Altered states clients speak out
Whenever we put up information on alternative treatments that have not
been "properly/Scientifically tested", we receive a few angry
emails. They say" we are trying to prevent people with Disease from
getting effective treatment".
That is really not what we wish to do.
What concerns us is that potential treatments, like these on this page,
are often sold for a great deal of money. And people with Disease can
be vulnerable. It is understandable that patients or relatives will try
anything if they think it might work. And that people really do want
to believe that they work. But some alternative 'therapies' are just
money making businesses targeting people who are sick and very vulnerable.
Our message is
Be careful
Make sure you look into all the information that is available
Talk to your own doctor before you buy
Please be Aware
In the 1950’s, Congressman Charles Tobey enlisted Benedict
Fitzgerald, an investigator for the Interstate Commerce Commission,
to investigate allegations of conspiracy and monopolistic practices
on the part of orthodox medicine. This came about as the result of
the son of Senator Tobey who developed cancer and was given less
than two years to live by orthodox medicine. However, Tobey Jr.,
discovered options in the alternative field, received alternative
treatment and fully recovered from his cancerous condition! That
is when he learned of alleged conspiratorial practices on the part
of orthodox medicine. He passed the word to his father, Senator Charles
Tobey, who initiated an investigation. The final report clearly indicated
there was indeed a conspiracy to monopolize the medical and drug
industry and to eliminate alternative options. * "Royal R. Rife" by
Gerald F. Foye ISBN 0-9659613-3-8
The "Fitzgerald
Report" was submitted into the Congressional
Record Appendix August 3, 1953 |
After having read the above please do not ask for any
of these clients private details,
we take great care in protecting their
privacy and freedom
We have many hundreds of testimonials
some bordering on the miraculous
but we feel that many people grasp at things
when desperately looking for a cure
so we have just used some of the Basic testimonials,,,,
Hi I bought a bt11 plus I have success detoxing from methadone but I
am still fatigued .I have lost little leaflet that tells u more about
each setting. Can u email me please the details on each frequency want
to know groth hormone atp cell reg eneration. Your box has saved my life
thank you so much .my friend did it with lorne patterson but they couldn't
get anymore funding here in scotland. I was sceptical because they used
pads on mastoid and yours was on lobes but its worked using 100 hz and
111 hz. But I'm clean after 14 years
Kind Regards D H
This may sound crazy I left the music playing while I was working in
the office for approx. a hour and it seemed that the vibration's from
the music was doing some sort of shift in me have you ever heard such
a thing?
Gary H.......

Just last week I ordered a Proteus. I arrived all the way from New Zealand
today. I havent had time to work with the product, but your service is
I will be ordering from you again in the future. I can highly recommend
your company.

Thank you and I will send the CDs immediately. Zana was absolutely correct,
you are an honest and straightforward businessman. Your business will
continue to prosper, I am sure of it.

I so enjoy your newsletters, and am learning a lot about
our marvelous body and how it works. Also what we can do to it by not
knowing. Thank you for doing what you're doing.
Darlene P
our free newsletters

Hi there
I bought 2 of your Schumann Resonance products - they work very well. We
are getting deeper sleep and feeling more centred, it also serves audio
(Hi-Fi) purposes by opening up the soundstage.

Hello Lynne & Barry
Thanks for the return Email and support.
I will lower the coil height this week, thanks for the tip Barry
I made up some Colloidal Silver for Ian, from a generator I got from
you a few years ago.Because I told him to keep drinking plenty of water
to flush the toxins from the body and the Colloidal Silver will only
help things.
Tuesday the 10th will be his third treatment so far. Ian's in good spirit.
All the best,

Dear Barry
Thanks for all of your fine help. I am most
appreciative of your sending me the latest model. I am most surprised,
pleased and very grateful. I will keep your web-site at close hand for
future reference and orders. It has been a pleasure doing business with
your Company. Continued Success and best wishes to all of you...

Hi Barry,
For the past two years a “slipped disk” has kept me from
exercising, and in varying degrees of pain. I consulted an orthopedic
surgeon, and after reading my MRI, he called me and asked how I was managing
to walk around. I have used TENS machines to lessen the pain, and the
back pain and sciatica have ranged from moderate to horrible. I have
been a dentist for over thirty-five years, and back problems are endemic
within the profession. At age 61, I was feeling like an old guy.
I am interested in electromagnetic therapy, and have Rife machines and
a MWO. I converted an electrode chord from a TENS machine to plug into
an Altered-States portable Rife machine. I placed the 2”X3” electrodes
on my back in the lumbar region on either side of the spinal column.
I put on the elastic support belt I wear, the type employees in discount
houses wear when they move boxes. I purchased mine from Sports Authority
for under $30.00. I plugged the chord, attached to the electrodes, into
the portable Rife machine in the top plug marked PLATES. I set the program
for 5 and adjusted the intensity for a comfortable vibration. In about
three hours I noticed something strange. The pain was gone.
I do not mean the pain was less or bearable. The pain was GONE!
About two months prior to this relief I was at the barbershop I regularly
I started talking with another patron, a tennis pro about my age and
a close friend of the barber. From years of playing tennis, the pro has
two slipped disks. I asked him how he got rid of the pain, he replied, “drugs”.
He was injecting himself with Demerol, a powerful narcotic. Shortly after
my back pain left due to the Rife machine, I was at the barbershop. After
extolling the virtues of my Rife machine, I asked my barber how her friend,
the tennis pro, was doing. Unfortunately, the drugs stopped working and
he was becoming addicted. He was in so much pain he could not get out
of bed, let alone drive a car. I lent her my machine and some new electrodes
to take to her friend. He got the machine on a Saturday, and returned
to work on Tuesday, while taking medicine to combat withdrawal symptoms.
I have not used the machine since my pain left.
For skeptics like myself, my only contact with Barry and altered-states
has been as a client. I receive no compensation for this long winded
discussion. I have experienced such relief from back pain from this Rife
machine, I would like others to realize the benefit of pain relief in
safety, without the risk and expense associated with back surgery.
Best wishes,
Ed Leventhal
Thank you Ed
Hi Brian,
Thank you very much for your prompt reply.
You are doing a great job over there, you provide a lot of useful information
for doctors who try to think and practice "outside the box".
to visit you some day,
Best wishes,

Dear Lynne
Have been using your Sacred harmony system for 3 months, i put it by
the side of my bed, i just thought i would tell you that i,m sleeping
and my mood swings have decreased markedly,
London UK
Sacred Harmony
Hi Lynn and Barry
This is just a short email to say thank you for your kindness and your
help. You will never know what your being there has done for my state
of mind. I REALLY appreciate your input.
Kind regards

