To start, let us say, that everything is vibration.
From the chair that you may be sitting in to the paper
or the mouse you are holding, everything is in a state
of vibration. This is not a new idea. Your ancient mystics
have known this for many a millennium, but now your scientists
are beginning to understand this and agree. It is a wonderful

From the electrons spinning around the nucleus of an
atom, to the planets spinning around suns in the galaxy,
everything is in movement. Everything is in vibration
a frequencie.

"You are a digital,
bioholographic, precipitation, crystallization,
miraculous manifestation, of Divine
frequency vibrations, forming harmonically in
Dr. Leonard Horowitz,
author, investigator and speaker |
What is illness? “Emotional issues that are unresolved
block the healing vibrations or cause the disease state
to return.” R Gordon

Every object has a natural vibratory rate.
This is called it's resonance. One of the basis principles
of using frequrncie as a transformative and healing modality
is to understand the idea that part of the body is in
a state of vibration. Every organ, every bone, every
tissue, every system--all are in a state of vibration.
Now, when we are in a state of health, the body puts
out an overall harmonic of health. However, when a frequency
that is counter to our health sets itself up in some
portion of the body, it creates a disharmony that we
call dis-ease.

I learned to listen to my body
with an inner concentration like meditation, to
get guidance as to when to exercise and when to
rest. I learned that healing and cure are active
processes in which I myself needed to participate.
- Rollo May |
What is the mechanism for healing? Resonance. “When
two systems are oscillating at different frequencies,
there is an impelling force called resonance that causes
the two to transfer energy from one to another. When
two similarly tuned systems vibrate at different frequencies,
there is another aspect of this energy transfer called
entrainment, which causes them to line up and to vibrate
at the same frequency.” (Richard Gordon)

As Bob Beck has said,
the only thing keeping the devices and procedures
mentioned in these pages from working is if a
person doesn't use them. Too many times I have
listened to people complain repeatedly about
their health problems, declaring they are willing
to do almost anything to get relief. Yet these
same people somehow never quite manage to actually
do anything. |
In 1929 George
Lakhovsky, a Russian engineer, published a book
called, 'The Secret Life' and "waves
that heal" which gave birth to an innovative
new concept in healing, Radiobiology. In another book
titled, 'The Cancer Conspiracy' by Barry Lynes, reviewer
Theresa Welsh of The Seeker Books website stated, Lakhovsky
maintained all living cells, from people to parasites,
produce and radiate oscillations at high frequencies,
and they respond to oscillations of different frequencies
from outside sources. The world today is bombarded
with electro-magnetic impulses from cell phones to
microwaves and researchers fear this may be the cause
of increased cancer risks. But what happens when outside
oscillations concur with the frequency of internal
cell oscillations? According to Lakhovsky, and even
some modern scholars, the living being grows stronger.

