Your Liver, Parasites and the Healing Crisis
important to periodically rid the body of parasites
Liver is the 2nd largest organ after the skin. It is the
most important metabolic organ for carbohydrate, protein,
fats and hormones.
Aside from synthesis and excretion of bile, it also stores
vitamins, filter impurities and toxic material from the
blood. Liver helps to detoxify your body.
Your liver has a one-track mind, and only says one thing: “I-Don’t-Like-That!” But,
it says it, in different ways.
One way the liver communicates with us is by altering our
emotions. Suddenly, things that were right are wrong. Tiny
problems are huge. Patience is out the window, and you
want to explode, or already have.
Somehow, at a time like this, you are supposed to understand
that, that burning feeling, is just your liver saying, “I
do not like French Fries!”"Im full of parasites
or Flukes!"
Other liver symptoms not to be ignored include; skin or
eye irritation, headaches, bad moods or mood swings, low
energy, fatigue, foggy thinking, a sore or stiff right
shoulder, fuzzy vision, congestion of the nose, sinuses
or chest, slow reaction time, mental or emotional stress,
insomnia, restless sleep and hot flashes. These symptoms
ARE your liver’s cries for help

Today microscopic parasitic organisms invade
our bodies either by contact on the skin or via oral ingestion.
A parasite derives it’s food and nutrition from you
the host. Toxoplasmosis can easily be spread from cats
to humans and is carried by 40% of all cats and 35% of
the U.S. population. As per Science News by J. Raloff.
What is a Parasite?
of parasites:
Hookworm: theseattach
themselves to the intestinal wall using buccal capsule
teeth. At maturity a Hookworm may lay more than 30,000
eggs a day.
Tapeworm: these are a type of flatworm
that can colonize animal and human digestive tracts.
Heartworm: the
adult worms are large, measuring up to 10 inches
long, and they typically live in the right heart
and pulmonary artery.
Its mouth consists of three, independent lips, each
equipped with small piercing projections. |
An organism that lives in or on a second
organism, called a host, usually causing it some harm.
A parasite is generally smaller than the host and of a
different species. Parasites are dependent on the host
for some or all of their nourishment. For example, a tapeworm,
a flattened worm that lives in the gastrointestinal tract
of mammals, lacks an intestine of its own and must absorb
predigested food from the intestine of its host. This food
is the tapeworm's only energy source for growth and reproduction.
Parasitism affects most life forms, from bacteria infected
by the viruses known as bacteriophages, to humans, who
are subject to more than 1000 parasites known to cause

There are definitely parasites that invade
the liver. One such parasite is called a liver "fluke".
This is a worm-like organism that we can pick up from eating
meats, and sometimes if we let dogs or other animals lick
us on the mouth we can get worms, flukes, or other parasites
that way. There are ways to detox the liver, and products
that will kill parasites in the body.
Why be concerned?
Why be concerned about parasites, most of which can remain
asymptomatic for years, even decades? As they metabolize
and excrete, they release neurotoxins, which skewer the
emotions and mental functions; toxins that acidify the
tissues and predispose one to chronic degenerative diseases
of all kinds including cancer; and lectins that promote
metastasis. The acidity promotes fungal problems and tissue
oxygen deprivation. They damage tissue directly and can
obstruct organ function. They increase our need to detoxify
thus overworking the organs of elimination (Lungs, Kidney,
Liver, Skin, and Bowel). They carry viruses with them and
so gradually wear down the immune system making us even
more vulnerable to their invasion and other microorganisms.
They can be the hidden cause of many diseases of unexplained
etiology because most labs can't detect them, coining in
at about a 50% false negative rate. There are at least
1000 species of parasitic organisms that can inhabit mammals
and humans and the labs look for about 50 - 60 species
only. On autopsy, veterinarians report that during all
animals lifetime, some form of parasite will have visited
every tissue in its body.
fungal infection hits Pacific Northwest
Posted in Environment, Infectious Disease on Mon November
03, 2008
Cases of a potentially deadly fungal infection typically
seen in tropical climates have been reported in Oregon
and Washington.
Nineteen cases of disease caused by the fungus Cryptococcus
gattii have been confirmed in Oregon and Washington
since 2004. Approximately 20% of those struck by
the disease died and the remainder required prolonged
Researchers say that the outbreak is noteworthy
because half of cases occurred in healthy people,
whereas such infections are usually only seen in
people with compromised immune systems, such as people
with AIDS.
There have also been outbreaks of the disease in
Vancouver Island, in British Columbia, Canada. Approximately
25 people in British Columbia are affected by Cryptococcus
each year, and approximately 1 person dies from the
Cryptococcus is considered an emerging disease,
and experts believe that it will become much more
prevalent in North America over the coming years.
48th Annual Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial
Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC)/Infectious Diseases
Society of America (IDSA) 46th Annual Meeting, Washington
D.C., Oct. 25-28, 2008.
