Ionic Colloidal Silver Generator


Approx USD$133.72

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control1 (ECDC) shows a significant rise of resistance to multiple antibiotics in Klebsiella pneumoniae and E. coli in just the last four years , affecting more than one-third of the EU, and the primary cause for this man-made epidemic is the widespread misuse of antibiotics.

Between the years of 1993 and 2005, the number of Americans hospitalized due to the antibiotic-resistant “superbug” MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) skyrocketed from about 2,000 to 370,000.

Currently, MRSA and other antibiotic-resistant infections kill about 60,000

• In the EU there were about 3 million healthcare associated infections in 2006, leading to 50,000 deaths according to some estimates.
• In the US, there were about 1.7 million healthcare associated infections in 2002 leading to 99,000 deaths.
The mortality rates of nosocomial infections show a sharp increase when they are caused by antibiotic-resistant strains compared with sensitive strains.

New research shows that low doses of silver can massively boost the effect of antibiotics on bacteria, making them up to 1,000 times more sensitive to the drugs. The researchers hope their discovery will give new life to old antibiotics, including those to which microbes have become resistant.

Promising cure to URTI pandemics, including the Avian flu (H5N1):
has the final solution to the coming plagues been discovered? (Part II)

Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University, reported their findings in a paper published online in Science Translational Medicine on 19 June.A team lead by Jim Collins, a biomedical engineer at Boston University, showed that dissolved silver ions interfere with several cellular processes in bacteria, including disulfide-bond formation, iron homeostasis, and metabolism. These changes not only make the cell membrane more permeable, but also lead to increased production of reactive oxygen species, which can induce cell death via DNA damage. (Last month, a report from a different group found that vitamin C has a similar effect on the bacteria that cause tuberculosis.)

A declining pipeline of clinically useful antibiotics has made it imperative to develop more effective antimicrobial therapies, particularly against difficult-to-treat Gram-negative pathogens. Silver has been used as an antimicrobial since antiquity, yet its mechanism of action remains unclear. We show that silver disrupts multiple bacterial cellular processes, including disulfide bond formation, metabolism, and iron homeostasis. Source

When Jim Collins and colleagues supplemented antibiotics with a small amount of silver, both in vitro and in a mouse model of a urinary tract infection, the combination killed up to 1,000 times more bacteria than the antibiotics did on their own. In addition, the researchers showed that silver sensitizes Gram-negative bacteria to vancomycin, a large-molecule antibiotic that usually can’t breach the outer coating on the bacterial cell membranes.

Mortality rates of infections by antibiotic resistant/susceptible bacteria

They found not only did silver boost the ability of a broad range of commonly used antibiotics so as to stop mice dying of otherwise lethal infections, but it made at least one resistant bacterium succumb to antibiotics again.

Inhibitory effects of silver nanoparticles on H1N1 influenza A virus

The addition of silver also broadened the effect of vancomycin, an antibiotic that is usually only effective at killing Gram-positive bacteria like Staph and Strep; aided by silver it killed Gram-negative bacteria such as those that cause food poisoning and dangerous hospital-acquired infections.

As reported by Medical News Today:

“..Not only did silver boost the ability of a broad range of commonly used antibiotics so as to stop mice dying of otherwise lethal infections, but it made at least one resistant bacterium succumb to antibiotics again. The addition of silver also broadened the effect of vancomycin, an antibiotic that is usually only effective at killing Gram-positive bacteria like Staph and Strep; aided by silver it killed Gram-negative bacteria such as those that cause food poisoning and dangerous hospital-acquired infections.”

Vance Fowler, an infectious disease physiologist at Duke University in North Carolina, told Nature that the study is “really cool”

Silver has been used for thousands of years as an antimicrobial agent and has been included in wound dressings and bandages to inhibit the growth of infectious microorganisms. *In this study, researchers wanted to gain a more comprehensive understanding of why silver acts this way against bacteria. Hippocrates is known to have used it to treat ulcers and wounds, the Romans almost certainly knew of its healing properties, its use continued through the middle ages and up to the present day.

"The presence of colloidal silver near a virus, fungus, bacterium or any single celled pathogen disables its oxygen metabolism enzyme, its chemical lung, so to say. Within a few minutes, the pathogen suffocates and dies and is cleared out of the body by the immune, lymphatic and elimination systems."

"Unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics which destroy beneficial enzymes, Colloidal Silver leaves these tissue-cell enzymes intact as they are radically different from the enzymes of primitive single-celled life. Thus Colloidal Silver is absolutely safe for humans, reptiles, plants, and all multi-celled living matter."

"Colloidal Silver is the result of an electro-magnetic process that pulls microscopic particles from a larger piece of silver into a liquid such as water. These microscopic particles can more easily penetrate and travel throughout the body. Colloidal Silver works as a catalyst, disabling the enzyme that all one celled bacteria, fungi, and viruses use for their oxygen metabolism. In short, the bad guys suffocate."From we quoted from the article

“We found that (silver) was affecting the membrane of gram-negative bacteria, such as E. coli, making their membranes more permeable,” study author Jim Collins, the William F. Warren Distinguished Professor at Boston University and a faculty member at the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, told

With the recent rise of deadly drug-resistant bacteria in the United States, once potent antibiotics are losing their luster as they increasingly becoming powerless in the fight against these dangerous infections. *But new research suggests that an extra ingredient could help boost antibiotics’ overall effectiveness."

Collins explained that the silver also interacts with central metabolism, leading to the disruption of iron homeostasis. *In turn, this causes the production of molecules known as reactive oxygen species (ROS), which ultimately damage the bacterial cell’s DNA and enzymes.

“We recognized that one or both of these mechanisms could be exploited to enhance the killing efficacy of antibiotics,” Collins said.

Along with his colleague J. Ruben Morones-Ramirez, a former post-doctoral fellow in Collins’ laboratory who is currently a professor at Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo Leon in Mexico, Collins and his team conducted a series of tests on the antibiotic-silver combination in vitro (in petri dishes) and in vivo (in mouse models). *

WTH,, " Wayback in 2006 a clinical study from BYU (published in Current Science, Vol. 91, No. 7, 10 October 2006) documented the fact that adding colloidal silver to an antibiotic drug such as penicillin actually increases the efficacy of the antibiotic by a factor of as much as tenfold when used against antibiotic-resistant microbes.
In other words, the study demonstrated that standard antibiotics – including penicillin -- tend to work significantly better against antibiotic-resistant microbes when colloidal silver is added!
I n fact, since way back in the late 1800’s when medical researchers first learned how to run currents of electricity through pure silver wire suspended in water and created the first crude colloidal silver solution, colloidal silver has never lost its powerful infection-fighting qualities against the myriad of pathogens it’s been used to treat. "

Through their tests, the team showed that just a small amount of silver made E. coli bacteria between 10 and 1,000 times more sensitive to commonly prescribed antibiotics, such as penicillin. In the mice models, Collins and his team demonstrated that silver was able to change the membrane permeability of gram-negative bacteria. *This enabled a large antibiotic called vancomycin, which has normally been used to fight gram-positive bacteria, to be effective against gram-negative as well.

Most importantly, the researchers showed that silver helped the antibiotic tetracycline fight a previously resilient strain of E. coli. *This signified that the combination of silver and antibiotics could be used to resensitize antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria.

The rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, such as deadly MRSA or Clostridium difficile, has been considered a major health threat by the Food and Drug Administration. *To fight this growing problem, the FDA has called for the reduction of drug-resistant bacteria in foods and animals used in food production, as well as the creation of new antibiotics to combat these deadly infections.

But the study’s findings indicate that the development of new drugs may not be necessary, Collins said. *The team suggested silver could be used as coating on existing antibiotics or incorporated into medical implants, to help prevent or eradicate infections that often occur during such medical procedures.

“Can we make our antibiotic arsenal stronger using these engineering methods?” Collins said. *“The number of antibiotic-resistant strains has been growing, and the number of new antibiotics being made and approved are dramatically dropping. So instead of discovering and developing novel antibiotics, could we figure out ways to make the ones we have better?”

The research was published June 19 in Science Translational Medicine.

"That's a pretty interesting news brief, considering that the FDA has ruled that colloidal silver preparations are "not proven safe and effective" as germ-killing agents (FDA Final Ruling July 1999). Furthermore, for the past six months the FDA and FTC have instituted a massive ongoing campaign to stop colloidal silver manufacturers and sellers from mentioning silver's medical qualities in their advertising. In a recent press release which was published on page A-1 of The Wall St. Journal and many other U.S. newspapers, the FDA/FTC cabal bragged that dozens of colloidal silver sellers were being forced to change their advertising literature or remove their advertising altogether.