The Law Of Vibration
Just as a pebble creates vibrations that appear as ripples, which
travel outward in a body of water, your thoughts create vibrations
that travel outward into the Universe, and attract similar vibrations
that manifest as circumstances in your life. |
Consider oxygen. It is something that we
use everyday, and each of us realize how crucial it is
to our survival, yet we aren't able to experience it
with touch, taste, smell, hearing or feelings. The fact
that we can't experience it with these senses certainly
doesn't mean it doesn't exist. We know it does. The reason
that we are unable to sense it with our physical sensory
perception is because it's rate of vibration is outside
of our physical ability to do so.
It's interesting that the latest quantum physics
theory, born only a decade or so ago, arrives at
a similar conclusion. It is called String Theory
and it basically suggests that the physical universe
is built out of sound vibrations, kind of like everything
is the result of some huge cosmic guitar being played
somewhere. It's a mind-blowing concept that is held
by some of the sharpest minds in the physics community,
including Steven Hawking. |
Harmonics - 528 HZ - Miracle Frequency
The 528 hz frequency is known as, the "528
Miracle," because it has the remarkable capacity
to heal and repair DNA within the body and is the exact
frequency that has been used by genetic biochemists.
"528 cycles per second is literally
the core creative frequency of nature. It is love," proclaims
renowned medical researcher Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz.
Harmony Resonator
Low frequencies, and frequencies that are
out of balance, cause illness. By using frequency healing
tools, you can help correct those imbalances, even before
they create disease. Frequency healing tools are complimentary
to each other and modern medicine and have no negative
side effects.
Parasites Die from Frequencies
Any positive emotion causes a cell to vibrate
at a higher frequency and negative vibrations cause
the cells to vibrate at lower frequency. The negative
emotion is nothing but an incompletely experienced
emotion. These emotions when stored in the cells
of the body are the diseases |
In essence, everything in the world is
made up of energy. We are all constantly vibrating masses
of microscopic particles that are always in motion. Every
object, person and organ has a healthy vibration rate
called resonance. If that vibration is out of resonance,
disease results. These imbalances can be treated with
Personality |
C+ |
264 |
Circulation,Sex |
C# |
586 |
Adrenals,Thyroid & Parathyroid |
B |
492.8 * |
Kidneys |
Eb |
319.88 * |
Liver |
Eb |
317.83 * |
Bladder |
F# |
352 * |
Small Intestine |
C# |
281.6 * |
Lungs |
A |
220 * |
Colon |
F# |
176 * |
Gall Bladder |
E |
164.3 * |
Pancreas |
C# |
117.3 |
Stomach |
A |
110 * |
Spleen |
B |
492 |
Blood |
Eb |
321.9 |
Fat Cells |
C# |
295.8 |
Muscles |
E |
324 |
Bone |
Ab |
418.3 |
All the above frequencies can be accessed with the Rife
pro here
Dr. Rife made incredible progress in this field
that has unfortunately not been picked up on and
continued with by our modern medical society. His
research eventually documented 52 specific frequencies
which could be used to treat many common health
maladies, including tuberculosis and cancer. His
laboratory work showed that he could safely destroy
these bad cells and microbes by simply increasing
the intensity of the frequency until they disintegrated
from the pressure. He documented successful results
in both the laboratory environment and in humans.
The human body's cell structure and good bacteria
were unaffected by these treatments. That's because
those cells resonate at entirely different frequencies
and are naturally insulated from potentially harmful
radio waves.
Some Reported
healing frequencies sets here
Candida (use Parasite general,
roundworm, and ascaris if these don't work
long term) - 414, 464, 877, 866, 886, 254.2, 381, 661, 762, 742,
1151, 450
Diabetes 20, 35, 465, 6.8,
440, 484, 660, 727, 787, 800, 803, 880, 1850,
2008, 2127, 2000, 2003, 2013, 2050, 2080 for
3 min, 5000 for 15 min.
Fungus and mold, general -
728, 880, 784, 464, 886, 866, 414, 254, 344,
2411, 321, 555, 942, 337, 766, 1823, 524, 374, 743, 132, 866
Influenza (aches and respiratory)
- 440, 512, 683, 728, 784, 787, 800, 875,
880, 885, 2050, 2720, 5000 for 5 min, 7760, 7766 for 10 min, 304
for 3 min
Source and
more frequencies
Tools here |

Way to Kill Viruses: Shake Them to Death
Quantum physics proved that all matter,
both physical and chemical, is comprised of sub atomic
particles with positive and negative electrical charge.
Therefore, we are electrical beings and so is our universe
and everything in it.
Shattering Tumors with resonant frequencies:?
Through this discovery, it was determined that every
form of chemical or physical matter has a specific, measurable
frequency. This includes everything that makes up who
we are: organs, blood, the neuropeptides and neurotransmitters
that we experience as emotions or thoughts, amino acids
that construct or DNA, hormones that control and regulate
or bodies, minerals, vitamins, and fatty acids that feed
our metabolism, etc. Electrical energy is our life force.
with Frequency Sounds (1982-1988) By: Barbara
Hero |
Personality |
C+ |
264 |
Circulation,Sex |
C# |
586 |
Adrenals,Thyroid & Parathyroid |
B |
492 |
Kidney |
E |
330 |
Liver |
Ab |
198 |
Bladder |
F# |
352 |
Small Intestine |
C# |
281.6 |
Lungs |
A |
220 |
Colon |
F# |
176 |
Gall Bladder |
E |
330 |
Pancreas |
C# |
117.3 |
Stomach |
A |
110 |
Spleen |
B |
492 |
All the above frequencies can be accessed with the Rife
pro here
There appears to be a correlation between
a specific frequency and the atomic weight of the elements.
For instance, if the note of "C" is low in
a person's voice, chances are the element of the zinc
is also low in the body. The frequency of the note of "C" at
the second octave is 65.40 cycles per second (hertz),
and the atomic weight of the element of zinc is 65.37.
So by listening to the frequency of the zinc the cells
of the body will receive the vibration; and when the
person eats foods that contain zinc, the body will resonate
with this vibration and absorb the zinc. Not only will
the body become more balanced, but the voice will improve;
for it will produce all the notes in a more harmonious