Dear Barry and Lynne
I would like to thank you for the info on the Bob Beck protocol,,and the
fast shipping of my products, I have suffered from chronic Hep C for the
last 5 years, i have felt very tired nauseous, lacking any drive,and sometimes
even the will to live,
Since buying the protocol products i have been taking Colloidal silver
every day,,ozonating all my drinking water and zapping with the Beck blood
electrification,i have used the magnetic pulser on my lymph glands and
they no longer feel tender and swollen.
I,m starting to feel amazing,a few days ago i went for a long walk and
didn't feel exhausted,thats the first time for many years
Thanks Barry and Lynne for letting me know about this amazing alternative
Pauline H
Kent UK
HI Lynne and Barry,
The set of Rife machines (Desktop and his Baby brother) arrived on my
front porch safely today. Both work wonderfully!
Many Thanks for helping me sort through my dilemma with the serial port
and offering me a special price on the portable rife.
You folks are indeed a dynamic duo!
Very Best Regards,

Post subject: how the Rife machine worked for my mother who was diagnosed
Dear Barry,
I just wanted to let you know how the Rife machine worked for my mother
who was diagnosed with leukemia last year. Although she knew about the
work of Royal Rife from a book that I had given her 7 years ago (The
Cancer Cure That Worked by Barry Lynes), she said she had to go through
the medical protocol that her oncologist prescribed in order to keep
peace in the family. She did not want my ?out of the box thinking? to
get me in trouble with my stepfather. Her husband is a firm believer
in ?do what the DOCTORS say!? So my mother started on chemotherapy in
June of 2006, and she began the slow and painful decline to her death.
As soon as my mother started on the first of four different chemotherapy
protocols, I began researching how to buy a Rife machine. Until my mother?s
diagnosis, I thought I had no reason to have a Rife machine. I got hold
of you, Barry, by pure luck and a little help from Google, and your warmth
and knowledge really helped me decide to purchase your company?s machine.
Plus, I was able to call you free using the Skype phone, which continues
to give me a great deal of peace of mind.
On Sunday, October 8, 2006, my mother?s Doctor, via information from the
home health care nurse, declared that the chemo was not working and he
gave her two weeks to live. He told her by phone to quit taking the chemo
and for us to consider Hospice care. My new Rife machine had arrived, and
my mother said she was now able to try ?anything?. I explained to my step
father what I wanted to do, and he was now so desperate that I had his
blessing. My sister was with me as we gave my mother her first treatment.
It was amazing to witness her improvement! She was awake and became very
talkative! She wanted to get up and eat and was better than we had seen
her in weeks. The next day her Doctor came to the house and he was so amazed
at her improvement that he DOUBLED her chemo! He was convinced that her
turn for the better was the result of the chemo! My sister and I almost
died! We did not say anything for fear of the Doctor finding out that we
were treating her with frequencies, and my stepfather once again bowed
to the supremacy of the Doctor. My sister and I continued to treat my mother
with the Rife machine for 5 days, and every time we used it there was a
marked improvement in her condition for several hours. She continued to
take her double dose of chemo via the home health care nurse every night,
and every morning when my sister and I arrived, she was a little worse,
but she ALWAYS improved after the afternoon Rife treatment. On the two
days she was off the Rife machine (per Rife protocol) she got markedly
worse from the chemo, and finally the Doctor took her off of the chemo
for good, and she died the next day, which is when we would have begun
the second round of the Rife machine treatments . She had slipped into
a restless coma and I knew we had lost her. But the changes my sister and
I witnessed in my mother using the Rife machine convinced both of us that
if we had been allowed to start the treatments back in June she would be
alive today.
Thanks so much to you, Barry, and to Royal Rife for the wonderful moments
we could have with my mother in her final days. I am looking forward to
many health improvements for myself and my family thanks to your company
and their dedication to selling only the best researched equipment at a
reasonable price.
Lynda Wilson
/barry/rifemarkv/Printed with kind permission
Lynda was using the Rife package no 3
Dear Lynne
These remedies work really well! Thank you so much and I appreciate this,
for I could NOT find another website with good enough information like
this site. I had chapped lips but I finally put honey on them and it
worked great! Thank you so much!
I bought the The Golden Ratio BioTonic Pendant about a year ago and really
love it. What i've learned is that the combination of gold plated on top
of copper alone has a wonderful energizing and healing effect. I've learned
this thru lots of the researching of energy med. ive done over the years
and the BioTonic Pendant is a prime example. The 2 energy signatures of
gold and copper combine to create a broad spectrum, energetic effect. I've
learned this thru numerous devices i've made and bought. So w/ the Golden
Ratio BioTonic Pendant this is also true and then by embedding the scared
geometric Golden Ratio coil design into the organic black resin creates
an effect similar to orgone accumulators which combines organic and inorganic
(always metal) materials together. The pendant has wonderful soothing energy
that is very noticeable when i hold it in left hand and i am very satisfied.
I noticed that the only change in the design of your pendant is making
the copper visible in the middle instead of all gold. I like the black
resin it's made w/ which seams to be a very strong energy conducive material.
So i completely understand how and why this pendant works so well at receiving,
amplifying and emitting the cosmic energy it receives from surrounding
atmosphere. I came up w/ 3 reasons it is energetic to the body: 1) The
sacred geometric Golden Ratio antenna design which works by itself, 2)
The unique combination of gold plated on top of copper creates a broad
spectrum form of energy and, 3) the inorganic metal embedded w/in the organic
resin creates an Orgone Accumulator!
Stephen D

Hi Barry, Just following on with this. When you get people phoning you
with ME (or any illness) and wanting to know what rife will do for them
please feel free to give them my contact details.
Crystel W---- CFHC, details available on request
I am use to talking to people with ME (Cronic Fatigue syndrome) and other
illnesses through my practice and as a contact person for ME sufferers.(Cronic
Fatigue syndrome)
And heres a testimonial for you. "I was diagnosed with chronic Fatigue syndrome in 1998 after 18
months of viral illness. I had just turned 40. I had had to give up my
studies, work and social life as coping with my symptoms and raising
2 children on my own was all I could cope with. In 1999 I experienced
my first rife treatments. Initially I felt worse for a day or more. I
was warned this could happen. I had treatments fortnightly and sometimes
took a week to recover. This is only an indication of how much I needed
that treatment. After about six weeks the improvement was so immense
that it was worth the few weeks of feeling worse. I had some quality
of life back and could cope with moving house, do my gardening and work
part time. I promised myself that when I could get the money together
I would buy myself a rife machine. The only one available to buy at the
time was about $6000 and my kids and I were scrimping on a benefit. Over
the next 2 years 2 of my sons became ill with chronic fatigue syndrome.
I took them for some rife treatments which helped them but I couldn't
afford to keep going so we all stayed home 7 days a week feeling ill.
My boys missed most of their high school years to this horrible illness! By 2004 we had had 4 years of 'having no life at all.' Then I found
the altered states website and felt like all my Christmases had come
at last. A rife machine that I could afford with some help from my Mum.
With my rife machine I got my quality of life back. In conjunction with
detoxing and taking the right supplements and herbs I can have a life
now. I rife myself for any ailment that crops up and as a Colour therapist
( I have been able to resume my practice), I use colour and rife to help
many people with many different types of illness. Rife treatments are
the main modality and we always get excellent results. Not everyone has reactions to the treatments. Most just start to feel
better straight away. I confess, I am a rife addict." Crystel.
New Zealand
Dear Lynne and Barry thank you so much for you help,i
have been using the MWO with the tripulser 9 for for 7 months
the symptoms of my Lyme dis-ease have gradually eased,,the feelings
of things crawling under my skin,,and the severe headaches,have passed,,I'm
still a little tired but not the cot case i was 12 months ago,,also
the pain in my joints mysteriously vanished after two weeks of using
the MWO,,THANK YOU SO MUCH for your support ,i will keep you posted
Sue R