Myth,,,CS destroys stomach Bacteria

"Former teacher of physics and chemistry, Howard Mitchell of Virginia, recently conducted a series of experiments with colloidal silver. He found that CS has no effects on acidophilus, the 'good bacteria' found in the stomach. Mitchell used concentrations forty times higher than what might be expected to destroy other forms of bacteria. It shows that even in large dosages, the intestinal flora will flourish. In fact, there is speculation that the silver ions may be advantageous in stimulating a vigorous growth of beneficial bacteria, helping to boost the immune system."

Why then do you think that The European Union banned the sale of oral colloidal silver supplements several years ago.But has no problem with allowing the sale of nanosilver-infused clothing, such as nanosilver socks

Silver nanoparticles have been shown to inhibit viruses

As you can see at this link, EU companies can even claim in their advertising that nanosilver-embedded socks will kill over 600 pathogens, including the following nasty, disease-causing microbes:

Escherichia coli (E. coli)
Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
Chlamydia trachomatis
Providencia stuartii
Vibrio vulnificus
Nitrate-negative bacillus
Candida albicans
Bacillus cloacae
Bacillus allantoides
Morgan's bacillus (Salmonella morgani)
Pseudomonas altophila
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Bacillus subtilis
Bacillus foecalis alkaligenes
Streptococcus hemolyticus B
Salmonella paratyphi C
Plus these EU clothing manufacturers claim their nanosilver socks will:

An Amazing list of Users suggestions for Mild Silver Protien (Colloidal Silver)

Prevent the occurrence of dermal infections, mycoses and eczemas and aid in their treatment.
Absorb sweat and by killing bacterial help eliminate unpleasant foot odor.
Improve blood supply to the feet and have an overall positive effect on circulation

In the U.S., colloidal silver meant for ingestion is reluctantly allowed. But clothing impregnated with antimicrobial nanosilver is considered to be a "threat to the environment" and is largely disallowed.

That which is forbidden in the U.S. is allowed with open arms in the EU. And that which is forbidden in the EU, is allowed here in the U.S. Sound like and experiment in people control :(

We have been telling people for years:

Suffocates The Bugs
Primitive one-celled life uses a different method of oxygen metabolism.
When Colloidal silver comes into contact with any virus, fungus or bacterium it immobilizes the oxygen-metabolising enzyme, or chemical lung.
These disease-causing pathogens suffocate and die within minutes and are then cleared out of the body by the immune, lymphatic and eliminatory systems.

Is Now Science is waking up? Dr. Robert O. Becker says, “What we have actually done is rediscover the fact that silver kills bacteria which has been known for centuries. When antibiotics were discovered, clinical uses for silver as an antibiotic were discarded.”

How Colloidal Silver Works Against A Virus
A single virus will invade a living cell of body tissue.
The pathogen will take over the nucleus of the cell and alter its production/reproductive mechanism so as to replicate itself instead of the enzyme, hormone or other chemical the cell was intended to produce.

As the virus changes the cell for its own purposes, the cell reverts to a more primitive form of cell structure and chemistry.
The oxygen-metabolising enzyme, or chemical lung, in the cell wall also reverts and is vulnerable to the effect of Colloidal Silver.

The catalytic effect of the Colloidal Silver inhibits the enzyme which then cannot function to bring oxygen into the cell. The virus-producing cell now dies and is eliminated along with the millions of cells that end their usefulness each day.

How Colloidal Silver Works Against Bacteria.
Bacteria, which are single-celled & primitive, use an enzyme, or chemical lung, for their oxygen metabolism.
The presence of Colloidal Silver inhibits the enzyme, causing suffocation. The bacteria will be killed within minutes and without any effect on the surrounding tissue cells.

How Colloidal Silver Works Against Fungus
A fungus is a series of single cells having tiny tubes of the material of the cell wall stretched between the cells.
Fungus still exhibits that characteristic of any one-celled bacterium – a chemical lung which is immobilised by the presence of Colloidal Silver.
It takes only minutes to suffocate the attacking fungus.