"Measurement of standing waveforms from
electrical storms confirmed what he had suspected,
that the earth had a resonant frequency and could
therefore be used as a wave carrier to transmit
signals. He established that lightning storms as
they swooped down the Rockies and then rumbled
across the plains into Kansas were resonating at
a frequency of 7.68-7.82 cycles per second, or “Hertz” (Hz)
This natural phenomenon was rediscovered in the
1960s by researcher W.O. Schumann while working
for the Navy on ways to broadcast nuclear war orders
to submerged submarines." |
360Hz = The Balance Frequency (add the numbers! What
do you get?) is derived from the Golden Section and is
a harmonic that naturally brings sensations of joy and
healing. Vibrational Medicine science assert that the
Golden section tones as well as Fibonacci sequence music
brings balance to health. Even more amazing, NASA astronauts
have long proven that the earth creates a tone in space
of 360Hz!!
The ancient Chinese knowledge of 172 Hz as the
fundament harmonic frequency of nature
172.06 - Resonates with the Platonic year {about
26,000 years} (Note=F) The great tone of nature
in China known as the Kung is the musical note
F, while in Tibet, the notes A, F, and G are
the sounds of power. The Emporer of China kept
the peace by travelling once a year with his
entourage to each province to tune the notes
of the scale. This procedure maintained peace
for thousands of years. (Color=purple-violet)
(Effects=joyful, cheerful, spiritual effect)
[PSI]; The Frequency Of The Platonic Year (Color=red-violet
{purple}) (Tempo=80.6 BPM) (Chakra=Sahasrar/Crown
chakra) (Effects=cheerfulness, clarity of spirit,
cosmic unity on highest levels) (Medicinal=antidepressive)
(Other=F is considered the tone of the spirit,
and had a lot of significance to the Chinese)
* Other sources [PM] disagree about the tone
F being associated with the Crown chakra, which
is how HC/Planetware connects this frequency
to the crown chakra. [PM] considers the crown
chakra to be associated with the B note, and
not F.
For a photograph of a 65 bell ensemble of ancient
Chinese bells using a norm tone (2 millenia before
such a concept was instituted in Europe) of 345
Hz (344 Hz would be a harmonic of 172 Hz), see:
All the above frequencies can be accessed with the Rife
pro here |

441Hz = The King's Chamber Frequency. Like
the Balance Frequency, the King's Chamber acts towards
preservation and equilibrium. Play a 441Hz tone in a
chaotic room and people will find themselves mellowing
Ed Skilling designed a unit to output 728
Hz which is the Rife frequency considered to
be the most healing. This frequency is carried
on a radio frequency wave to transport it to
the body. This works in the same way a radio
transmitter carries the signal for a particular
radio station so it can be received by a radio
in any given area. As with Lakhovsky's work,
the cells can then pick up their resonant healthy
frequency. The immune system can then gradually
Diseases Affected by 727 -728 hz |

