in theoretical physics at the University of Mainz and a Professorship at Marburg University. He has conducted research that confirms the existence of biophotons.

Nominated for a Nobel Prize for his discovery that is used in the application of all EMR's products. He identified and measured electrical impulses that create an electromagnetic network, which controls every organ and its function in your body. He named these electrical impulses Biophotons.

He'd been examining two almost identical molecules: benzo[a]pyrene, a polycyclic hydrocarbon known to be one of the most lethal carcinogens to humans, and its twin (save for a tiny alteration in its molecular makeup), benzo[e]pyrene. He had illuminated both molecules with ultraviolet (UV) light in an attempt to find exactly what made these two almost identical molecules so different.

Why Ultra-violet light?

Popp chose to work specifically with UV light because of the experiments of a Russian biologist named Alexander Gurwitsch who, while working with onions in 1923, discovered that roots could stimulate a neighboring plant's roots if the two adjacent plants were in quartz glass pots but not if they were in silicon glass pots. The only difference being that the silicon filtered UV wavelengths of light while the quartz did not. Gurwitsch theorized that onion roots could communicate with each other by ultraviolet light.

What Popp discovered was that benzo[a]pyrene (the cancer producing molecule) absorbed the UV light, then re-emitted it at a completely different frequency -- it was a light "scrambler". The benzo[e]pyrene (harmless to humans), allowed the UV light to pass through it unaltered.

Popp was puzzled by this difference, and continued to experiment with UV light and other compounds. He performed his test on 37 different chemicals, some cancer-causing, some not. After a while, he was able to predict which substances could cause cancer. In every instance, the compounds that were carcinogenic took the UV light, absorbed it and changed or scrambled the frequency.

There was another odd property of these compounds: each of the carcinogens reacted only to light at a specific frequency -- 380 nm (nanometres) in the ultra-violet range. Popp kept wondering why a cancer-causing substance would be a light scrambler. He began reading the scientific literature specifically about human biological reactions, and came across information about a phenomenon called 'photorepair'.


It is well known from biological laboratory experiments that if you blast a cell with UV light so that 99 per cent of the cell, including its DNA, is destroyed, you can almost entirely repair the damage in a single day just by illuminating the cell with the same wavelength at a much weaker intensity. To this day, scientists don't understand this phenomenon, called photorepair, but no one has disputed it.

What's so special about 380-nanometer frequency? It is where the best "photorepair"
effects take place — a phenomenon described as such:

Popp also knew that patients with xeroderma pigmentosum [right] eventually die of skin cancer because their photorepair system can't repair solar damage. He was also struck by the fact that photorepair works most efficiently at 380 nm -- the same frequency that the cancer-causing compounds react to and scramble.This was where Popp made his logical leap. If the carcinogens only react to this frequency, it must somehow be linked to photorepair. If so, this would mean that there must be some kind of light in the body responsible for photorepair. A compound must cause cancer because it permanently blocks this light and scrambles it, so photorepair can't work anymore. It seemed logical, but was it true?

Light inside the body

Popp wrote about it in a paper and a prestigious medical journal agreed to publish it.

Not long after that, Popp was approached by a student named Bernhard Ruth, who asked Popp to supervise his work for his doctoral dissertation. Popp told Ruth he was prepared to do so if the student could show that light was emanating from the human body.

This meeting was fortuitous for Popp because Ruth happened to be an excellent experimental physicist. Ruth thought the idea was ridiculous, and immediately set to work building equipment to prove Popp's hypothesis wrong.

Within two years, Ruth had constructed a machine resembling a big X-ray detector which used a photomultiplier to count light, photon by photon. Even today, it is still one of the best pieces of equipment in the field. The machine had to be highly sensitive because it had to measure what Popp assumed would be extremely weak emissions.


In an old documentary film taken in the laboratory at the International Institute of Biophysics, Dr. Popp opens a chamber about the size of a bread box. He places a fresh cutting from a plant and a wooden match in a plastic container inside the dark chamber and closed the light proof door.