Dear Lynne and Barry
I have had terrible headaches for a long as i can remember,i have
been taking very high doses of codeine to try and keep the pain at
a level where my work is not effected,My job is a very a very dangerous
one and requires lots of attention,,well the company had decided to
test workers for opiates and drugs,,,and at the levels of codeine i
was taking i think there might have been allot of questions asked,so
i purchased your portable Rife unit
After reading the effects of CES on headaches,,,
The first day i didn't notice much improvement,nor the second third
or forth,on the fith day i woke up and there was no headache,i couldn't
believe it, its the first time in years there was no pain on waking,,the
pain did come back after a few hours but the intensity was know where
near how it was before,each day things have been getting better and
better, i haven't had to take a codeine for weeks now and,,i also passed
the company blood tests phew :)
Thanks Guys for your great tools and thanks Barry for the ear on the
end of the phone
Warm Regards
Maria M

Dear Barry
Please see the enclose Rife B.... unit, i would like to donate it to
your clinic, my wife had an incuarable breast cancer and the medics
told her to virtualy go home and die, we purched the rife b--- machine
and no improvements were seen or felt,,we then purchased the Rife Mark
4 unit with the magnacoils,
/rifeport/portablefife.htm she is now out
playing golf :)
Thanks for all your help,and dietry advice,
Alex and Trish
New Zealand 
Barry and Lynne
I cancelled my hip operation as my doctor now claims. "the arthritis
is in remission", the symptoms and pain has lessened to such a
degree i no longer take the medication.
We have many friends whom have Arthritris, and with the exception of
one they all enjoy using the MWO and the benifits.
Thanks again for all your help and advice.
Jenny and Rob
Christchurch New Zealand /lmwo/lmwo.htm

Hi Barry,
Here is my testimonial for you to post...
I am loving the MWO. It has CHANGED MY LIFE. I am a relatively healthy
44 years old... but have never been a morning person. I usually wake up
quite grumpy - the later the better. But 2 weeks after using the MWO for
only 10 minutes every morning... I am now an early riser. I now wake up
in a GOOD MOOD at 6:30am, ready to start the day. With all of my extra
time, I now go for one hour long morning walks with my husband. Even my
dog loves the MWO and always comes to sit on my lap when i am using it!
After a one week break from the MWO... my old sleeping habits began to
return.... so I will never want to live without my MWO.
My mum uses the wand function and her arthritis actually disappeared -
she had forgotten what it was like to live without arthritic pain. She
had a dog bite wound on her leg that never quite healed but after using
the wand on the wound for a week, the wound is softening and healing. She
also has LYMPHADEMA in her left arm and the wand really helps to move the
lymph fluid and softens her arm, reducing the pain. Mum was very reluctant
to use the wand - she was afraid of this new weird machine... but now LOVES
it and uses it everyday.
Thanks Barry! Our lives have changed for the better.
Dear Barry and Lynne, I have a friend who has had two knee
replacements; they are titanium. She would like to try our MWO machine
but we'd like to know if it's o.k. for her to do so. We love our machine!
I call it our "happy" machine because it definitely lifts our
spirits! Sincerely, Martha
We are in great health, thanks in large part to the MWO machine!
Trying to get ready for Christmas, which always comes too quickly. We wish
you and all your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Dear Barry & Lynne,
Today an estimator for a new roof came to our house; he said he had back
pain, so I showed him our MWO and he tried it - and loved it! He said
during the session that the pain had gone away, and that he was tired
before, but felt more energy after using it! I gave him a printout of
your website, and I think you will be hearing from him in the near future.
I also told him about the Rife machine. His name is Joseph E......; he's
from Argentina. Just wanted to let you know about his success. Maybe
we;ll buy a new roof from him, too. We always love our machine, too!
Sincerely, M.
Alexandria, VA USA
Dear Barry,
Thank you so much for the MWO! I set it up, and it is just wonderful!
At "0" setting (very quiet), it is very invigorating, and energizing.
stayed in for about 15 minutes. It is doing some very noticeable
therapeutic cleansing, so I drink lots of ozonated water afterwards.
I also tested it up to "4"-"7," and I could get coronal
discharges from the
inner rings, but the overall effect at maximum is a little too intense
me! I like it best the way it is factory-set (at "0").
It's a lovely instrument, and I very much appreciating your sending it