Parasitic Infections
Taking larger doses spread over the day, for several days, should interrupt the life-cycle of the tiny, worm-like animals that burrow through a particular organ. These parasites reproduce by laying eggs which have the same characteristics of the oxygen-metabolising enzyme as the primitive single-celled bacterium. Without their oxygen supply these eggs cannot hatch, and die. "

A Closer Look At Colloidal Silver By Peter A. Lindemann,

"Use of Colloids in Health and Disease." Colloidal silver has proven particularly effective in cases of intestinal troubles. Dr. Henry Crooks found that "silver in the colloidal state is highly germicidal, quite harmless to humans and absolutely non-toxic. Rather than in a chemical compound, the silver in the colloidal state may be applied in a much more concentrated form, with correspondingly better results. All virus, fungus, bacterium, streptococcus, staphylococcus, and other pathogenic organisms are killed in three or four minutes upon contact. There are no side effects whatsoever from the highest concentrations."

Dr. Robert Becker, "The Body Electric," recognized a correlation between low silver levels and sickness. He said the silver deficiency was responsible for the improper functioning of the immune system. Dr. Becker's experiments conclude that silver works on the full spectrum of pathogens without any side effects or damage to any part of the body. He also states that the silver was doing something more than killing disease organisms. It was also causing major growth stimulation of injured tissues. Burn patients and elderly patients noticed more rapid healing. He discovered that all cancer cells change back to normal cells. All strains of pathogens resistant to other antibiotics are killed by colloidal silver. Yet at that time he couldn't find a silver supplement on the market.

" Silver, Our Mightiest Germ Fighter," ScienceDigest, March 1978. As an antibiotic, colloidal silver kills over 650 disease causing organisms, and resistant strains fail to develop. Silver is the best all-around germ fighter we have and is absolutely non-toxic! Doctors report that, taken internally, it works against syphilis, cholera, malaria, diabetes and severe burns. Richard L. Davies, executive director of the Silver Institute which monitors silver technology in 37 countries, reports: "In four years we've described 87 important new medical uses for silver."

"If you’re a mother with young children, watch how quickly diaper rash, eye infections and ear infections clear up with colloidal silver. For diaper rash, spray directly on the body and into the fresh diaper. You can apply it with an eye dropper for any type of eye infection. Ear infections quickly heal after spraying colloid in the ear, saturating a small piece of cotton for an earplug and then periodically re-spraying. Spray it on band-aid pads to shorten healing time. Spray immediately on burns (sunburns too) to prevent infections, lower pain, and promote faster healing with less scarring. Add to bath water, gargles, colon irrigation and Water-Pic solutions. Added to douches, women will find that it will rapidly clear up vaginal/yeast infections and most cases of cystitis.

Older folks who are bedridden can especially benefit from silver colloid. Rinse all sheets, pillow cases, towels, blankets, etc by pouring a large cupful into your washer during its rinse cycle. Naturally, spray it directly on festering bed sores, skin rashes, psoriasis, etc. and watch what happens! Add to soaks for dentures and dental appliances.

Allergic reactions to certain foods or other irritants can cause hives or welts to appear on any area of the body of susceptible people shortly after exposure. Instead of running off to the doctor’s office for a steroid prescription of topical Cortisone or worst yet, Prednisone, spray colloidal silver on the affected area and watch the hives completely disappear in 15 minutes or so! "By: K. Adachi

Dr. Bjorn Nordstrom, of the Karolinska Institute, Sweden, has used silver in his cancer treatment method. He says the whole thing is quite simple. This brought rapid remission in patients given up on by other doctors.
The FDA has stated that because colloidal silver is accepted as a pre-1938 medication, it may continue to be marketed. Letter, 13 September 1991, received from consumer safety officer Harold Davis, U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
" Colloidal Preparations of Silver in Pharmacy," British Medical Journal, February 1923: "Pure Silver is entirely non-irritant. In tests at very high concentrations, it has been shown repeatedly that the rapidly exerted disinfectant action is of considerable therapeutic value."

Dr. Otto Warberg (Nobel Prize Winner, 1932) stated that "Cancer is caused by the lack of oxygen and the fermentation of sugars."

Provo Herald, 13 February 1992, page D1: "Colloidal Silver as a Remedy for AIDS.quot;
American Drug Index, section on Inorganic Pharmaceutical Chemistry, recognized silver for its germicidal action, calling a stabilized form: Mild Silver Protein. There are several concentrations of Mild Silver Protein.
The Condensed Medical Dictionary, 6th Edition: Mild Silver Protein is listed for medicinal use. The 4s protein-2 is the trace used as a stabilizer.