When an artist expresses visual information which
is originated in a certain dimension, whatever passes
through to the viewer is not only a picture, but
its energetic essence - energetic frequency as well. |
for health in the 21st century
The human body is a symphony of sounds.
Every chakra, every organ, every bone, every tissue,
every cell has its own resonant frequency, its own sound.
Together, they create a unified or composite frequency,
with its own sound, like the instruments of an orchestra
coming together. Ideally, the individual sounds and frequencies
comprise a harmonious whole. That is when the body is
functioning as it should, in health. However, when an
organ is out of time or out of tune with the rest, then
the entire body is affected. This disharmony leads to
states of disease and disintegration.
What secret is there in music which attracts
all those who listen to it? It is the rhythm
which is being created. It is the tone of that
music which tunes a soul and raises it above
depression and despair of everyday life in this
world. And if one knew what rhythm was needed
for a particular individual in his trouble and
despair, what tone was needed, and to what pitch
that person's soul should be raised, one would
then be able to heal him with music. |
University of California at Los Angeles
nanotechnologist Jim Gimzewski is pioneering a new science
he calls sonocytology, the study of cell sounds. His
first experiments began with yeast cells, using a nanotechnology
tool called an atomic force microscope to detect sound-generating
vibrations and then using a computer to enhance the volume.
The yeast cells were heard to produce harmonics, around
1,000 cps. In musical terms, they were "singing" in
the range of C-sharp to D above middle C. Killing the
yeast cells with alcohol, the pitch rose dramatically
as if the cells were screaming. Cellular harmonics were
also affected by temperature, speeding them up or slowing
them down, genetic mutations were found to make a slightly
different sound than normal cells. Dead cells emitted
a low rumbling like radio static. Distinguishing between
the sound signatures of healthy and diseased cells may
be a part of the medicine of the future.

Dissonance and Rhythm

Living in a city, unfortunately, means living with noise.
The etymology of "noise" derives from the Latin "nausea." We
are bombarded by these upsetting, stress-inducing sounds
-- road traffic, subways, airplanes, emergency vehicle
sirens, garbage trucks, car alarms, construction equipment,
cell phones, workplace machinery, lawn mowers, leaf blowers,
hair dryers, boom boxes, the din of chatter in crowded
restaurants and coffee shops, and on and on. Noise pollution
is among the most pervasive pollutants to which we are

Toxic noise is literally poisoning to our health and
well-being. When hair cells in the ear, the sensory organs
that allow us to hear, are injured by noise, they cannot
be regenerated. The result is hearing damage and, in
some cases, permanent hearing loss. Noise-induced hearing
loss can be caused by a one-time exposure to loud sound,
such as an explosion, or by repeated exposure to sounds
at various loudness levels over an extended period of
time. Problems related to noise include hearing loss,
stress, high blood pressure, peptic ulcers, degradation
of the immune system, sleep loss and fatigue, distraction
and poor work performance, impairment of learning, increased
aggression, depression, withdrawal, and a general reduction
in the quality of life and opportunities for tranquility.

Dissonant sounds create disharmony -- rifts between
the individual and her environment, as well as within
the body's own frequencies. If 10 tuning forks tuned
to the same frequency are lined up together and one is
struck, they will all begin to reverberate together.
This is resonance. However, if you strike a tuning fork
of a different frequency and place it near the others,
they will all stop. This is dissonance. When you're feeling
irritable or "not yourself" and you don't quite
know why, pay attention to your environment. Quite often
you'll find that nearby is some sound -- machinery, music,
voices -- that is creating discord in your own frequency.
If the offending sound is not something that can be eliminated,
try to create a stronger vibration that has a positive
resonance. One on-the-fly solution is humming or the Schumman
Resonator. It doesn't need to be loud, but just enough
to feel its vibrations in your own body. You will find
the resonant frequencies that will make you feel better,
and the dissonant sound you can't escape from will cease
to bother you.
"Many years ago the Author
was enthralled by the sight of a certain genus
of flowering plant
in a remote mountainous area, being pollinated
by bees called by the plants by their emission
of a distinct humming sound. After recording the
television documentary, I checked the frequency
of the fundamental frequency generated by the plants
and found it to be 432 Hertz, or cycles per second.
This prompted me to place small battery powered
sound generators in the flower beds on my farm
where I kept bee hives, and to discovering a whole
new world of plant and bee intelligence."
source: www.hinduism.co.za/anahata.htm
Discover Healing Frequency In Animal Sounds |
Parasites Die from Frequencies
Any number of things can easily jostle our Frequencies
and cause these frequencies to become out of tune. Whether
it be a traumatic experience, a drop in temperature,
or even a stressful incident at work. The balance of
our system is so fragile. Just the same as how a guitar
needs to be tuned from time to time our system is the
same way.