Dear Barry and Lynne,
Just wanted you to know that you really helped me out, by referring me
to the builder of those 2 MWO unitss I ordered from you.
All it took was 1 email back from him, and I had only to adjust one tiny
knob inside the power supply, and bingo! Great working system.
Now that I have "lived" with it for a few days, I'd like to
report back
that this is indeed a Magnificent Machine!
Very well designed
Very well built
MUCH more faithful to the original Lakhovsky design, than the previous
unit I owned.
Thank you!
Hope your sales of Iasos music please you.
Love, Iasos
CANCER is there a cure?
I would like to share this with you, on our website we have a system called
human click it allows folks to talk directly to us from our web site, last
week i had a conversation with a client who had purchased an MWO from us
Below is the conversation
Visitor: Hello, this is George L-ne from the US. Been a while since we
chatted, and I can't remember if I have brought you up to date on Lorna's
progress with the cancer. The last CA125 blood analysis we had (3 wks ago)
showed her count dropped from 340 (terminal stage 4) to 12.6. That's right,
under 13. Normal healthy adults will be somewhere under 30. The oncologist
when told could only say " incredible". What do you think of
Barry: hey George thats fantastic :-)
Barry: i hate to ask this but it would be amazing to be able to use your
comments on our web site
Barry: some many people dont understand the power of alternative healing
and diet etc ...
Visitor:: No problem, but clean up the typo in the second line above to
read "and I can't remember if I....etc. The delimna we have now is
sorting out which of the alternatives we are using is linked to the remission.
We do not believe the turn around in her condition is due to the taxall
chemo therapy. She daily uses: Your MWO, and the Photon Sound Beam from
your company, the X-erase from Peter Lindeman and also his Gem blood electrification
device. Additionally she does a 30 minute h2o2 bath soak every other day,
the chi machine every day, I have her on permanent broadcast for her cancer
rates in our Radionic machine. Then there are all the herbals, botanicals
and vitamins and minerals plus the ionized high ph water she drinks and
cooks with.
Barry: personaly i would keep using the lot and not worry to much about
which is doing what
Barry: it sounds as if you have an amazing combination going
Visitor: That's what we are doing. Lorna goes in tomorrow (Monday) for
her next chemo session and is going to meet with the Dr. first see about
dropping the chemo and going for another CA125 test first.
Visitor: Lorna is razzing me about all the typos in my message.
Barry: were all so happy for you George
Barry: :-)
Visitor: Lorna has given up on us and headed for bed, I think I'll follow.
It's near midnight here. Feel free to use any of our testemony that you
wish. We know some of her progress is due to the units we purchased through
you. Goodnite, George
Second conversation
Visitor: Hi Barry, George Lane here.
Barry: hi George did you see our latest newsletter
Barry: :-)
Visitor: She had a CA125 count of 8.6 last week. That's dowm from 12.6
four weeks ago.
Barry: thats amazing what do the doctors say
Visitor: They are quite proud of themselves and insist on completing the
series of 6 chemo sessions (one left).
Barry: what does lorna think of that :-)
Visitor: She is going along with them. She is afraid not to. We both believe
the alternative methods and herbs, etc. are what has caused the remission.
Now we are trying to sort out how to wean off from the intensive schedule
she is on.
Thanks for everything, George.
Barry:: Bye George
3rd conversation August 18th
Visitor:: Hi Barry, George Lane here.
Barry: hi George hows it all going
Visitor: Lorna's latest news. Last Tues. she had her 6th and final chemo,
and they took blood for her CA125 count. Results, .7.
Barry: wow thats amazing
Visitor:: That's right, point seven.
Barry:: i bet your both so happy
Visitor: I sent an email to our aussie buddy Kieth and told him the latest
results. He said he was aware of her progress by reading your latest newsletter.
How do I tap into the latest newsletter and see what you had to say?
Barry: /barry/update75/index.htm
Visitor: Thank you. We are very pleased and happy with the results of her
therapy. Now we are trying to come with a plan to back off of the intense
program she's been on. We will start reducing the time frame of the photon
unit and the x-erase (Peter Lindemans' unit) and continue her zapper time
and the mwo time as usual for the time being. Also, we are looking at reducing
or dropping some of the herbal and botanical program. But, keeping the
nutritional support going to keep her immune system cranking.
Barry: /barry/update75/index.htm
Visitor: I'll give that a shot right after signing off with you. Thanks
for your continued interest and support. George
Barry:: your so welcome

Also I have a labrador
that has cancer {lympho carcinoma we think}. He is aneamic, Stomach is
swollen, lymph nodes are extremely swollen (have use TCM herbs to reduce
swellings, however still very large. He has a large mass around the spleen
liver region and his poo is dark. His vitality is reducing day by day.
This has happened very quickly since xmas.
After 4 weeks he is up and running around again, i will keep
you up to speed

Dear Barry,
I would like to get some info regarding a device my oncle Nikolas v.. Gu.............
(aged 96) bought at your company. He - located in the US
is telling his sister, who is my mother and who is located in Europe, Austria – aged
92) about the success he is having with that machine and that he is at
least feeling 10 years younger. So my mother also wants to buy this “miracle” machine.
Since I am trying to help her I would very much appreciate if you could
send info including price details about that machine. I hope you will know
about what I am talking. I don’t have any more detailed info.
Nevertheless I hope to hear from you soon since my uncle told my mother
that you were very helpful!
Tina P..............
Steinwandgasse ....

Dear Lynne and Barry
I'm glad to
hear you are o.k.; that the earthquakes didn't affect you. Yes, we are
SO HAPPY with the MWO; we are telling all our friends and relatives about
it. I had Crohn's disease and now it's GONE!!! It went away very quickly;
I'm glad I ordered it before our trip as you suggested, because I was fine
on the trip, thank goodness! We both feel younger and have some improvements
in eyesight, hearing and smell, even. I hope it will continue to help as
I have a few other problems as well. It's so easy to use, too.
N and M USA

From A private clinic in the US
1. MWO - after second 30 minute
treatment arthritic hip pain gone
2, MWO - if used every other day for 30 minutes
an 82 year old man doesn't have to get up and urinate 4 times a night
3. MWO - after 2 weeks of everyday initial
use for 30 minutes ALL pain from the right side of the body gone that was
a result of a massive stroke.
MWO - joint pain in multiple users........eliminated
after several treatments and stays away with every other day use
Lakhovsky mwo (4 mb
Royal Rife report (4 mb pdf)
Hi Barry,.My BT plus has been one of the best investments
I have ever made ! There is a saying that goes " Good health is the
greatest gift, Contentment the greatest wealth ,faithfullness the best
relationship " Well regular use of the BT plus is really helping me
to be a more contented person. Any thing so simple that can help relive
stress is worth its weight in gold ! Thanks very much Barry. Gary Baxter.

Hello Barry, my brother in law has recently been diagnosed
with pancreatic cancer(stage4)it has spread to the liver and a mild heart
attack and mild stroke are what brought it to his attention. I am reaching
out to you to see what you might recommend in the way of healing instruments
for him. I have over time purchased the mwo, the portable rife machine,
and the ABPA. We know his situation is terrible but I thought I would reach
out to you to see what your thoughts were as you were very helpful in getting
my wife through her breast cancer,(7years clean and counting).
thank you
Hello Barry! Got my eye mate yesterday. As mentioned I have
Dry Mac in left eye and Wet in the Right. Just one treatment with the Eye
Mate, both my wife and I experienced enhanced sharpness of vision and enhancement
of colors. The eye with the Wet, after 2 treatments is showing some initial
signs of clearing of the Drusen. I have Scarring and some retinal damage.
Wow, I am very optimistic - Can't wait to get delivery on the Rife 3a.
I actually used the Eye Mate to treat the prostate, as my po st radiation
BPH has worsened, and it actually helped with 2 treatments - the symptoms
eased up; unreal. I figured the freqs could apply and not harm (scarring
and increased circulation) I saw on your freq list an app for BPH and prostate/cancer.
Wonder ing what intensity level to use on the Eye Mate AND the Rife. Thanks,
Barry - the real deal!