Even Pravda, the top newspaper in Russia, recently recommended
colloidal silver for the Flu, stating:

Medicinal Silver Home Remedies, Maurice Worthington, M.D., 1928.
" Colloidal Silver Preparations of Silver in Pharmacy," British Medical Journal, 1932.
Royalty, worldwide, have been called "Blue Bloods," because of the silver content in their blood, even from birth. They used real silverware, ate from silver dishes, and stored their food in silver containers. There were no doctors. The common people were often sick with something.

Make Your Own Colloidal Silver,
the Antibiotic of the Future!

Antibiotic-resistant germs are now considered epidemic in the United States, accounting for a growing number of serious infectious disorders. While most antibiotics disinfect about a half dozen or so germs, silver has been reported to disinfect hundreds. Most importantly, unlike conventional antibiotics, germs cannot build a resistance to the action of silver. A properly prepared colloid of silver is a special liquid preparation of this trace mineral that is extremely safe to use, even with children and pets, without many of the negative side effects of prescription antibiotics.
...from the pamphlet Colloidal Silver: The Natural Antibiotic Alternative by Zane Baranowski, CN.

Dr. Paul Farber's Successful Experiences Using Colloidal Silver
Dr. M. Paul Farber is widely credited with bringing the powerful qualities of colloidal silver against Candida yeast infections and Lyme Disease to the attention of the general public, in the 1990’s.

In his book, The Micro-Silver Bullet, he goes into great detail regarding his battle against Candida yeast infection and Lyme Disease, which he was able to cure using a form of colloidal silver

Virologist Dr. Gordon Pedersen Recommends Colloidal Silver for Maximum Protection Against Swine Flu In spite of an FDA crackdown on companies touting colloidal silver as a Swine Flu preventive and remedy, a number of high-profile medical researchers and related experts have been recommending colloidal silver as a first-line of defense against the Swine Flu and other viral pandemics.

These include Dr Eric Gordon, MD, Dr. Kent Holtorf, MD, Dr. Sherry Tenpenny, DO, Major General Albert "Bert" N. Stubblebine III (former commanding general of the United States Army Intelligence and Security Command), Dr. Rima E. Laibow, MD, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, Dr Rebecca Carley (the vaccine expert) and many others.

Dr. Gordon Pedersen Recommends Colloidal Silver

Dr. Gordon Pedersen, Ph.D., an expert in toxicology and virology who is associated with the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and is Director of the Institute of Alternative Medicine, has joined the ranks of those advocating for colloidal silver usage in the face of coming viral pandemics.

In his new article, Swine Flu Influenza Type A/H1N1 Protection for Health Care Practitioners and Their Patients, published in the Anti-Aging News Journal, he repeatedly recommends silver to stop not only the virus itself, but also the secondary bacterial infections that cause diseases such as pneumonia, which set in after the body has been weakened by the virus.

Possible ways of Enhancing the action of Colloidal Silver

Using Colloidal Silver and Cayenne

Possible ways of Enhancing the action of Colloidal Silver

This document explores using cayenne pepper to increase colloidal silver effectiveness. Cayenne stimulates the circulatory system and may act as a carrier for other combined substances.

Cayenne Pepper
The greatest benefit of using cayenne pepper in natural medicine comes from cayenne's ability to rapidly stimulate the circulatory system and deliver fresh blood and nutrients to the heart and other organs in the body. When used properly, cayenne "opens up" capillaries allowing vitalized blood to reach areas that it may not normally reach due to poor circulation.

Clinical and anecdotal evidence strongly suggests that cayenne pepper can be utilized to carry other substances, such as herbs and other nutrients, into the bloodstream - and sometimes within seconds. Extensive clinical studies conducted with cayenne pepper and Ginko Biloba demonstrate that Ginko is effective in 75% more cases than if the herb were used alone. This is significant since in order for Ginko Biloba to be effective it must be carried directly to the brain.

Extensive reports by Dr. Christopher show the vast benefit cayenne pepper can have both with emergency heart conditions and the health of the entire circulatory system. Dr. Christopher, after extensive experience, believed that cayenne pepper delivers vital nutrients directly to the heart within seconds of proper use. He utilized the stimulating effects of cayenne to restore proper function to the heart in heart attack cases.

Although it's much more convenient to use capsules, the full benefit cannot be achieved with this method. A tincture or a powder ( added to water ) should be used. A full strength dose is one teaspoon of powder mixed into a glass of warm water. Despite the initial discomfort, it is critical that the cayenne come in contact with the tongue as the cayenne acts as a metabolic catalyst.