Immediately he switches on the photomultiplyer and the image shows up on a computer screen. The match stick is black while the green, glowing silhouette of the leaves is clearly visible.
Dr. Popp exclaims, "We now know, today, that man is essentially a being of light."

In 1976, they were ready for their first test with cucumber seedlings. The photomultiplier showed that photons, or light waves, of a surprisingly high intensity were being emitted from the seedlings. In case the light had to do with an effect of photosynthesis, they decided that their next test -- with potatoes -- would be to grow the seedling plants in the dark. This time, when the seedlings were placed in the photomultiplier, they registered an even higher intensity of light. What's more, the photons in the living systems they'd examined were more coherent than anything they'd ever seen.

Popp began thinking about light in nature. Light was present in plants and was used during photosynthesis. When we eat plant foods, he thought, it must be that we take up the photons and store them.

When we consume broccoli, for example, and digest it, it is metabolised into carbon dioxide (CO2) and water, plus the light stored from the sun and photosynthesis. We extract the CO2 and eliminate the water, but the light, an EM wave, must be stored. When taken in by the body, the energy of these photons dissipates and becomes distributed over the entire spectrum of EM frequencies, from the lowest to the highest.

This energy is the driving force for all the molecules in our body. Before any chemical reaction can occur, at least one electron must be activated by a photon with a certain wavelength and enough energy.

The biochemist and Nobel Prize winner Lehninger mentions in his textbook that some reactions in the living cell happen quite a lot faster than what corresponds to 37C temperature. The explanation seems to be that the body purposely directs chemical reactions by means of electromagnetic vibrations (biophotons).

Photons (Light) control everything in the cell

Photons switch on the body's processes like an orchestra conductor bringing each individual instrument into the collective sound. At different frequencies, they perform different functions. Popp found that molecules in the cells responded to certain frequencies, and that a range of vibrations from the photons caused a variety of frequencies in other molecules of the body.

This theory has been supported by Dr. Veljko Veljkovic who now heads the Center for Multidisciplinary Research and Engineering, Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinca. She dared to ask the question that has forever puzzled cellular biologists: What is it that enabled the tens of thousands of different kinds of molecules in the organism to recognize their specific targets? Living processes depend on selective interactions between particular molecules, and that is true for basic metabolism to the subtlest nuances of emotion. It's like trying to find a friend in a very big very crowded ballroom in the dark.

The conventional picture of a cell even now is that of a bag of molecules dissolved in water. And through bumping into one another by chance -- random collisions -- those molecules that have complementary shapes lock onto to each other so the appropriate biochemical reactions can take place. This 'lock and key' model has been refined to a more flexible (and realistic) 'induced fit' hypothesis that allows each molecule to change shape slightly to fit the other better after they get in touch, but the main idea remains the same.

What has been proposed is that somehow each molecule sends out a unique electromagnetic field that can "sense" the field of the complimentary molecule. It's as if there is a "dance" in the cellular medium and the molecules move to the rythm. The music is supplied by the biophoton.

" Veljkovic and Cosic proposed that molecular interactions are electrical in nature, and they take place over distances that are large compared with the size of molecules. Cosic later introduced the idea of dynamic electromagnetic field interactions, that molecules recognize their particular targets and vice versa by electromagnetic resonance. In other words, the molecules send out specific frequencies of electromagnetic waves which not only enable them to 'see' and 'hear' each other, as both photon and phonon modes exist for electromagnetic waves, but also to influence each other at a distance and become drawn to each other if vibrating out of phase (in a complementary way)." -- The Real Bioinformatics Revolution: Proteins and Nucleic Acids Singing to One Another? (Paper available at report@i-sis.org.uk)

"There are about 100,000 chemical reactions happening in every cell each second. The chemical reaction can only happen if the molecule which is reacting is excited by a photon... Once the photon has excited a reaction it returns to the field and is available for more reactions... We are swimming in an ocean of light."
These 'biophoton emission', as Popp called them, provided an ideal communication system for the transfer of information to many cells across the organism. But the single most important question remained: where was the light coming from?