On 26/1/18 I was admitted to hospital with pneumonia, I was
immediately put in an induced coma for 8 days, in that time I was resuscitated
twice. I was also diagnosed with an aggressive form of leukemia. My weight
dropped from 82 kg to 57 kg. I was released from hospital on 8/2/18 to
be told by the doctor that I was going home to die because I had refused
chemotherapy. My partner was told that I had 2 days to live! I immediately
contacted altered states, whom I had previously purchased a rife crane
machine from & ordered a multi wave oscillator. Using the rife crane
machine & the mwo along with a strict diet I was told on 20/4/18 that
my blood test had come back clear of leukemia. Subsequent tests also show
no leukemia in my body. I wish to thank the team at Altered States for
their advice & help during my recovery. They made it so easy for me.
Thank You.Â
John O'L--------
Central Queensland

Brain Tumour
Hi Barry and Lyn,
Just want to give you a good report. Ray seems to have perked up considerably
after several days with lots of sleep, he suddenly woke up and got up and
has been alert and as active as possible for a few days now. No seizure
for over a week now. Still continuing with Rife and Hoyland as per usual.
We are very happy with this result. Thanks
E,,,,,,& R....
New Zealand

I have had my skin itch problem for about six years and no one has been
able to find the cause . My question really is, just exactly what does
the wrist unit physically do?. I think I am noticing a difference.
K B.......

Hi Barry and Lynne
Got some great news. Angela now has only one tumour, prior to using Rife
she had two.
So after 9 days she is free of one tumour.
So I shared that.
I have also put the link you gave me on the Facebook group on Breast Cancer
that I'm in.
The link will be active on my website the end of the coming week.
So hopefully
your phone is red hot with orders and eventually healthy people.Chears
and big thanks
Ken & Angela
New Zealand

I am to convey my appreciation for the meticulous design
interface of the Rife machine. It is simple but very attractive to user
and thanks for the innovative person who decided to design like this. As
a product, since it is of HP, it is sturdy and durable for a long time!!
Guru Natu,,,,,,

Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2018 21:46:59 +1300
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook 16.0
Thread-Index: AdR8uxMCURoJRpo5SkesFnCoAdggbQ==
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I so much want to thank Barry and Lynne from Altered States for their expansive
part in the journey that had me fight and win my battle with cancer.
With their knowledge, and purchasing and using their machines, I have
now achieved remission – without radiation, chemotherapy, or surgery.
The machines / therapies I used where the;
Multi-wave Oscillator
Rife Machine
Biological Spectrum Infra Red
The herb I used was;
Graviola/Soursop (also nicknamed “The Natural Chemotherapy”)
My GP, and my specialist, have both been very supportive of my therapy
choice, (although finding a specialist that was wasn’t easy so do
look around). They continued to keep a close eye on how I was tracking,
ensuring I was never moving in the wrong direction.
This allowed me to pursue other therapy options with sound support, receiving
two monthly scans and blood tests to confirm tumour sizes remained either
static or were shrinking.
I strongly suggest to anyone that they find the right specialists to walk
with them on this journey, and to seek Barry and Lynne’s advice on
the range of therapy machines across their extensive range that might be
I will now be using my machines to help to improve my eyesight. I have
already used the Multi-pulsar machine to alleviate my RSI issue with good
My thanks are simply not enough to express my gratitude to Barry and Lynne
for their help and support.
At the risk of effervescing, if you have read this testimonial, do yourself
a favour and simply ring them for a chat to find out what might be achievable
with alternative treatment methods. I’m so incredibly glad I did!!
Greatest gratitude
Mark Cathie

Thank you Barry
I have been looking at you new MWO
I bought my first MWO from you about 16 years ago and it got me through
stage four cancer with 18 malignant tumors – two the size of grapefruit.
Thanks to you and your advice – you took the time to call me and
suggest things to do to help my problem that I followed to the letter.
I have been looking at you new MWO – thank you again for being
there for me. I am grateful.
In gratitude,

Ty Barry. I will pass on the info and links you sent to
me. Also on another note ... remember I told you dad had testicles the
of a
grapefruit? They’re now down to normal. Also his left leg
was swollen due to his diabetes. Mostly his calf and his ankles were very
swollen with his feet. His legs are not swollen anymore. He uses the pemf
and the mwo daily !!!!
DM Canada

Hello Barry,
I have been using the rife machine for a little while now and I am impressed
with it(since mid March).
You may recall that I talked about the condition of wife with her platelet
She has had patches on her skin for 4 years resulting from bleeding in
the skin, especially on her legs and arms. They have all cleared. Even
the in-mouth patches from the same issue have all cleared up. The platelet
level has been been boosted and rising. Her skin tone has brightened
up, people are commenting on this.
She is also using the Hydrogen
water flask that you sold to me.
I have mainly being using structuring with scalar waves (water).
She has recently being using TBSW PRO for weight loss, only 40mins
on weekends and her weight is dropping(7kg in 4 weeks!).
For the first time,I am digging into the Rife machine to explore other
I do have a few more questions.
From A therapist in Korea
Rectal ca patient visited yesterday, about 2weeks ago the size was
2x3cm, She was taken CT at University Medical Center at yesterday.
CT radiologist said ' The lesion can't be found, it's curious'. He
sought but easily not found. Maybe it was subsided. But patient She(patient)
afraid of spread although possibility of subside. She had prepared
for op late 7/2020 in University Hospital. She received ozone, Lifestim,
ABPA, Rifemachine using Hoyland with tens pad and MWO. If confirmed
that lesion was subsided totally it's amazing because it needed about
10 days after diagnosed cancer. So after I have definite evidence
I will say to you. |
One patient after C-------19 had continues diarrhea
She was transferred and came back by negative conversion from positive
C-------19 test.For 1 month she complained contineous diarrhea with
no abdominal pain.
Ozone and vitamin C with mineral water(Mg:Ca:K=3:1:1) was structured
Although loperin was medicated there were no response with foul order.
Everyday diaper was wet because mucus bright red color loose stool
was not stopped. She stopped after obstructive mass emitted after swallowing
structured ozone and vitamin C with mineral water 3 drops x 3 times
a day.

