DMI Digital Media Interface (for ABPA)
Approx USD$1,342.91
Digital Media Interface
The newest product from Altered States for your ABPA is the Digital
Media Interface (DMI). A sad day has come when the Polaroid company has
stopped making Polaroid 600 film that many of us has come to depend on
our work and results. Over the last 3 years IC has been working secretly
on a new cutting edge product
to replace the Polaroid 600 film. After many prototypes we finally arrived
at the new DMI. The DMI is able to be used in all Advance Bio-Photon
Analyzers models A1, A2 & AM3 system along with all Radionics type
units that previous received the P600 film and the SE5 as well. By simply
connecting the computer USB printer cable to the DMI you can move a single
onto the DMI and then placing the DMI into the receiver well as shown
below you can use the unit just like before with
just as good results. If your using a remote software program like “www.mesh.com” “logmein” or “go
to my pc”
you can move digital photograph in and out of the unit from any where
in the world easier and simpler then ever before.
The only unit on the market that uses phase conjugation software. •
Over comes the geo-synchronous stationary obstacles that are plagued
by just using the stand alone USB thumb drive with digital photographs. •
The DMI can actively track a subject like the P600 film has while keeping
a bio-feed back loop. Unlike the USB drive which is a mono path only.
Simply said “Stand on the “X” and don’t EVER
move. I’m not tracking you” •
With remote software you can remotely move digital photographs on and
off the DMI while not even being in the same zip code or country.
The DMI must be powered all the time either by the USB cable or by the
power supply that comes with it.
IPS -International Power Supply (optional) •
The DMI has a reset button that the user can reset on there own without
sending it back to the factory. (red button, lower left inside hole) •
The DMI can receive factory updates for the all ABPA models only.
The DMI has a “POST” (power on system test) to tell if it
is working correctly or not. The DMI will routinely reset it self to
clear the buffer. The DMI can runs for months without the buffer getting
full and crashing.
Weight: 6 ounces.
Battery Power: 9 Volts Alkaline (optional)
A/C Power: 9VDC @ 300 Ma a/c wall plug
IPS -International Power Supply (optional)
Plastic Type: ABS Plastic
Warranty: 3 Year Limited
Drop resistance: 3 feet
Software Knowledge: None needed
Internal software: Proprietary Sealed
Airport X-ray scans: Yes, Safe
Digital photos size must be 1700kb or larger
Digital photos must be 5 megapixel or higher
Red coloring is no long an issue with photos
Photo type: JPG or BMP are the only types
USB printer cable (not included)
Digitals photos emailed over the internet are ok
Can not use photographs posted on internet
Can not cut, paste or alter original photo
DMI for the ABPA



DMI For the SE-5 |
First I would like to be very clear about this unit. The Digital Media
Interface or DMI has been designed
with a series of laws that must be followed for the unit to work correctly
these (5) laws are as follows.
Law 1 - The photograph must be taken with a 5 Megapixel or higher in
resolution camera. The reason for
this is I don’t want any one think they can take a photograph off
of a website from the internet
and just use it.
Law 2 – Each photograph size must be 1700kb (1.7mb) or larger.
It can be as lager as 50,000kb or
(500mb) per photograph. Again this is the 2 law of safety so no one can
take a random
photograph off a website site and just use it.
Law 3 - When using the DMI you can ONLY have one person loaded onto the
DMI drive at a time. If you
place more then 1 photograph you will have co-mingled energy and this
will confuse the DMI
targeting software.
NO altering or cut and paste, all photos must be original and untouched.
Law 4 – The unit must have power connected and be running for the
DMI to work correctly. The DMI was
designed to work as an active system not a passive system. Do not use
DC or USB together.
Law 5 – There are 2 file folder located on the DMI drive. (1) The
folder titled “Subject” is the folder that
the software will scan from. This is the only place on the drive a photograph
can be placed and
used. (2) The second folder titled “Updates” is for future
software updates for the Advanced
Bio-Photon Analyzer model A1, A2 and AM3 system ONLY! Once you register
your DMI you will
be emailed the updates. This means you will not need to send unit A1,
A2 or AM3 unit back in for
software updates they will be updated on the DMI drive. If you see the
need to move the DMI
unit to another ABPA unit the updates will work on that unit as will.
At this time it is limited to
just these models however, we may see the need to expand it in the future,
if so we can.
How to connect your unit to the computer:
For simple practices will use the Advanced Bio-Photon Analyzer model
A2 for our example.
Step 1 - Unpack the Digital Media Interface (DMI) from the shipping box
you will have the following items.
A. The DMI unit and the paperwork for warranty and instructions.
B. The power supply (this is not an IPS supply) the IPS can be purchase
separately for
oversee order or uses. For oversee use DO NOT use a convertor the warranty
will not
cover it only use an IPS.
Step 2 - Connect the USB printer cable to the DMI and computer. Will
work the same for MAC or PC
Step 3 - Your computer should find the DMI drive and be labeled as example “DMI
(E :)”
Step 4 - Move your digital photograph (see laws 1, 2 & 3) into the
file folder marked “Subject”
Step 5 - If you choose to power the DMI from the USB cable simple place
the DMI into the “Sample Well”
Step 6 - If you do not need to have the computer connected, then use
the power supply only not both.
Step 7 - Place the DMI into the sample well or reference well or slot
(On SE-5 or Radionics unit place
where you would normally place the Polaroid 600 film (P600)
Step 8 - Use your unit like you would normally would.
Remote software:
One of the free programs I used to test the DMI was www.mesh.com or “log
me in”. With the mesh
service you will need to have a free “hotmail” or “live” email
account. There are many cool features to
mesh program however once you have Live Mesh Beta setup on between 2
computers you can remotely
move photographs from the computer onto the DMI from a different location.
In the short near future I
will make a short video and post it to the Altered states website
Thank You,
Dr Alan Bac
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