A particularly gifted student talked him into another experiment. It is known that when ethidium bromide is applied to samples of DNA, it insinuates itself in between the base pairs of the double helix, causing DNA to unwind. The student suggested that, after applying the chemical, they measure the light coming from the sample. Popp found that the greater the concentration of ethidium, the more the DNA unravelled, but also the stronger the intensity of light. Conversely, the less he used, the less light was emitted.

He also found that DNA could send out a wide range of frequencies, some of which seemed to be linked to certain functions. If DNA stored this light, it would naturally emit more light on being unzipped.

These and other studies proved to Popp that one of the most essential sources of light and biophoton emissions was DNA. DNA was like the master tuning fork of the body. It would strike a particular frequency and certain molecules would follow. It was also possible, he realised, that he had stumbled upon the missing link in current DNA theory that could account for perhaps the greatest miracle of all in human biology -- how a single cell can turn into a fully formed human being.

How cells "talk" to eachother

When you get a cut or scratch on your skin, the cells that are injured somehow signal the surrounding healthy cells to begin reproducing copies of themselves to fill in and mend the opening. When the skin is back to normal, a signal is sent to the cells to tell them to stop reproducing. Scientists have wondered exactly how this works.

With biophoton emissions, Popp believed he had an answer to this question. This phenomenon of coordination and communication could only occur in a holistic system with one central orchestrator. Popp showed in his experiments that these weak light emissions were sufficient to orchestrate the body's repairs. The emissions had to be low intensity because these communications took place on a very small, intracellular, quantum level. Higher intensities would have an effect only in the world of the large and would create too much "noise" to be effective.

In one series of studies, Popp had one of his assistants -- a 27-year-old healthy young woman -- sit in the room every day for nine months while he took photon readings of a small area of her hand and forehead. Popp then analysed the data and discovered, to his surprise, that the light emissions followed certain set patterns -- biological rhythms at 7, 14, 32, 80 and 270 days -- and similarities were also noted by day or night, by week and by month, as though the body were following the world's biorhythms as well as its own.

If you are ill or facing adversity, you can begin to heal yourself by
following the paths others have followed

Cancer is a loss of coherent light

So far, Popp had studied only healthy individuals and found an exquisite coherence at the quantum level. But what kind of light is present in those who are ill?

Popp tried out his machine on a series of cancer patients. In every instance, these patients had lost those natural periodic rhythms as well as their coherence. The lines of internal communication were scrambled. They had lost their connection with the world. In effect, their light was going out.

Just the opposite is seen with multiple sclerosis: MS is a state of too much order. Patients with this disease are taking in too much light, thereby inhibiting their cells' ability to do their job. Too much cooperative harmony prevented flexibility and individuality -- like too many soldiers marching in step as they cross a bridge, causing it to collapse. Perfect coherence is an optimal state between chaos and order. With too much cooperation, it is as though individual members of the orchestra are no longer able to improvise. In effect, MS patients are drowning in light.

Popp also examined the effects of stress. In a stressed state, the rate of biophoton emissions goes up -- a defence mechanism designed to restore the patient's equilibrium.

Popp now recognized that what he'd been experimenting with was even more than a c---- for cancer or Gestaltbildung. Here was a model which provided a better explanation than the current neo-Darwinist theory for how all living things evolve on the planet. Rather than a system of fortunate but ultimately random error, if DNA uses frequencies of every variety as an information tool, this suggests instead a feedback system of perfect communication through waves that encode and transfer information.

The Source Field Investigations by David Wilcock and The Field by Lynne McTaggart draw on research from Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp to illustrate how "cancer, rather than being some mysterious and awful problem, can now be traced back to a loss of coherence in the light we store in our bodies — as all carcinogens end up scrambling light at a 380-nanometer frequency" (p182, The Source Field Investigations).

"Good vibes" means coherent light

Popp came to realize that light in the body might even hold the key to health and illness. In one experiment, he compared the light from free-range hens' eggs with that from penned-in, caged hens. The photons in the former were far more coherent than those in the latter.