Hepatitis and Rife Equipment Testmonial...
An Experimenter Reports Results with Hepatitis A, B, and C.
Rife frequency therapy has changed my life! In the 1970's I was
an adventurous guy in my 20's. I took plenty of risks, not knowing
that my behavior would later cost me my health. I was diagnosed with
Hepatitis A when a liver biopsy revealed cells at a stage just short
of cirrhosis.
I gave up drugs and tried to eat well, but I was not really informed
about what constituted a wholesome, health-producing diet. I wasn't
really sick in the ten years that followed, but I had what I called
my "down spells". Even at best, I never really felt "right".
My stamina went progressively down hill.
At the age of 18 I had been given Tetracyclene for acne. I took
it for many years. I did not understand until fairly recently the
effect of this powerful antibiotic on my digestive system and on
my liver. This became abundantly clear when I started to explore
alternative therapies.
I tried everything and stuck with anything which made a difference
however briefly. One medication I took Nystatin was prescribed to
address yeast overgrowth. It apparently worked, causing a serious
die-off and helping to clear up my intestinal tract, but I was on
it for years and couldn't get off it. Through my studies I knew that
this, too, was doing damage to my liver.
Meanwhile, I was diagnosed with Hepatitis B and C. I continued to
explore therapies electrical charges under my tongue, vitamin injections
into my lymph nodes. I went to a homeopath, an acupuncturist, an
herbalist. Many things helped some for weeks at a time but each time,
I reached a plateau and could go no further.
For the most part I was able to work, but everything remained extremely
effortful. I felt like I was dragging myself around.
In October of 1999 I heard about the Rife machine. I researched
it on the web and called several manufacturers. I chose [this manufacturer]
because of their support network. I had a treatment and felt so much
better that I purchased my [Original Style Rife Equipment] the next
I have continued to treat myself with my machine and I feel better
than I have in years. I was finally able to give up the Nystatin,
so I feel good about that too.
If Rifeing has done anything, it has definitely straightened out
my intestinal tract. That's almost as good as what it has done for
my liver. In January of this year, my tests showed that the Hepatitis
antibodies were half of what they were previously.
What is interesting is that my liver enzymes were elevated to a
level which previously had occurred only when I was very ill. I asked
the doctor what this meant, and he said that it could only be due
to higher liver function and improved immune system functioning.
I use my machine approximately every three days. I generally miss
it if I go past four or five days. I accomplish a lot with the de-tox
treatment and the General Alignment, using both pads and pans. I
have also devised what I call my "bread and butter treatment".
I vary my routine as I see fit, and whenever I feel like I am at
a plateau, I consult with one of the factory representatives and
get new ideas for techniques.
It might be helpful for people to know that I am also taking several
herbs to support my liver. I remain very enthusiastic about this
non-invasive approach to my healing, and I am grateful for the qualitative
difference it has made in my life!
Steve S.

Hi, Just wanted to let you know that I have received my Rife pro
healers order. Wow! is all I can say. I did my research. I read everything
I could to know what I was getting and still I can see that I did
not read enough. Just learning how to use all the tools is like going
back to school. Thank you for such a great product. I have already
experimented with positive results so I know I will be using this
for years to come. Les

Hi Barry,
The nodule that showed up in my lung in an MRI was gone
when they did a CT scan. I set my Rife on the Sarcoidosis setting
and used
it 4 times 9 mins each time before I had the CT scan!!! Whoo Hoo!!! L R
Hi Barry, I have been using the Rife machine to lower my high
blood pressure. Excellent, works like a charm. I am
really thrilled how I was able to reduce my blood pressure.
Rife machine 
Ch-------e M-----e
I use my Rife machine often it cured me alongside raw organic diet
and meditation of CIN3 cervical cancer, These are the only thing
i did different, I refused mainstream toxic medicine and 23 years
on I am free without side effects. It works But Rife new,
With regards to the legalities of what I am about to write, I am
not a veterinarian or a medical
doctor and do not claim to be such. It is to be understood that all
my conclusions were the
result of my own research, logic and intuition, and hours of trial
and error. What has worked for
me is therefore a singular example of what can be done when all the
criteria and research has
been met regarding the individual case. I do not claim that it will
work exactly the same for
anyone else though it is my firm belief that it does work and will
work if you are willing and
diligent enough to take into account each individual’s needs.
Consider this a starting point.
In November 18, 2019, my cat Princess was diagnosed with kidney disease.
The bloodwork
done at this time showed the CREA to be high at 3.0mg (0.8 - 2.4 being
normal range), the
BUN was 30mg (16-36 is normal)
On December 2, 2019 after doing a little work with the rife generator,
the bloodwork was . . .
CREA 2.8 mg which was a bit lower, the BUN was 28 and the SDMA result
was 17 ( 0-14 being
normal range)
We continued use of frequencies daily for several months.
Every week or so we did the general parasites and then toxin elimination
and bacterias gram
positive and negative.
I also found that in most cases of kidney disease Blastocysts and Crytosporidosis
was present
so we added these. .
(0.04, 0.46, 0.75, 2.75, 7.50, 47.50, 96.50, 357.30, 834, 937.41, 0.11,
0.84, 1.71, 12.81, 82.50,
112.50, 235.95, 657.50, 802.50, 925.23 )
Every day we used these frequencies. . .
my kidney combo with toxin elimination
( 4.16, 2.88, 5.20, 3.88, 7.50, 11.95, 40, 150, 524.94, 689.93, 752.05,
0.13, 0.18, 0.65, 0.97,
146, 522, 800, 1552 ) multi timed and 2 or more hours daily
Adrenals, circulation, liver and toxin elimination combo
(40, 2112, 2145, 2720, 2489, 20, 2250, 2260, 3313, 1552, 802, 751,
331.3, 522, 146, 800 )
multi timed and for at least 1 hour daily
Bloodwork on Sept. 17 2020 had the following results. . . .
SDMA went from 17 down to 10
Creatinine went from 2.8 down to 2.4
BUN went down from 28 to 25
this result shows that her kidneys are now in the NORMAL range
I have a second cat Charlie who was diagnosed with kidney disease in
September 2020. In the
four months that I have been using the frequencies his blood levels
have shown a significant
SDMA 19 down to 13
BUN 38 down to 27
Creatinine level is not applicable due to the fact that we were giving
him a supplement that had
creatine and this raised the creatinine level. We are waiting on a
new test to be done in March
I affirm the information is the truth as I know it. . . . Julie Marek
( January 6, 2021 )
Rife used click here |
Thank you for explaining 'protocol'. . . since you suggested using
only the hoyland sweep I have done so at least 3 times a day and
(I don't want to say this too loud. . . ) the tumor has shrunk considerably.
(A much loved Cat) JM USA
 Dear Barry,
'm a doctor of naturopathy practicing in the Netherlands. Ä°'m
so happy and satisfied with your products that I bought few months
ago. Ä°'m using
the MWO with success in my clinic.
Kind regards,
Dr.h.c. F.......h N.D.
Thank you for your kind reply ? After using the MWO for two months,
I feel my cells are getting younger ? I am happy
South Korea

Hi Brian
Wow, thank you. I received the zapper and I'm so impressed with
I actually already have a zapper from a different company but, I
think that yours is better.
My feedback on your product is:
- I love the layout of all the boxed items, the way they are packaged,
and the instructions that come with it. It's ovbious that you have
a stringent checklist and put in the effort to make it an entire
- The cotton strips were somewhat difficult to affix, and also difficult
to put in place under the wrist strap (I'm thinking it would be easier
to put around my ankle so I could use both hands to affix it. I just
started using my own cotton strips which I have at home -- I've cut
out large sections to wrap around the electrodes, and have cellotaped
them to the rubber insulation)
- I love that it comes packaged with everything required, including
silver rods with the highest purity (they're longer than the ones
I already have)
- I love that the silver rods come with a scouring pad!
- I love that everything is easy to use
- I love how fast you posted it to me. I was expecting to wait 10
days but it arrived very quickly.
- I love the connectors for the rods and the length of the cables
Thank you for sending this so quickly. I really appreciate it.
Kind Regards,
Jason Tomasi
(I'll be sure to send further feedback later on)