Each body has it’s own unique frequency, when
the interaction of these frequencies are balanced, you
feel peaceful and at perfect harmony with yourself as
well as towards other people. When they are off balance,
it can have significant negative effects. An unbalanced
body, is unable to fulfill it’s energy contribution
to the system. This can have negative psychological and
physical consequences on an individual. Anger, depression,
constipation,lack of concentration, and sexual dysfunctions
are just a few examples of symptoms due to unbalanced
internal frequencies.
In an article in Radio News
Magazine in February 1925, Lakhovsky wrote: "In conclusion I wish
to call attention of the reader to the fact that
I have obtained very conclusive results not only
with a wavelength of two meters, but with longer
and shorter wavelengths. The main thing is to produce
the greatest number of harmonics possible." [Also
see Electricity for Health in the 21st Century.] |

Healing Frequencies
When examining Healing Frequencies we can say that every biotic organism,
or a biotic object, resonate in a particular frequency. The major aspect
of of frequency is the pace of repetition. What repeats itself is the
physical resonance of an object. That resonance or vibration that can
be measured on a molecular level. Molecules that constitute every physical
object are constantly moving in a certain frequency, with relatively
permanent repetitive nature.
A great deal of the frequency measurement is being detected and measured
on the electronic level, which is exponentially smaller than the molecular.
It is much more accurate to measure frequency (as part of the Healing
Frequencies) on an electro magnetic and light spectrum level.
The electromagnetic resonance of any object fluctuate
between high and low values at different frequency levels.
This fluctuation nature can be absorbed and measured
by certain devices and by the senses as sound, light
and vibratory response of the touch sense.
The Planet: The cure
for cancer was covered up?
The newspaper article provided
here was included in a newpaper called The
Planet and published February 1986 in the Washington,
D.C.. It was delivered to every member of the
U.S. House of Representatives and every member
of the United States Senate. Not one representative,
senator or staff assistant was motiviated sufficiently
to investigate further. The newspaper was also
provided free to the George Washington University
Medical School students and professors. Again,
not one was motivated to investigate further
. |
The healing nature of some of the frequency spectrum
lies in the ability of a living organism to absorb very
precise and particular set or range frequencies that
can physically create a healing effect (and thus compose
a set of frequencies) on certain organs and organic systems.
In many cases the healing effect of frequencies is achieved
by the ability of the frequency to create a very accurate
affect on specific bacteria & viruses by sending
highly matched Healing Frequencies capable of neutralizing
their chemical structure.
"Put a cat and a bunch of broken bones in the
same room" some veterinary schools joke, "and
the bones will heal." Only two years ago scientists
discovered that vibrations between 20-140 Hz (at
low db) are anabolic for bone growth and will also
to heal fractures, mend torn muscles and ligaments,
reduce swelling, and relieve pain. Fauna have found
that a cat's purr not only matches this vibration,
but its dominant frequencies are 25 and 50 Hz - the
optimum frequencies for bone growth and fracture
healing. All cats, including larger ones such as
pumas, ocelots
and lions, have further sets of strong harmonics
at the exact hertz (number of cycles per second)
generate muscle strength, increase joint mobility
and provide therapeutic pain relief. |
Richard Gerber, M.D. states in his book "Vibrational
When viral and chemical environmental stressors are
introduced into the human biological system, the place
where they will cause the most damage will be partially
determined by the weakest link in the physiologic/subtle
energy chain.
From an energetic standpoint, the human body, when weakened
or shifted from equilibrium, oscillates at a different
and less harmonious frequency than when healthy. This
abnormal frequency reflects a general state of cellular
energetic imbalance within the physical body. When a
weakened individual is unable to shift their energetic
mode to the needed frequency a certain amount of subtle
energetic help may be needed. When supplied with a dose
of the needed energetic frequency, it allows the cellular
bioenergetic systems to resonate in the proper vibrational
mode, thereby throwing off the toxicities of the illness.

Create a Symphony
" We are the instruments, We are the orchestra, We are the music."
Each cell takes part in the symphony of our body. Our role as a conductor
is to orchestrate harmony. When a musician (organ or system), produces
a sour note, we bring them back into harmony by helping them to retune
their instrument, or refocus their attention. We don't cover up their
disharmony or remove them from the orchestra. Each musician (or part
of the body), is important in its Divine Expression for the creation
of the symphony.