Popp went on to use biophoton emissions as a tool for measuring the quality of food. The healthiest food had the lowest and most coherent intensity of light. Any disturbance in the system increased the production of photons. Health was a state of perfect subatomic communication, and ill health was a state of communication breakdown. We are ill when our waves are out of synch.

Bio Photon emission detection is currently used commercially in the food industry. Agricultural science is looking at Bio-photon emissions to determine plant health for the purposes of food quality control. Biophotonen is a company working for development and practical applications of biophotonics. The work is based on a variety of patents. "Biophotonen" solves practical problems of food industry, environmental industry, cosmetics, etc.

Biophoton Therapy

Biophoton therapy is the application of light to particular areas of the skin for healing purposes. The light, or photons, that are emitted by these units are absorbed by the skin's photoreceptors and then travel through the body's nervous system to the brain, where they help regulate what is referred to as our human bio-energy. By stimulating certain areas of the body with specific quantities of light, biophoton therapy can help reduce pain as well as aid in various healing processes throughout the body.

The theory behind biophoton therapy is based on the work of Dr. Franz Morell and has been expanded by the work of Doctors L.C. Vincent and F.A. Popp, who theorized that light can affect the electromagnetic oscillation, or waves of the body and regulate enzyme activity.

It took some 25 years for Popp to gather converts from among the scientific community. Slowly, a few select scientists around the globe began to consider that the body's communication system might be a complex network of resonance and frequency. Eventually, they would form the International Institute of Biophysics, composed of 15 groups of scientists from international centres around the world.

Popp and his new colleagues went on to study the light emissions from several organisms of the same species, first in an experiment with a type of water flea of the genus Daphnia. What they found was nothing short of astonishing. Tests with a photomultiplier showed that the water fleas were sucking up the light emitted from each other. Popp tried the same experiment on small fish and got the same result. According to his photomultiplier, sunflowers were like biological vacuum cleaners, moving in the direction of the most solar photons to hoover them up. Even bacteria swallowed photons from the media they were put in.

Communication between organisms

For humans, there was another possibility. If we could take in the photons of other living things, we might also be able to use the information from them to correct our own light if it went awry.


[Extracted from The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe, by Lynne McTaggart]

Light in human consciousness

Energy is necessary for any life form to exist. When this energy becomes disrupted, a number of bodily functions can be affected. Through the use of biophoton light, this energy can be rebalanced and strengthened, thus alleviating and improving numerous health conditions. Since body and mind are connected through this energy, we are not only able to improve physical conditions, but this therapy can also aid in achieving a greater state of mental and emotional health.

1. Increases vascularity (circulation) by increasing the formation of NEW Capillaries, which are additional Blood Vessels that replace damaged ones. NEW Capillaries SPEED-UP the Healing Process by carrying MORE Oxygen as well as MORE Nutrients needed for Healing and they can also carry MORE Waste Products away.

2. Stimulates the production of Collagen. Collagen is the MOST common Protein found in the body. Collagen is the ESSENTIAL Protein used to REPAIR damaged Tissue and to replace old Tissue. It is the substance, that holds Cells together and has a HIGH degree of elasticity. By increasing Collagen Production, LESS Scar Tissue is formed at the damaged site.

3. Stimulates the release of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the major carrier of Energy to ALL Cells. Increases in ATP allow Cells to accept Nutrients FASTER and get rid of Waste Products FASTER by increasing the Energy Level in the Cell. ALL Food turns into ATP, before it is utilized by the Cells. ATP provides the Chemical Energy, that drives the Chemical Reaction of the Cell.

4. Increases Lymphatic System activity. Edema, which is the swelling or natural Splinting Process of the Body, has two basic components. The first is a liquid part, which can be evacuated by the Blood System and the second is comprised of the Proteins, which have to be evacuated by the Lymphatic System.Research has shown that the Lymph Vessel diameter and the flow of the Lymph System can be DOUBLED with the use of Biophoton Light Therapy. The venous diameter and the arterial diameters can also be increased. This means that both parts of edema (liquid and protein) can be evacuated at a MUCH FASTER rate to relieve swelling.