Rid Of Parasites Now
We're being eaten alive by creatures that are extremely
adept at survival and reproduction. It's usually what we
don't know or can't see that gets us
Heart disease is more likely related to a chronic systemic
fungal infection. Studies reported by Costantini and
his fellow researchers at the World Health Organization
indicate that following a high sugar and yeast diet increases
the fungal population in the gastrointestinal tract,
in turn, increasing fungal mycotoxin blood levels that
ultimately lead to inflammation and elevate cholesterol.
High blood cholesterol levels are a red flag indicating
the presence of free radicals, oxidant damage, inflammation
and infestation of the body with fungi.
Each year in the United States millions
of illnesses and thousands of deaths are traced to contaminated
food, with an estimated cost from US$5 billion to over
US$22 billion. Experts believe that the risk of food-borne
diseases has increased during the last 20 years (United
States General Accounting Office,). Food-borne diseases
can originate from consumption of viruses or bacterial
pathogens, toxic substances and parasites. It
has been estimated that about half of all food-borne disease
outbreaks remain unrecognized, primarily due to inadequate
diagnostic methods and sampling (Svensson, 2000).
Rid Of Parasites Now
Liver Parasites
Ronen Arai
Question :
Can you tell us more about "parasites in the liver" and
how this could lead to cirrhosis? My friend's mother was
told that she has this, and that it "usually" comes
from eating undercooked meat over the years. She is Japanese
and does eat sushi (raw fish). She does not drink alcohol.
Answer :
There are many kinds of parasites that can invade the liver,
causing acute and/or chronic liver damage depending on
the type of parasite involved. Some clues to the type
of parasite affecting your friend's mother may lie in
her eating habits, as well as her ethnicity.

One parasitic disease, trichinosis, arises from eating
undercooked Rare meat. In this disease, parasites can affect
the bile ducts draining the liver, leading to right-sided
abdominal pain, fever, jaundice and an enlarged liver.
While the patient may be acutely ill, anti-parasitic drug
therapy will usually lead to resolution. Trichinosis does
not typically lead to cirrhosis.

Another parasitic infestation, clonorchiasis, is linked
to eating raw fish. This infection is most common in Asia.
It is a more chronic disease than trichinosis, and patients
usually do not experience symptoms until long after the
initial parasitic infection. Symptoms include right-sided
abdominal pain and jaundice. Imaging studies of the abdomen
and liver may reveal evidence of the obstruction of the
bile ducts draining the liver -- a situation that may be
mistaken for cancer of the bile ducts. Ironically, by causing
chronic inflammation in the bile ducts, long-standing clonorchiasis
sometimes actually leads to bile-duct cancer. Although
the disease is usually diagnosed when bile-duct obstruction
occurs, if it is not detected soon enough, scarring of
the liver (cirrhosis) may have already occurred.
In the biliary tract, cholangiocarcinoma has been
associated with liver-fluke infection, hepatolithiasis
and choedochal cyst formation. In the gallbladder,
carcinomas arise due to cholelithiasis, cholecystitis
and infections with various Helicobacter species. Oesophageal
adenocarcinoma has been associated with gastro-oesophageal
reflux disease (GERD), whereas gastric adenocarcinoma
is associated with H. pylori infection and resulting
gastritis |
A good reason
to use your Beck type blood Zapper
The liver has a double blood supply, namely the
hepatic artery and the hepatic portal system which drains
the intestinal
tract. The blood contained within the portal supply contains
majority of nutrients absorbed from the host's food supply
and thus, is
extremely attractive to parasites capable of an intravascular
Beck type blood zappers use blood electrification
Hepatomegaly is enlargement of the liver beyond its
normal size. Certain conditions such as infection,
parasites, tumors, anemias, toxic states, storage diseases,
heart failure, congenital heart disease, and metabolic
disturbances may all cause an enlarged liver. |
1. Organisms like Entamoeba histolytica that end up in
the liver as a
function of the blood flow from the intestines, and when
in the liver
cause disease (in this example amebic liver abscess).
They almost seem intelligent by the way they make
you eat what they need for them survive, and to make
them multiply. When you begin eating more sweets they
will begin to multiply out of control, and spread throughout
the gut. They will eventually mutate into what is known
as "candida" cells, which are basically a
yeast cell gone wild. They grow tentacles which allow
them to penetrate mucous membranes and spread into
all parts of the body. Once they spread, they can show
up on the surface of the skin in many forms. Sometimes
as rashes, sometimes as warts, skin tags, and in severe
cases eczema, and psoriasis |
2. Organisms like the malaria parasites where
there is a specific life-
cycle stage that occurs in the liver. In this case there
is presumably a
specific tropism for the liver without which the parasite
would be cleared
from the bloodstream.
3. (which is somewhat like '1') Organisms that affect
the liver but never
actually reside there, like schistosomes. Schisto worms
live in the
mesenteric veins and shed eggs some of which end up in
the liver (among
other places) via the blood stream, where they cause granulomas
Rid Of Parasites Now
Healing Crisis
Part of the Healing Process
A healing crisis is when you experience symptoms
from diseases and toxins that are released during
your detoxification process.