Quick method of charging water or Oils with Rife
Simply place your glass of water in the centre of
the magnacoil and go to frequency list on Rifepro,
choose which frequency set you wish to use ,and start
This is a simple way of charging water/oils with
desired frequency which a number of clients report
as being
very very helpful |
Different frequencies, tones, and sounds -- through
drumming, chanting, toning, or the use of Rife or Frequencie
tools like the MWO-- can induce different states to promote
healing for the body, mind, emotions, and spirit. On
a molecular level, our bodies are systems of vibrating
atomic particles. We are living receivers and transmitters
of vibration. We can use frequencies to vibrate matter
and promote healing and regeneration of the different
body systems. These frequencies also shift etheric patterning
to heal the emotional and mental causes of disease.
Kondaa (Barry) Kapke, ACST,
"Royal Raymond Rife, a researcher in San Diego
in the early part of the 20th century, sucessfully eliminated
Dis-ease using an electronic device he invented that
emitted specific frequencies..."Rife
Tools here

Hairbrush under RifePro Magnacoil
One of our clients in Australia
who suffered terribly with arthritis pain reported
to us that she noticed that one day at work she had
NO pain all day
On returning home that night she found that she
had left the Rfe rmagnacoil sitting on her hairbrush,with
the Rife Arthritis pain frequency program running
What appears to have happened is, the magnacoil
had sent the pain frequencies to her via the DNA
in the hair that was in the brush ,which suggests
a similar radionic
action had affected her pain symptoms all
day reducing pain to a 1 out of 10 and has continued
to do so
2: A grandmother in Florida sent cold virus frequencies
to her two grandchildren in Canada using strands
of their hair under the rife magnacoil and was told
that they improved very quickly |
Dr. Hulda Clark, Ph.D., N.D., and author of The Cure
For All Cancers, "studied the work of Rife and learned
that every living creature has a vibration..." See
Dr. Hulda Clark Zappers here
Rife machines and Multiwave oscillators are
claimed to complement each other based on the principle
that life forms absorb energy. A multiwave Oscillator
uses this principle to strengthen cells within
the body to resist disease while a Rife machine
uses this principle to destroy microorganisms with
an overdose of frequency energy. |
May/June 1997 Leading Edge Newspaper
" ...Every cell has its own frequency. When you offer, through technology,
a harmonic opportunity to the cell it can choose that frequency and become established
to its ideal resonance and become recharged to its normal energy state...When
we apply this technology we are affecting the intelligence of each individual
cell. Every cell is a hologram for the entire body. This area of cellular resonance
is the fundamental aspect of vibrational technology and has been vastly overlooked."-By
Keich Frick
the MWO

frequency System
plus Frequencies
2.5 Khz
carrier modulation frequency
Light weight and compact,,easy
to use
Fits snuggly on the wrist,,and the contacts are wide enough to fit most
wrist sizes
Option for modulation On or Off
Wrist cuffs
No wires to tangle
Fully rechargable batteries and charger
Special Price
More Information |
Dear Barry,
I just wanted to let you know how the Rife machine worked for my mother
who was diagnosed with leukemia last year.More |
Rife machines and Multiwave oscillators are claimed to
complement each other based on the principle that life
forms absorb energy. A multiwave Oscillator uses this principle
to strengthen cells within the body to resist disease while
a Rife machine uses this principle to destroy microorganisms
with an overdose of frequency energy.
What Lakhovsky discovered was simply
mind boggling: He postulated that all living cells
(plants, people,
bacteria, parasites, etc.) possess attributes which
normally are associated with electronic circuits. Lakhovsky
tells us that not only do all living cells produce
and radiate oscillations of very high frequencies,
but they also receive and respond to oscillations imposed
upon them from outside sources. This outside source
of radiation or oscillations are due to
information click here |
Measure: The strength of the human body field |
Life Energy Meter
Demonstrate and Measure: The strength
of the human body field, the energy content of foods,
water, liquids and soils, the vitality of plants,
etc. The Experimental Life Energy Meter
features greater stability of readings at high amplification.
information Here
on our older rife units |