Cayenne and Colloidal Silver
It is unknown exactly how effective cayenne pepper is in delivering colloidal silver to the bloodstream or organs of the body. In addition to stimulating the circulatory system, cayenne loosens the mucus in the lungs associated with infections. Within only a few minutes of using cayenne orally, the mucus begins to break up, and the lungs begin a process of clearing. This treatment is ideal when nebulizing with colloidal silver. Since any colloidal silver is only effective in areas it can directly reach, utilizing cayenne in this manner can greatly increase the infection fighting properties of colloidal silver as used in the lungs.

Then, having mixed one teaspoon of cayenne powder in a glass of warm water, one takes a partial mouthful of the mixture, and holds it under the tongue for as long as possible before swallowing ( at least 30 seconds ). The discomfort is temporary, and is best done when the stomach is not empty.

This treatment should be tailored according to the situation and the tolerance/condition of the person in question. Definitive results should become quite evident within 72 hours even with chronic conditions.

It is always wise to use cayenne pepper sparingly when the body is not adjusted to use ( the same can be said of colloidal silver ). To do so, adjust the frequency of use and not the individual dose level. The critical part of the treatment is delivering as much of cayenne's "heat" to the body at one time as is safely possible.

The full potential of cayenne as used with colloidal silver is unexplored. Considering the known benefits of cayenne and its proven safety in culinary use, it is undoubtedly an excellent addition to any health regime.

Dr. Henry Crooks found that silver is highly germicidal, quite harmless to humans and absolutely nontoxic. From his bacteriological experiments with silver he concluded, “I know of no microbe that is not killed in laboratory experiments in six minutes.”

Dr. Richard L. Davies, Executive Director of the Silver Institute, which monitors silver technology in 37 nations, reports, “In four years we’ve described 87 important new medical uses for silver. We’re just beginning to see to what extent silver can help promote healthy body function.

J. Powell, Editor of Science Digest, “Silver is emerging as a wonder of modern medicine. An antibiotic kills some half-dozen harmful organisms but silver kills some 650. Resistant strains do not develop. Even tiny amounts of silver wipe out huge quantities of harmful organisms.”

For two centuries, Colloidal Silver has received excellent reviews from the international medical community’s most prestigious doctors, researchers, institutions and publications. The following are quotes from some of them:

"I know of no microbe that is not killed in laboratory experiments within 6 minutes" — Dr. Henry Cooks

If you begin to experience any cold or flu-like symptoms, simply begin taking Colloidal Silver, initially tripling the dosage for three days, and then follow the normal regimen. Once you have used Colloidal Silver for a certain length of time, your body will become less susceptible to colds or influenza. If you develop any aches or sluggishness around 3 to 4 days after using Colloidal Silver, you are merely experience a cleansing reaction or "healing crisis" while the body is dislodging and expelling stored toxins through the various organs of elimination (including the pores of the skin). This condition is temporary, and its severity can be significantly reduced by ingesting additional quantities of purified water.

"When silver was present, the cancer cell de-differentiated and the body was restored"
— Dr. Gary Sndth

"...there was major enhancement of both the rate and competency of the healing process"
— Dr. Robert O. Becker, M.D.

"...studies showed the spectrum of organisms susceptible to electrically generated silver ions was wide and compared favorably with other antibiotics"
— Dr. J. A. Spadaro, Ph.D

"It killed not only the HIV virus, but every virus that was tested in the lab"
— U.C.L.A. Medical Center.

"...the colloidal metals ... are remarkable for their beneficial action in infective states"
— Dr. Hirschberg,
John Hopkins Hospital.

"The treatment of cancer is quite simple. Colloidal Silver brought rapid remission in patients given up on by other doctors." — Dr. Bjorn Nordstrom,
The Karolinska Institute, Sweden

AIDS Study

“Eight people recover from the AIDS virus in a scientifically documented study. An additional seven AIDS patients recover as verified by anecdotal reports”. Dr. M. Paul Farber, M.P. N.D., Ph.D., D.C. Author of the "Micro Silver Bullet TM" 4th Edition, November 1996 ISBN 1-87742-00 X Pages XIII & XVI.