Dear Lynne and Barry
Thank you for the fasr delivery of the Rife 3ah set up and
the MWO
Would like to mention the great support we received . Barry called us and spent
time helping us understand the set up process . Because of these calls the
Set Up process was so much easier than I initially thought it may be. With
each call, he added to our knowledge and understanding helping us to grow
in confidence. We also feel comfortable knowing that if we have any questions
,he is available and will be happy to help us
I recommended the unit to a couple of our friends and both received the same
quality support.
Barry's vast knowledge of healing protocols is so helpful and extended
our approach to these health challenges (on the other hand, he being
a one fingered typist and occasional spelling challenges makes for
interesting reading lol)
I cannot stress the difference this ongoing support makes to us
and the injection of humor he adds to our conversations makes it
more than a sterile technical support call
Thank You Jim and Laura .............
Alberta , Canada 
I have been a customer for 20 years. I found Altered States when
I was looking for a Rife machine to assist my mother with circulatory
problems. I did many hours of research into Rife Technology and found
the Altered States Rife machine to be very competitively priced and
much more efficacious than many others on the market which tend to
be overpriced and it is doubtful if some even work at all. After successful
treatment with the Rife machine and assistance from Altered States
with other therapies I added the MWO to the mix, the results combined
with Rife technology and a herbal regimen spoke foIr themselves, a
large sore on her leg was completely gone and healed over with new
skin and circulation was much improved, all the doctors could do was
suggest a skin graft for an 80 year old woman and a $400 US prescription
for ½ an ounce of a topical cream.
Flash forward 20 years and I now find myself with colon cancer which
was a total surprise as no one in my family on either of my parents
side has ever had cancer. I purchased a new Rife machine from Altered
States and used my MWO which still works fine after 20 years combined
with chemo and a regimen of herbs I am now healing. The last scan
showed the cancer which was also in the lymph nodes had gone from
them and is showing a reduction in the amount of compromised cells,
also a lesion on the liver is reduced 40%. Another huge plus point
for me at least is that I am not having any of the horrible side
effects others experience when going through Chemo I attribute this
to the herbal regimen and frequency healing keeping my compromised
immune system strong.
Barry Lynne and all the staff at Altered States have made a journey
I never expected to take much easier and the assistance in steering
me to right regimen for me was invaluable and I just wanted to thank
you for the great, professional frank and honest service I have always
got from Altered Sates and all the staff.
Best Wishes
John Calvert
September 24th 2021

Hi Barry and Lynn.
I have purchased all our equipment exclusively from Altered States
and can confirm that each unit I have purchased works very well
indeed and have not experienced any of your equipment that has
not worked as described.
We in New Zealand are so very lucky to have people like Barry and
Lynn who freely and genuinely do their utmost to come to the rescue
of people who have been discarded by the standard medical systems.
I feel it is important that I outline each unit and write my experience
for each separately to give full and accurate valuable information
to each.
LED Helmet
I purchased the helmet as I was worried about my memory. I had been
slowly getting more and more forgetful and that much so I was personally
very aware it was getting worse. Even my wife and friends were getting
worried as many times mid sentence I would completely forget what
the subject was and couldn't recollect what I was talking about.
I would often forget where I was and what city I was in. This was
horrible and so frustrating.
I spoke to Barry and opened up to him very honestly what was happening
to me and asked what I could do to help.
Barry suggested the LED Helmet which was designed especially for
Parkinson's and alzheimers.
I have only had this for 2 weeks and I'm delighted to report that
without question this works wonderfully. My memory has come back
and I can remember even way back when I was a child and recall recipes
that my mother used when I was little. I haven't got lost. When driving
and know where I am all the time now. Every day without exception
I am remembering things and I'm not forgetting my chores around the
house where prior I wouldn't remember until my wife reminded me.
I have a friend also tried this helmet and he too noticed positive
results after the first treatment.
What I want to say is memory is so so important and anyone who has
this problem please call Barry and Lynn. Your money and your life
is wasted if you can't remember where you came from or where you
are going.
In Health and Happiness
Ken L Smith
New Zealand

Hi Barry,
I'm not saying I'm cured of cancer, but I definitely haven't had
any pain in the past 2, almost 3 weeks since starting to use the
MWO and rife machine.
So, I am very very happy with the progress, I'm going for MRI this
coming Monday to determine how things are going.
I'll reach out to you once I get results.
So, just to remind you, dealing with terminal cancer, IÂ am
taking NO prescription drugs, as the Oncologist just sent me home
from the hospital to die and to take steroids and morphine for pain.
They took me to the hospice to show me where I would end up
in their mind, about now.
I am completely back to working full time as well.
I don't sleep much, I definitely notice less sleep is happening
now, but I do wake up well rested.

Hi Barry , I m getting addicted to my MWO , I had bad shoulder/neck
pain today , think it was bad posture in bed or something , usually
it goes away when I'm up and walking around takes 10 minutes , today
waaaw I could not turn my head properly, and it did not go away the
whole morning !!
Well this afternoon , 20 minutes MWO ....pain gone !!!(like)
Just wanted to let you know , also the pressure of my husbands eyes was down
to 16 from 23 , he is still using some drops but I know it's the MWO doing the
job !!
Thank you so much for talking me into buying this amazing machine , we love it
Christiansen USA

Hi Barry. Just wanted to give you an update on my husband as he seems
to be doing very well.
40 days ago, R-- was diagnosed with an angiosarcoma of the liver
and today he had his 4th round of chemo.
He has been using the Rife protocol daily, twice a day for the last
month and we just got our MWO on Friday and he has used it daily for
the last 4 days.
During his appointment, the oncologist PA was pleased to report that
his labs from this morning were perfect! Said that he has the blood
work of a healthy adult rather than a cancer patient, and that EVERYTHING
was in range of where it should be. Which is a big improvement from
the last 2 labs. Previously his red and white blood cells had both
been out of range as well as several of his liver enzymes and sodium.
He also has gained 7 pounds back since his last check 2 weeks ago… (as
he’s dropped 50 lbs without trying since October). The PA plans
to do 4 more rounds of chemo and then check the progress of the tumor
with a CT scan at that point.
He also takes a wide range of supplements you suggested. Just wanted
to share his progress as we are so very grateful to you and Lynne for
providing us with tools to help his body heal.
Tara B

Hello Barry,
This is R-- S------. My son Luke has had 4 sessions with the Rife
machine (one session per week) using the settings you suggested.
He has had a very positive improvement in his health. His blood
counts have gone into the normal range. (first time in years) He
has also been able to go back to his job after being off for 6+
months. He still has some markers we are watching that indicate
how his liver and spleen are doing.
He is feeling great!
My question:
I have found settings for treating MS. I have a friend with MS I
would like to try the Rife on. Can you advise me how long I should
run the MS Frequencies? Should I set for harmonic? Should I set it
for 100%? If it would be better to talk please give me a call at

Many years ago I bought a Tripulsar but lost my unit. Subsequently
I have tried other unodads like the one made by S...a but for some
reason the effect was not as powerful as yours. Do you have an explanation
for this? I would like to have a new Tripulsar.