As you cleanse and detoxify your body, you will
be releasing the toxins, bacteria, and viruses that
were built up in your fatty deposits. As they are
released, you may experience symptoms that you experienced
when you initially dealt with that particular malady
or event – albeit in a milder form. You may
get a runny nose, you may feel tired, you may develop
body aches or you may even develop a fever, as your
body works its way through years of toxins and disease.
In fact, the symptoms you experience will likely
be in the reverse order of when you first experienced
them. Toxins that your body was exposed to in recent
years will show their effect first, then will be
followed by things that occurred earlier in your
This is called a healing crisis. During the healing
process, you may experience some discomfort and you
may feel like you are catching something. In extreme
cases of toxicity, you may actually feel quite ill.
However, rest assured that it is your body’s
way of cleansing – getting rid of these toxins
once and for all. During your cleansing, if you feel
sick, chances are it is from toxins, bacteria and
viruses that are being released into your body from
your fatty deposits.
You may experience a healing crisis when you are
detoxifying your elimination organs, such as your
liver. During a liver cleanse , your liver releases
a large amount of toxins into your blood. Although
your kidneys try and filter these toxins out and
expel them through your urinary system, you may feel
sick during the process. Generally, the symptoms
surrounding this resemble a hangover – headache,
upset stomach, and listlessness. Additionally, your
liver and gall bladder will release fatty deposits
that will make their way into your colon. Some of
these deposits may get reabsorbed during their journey
through your colon, thus introducing toxins back
into your body that may have been suspended for years
by your liver. This may cause allergy or flu like
symptoms, or cause acne, or even aches and pains
as your body tries to eliminate these toxins. Drinking
plenty of water helps your body flush out these toxins
through your colon and kidneys.
Rid Of Parasites Now
One of the biggest misconceptions people face with
the healing crisis is the belief that they have caught
some hideous infection or that a condition like acne
that they thought they were long rid of has once
again returned. However, with a healing crisis, these
symptoms are a sign that your body is finally purging
itself of the last remnants of the toxins or substances
that created the disease or ailment in the first
The best way to get rid of these symptoms is to
drink plenty of water and continue with the detoxification
process. Avoid overeating during a healing crisis,
eating only light meals that are easy to digest. |
It may be a good idea to do a colon cleanse,
as this will help to open the pathways to flushing out
the liver of toxins and parasites. There are many different
colon cleansing products, and if you visit the health food
store look for some there. They are all pretty effective,
so I cannot recommend one product over the other for colon
I hope I have given you some things to think about regarding
your liver and parasites. If you wish to ask any more questions,
or if you have any comments, please feel free to Contact Us .
Life Stim
Multiple frequency System with new Bacteria,
parasite and viral frequencies
297 Frequencies
2.5 kHz carrier frequency
Light weight and compact,,easy to use
Fits snuggly on the wrist,,and the contacts
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your life Energy
Demonstrate and Measure:
The strength of the human body field, the
energy content of foods, water, liquids
and soils, the vitality of plants, etc.
The Experimental Life Energy Meter features
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Energy Meter |
Rife machines
and Multiwave
oscillators are claimed to complement
each other based on the principle that
life forms absorb energy. A multiwave
Oscillator uses this principle to
strengthen cells within the body to resist
disease while a Rife machine uses this
principle to destroy microorganisms with
an overdose of frequency energy.
information click here |
This is a compilation of
frequencies from many sources. Many are based
on anecdotes and Some are based on Royal
Rife,John Garvy (founder of SonRidge Health
Centers) and others like Hulda Clark, John
crane and Anthony
Hoyland's work
No medical claims are made
Diseases: 0.11, 0.55,
0.97, 12.33, 17.50, 30.00, 160.10, 383.50,
421.00, 645.25,
ascaris - 152,
442, 8146, 751, 1146, 797
Parasites, enterobiasis (pinworms;
intestinal worms frequently found in young
people) - 20, 120, 773, 826, 827, 835, 4152
Parasites, flukes,
blood - 847, 867, 329, 419,
635, 7391, 5516, 9889
Parasites, flukes, general - 143, 275, 435,
676, 763, 524, 854, 945, 651,
664, 6766, 435, 15244
Parasites, flukes, general (short set) - 524,
854, 651
Parasites, flukes, intestinal
(exp) - 651,
676, 844, 848, 854, 2128, 2084,
2150, 6766
Parasites, flukes, liver - 143, 275, 676, 763,
238, 6641, 6672
Parasites, flukes, lymph - 10050, 157
Parasites, flukes, pancreatic (exp) - 1850,
2000, 2003, 2008, 2013, 2050,
2080, 6578
Parasites, flukes, sheep liver - 826, 830,
Parasites, general (1)
(cleanup with 728, 784, 880, 465) - 20, 64,
72, 96,
112, 120, 125, 128, 152, 240, 334, 422, 442,
524, 651, 688, 732, 751, 800,
854, 1864
Parasites general (3)
- 47, 72, 80, 95, 120, 125, 440, 444, 465,
660, 665,
690, 727, 728, 740, 770, 780, 800, 880, 1840,
1865, 1998, 3176, 10000 3 mins per frequ
Source |
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