Lyme Disease

“Borrelia burgdorferi and hermsti, organisms associated with causing the symptoms of Lyme Disease, were tested at the Department of Health and Human Services, Rocky Mountain Laboratories and Fox Chase Cancer Center, respectively, in 1995; in the Rocky Mountain Labs study, it was demonstrated that no live spirochetes of either borrellia burgdorferi [B310 orhermsti (HS-1)] survived after 24 hours of exposure to colloidal silver in concentrations of 15 ppm and 150 ppm.” Schuan, Tom, Ph.D., Burgdorfer, Willy Ph.D. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, Rocky Mountain Laboratories, January, 13, 1995.

The Blue skin rumour

Cancer Research

Research by Dr. Robert O. Becker, and others indicated that laboratory tests conducted reverted cancer cells back to normal (not kill them but return them to normal). Other observations made such as a correlation between silver deficiency and illness or proper immune system functioning, burns, soft tissue and bone repair acceleration, and the formation of cells that appear to be able to repair virtually any part of the body. Reduction of inflammation and the antibacterial, germicidal, astringent, antibiotic attributes so far observed are yet to be fully understood. The Body Electric, Dr. Robert O. Becker ISBN 0688069711 Quill, New York or William Morrow & Company

C.E. A. MacLeod reports colloidal silver being used with marked success in the following cases: "Septic and follicular tonsillitis, Vincent’s angina, phlyctenular conjunctivitis, gonorrheal conjunctivitis, spring catarrh, impetigo (contagious acne of face and body), septic ulcer of legs, ringworm, soft sores, suppurative appendicitis after operation (the wounds cleaned rapidly), pustular eczema of scalp and pubes, chronic eczema of meatus of ear with recurrent boils, chronic suppuration in otitis media, and bromidrosis of feet. By injection: gonnorrhoea and chronic cystitis (local), boils, epididymitis." Lancet, Feb. 3, 1912 p. 83

Some researchers, such as Dr. Leonard Keene Hirschberg, A.M., M.D. of Johns Hopkins, believe that the potential of colloidal silver is just beginning to be discovered. Unlike antibiotics, which are specific only to bacteria, Colloidal Silver disables certain enzymes needed by anaerobic bacteria, viruses, yeasts, and fungus resulting in the destruction of these enzymes. Further indication is that these bacteria cannot develop a resistance to silver, as they do with antibiotics, because silver attacks their food source, rather than them directly

Insofar as scientific studies, last year it was reported that researchers in Hungary found specific silver receptors on human tissue - an indication that silver plays an important role in human health. A joint study between the University of Texas and Mexico University published in the Journal of Nanotechnology which showed that silver nanoparticles of sizes 1-10nm attached to HIV-1 and prevented the virus from bonding to host cells.

A study conducted by the Department of Microbiology at Kyungpook National University in Daegu, Korea, and published in the prestigious Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, found that nano-silver was comparable in effectiveness to Amphotericin B, one of the most powerful prescription antifungal drugs known to man, which is often used intravenously to cure serious systemic fungal infections, and was found to be superior to the well-known anti-fungal drug fluconazole (popularly known as Diflucan).

And then there is the recently completed study conducted by researchers from the Washington University School of Medicine and the University of Akron, Ohio, and presented at the 105th International Conference of the American Thoracic Society, where researchers infected a group of mice with the bacteria Pseudomona aeroginosa, a common cause of bacterial pneumonia in humans, especially those on ventilators, those with cystic fibrosis or those with compromised immune systems. All the mice which inhaled aerosolized nanoparticles known as silver silver carbene complexes (SCCs), had significantly lower concentrations of bacteria in their lungs than mice inhaling placebo nanoparticles. Most significantly, none of the mice in the SCC group died, while all the mice in the control group did.

On the basis of the achieved results we may conclude that by application of colloidal silver water was achieved significant success in treatment of patients with mild urinary infection, and in combination with antibiotic in grave urinary infections.More In Kragujevac On May 25, 2007.Prof. dr Olgica Gajovic
Specialist in Infectious Diseases

Do you think it works now???

Dr Bob Beck has repeatedly pointed out in his many lectures, that there are literally thousands of other beneficial uses for colloidal silver that need to be attempted and explored. So this is your chance. Do your part and experiment with this marvelous gift of Nature.

Easy to use


Be Quick There may be a CS ban coming

Latest Ionic Colloidal Silver Generator

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Colloidal Silver generator
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Simple and easy to use instructions


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Colloidal Silver Generator
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More information here

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Comes with 220v-240v plus 110v-120v converter for USA clients

More information here

Ionic Colloidal Silver Generator


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