5. Increases RNA and DNA synthesis. This helps damaged Cells to be replaced MORE promptly.

6. Reduces the excitability of Nervous Tissue. The Biophotons of Light Energy enter the Body as Negative Ions. This calls upon the Body to send Positive Ions like Calcium among others to go to the area being treated. These Ions assist in firing the Nerves, thereby relieving Pain.

7. Stimulates Fibroblastic Activity, which aids in the Repair Process. Fibroblasts are present in Connective Tissue and are capable of forming Collagen Fibers.

8. Increases Phagocytosis, which is the process of scavenging for and ingesting dead or degenerated Cells by Phagocyte Cells for the purpose of clean-up. This is an IMPORTANT part of the Infection Fighting Process. Destruction of the Infection and clean-up must occur before the Healing Process can take place.

9. Induces a thermal-like Effect in the Tissue, the Biophoton Light raises the Temperature of the Cells, although there is NO heat produced from the Tubes themselves.

10. Stimulates Tissue Granulation and Connective Tissue Projections, which are part of the Healing Process of Wounds, Ulcers or Inflamed Tissue.

11. Stimulates Acetylcholine release. Acetylcholine causes Cardiac Inhibition, Vasodilation, Gastrointestinal Peristalsis and other Parasympathetic Effects.

. "In absolute laymen's terms, as I understand it, our DNA needs light in order to operate properly. It absorbs light and puts it to use to make our body work. When we're stressed we give off some of this light and eventually need it to be replenished. When carcinogens — like benzo[a]pyrene — get in our system, they absorb light at one frequency and spit it out into our system as another. This becomes a big problem when it's the 380nm frequency because when this frequency gets scrambled, our bodies can't perform photorepair. As a result, we ultimately follow the fate of the patients with xermoderma pigmentosum (above)."

Latest Biophoton 380nm 30 LED Body Pad

Product apperance may vary slightly as this is being upgraded monthly at this time

Picture this Use your Rife frequecy Resonator or you BTPro to pulse your 380nm biophoton mask / Pad at 10hz

In 2003 NASA-Goodwin found 10 Hz square wave stimulation caused neural tissue regeneration @ 4x baseline, w/ better 3-D orientation; cell DNA signature turned - OFF - 120+ sets of maturation genes and turned - ON - 120+ sets of developmental genes. Over 100 sets of nucleic DNA reverted from maturation to developmental. NASA didn't dig deep enough to explain why cell regeneration QUADRUPLED under 10 Hz pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) or why the genetic effects occurred ONLY at 10 Hz pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF). However more ATP explains very well based upon the work of David Hood and the efficient demonstration by James Tong

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Biophoton NEW 380nm 30 LED Body Pad

More information on the BTPro .


Bio photon /Pad

Pulse your Biophoton pads at 10 hz or multiple frequencies

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Rife discovered that every virus, bacterium, parasite and other pathogen is particularly sensitive to a specific "frequency" of sound and can be destroyed by intensifying that frequency until it literally explodes - like an intense musical note that can shatter a wine glass! To "disintegrate" the microbes, Rife invented a Beam Ray machine (now known as a Rife machine)

"It’s important for us to know that biophoton signals are blocked when we’re under the kind of subliminal stress caused by electropollution. The bottom line is that electropollution is continually Disturbing—whether you know it or not—your sympathetic nervous system, which elevates your fight-and-flight response that in turn raises cortisol, your stress hormone. Fluctuations in cortisol lead to numerous health disorders ranging from belly fat and thinning skin to even more serious health problems like erratic sleep patterns, accelerated aging, reduced immunity, cardiovascular disease, blood sugar ups and downs, autoimmune disease, and mood disturbances. For most all of us today, unnatural exposure to artificial frequencies is constant, and often unavoidable, due to the rapidly escalating wireless nature of our society within the past decade."


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RPro Biophoton Body Pad


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