Hi Barry,
Thank you very much for the use of your MWO equipment, last
Wednesday! The session was interesting - about 15 minutes
in, my tremor got violently worse but then settled down to nothing.
The pain in my neck and shoulders reduced, as did the arthritic
in my right hand. But the best was to come later. Getting
out of a chair, sleep quality, rolling over in bed, putting
on clothes/doing up buttons, cutting food and shaving were all much
The effect lasted for about a day then started going back to normal
but if I persisted with the treatment, maybe my new normal would
have become normal?
M A.........

I bought the multiwaves oscillator and i am more than thankfull
for that.
I got results on my skin, my energy is better and i sleep like a
baby!! I was starting to have arthritis on my finger and now it`s
This technology is amazing and i got help and support from Bury when
i needed it.
I am honored and gracefull to Tesla and lakhovsky, what a fantastic
team they are!!
Thanks, Leanne
USA 2022-09-16 02:12:44

Hi Barry,
My son (L----e) is doing well. He has something going on with his
bone marrow but we only know that from his lab results. We are
to strengthen his body with the MWO to help with that issue. To
look at him you wouldn’t know he has anything
going on. He looks great.
Before we got the Rife machine he was so sick he looked awful. Sort
of a grey color. Over a 4 month period he received 26 units of
blood. At that point they sent him home and told him to go on hospice.
That is when the Rife machine arrived. From day one he had a strong
improvement and has not required any more blood transfusions. It
was nothing short of a miracle. At that time Luke was suffering
from hemolytic anemia. Low red blood cells. A few years earlier
Luke’s sister suffered for a time with Lyme
disease. We discovered through research that Lyme disease sometimes
caused hemolytic anemia. So when we first got the rife machine
we used it to treat Luke for Lyme disease. It seems to have done
the trick.
Thanks for the info on metal in body. We will follow your advice
on that. I really appreciate your help.
Happy New Year!
R---- S----------
Happy New Year. I hope it will be a healthy
and happy 2023 for all of you!
I wanted to ask you if you have has any comments of hair being affected
by tthe MWO My hair was turning pretty Grey but now since I do
10 to 20 minutes I still days, my hair is turning brown, almost like
it is streaked or in the olden days frosted. Lol. That
really dates me but it is amazing how much my hair is changing without
adding any color from dyes.
Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you!
P....... B......
 Hi Lynn and Barry,
Attached are photos of the set up . I have had 3 sessions 10 min, 30 min
and 10 min. Lumps has changed considerably going from angry red , calming
right down and now today becoming harder and redder. From what I read it's
quite normal , isn't it ?
I can send photos of the lump ?
Very exciting .
Much gratitude
Rife Machine

Hello Barry,
It has been a while so I thought I would give you an update. My son L.....e
is doing very well. He has not needed a transfusion since April 2022
and has been back to work since July 2022. His doctor has no idea why
he is doing so well. At first we Rifed him for Lyme and Babesia which
fixed his Hemolytic Anemia after one time. We have run this once a week
since then and are considering stopping that based on his most recent
lab numbers which are really good. He also has suffered from chronic
low platelets (ITP). We started using a Rife for low platelets and again
after the first use he responded with better platelet numbers. We are
running this on him weekly and based on his recent labs we may taper
back. Pretty amazing.
I have been using the Rife on myself for cataracts that were just starting
to show up in my last eye checkup about a year ago. I noticed them too
when driving at night when I encountered on coming head lamps. After Rifing
once a week for 6 weeks I am starting to notice an improvement and will
let you know what my eye doctor says after my next checkup.
Best Regards,
R.. S......e-
Hi , Thank You I just want to fully understand does it work alone without
the radio , I actually have used it without and have great results as I
am hypersensitive to emf ( a smart meter damaged my heart and then 5g almost
killed me ) but for now I got way deeper sleep almost lucent and felt fully
rested actually slept 2 hours longer the first 3 days/
Reply by
Mark A..................
Schumman Shield
From: R................ R............
We used your Ride
frequency machine to cure my brother of cancer 21 years
ago. Most recently I used it to cure my mother of her "incurable" bone
disease. I have been in natural healing ever since we cured my brother
21 years ago. I would like to be an affiliate for your products. Is that
possible? Kind Regards, R...y R.....
"I am writing my next book, How Cancer Saved My Life. My 4.9 x 4.9
cm tumor shrunk in half in ONE month, simply by using the Rife machine.
I was cancer free in less than 6 months...*.I did do the holistic infusions
in Mexico also but the Rife machine is KEY to my healing and I am 100%
Rhonda Spellman
Sarah's Story
"After being diagnosed with cancer, I was searching for alternative
treatments that could support my conventional therapy. That's when I discovered
Rife Technology. Incorporating Rife sessions into my treatment plan has
made a world of difference. I truly believe it has played a significant
role in my recovery." Sarah H USA

John's Journey
"Dealing with cancer is one of the toughest challenges I've ever
faced. But thanks to Rife Technology, I finally feel like I'm gaining the
upper hand. It's been a crucial part of my holistic approach to healing,
and I'm grateful for the positive impact it's had on my journey." John
Mc.... UK
 Emily's Experience
"Rife Technology has been a game-changer for me in my battle against
cancer. Not only has it helped to alleviate some of the side effects of
my treatment, but I also believe it's played a role in supporting my body's
natural ability to fight the disease. I'm so grateful to have discovered
this incredible technology." Emily S...... Aus
Hi Brian, Barry and Lynne,
Thank you all so very much for your very kind, compassionate and caring
Your company and products have been a blessing to my beloved wife of 48
years, and to the entire T,,,,,er Family!
Thank you again and God bless you and yours and the entire Altered States

Hi Barry,
 Things are going well with the MWO sessions. I am seeing things
like chronic low back pain and chronic deformed arthritic hands resolve
within 1-2 sessions. Last week a fellow, age 65,  had
been an avid guitar player and had to stop because the arthritis in his
hands made it too painful to play and his finger joints were too painful
to straighten his finger. After a 20Â minute session he came out
and held up his hands and said "Look I can straighten my fingers and
they don't hurt.!"Â Â Most people report that their energy
has improved.Â
Henry H----